Abscess, about the tail, 283, 284.
treatment of, 284
in the flap of the ear, 427.
treatment of, ib.
Accomplishments or Refinements—
distinguishing dog whistles, 629.
dog to back the gun, 630.
to head running birds, 635.
to hunt without gun, 633.
to retreat and resume point, 632.
regular retrievers to beat, 644.
setter to retrieve, 638.
water retriever to fetch cripples, 645.
Action of physic on dogs, 107.
Acute purgation, 263.
treatment of, 264.
rheumatism, 274.
treatment of, 276.
Administration of medicine, 106.
Advice to practitioners, 80.
Affection an incentive, 565.
After-discharge, 394.
Age for education, 470, 495, 527.
Aids to promote labor, 376.
Assistance, when to be afforded during pupping, 360.
Asthma, 218.
treatment of, 220.
Attention, necessary, for the sucking bitch, 400.
necessary, to the teeth of the dog, 183.
Author's cause of writing, 653.
Avoid having a battle with a dog, 82.
Axioms, 576, 618.
Back, turned brings dog away, 557.
Backing, how taught, 614, 615.
initiatory lesson in, 488.
the gun, 630.
Battle, avoid having one with a dog, 82.
Beagles, 21.
Beat, a range, taught, 527, 529, 538, 541, 544.
bad, hard to cure, 581.
Beat, good, difficult but invaluable, 548
Herbert's opinion, 560.
without gun, 633.
of five or six dogs, 562.
of four dogs, 561.
of three dogs, 560.
of two dogs, 558.
taught following dog, 549.
Beef-tea, how to make, 97.
Beckon, why useful signal, 482.
and "Heel" differ, 485.
Bitch, in use, 24.
in pup, 26.
Bells put on dogs, 496.
Best dogs err, concise hints, 623.
Bird, dead, loss of discourages dog, 592
dead, seized and torn by dog, 597.
shot on ground steadies dog, 610.
shot, search for, 570, 589, 591, 593, 597, 641.
shot, signal heel, 573.
winged, shoot on ground, 591.
Birds, lie well, dog winding them, 547.
wild, intercepted, 635, 636.
wounded, scent differs, 641.
wounded, first retrieved, 645.
wounded, make for covey, 641.
wounded, found evening, 595.
wounded, the search for, 570.
wounded, observed by dog, 518.
Black too conspicuous a color, 508.
Blacksmith shoeing kicker, 494.
Blinking dead bird, 571.
from punishment, 611.
initiatory lessons prevent, 471.
Bones of the dog not rightly placed in the skeleton at the London Veterinary College, 109.
stones and bricks not good for dogs, 185.
when large, do not injure dogs, 91.
Boots, to render waterproof, 57.
Bowel diseases, 56, 246.
Brace of dogs sufficient, if good, 137.
Breaking of young dogs, 29.
Break in dogs yourself, 464.
Breaker, qualifications required, 466.
one better than two, 470.
Breaker, hunt too many, 475, 620.
idle, dislike bold dogs, 554.
Breaking fence prevented, 556.
Breeding in-and-in bad, 579.
Breeding, 15, 21, 25.
Bronchocele, 148.
treatment of, 199.
Bruises, remedy for, 55.
Bull-dogs, remarks upon, 402.
Cancer of the scrotum, 319.
of the teats, 408.
of the vagina, 344.
Canker, within and without the ear, 53, 54, 419.
causes, ib.
external, 421.
treatment of, 423.
internal, 424.
former accounts of, ib.
treatment of, 423.
of the mouth, 189.
treatment of, 190.
Capped hock or elbow, 452.
treatment for, 453.
Care, necessary for the pups, 378.
required after pupping, 391.
signal for, 484.
Carrots for horses, 469.
Carrying, how taught, 510.
Carts, dog, 442.
Cases, details of various, 61
Castor oil, 116.
Castration, 323.
Cataract, 429.
causes of, 430.
Catheter, passing of the, 329, 377.
Caution, taught to fast dogs, 516, 552.
in excess, 583.
cure for, 584.
