The Larynx of the dog is affected in various ways. It is called a "little box," and the projecting part of this organ is, in the throat of man, spoken of as "Adam's apple." It opens at the back part of the mouth, and is placed at the beginning of the windpipe. All the air that inflates the lungs must pass through it, but it will permit nothing else to enter with impunity. A drop of saliva, or the smallest particle of salt, will be sufficient to call forth the most painful irritability. In fact the lining membrane of the larynx is the most tender or sensitive structure in the body; and, as parts are exposed to suffering just in proportion as they are endowed with sensation, of course, the organ so finely gifted is often the seat of disease. The dog's larynx has many peculiarities. It is very complicated, and exquisitely constructed. Few persons have, perhaps, much attended to the notes of the animal's voice; but those who will observe the sounds may find these take a range far more wide than is generally imagined. The dog's voice is remarkably expressive, and to my ear speaks very intelligible music. The deep growl is not without variety; for by the feeling of the animal that emits it the note is always modulated. The rumble of expostulation the favorite gives utterance to when the master pretends to take away its bone does not resemble the rattle of joy with which the child's playmate accompanies The part is rarely the seat of acute disease. In rabies, This cough may start up from sympathy; but then it is always less sonorous, harsh, and grating. It is also less spasmodic, and likewise less the consequence of particular causes. When the larynx is the seat of the affection, the cough, should it once begin, continues for a considerable time; and cold air or excitement will invariably induce it. In bad cases every act of inspiration is followed by a kind of noise intermediate between a grunt and a cough. Sometimes the breathing is accompanied by a species of roaring; and I have seen one case in which a blood-hound had every symptom of laryngismus stridulus, or the crowing disease of the human infant. Laryngeal disorders are seldom brought under our notice until they are confirmed, and they are difficult to cure in proportion to the length of time they have existed. The food in every case must be rigidly regulated, and no solid flesh should be allowed; but if the animal be very old or weak, beef tea or gravy may be added to the rice or biscuit which constitutes the chief portion of the diet. The condition of the stomach must so far as possible be ascertained, and the medicines necessary to correct its disease should be administered. The exercise must not be stinted, neither should confinement within doors be insisted upon. All must be done to assist the digestion and invigorate the health; such precautions being adopted as prevent the aggravation of the disease. Sudden changes of atmosphere, as from a warm room to a frosty air during the depth of winter, should obviously be avoided; neither would it be prudent to race the animal about, or induce it to perform any action calculated to accelerate the breathing. At the commencement a gentle emetic given every other morning until six or seven have been administered, with a laxative occasionally if the bowels are torpid, is often productive of speedy benefit. A mustard poultice to the throat is also to be recommended, but he who applies it must be attentive to remove it when it appears to seriously pain the animal. It may be repeated on each successive night, or even oftener, but should never be reapplied before the skin on which it was previously placed has ceased to be tender. Leeches to the throat Internal medicines are not to be neglected. All sedatives, balsams, expectorants, and peppers, with some alkalies and stimulants, may be tried, and even alterative doses of mercury with caution resorted to. Dogs are more peculiar with respect to the medicines that act upon individuals than any other animals I am acquainted with. That which touches one will be inoperative upon another; and what violently affects one, will on a second, apparently of the same bulk, strength, age, and character, be actually powerless. This renders dog-practice so difficult, and makes the explanation of any decided mode of treatment almost impossible. A great deal must necessarily be left to the discretion of the practitioner, who, despite his
Beat into a mass, and make into twenty pills; give four daily. Or,
Make into one pill and give as before. Or,
Powdered capsicums and cantharides have also seemed to touch the disease; but no one medicine has to me appeared to have any specific influence over it. In these cases mere formulÆ could be extended almost indefinitely; but the reason must be exerted, and the prescription must be dictated by the symptoms. Thus, when there is much nervous excitability accompanied with gastric derangement, Prussic acid of Scheele's strength, in doses of half a drop to two drops, may be exhibited; and if the mouth be dry, and the disposition irritable, from five to twenty Ulceration of the interior of the larynx is to be dreaded if the symptoms do not yield. This will be denoted by the cough becoming weaker, less loud, more short, and also more frequent. Prior to it there are always intervals during which the animal enjoys repose; but after ulceration of the larynx is established every inhalation provokes the irritability of the organ. With it the constitutional symptoms become more serious, and little can then by medicine be accomplished; for the passage of the air which is necessary to life causes the affection we desire to cure to spread. Tracheotomy might be performed, though the dog is so very expert with its claws, and any tape around the neck would be probably so injurious, that hitherto I have not ventured to hazard the experiment. Humanity has, in such cases, forced me to recommend the destruction of the life which I entertained no hope of comforting. Cough is much more frequently a symptom than a disease. It, in fat dogs, usually proceeds from disordered digestion; and then to remove it the cause must be attacked. It accompanies worms; and if these are Snoring is often a heavy accusation brought against the dog. It may proceed from weakness; though, in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred, it results from that debility which accompanies accumulated fat and sloth. In the one case we apply the means advised