niel, described, 234. Dead bird, blinking of, 267. —lifted by you, error of, 98. —loss of, discourages dog, 312. —rushing into, 321, 374. —search for, 266, 307, 309. —search for, with two dogs, 544. —the first killed, 265. —to be pointed, 267; but not by retrieving setter or pointer, 548. —torn by dog, 322. Dead, initiatory lesson in, 19, 34. Diet considered, 567. Distance, whence birds are winded, 182, 183. —between parallels, 181. —dog’s knowledge of, 285. Distemper, pups inoculated for, 572. —salt for, 579. —vaccination for, 573, &c. Diving, how taught, 105. Dogs, good, cheapest in the end, 137. —shape, &c. of, 137, 187, 364, 537. —shepherds’, in France, 415. —slow, beating more than faster, 327. —unknown, fetch small sums, 380. —wildest, most energetic, 53, 137, 198. Dominos played at by dogs, 433, 441. “Down” see “Drop.” “Down charge,” dog pointing, not to, 359. —initiatory lesson in, 27. —ingenious argument against, 316 n. —why retrievers should, 119. Draughts, the first to move wins, 158. “Drop,” a better word than “Down,” 146. —dog to, another dropping, 49. —dog to, game rising, 328. —initiatory lessons in, 23, 25, 26. —unnatural, “Toho” natural, 24. Dropper, pointing grouse or snipe, 497. —by Russian setter, 498. Duck emits a goodish scent, 94. Duck. Wood-duck of America, 511. Duck-shooting in wild rice, 95. Ducks, wounded, first retrieved, 283 n. Horse, memory of, 221, n. Hoof ointment, 364 n. Horse, recipe for conditioning, 364 n. Horse’s and dog’s points similar, 364. —biting cured, 283 n. —leg strapped, 60. —rushing at his leaps cured, 33. Horses, how taught by Astley, 10. —fed on firing, 28. Hounds, obedience of, 31. —tuition of, 30, 505. Hunting, dog’s chief enjoyment, 562. —dog long taking to, 132. Huntsman for pack bad rangers, 248. —a gentleman, 413. I. Imitative, dogs are, 34, 264. In-and-in breeding injudicious, 279 . Independence imparted, 375. India, 444, 446, &c. Indian-corn meal, 568. Initiatory lessons, important, 12, 17, 52, 134, 141. Inoculation for distemper, 572 n. Instance of breaking highly, 251, 395, 499; —coolness and courage, 449–468; —cunning in grouse, 229; in pheasant, 232, 236; in monkeys, 431 n.; —dog’s barking at point, 521; —dog’s behaving well first day, 139, 280; —dog’s forcing game to gun, 89; —dog’s pointing after the shot, 275; —dog’s intercepting, 206, 527, 530; —dog’s manner showing birds on the run, 295, 530; dog’s pointing on his back, 199; —dog’s pointing on fence, 200; —dog’s detaining with paw, 319; —dog’s retreating from and resuming point, 286, 517, 519, 520; dog’s retrieving snipe he would not point, 318; dog’s retrieving duck, though detesting water, 320; —dog’s running riot from jealousy, 125. —to beat, 550. —to fetch, taught, 108, &c. —to pursue faster, 118. —water, to fetch cripples first, 553. —how bred, 126. Retrieving not taught first season, 538. —setters or pointers not to “point dead,” 548. —setters, not pointers, 536. Rewards always given, 27, 40. Rheumatism prevented by care, 571. Rice, wild lakes, duck-shooting in, 95. “Richelieu,” snipe-shooting, 277. Rifle, rest for, 509 n. Right, the signal to go towards, 36. Right-eyed, 65 n. App. Right hand, for “Toho” and “Drop,” 24. —signals more than left, 142. Road, exercise on, good for dogs, 566. “Roading,” instance of fine, 290–292. —by 6 dogs alternately, 251. —by “Finder,” 354. Rope to tie dog, bad, 563. Running bird, firing at, 308. Rushing in to “dead” cured, 374. Russian setter, dropper from, 498. S. Saffron removing fleas, 165 n. Salt for distemper, 579. Scent, bad in calm or gale, 174. —differently recognised by pointers and setters, 174 n. —of birds, not left for hare, 333. —“footing” a, initiatory lesson in, 43. Scent of wounded and unwounded birds differs, 545. Search “dead,” 266; with 2 dogs, 544. —for wounded bird, when to leeward, 309; when to windward, 307. Seeking dead, how taught, 313. “Self-hunting,” prevent, 564. September, dog taken out in, 171. —day’s lesson continued, 259. Servant useful in field, 282. Seton proved useful, 123. Setter, stanch—sum paid for, 382. —to retrieve, 536; ?argument against applies to retriever, 549. Setters crouch more than pointers, 23. —Duke of Gordon’s breed, 237. —for cover shooting, 87. Setters, points in, 137, 187, 364, 537.
Ireland, 397; in Kent, 82. Woodcocks attached to covers, 397. —reflushed, 82. —small, in Canada, 277. Wood-duck of North America, 511. Wounded bird. See Bird wounded. Y. Yeomen of Kent, 236. Yorkshire keeper’s advice, 406. Young dogs steady first day on game, 139, 280. Youth, game followed in, liked, 69. —occupation followed in, liked, 563. THE END. R. CLAY, SON, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS, BREAD STREET HILL.
Albemarle Street, London, January, 1865.