Cautious and wild dog contrasted, 551.
dog rarely too fast, 551.
Chain better than cord, 647.
Check cord, 489, 490, 581, 588.
spike to, 476, 580, 609.
Chemists to be avoided as doctors for dogs, 196.
Choice of a male, 347.
Chronic diarrhoea, 265.
treatment of, 266.
Chronic hepatitis, 221.
symptoms of, 222.
treatment of, 225.
Circle wide when heading dog, 569.
Claws, 437.
to cut, 438.
dew, 437.
falling off of the, 439.
sinuses up the, 440.
Clean, to, the dog's teeth, 186.
Clumber spaniels, 502.
Cock shooting, 482.
Cocker, the, 20.
Cold or coriza, 209.
Colic, 252.
symptoms of, 258.
treatment of, 255.
Collar and chain, 102.
a light one on dog, 565.
Colors for concealment, 508.
Commands, given in a low tone, 473.
understood before seeing game, 471.
Comb and brush, 101.
Companion, dog to be yours, 473.
initiatory lessons with, 487, 488.
Condition, 42.
Confidence of the dog, how to gain, 82.
Consistency necessary, 466, 578.
Coolness recommended, 578.
Costiveness, 247.
treatment of, 250.
Cough, 202.
treatment of, 203.
Couple to older dog, 479.
Couples, accustomed to, 487.
Courage, created, 530, 614.
Covert, pointers in, 506.
Cripples, first retrieved, 645.
Crochet, 384.
Danger of domestic remedies, 77.
Dead bird, blinking of, 571.
lifted by you, error of, 511.
loss of, discourages dog, 592.
rushing into, 597, 622.
search for, 626, 647, 649.
search for, with two dogs, 641.
the first killed, 569.
to be pointed, 571.
but not by retrieving pointer, &c., 643.
torn by dog, 597.
Dead, initiatory lesson in, 473, 480.
Death of unborn pups, sign of, 383.
Dew-claws, 437.
Diarrhoea, 261.
Digestive discharge, 313.
symptoms of, 314.
treatment of, 316.
Diseases dependent on internal organs, 240.
of the limbs, 437.
Distance, between parallels, 546.
dog's knowledge of, 582.
Distemper, 46, 58, 120.
brain not subject to disease in, 138.
chorea in, 145.
disposition of dogs to gnaw their bodies in, 143.
dogs may have the disease many times, 135.
the dogs that most escape its attacks, 126.
Distemper, earliest symptoms of, 126.
eruption in, 142.
exercise and food influence the disorder, 126.
eyes in, 132.
fainting fits in, 149.
fearful cries in, 137.
fits in, 140.
its causes undiscovered, 124.
importance of diet in, 152.
liver involved in, 134.
lungs diseased in, 133.
morbid appetite during the fits in, 167.
ordinary treatment for, 121.
paralysis of the hind legs in, 145.
periods when it attacks animals, 125.
popular remedies for, 122.
resembles continued fever, 123.
skin peels after an attack of, 149.
stomach and intestinal diseases in, 135.
symptoms when it abates, 132.
treatment for, 154.
tumours in, 144.
very treacherous, 130.
when the disease is established, 127.
Distribution of the dog, 73.
Diving, how taught, 513.
Dog-carts, 442.
Dog's tooth-brush, 188.
Dogs, are generally misunderstood, 76.
are very intelligent, 103.
shape of, 639.
slow beating, more than faster, 503.
wildest, most energetic, 489, 531.
Down, see "Drop."
charge, dog pointing not to, 618.
Heading birds, 635.
dog, making too stanch, 583.
circle wide, 509.
Heat, 55, 353.
Hedge, farthest side hunted, 496.
rows not to be hunted, 542.
Heel, signal to, on killing, 573, 577.
signal to, 482, 485.
Hepatitis, 221.
chronic, ib.
symptoms of, 223.
treatment of, 225.
Herbert's Field Sports in the United States, 560.
Hereditary instincts, 525, 597.
