THE GATHERING OF THE REPUBLICAN ARMY. FREEMEN WIN WHEN LINCOLN LEADS, LINCOLN, THE PRIDE OF THE NATION. RALLYING SONG OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN CLUB. HAVE YOU HEARD THE LOUD ALARM? FREEMEN, BANISH ALL YOUR FEARS. For the accommodation of my numerous friends in various parts of the country who prefer not to be at the expense of frequent visits to New York, I have made arrangements with some of the most reliable houses in the city to supply those who may favor me with their orders for ![]() on such terms as can not but be satisfactory to the purchasers. The disposition on the part of many merchants to overreach their customers when they have an opportunity of doing so, renders it almost as necessary for merchants to give references to their customers as for customers to give references of their standing to the merchants; hence I have been careful to make arrangements only with honorable and responsible houses who can be fully relied on. As my trade with those houses will be large in the aggregate, they can afford to allow me a trifling commission and still supply my customers at their lowest rates, which I will engage shall be as low as any regular houses will supply them. My friends and others are requested to try the experiment by forwarding me orders for anything they may chance to want, and if not satisfied, I will not ask them to repeat the experiment. Those visiting the city are invited to give me a call before making their purchases, and test the prices of the houses to whom I can with confidence introduce them. Bills for small lots of goods, if sent by express, can be paid for on delivery, or arrangements can be made for supplying responsible parties on time. Address, O. HUTCHINSON, New York. CONNECTICUT WIDE-AWAKE SONGSTER. EDITED BY JOHN W. HUTCHINSON, OF THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY OF SINGERS; ASSISTED BY BENJAMIN JEPSON. “Lincoln and Liberty.” NEW YORK: O. HUTCHINSON, PUBLISHER, 272 GREENWICH STREET. 1860. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by JOHN W. HUTCHINSON, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Davies & Kent, STEREOTYPERS AND ELECTROTYPERS, 113 Nassau Street, N. Y. |