class="spacsingle">Concha of the ear, | 217 | Conjunctiva, | 200 | Contraction of heart, | 111 | of muscles, | 27 | Convulsions, | 169 | Cooking, | 70 | Cords, Vocal, | 126, 230 | Cornea, | 203 | Corpuscles, Blood, | 102 | Cosmetics, | 51 | Cranial ganglia, | 150 | Functions of, | 171 | Cranial nerves, | 154 | Cranium, | 19 | Cricoid cartilage, | 229 | Crystalline lens, | 209 | Uses of, | 210 | Cuticle, | 41 | Function of, | 183 | Cutis, | 42 | D. | Decussation of motor and sensory fibres of spinal cord, | 164 | Dentition of infancy, | 82 | Diaphragm, Movements of the, in respiration, | 128, 129 | Diastole of the heart, | 111 | Diet, Mixed, | 66, 85 | Necessity for changing, | 67 | Necessity of a regulated, | 62 | The best, | 63 | Digestion, | 80 | Circumstances affecting, | 97 | Gastric, | 93 | Intestinal, | 94 | Nature of, | 81 | Organs of, | 81-91 | Drowning, | 250 | Duct, Biliary, | 95 | Nasal, | 201 | Pancreatic, | 95 | Thoracic, | 97 | Dura Mater, | 152 | E. | Ear, | 217 | External, |
class="pginternal">68 | Large intestines, | 94 | Laryngoscope, | 231 | Larynx, | 125, 228 | Production of the voice in the, | 126, 228 | Lens, crystalline, | 209 | Ligaments, | 19 | Light, theory of, | 197 | Lime in the bones, | 16 | in the food, | 56 | Importance of, | 56 | Liver, | 95 | Secretion of the, | 95 | Locked jaw, | 169 | Long-sight, | 212 | Lungs, | 123 | Capacity of, | 130 | Structure of, | 125 | Lymph, | 97 | Lymphatic vessels, | 97 | M. | Magendie, on pain, | 181 | Magnesia, Compounds of, in food, | 57 | Malleus, | 220 | Marrow of the bones, | 17 | Mastication, | 82 | Importance of, | 88, 89 | Meats, | 68 | The cooking of, | 69 | The preservation of, | 69 | Membrane of the tympanum, | 219 | Medulla oblongata, | 154 | Function of the, | 171 | Microscope, | 236 | The value of the, | 236 | Simple, | 237 | Compound, | 239 | The use of the, | 239 | Milk, | 68 | Composition of, | 68 | Specific gravity of, | 68 | Milk-teeth, | 82 | Mucous membrane of air passages, | 127 | Muscles, | 25 | 19 | Thyroid cartilage, | 229 | Tissues, intimate structure of the, | 236 | Human, | 244 | of the lower animals, | 245 | Tongue, | 188 | Nerves of, | 189 | Sensibility, | 189 | Touch, Delicacy of, | 186 | Organs of, | 183 | Sense of, | 184 | Trachea, | 125 | Transfusion, | 106 | Trichina spiralis, | 71 | Trunk, | 19 | Tympanum of the ear, | 219 | Membrane of, | 219 | V. | Valves of the heart, | 112 | of the veins, | 117 | Vapor, Animal, in breath, | 132 | Vegetable food, | 71 | Vegetative functions, | 148 | Veins, | 117 | Valves of, | 117 | Venous blood, | 135 | Changes of, in respiration, | 133 | Ventilation, | 142 | Ventricles of the larynx, | 229 | of the heart, | 110 | Ventriloquism, | 235 | Vertebrae, | 21 | Vestibule of the internal ear, | 223 | Villi of the intestines, | 96 | Absorption by, | 96 | Vital knot, | 171 | Vitreous humor, | 210 | Vocal cords, | 126, 230 | Observation of, with laryngoscope, | 231 | Voice, | 227 | Organ of, | 228 | Production of, | 232 | Varieties of, | 233 | W. | Water, | 74 | Action of, on lead, | |