Horses how taught at Astley's, 468.
fed on firing, 478.
Hot bath kills during parturition, 364.
Imitative, dogs are, 568.
In-and-in breeding injudicious, 579.
Independence imparted, 623.
Indigestion, 237, 282.
symptoms of, 228.
treatment of, 229.
Inflammation of the bowels, 56.
of the lungs, 211.
treatment of, 215.
Initiatory lessons important, 469, 471, 480, 529, 532.
Injuries to the tongue, 195.
treatment of, ib.
Instrument, parturition, recommended, 381.
Instruments, certain, when lawful to employ them in pupping, 372.
as a rule deadly in parturition, 368.
Internal canker, 424.
former accounts of, ib.
treatment for, 425.
Intestines, peculiarity of, 246.
Introsusception, 268.
Inversion of the womb, 404.
Kennel, the, 44.
dog ought to be in his, 646.
Killing fowls, the remedy, 627.
sheep, cure attempted, 625.
Kind of dogs alluded to in this book, 89.
Labor pains, false, 361.
Large bone may be given to dogs, 91.
Larynx, 201.
Leeward, beat from, 555.
Left hand signals "down charge," 476.
less than right, 535.
side of dog, keep on, 583.
signal for dog to go on the, 481.
Lessons, initiatory, reasonable, 469, 471, 488, 529.
walking in the fields, 527.
Lice, 27, 55, 105.
Lifting a dog, 591, 636, 642.
Limbs, diseases of the, 437.
Liver, a mild laxative to dogs, 93.
hard-boiled, 519.
Lungs, inflammation of, 211.
treatment of, 215.
Luxuries hurt the teeth of dogs, 182.
Make beef-tea, how to, 97.
Mange, a general term only, 410.
a second description of, 412.
treatment for, 413.
true, ib.
treatment for, ib.
another form, 414.
treatment for, 51, 415.
a fourth sort, 417.
treatment for, ib.
a fifth kind, ib.
treatment for, ib.
Markers used with spaniels, 505.
Medicine, how to administer, 50, 106.
generally alluded to, 119.
Milk, how to draw from a bitch, 401.
Morbid growths in the bitch, 338.
Mouth, how to hold open, 111.
teeth, tongue, gullet, &c., 179.
canker of the, 189.
treatment of, 190.
Mute spaniels, old sportsmen prefer, 506.
Muzzle, to, the dog with tape for operations, 428.
Names ending in "O" dissimilar, 536.
Nervous diseases, 295.
system, 299.
Nipping the teeth off, 193.
"No," Better word than "ware," 487.
Noise spoils sport, 466, 473, 539.
Nose carried high, 485, 547.
Nosing allowed, 593.
Number of pups a bitch can rear, 26, 395.
Numerous pretenders to cure the dog's diseases, 76.
Œstrum, 353.
Old dog allowed liberties, 648.
range taught with, 549.
"On," initiatory lesson in, 473, 474.
Opening pills, 116.
Operations, 450.
mode of performing, 451.
Ophthalmia, simple, 432.
symptoms of, ib.
treatment for, 433.
Original of the dog inquired after, 73.
Parallels, distance between, 546, 547.
Paralysis, 270.
treatment of, 273.
of the tongue, 193.
Parturition, 346.
what is necessary at, 359.
Passing the catheter, 330.
Patience enjoined, 568.
required at a pupping, 376.
Peculiarity of the intestines, 246.
Peg or spike on a check-cord, 580, 609.
Perseverance and range attained, 649.
in seeking taught, 593.
PerinÆum, dropsy of, 345.
Physic, how to administer, 50, 106.
action of, on dogs, 107.
Piles, 278.
treatment of, 281.
Pills, opening, 116.
Pincushion, retrievers fetch, 513.
Pistol, horse fed at discharge of, 478.
Point, dead, 570.
left and resumed, 633.
not quitted for down charge, 576, 618.
the first good one, 568.
Pointers, 16, 28.
out of place in strong cover, 506.
points, 638.