to restore the strength,—in the other, we stint the food, enforce a vegetable diet, and see that sufficient exercise be taken. Snorting is another unpleasantness which the canine race display. The animals stand with their heads erect, and, drawing the air through the nostrils, produce a series of harsh loud sounds, which are sometimes continued till The treatment is not to be laid down; attention to the food, and medicines of an alterative nature calculated to affect or improve the secretions, are most likely to be of service. Worms may possibly be the provocative, and in that case of course they should be removed. The measures, therefore, are not to be arbitrarily pointed out. The judgment must be employed to discover in what particular the system is unsound, and the agents used must be selected with a view to the general health. Local applications have been tried without advantage, but there do not appear to be any specifics for the complaint. The snorting is to be regarded merely as an effect of some deep-seated derangement, and the remedies are to be such as the appearance of the animal suggests. I have generally been successful in these cases, but I remember no two of them which I have treated exactly in the same manner. Patience and perseverance are mostly required, but sometimes the affection will not yield to any remedy. When it appears to be obstinate, the use of medicine should not be pushed too far. The constitution of the dog is so easily injured, and with so much difficulty restored, that where a mere unpleasantness is apparently all that exists, it is better to permit that to continue than hazard Cold or Coriza is not frequent in the dog, but it will occasionally be seen. It comes on gradually, and often passes off without any assistance being given. In pups it is apt to pass first into bronchitis, and then change into distemper, which in such instances, spite of our best endeavors, will often terminate in fits. It springs from various causes, but neglect and improper lodging are generally those to which it may be traced. In adult animals it is not to be greatly feared, but in the young it requires immediate attention. The kennel must be looked to; the food and exercise be strictly watched. Tonics, into which cayenne pepper, cubebs, or balsam of pepper enter, are to be tried, and cod-liver oil also is worth an experiment. The iodide of potassium is also not to be rejected; but the condition of the patient must decide which is the most likely to be of service in the case. When undertaken early, the symptoms yield in the majority of instances. The discharge, which at the commencement is thin, becomes more copious, grows thicker, and at last ceases. The sneezing stops and the spirits return; but should the disorder not be checked, the larynx becomes involved, and cough appears. If no relief be now sought, and the disease spreads, the breathing grows quick at first, and then laborious. The pup may even at this stage be eager to feed, and when its attention is excited, be as playful as in health; but if watched it will be seen, when alone, to be oppressed INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. The chest of the dog is not in any remarkable degree the seat of disease. The ribs of the animal being constructed for easy motion, and the muscles which move them being strong and large in proportion to the size of the bones, the lungs, therefore, are in general properly expanded; and this circumstance tends to preserve them in a healthy condition. They do not, however, always escape, but are subject to the same inflammations as those of the horse, though, from the causes stated, more rarely attacked. Inflammation of the Lungs is denoted by a quickened pulse and breathing, preceded by shivering fits. The appetite does not always fail; in one or two instances I have seen it increased; but it is most often The lungs have been, in the first instance, inflamed, but the pleura or membrane covering the lungs, and also lining the chest, has likewise become by the progress of the disease involved. The cavity has become The causes usually assigned to account for inflammation of the lungs will not, in the dog, explain its origin. I have usually met it where the animal had not been exposed to wet or cold; where it had not undergone excessive exertion, or been subjected to violence. Extraordinary care Disease of the lungs is, in the early stage, very readily subdued; but, if allowed to establish itself, it is rarely that medicine can eradicate it. The majority of persons who profess to know anything about the diseases of dogs, look upon the nose as an indication of the health. While the appetite is good, or the nose is cold and moist, such people are confident no fear need be entertained. Of the uncertainty that attends the disposition to feed mention has been already made; but with regard to the condition of a part, the persons who assume to teach us are likely to be in such cases entirely deceived. I have known dogs with violent inflammation of the lungs; I have seen them die from dropsy of the chest; and their noses have been wet and cold, even as though the animals had iced the organs. From this mistaken notion, therefore, no doubt, are to be traced the numerous instances of dogs brought for treatment when no remedies can be of avail. They are submitted to our notice only that we may be pained to look upon their deaths; and often have my endeavors been thus limited to simple palliative measures, when an In the commencement, when the breathing is simply increased and the pulse slightly accelerated, then if you place the ear to the side, there is merely a small increase of sound; and the animal exhibits no obstinate, or more properly, unconquerable disposition to sit upon the hocks; small quantities of belladonna, combined with James's powder, will generally put an end to the disease. The belladonna, in doses of from one to four grains, may be given three times a day; but where trouble is not objected to, and regularity can be depended upon, I prefer administering it in doses of a quarter of a grain to a grain every hour. By the last practice I think I have obtained results more satisfactory; but it is not always that a plan necessitating almost constant attention can be enforced, or that the animal to be treated will allow of such repeated interference. The following formula will serve the purpose, and the reader can divide it if the method I recommend can be pursued.
If, on the second day, no marked improvement is perceptible, small doses of antimonial wine may be tried; from fifteen minims to half-a-drachm may be given every fourth hour, unless vomiting be speedily induced; when the next dose must, at the stated period, be reduced five or ten Sometimes, however, the disorder commences with a violence that, from the very beginning of the attack, calls for the most energetic measures. If the breathing be very quick, short, and catching; the position constant; the pulse full and strong; the jugular vein may be opened, and from one ounce to eight ounces of blood extracted; or leeches may be applied to the sides; or an ammoniacal blister may be employed. This is done by saturating a piece of rag, folded three or four times, with a solution composed of liquor ammoniaca fort., one part; distilled water, three parts; and, having placed it upon the place from which the hair has been previously cut off, holding over it a dry cloth to prevent evaporization of the volatile vesicant. A quarter of an hour will serve to raise the cuticle; but frequently that object is accomplished in less time; therefore, during its operation, the agent must be watched, or else the effect may be greater than we desire, and sloughing may ensue. A dose of castor oil may also be administered, and the food should be composed entirely of vegetables, if the After dropsy of the chest has been established, the chance of cure is certainly remote; but tapping at all events renders the last moments of life more easy. It is both simple and safe, and does not seem to occasion any pain; but, on the contrary, to afford immediate relief. The skin should be first punctured, and then drawn forward so as to bring the incision over the spot where the instrument is to be inserted. The place where the trocar should be introduced is between the seventh and eighth ribs, nearer to the last than to the first, and rather close to the breast-bone. The point being selected, the instrument is pushed gently into the flesh; and when the operator feels no resistance is offered to the progress of the tube, he knows the cavity has been pierced. The stilet is then withdrawn, and the fluid will pour forth. Unless the dog shows signs of faintness, as much of the water as possible ought to be taken away; but if symptoms of syncope appear, the operation must be stopped, The above will make two pills; and it is better to make these the more frequently, as they speedily harden, and we now desire their quickest effect, which is sooner obtained if they are soft or recently compounded. During recovery the food must be mild, and tonics must be administered. Exercise should be allowed with the greatest caution, and all excitement ought to be avoided. The dog must be watched and nursed, being provided with a sheltered lodging and an ample bed in a situation perfectly protected from winds or draughts, but at the same time cool and airy. Asthma is a frequent disease in old and petted dogs. It comes on by fits, and, through the severity of the attack, often seems to threaten suffocation; but I have not known a single case in which it has proved fatal. The cause is generally attributable to inordinate feeding, for the ASTHMA. ASTHMA. Asthma is spasm of the bronchial tubes, and when it is thoroughly established it is seldom to be cured. All medicine can accomplish is the relief of the more violent symptoms. The fits may be rendered comparatively less frequent and less severe; but the agents that best operate Food is of all importance. It must be proportioned to the size of the patient, and be rather spare than full in quantity. Flesh should be denied, and coarse vegetable diet alone allowed. The digestion must also be attended to, and every means taken to invigorate the system. Exercise must be enforced, even though the animal appear to suffer in consequence of being made to walk. The skin should be daily brushed, and the bed should not be too luxurious. Sedatives are of service; and as no one of these agents will answer in every case, a constant change will be needed, that, by watching their action, the one which produces the best effect may be discovered. Opium, belladonna, hyoscyamus, assafoetida, and the rest, may be thus tried in succession; and often small doses produce those effects which the larger one seems to conceal. A pill containing any sedative, with an alterative quantity of some expectorant, may be given three times daily; but when the fit is on, I have gained the most immediate benefit by the administration of ether and opium. From one to four leeches to the chest, sometimes, are of service; but small ammoniacal blisters applied to the sides, and frequently repeated, are more to be depended upon. Trivial doses of antimonial wine or ipecacuanha wine, with an occasional emetic, will sometimes |