Pointing, dog not soon, 528, 580, 589.
dog when not to down, 618.
origin of, 476.
Poisoning, what to do in case of, 55.
Polypus, 341.
how to recognise, 342.
Pot-hunting sportsmen ruin dogs, 621.
Preparatory lessons, important, 469, 471, 529, 522, 563.
Presentations, false, rare in the bitch, 375.
Pretenders are numerous in the cure of canine diseases, 76.
Protrusion of the rectum, 287.
treatment of, ib.
Punishment avoided by lessons, 471.
causes blinking, 611.
decreases, whip carried, 611.
not shunned by dogs, 614.
how administered, 598.
making dogs too stanch, 583.
not inflicted on suspicion, 601.
Punishment, reprobated, 468, 611.
Pupping, 346.
Pups, when they may be felt in the mother, 356.
when broken difficult to bring away, 379.
feeding and weaning, 27, 397.
Purchasers of dogs, hints to, 536.
Purgation, acute, 263.
treatment of, 264.
Purgatives, 53, 115.
Puzzle-peg saved by the word "up," 484.
"Puzzling" with nose to ground, 547.
Quail, large in Canada, 578.
Qualities expected in good dog, 468.
Quarter ground, see Beat.
Quartering, how taught, 33.
Rabbit-shooting reprobated, 604.
Rabies, 299.
"Range," see Beat.
Ranging, how taught, 30.
Receipts, various, 50.
See the names of diseases for which remedies are sought.
Rectum, 278.
protrusion of, 287.
treatment of, ib.
Refinements, see Accomplishments.
Regularity essential in the feeding of dogs, 94.
Relays desirable, not a pack, 563.
Remedies, domestic, the danger of, 77.
Requisites in a dog, 467.
in a breaker, 466.
Respiratory organs, 200.
Retention of urine, 328.
Retriever, the, 21.
bit for one that mouths, 521.
evil of assisting, 519.
footing scent, lesson in, 517.
for water, qualities in, 508.
made whipper in, 492.
observes struck bird, 518.
to "down charge," or not, 521.
Retrievers, shape, &c. of, 523.
to beat, 644.
to fetch, taught, 514.
to pursue faster, 521.
water, to fetch cripples first, 645.
how fed, 524.
Retrieving, not taught first season, 640.
pointers or setters not to point dead, 643, 654.
setters not pointers, 639.
Rewards always given, 478, 481.
Rheumatism, 274.
acute, ib.
treatment of, 276.
Rice, wild lakes, duck-shooting in 509.
Right, the signal to go toward, 482.
hand for "toho" and "drop," 476.
signals more than left, 536.
Rounding dogs' ears, 422.
Rope to dog, 647.
Running bird, firing at, 590.
Rushing in to "dead" cured, 622.
Saint Vitus's dance, 240.
symptoms of, 241.
treatment of, 242.
Scent bad in calm or gale, 540.
differently recognized by pointers or setters, 541.
of birds not left for hare, 607.
"footing," an initiatory lesson in, 485.
of wounded and unwounded birds differs, 641.
Scrotum, cancer of the, 319.
Search, "dead," 570.
with two dogs, 641.
for wounded bird to leeward, 589.
to windward, 591.
Seeking dead, how taught, 593.
Self-hunting, prevent, 647.
Servant useful in the field, 580.
Seton, to make a, 54.
Setter, the, 18, 25, 28.
the Russian, 10.
to retrieve, 638.
Setters crouch more than pointers, 475.
for covert shooting, 506.
points in, 639.
Shoes, to render waterproof, 57 headed corrected to healed
Page 66 Rhubard corrected to Rhubarb
Page 87 membrance corrected to membrane
Page 90 greese corrected to grease
Page 243 vonica corrected to vomica
Page 394 pleaseed corrected to pleased
Page 457 SHOOITNG corrected to SHOOTING
Page 658 Crotchet corrected to Crochet
Page 660 Hane corrected to Hand
Errors in Table of contents and List of Illustration descriptions have not been corrected.