Abbott, Edith, 151
Abram, Annie, 13
Accidents, 59, 125, 129
Accounts of Hen. VII., 27
of seventeenth century, 15
Shuttleworth, 11
Accrington, 96
Adam and Eve, 6
Adaptation of industry in war-time, 248
Administration of the Factory Act, 53, 181-2, 243, 255, 282-93
Adolescence, care of, 206
Aftalion, 72
Agricultural population, report on, 51
Aikin, 43, 50
Aldhelm, 7
Alfred, King, 5
Amalgamated Society of Clothiers, 116
Amalgamation, the, 112
America, 60
Women’s Unions in, section, 141
Ammunition workers’ strike, 130-31
Anaemia, 188
Ancren Riwle, 8
Andrews, 7
Anglo-Saxon industry, 5, 7
Anthropology, 2
Anti-Combination Act, repeal of, 92
Anti-Socialist Law, 155
Anti-Sweating League, 125, 133
Apathy of the governing class, 52
Apathy of women, 104-7, 113, 115, 209
Apprentices, factory, 273
Apprenticeship, section, 15
Architects, the first, 2
Arkwright, 33, 35, 36, 47
Artizans and Machinery, Select Committee on, 53
Ashley, afterwards Shaftesbury, Lord, 185
Asses, machines worked by, 43
Assistance in craft industries by women and girls, 16
Association, section, 205
Athenaeum, 52 n.
Attacks on the factory system, 49-51
Attraction of the family, 83
Aubrey, 7
Backwardness of the Factory Act, 184
Bad conditions in factories, 135, 181, 273, 286
Bagley, Sarah, 142
Baines, E., 38, 44
Bamford, 24
Barber knotter, the, 294
Barry, Leonora, 145
Beam, the, 98
Beamers, 126
Beaming, 107
Bebel, 156
Berchta, 2
Berlin, 158, 159
Bermondsey, 135
Besant, Mrs., 128
Betterment, 202
Bill to raise wages, 1593, 20
Bilston, 136
Birmingham, 43, 62, 136
trades, 29
Bishopsgate, workhouse in, 21
Black, Clementina, 122, 128
Blackburn, 33, 96, 111, 112, 113
society, 99
Black Death, 4
Bondfield, Margaret, 259 n.
Bonwick, 23
Bookbinders, Society of, 120
Boot and shoe trade, 63-4
Unions, 116, 150
Boston, 151
Bosworth, Louise, 234
Bourgeois women’s movement, 162, 163
Bowley, A. L., 228
Bradford, 116
Bradford Dale, 25
Brass work, 66
polishing, 191
Braun, Frau Lily, 69, 161-4, 175
Brighton, 122
Bristol, 14, 29, 63, 64, 65, 224
Weavers’ Gild of, 22
Britain, Great, what she stands for, 265
British Association, 64
BÜcher, 9
Bureau of Labour, enquiry by, 149
Burnley weavers, 102
Burslem, 29
Butler, Elizabeth, 61
Butler, Josephine, 199
Button-making, 29
Cadbury, E., 195 n.
Capitalist employer, the, 185-6
Card-room operatives, 59, section, 113, 126, 168
Carpenters’ Company, 17
Carrying loads, 65, 66
Cartwright, 35, 42
Catholic Unions, 161, 164
Causes of lack of organisation, 115, 139, 151
Census, Chap. III.
Central Commission of German Trade Unions, 156
Central Committee on Women’s Employment, 247
Central Strike Fund, 103
Centralisation needed, 173
Chain-makers, 131
Board, first determination of, 132
Changes effected by industrial revolution, section, 178
Chapman, Sydney J., 92
Charles II., 26
Chaucer, 10
Chemicals, 63
Child labour in factories, 272
report on, 57
Childbirth, employment after, 290
Children and machines, 43, 272
exploitation of, 264
Children’s clothes, 65
Employment Commission, 62, 63
Chorley weavers, 96, 103
Christian Trade Unions, 160
Churchill, Winston, 20
Cigar trade, 117, 118
Citizenship for women, 190, 196
Civil conditions, statistics of, 79
Clarke, Allen, 45
Class differences and class solidarity, 174
interest, 166
selfishness, 186
Cleft, the, 207
Clothing trades, 64
Unions, 116
wages in, 218
Clothworkers, 14
Clubs for working women, 166
Coal-mining, women in, 29
Cole, G. D. H., 174, 208
Collectors, 105
Collet, Clara, 80, 170
Combination among rich clothiers, 17, 18
of Workers, Committee on, 94
Committees of Weavers’ Union, 108, 176
Competing Unions, 172, 173
Competition between men and women, 66
for employment, 169
Complexity of weavers’ lists, 99
Compositors, 116, 117
Compositors’ Union, 117
Comradeship among women, 190
Confectioners’ Union, 130
Confectionery works, 67
Constructive measures, section, 260
Consumers, women as, 208, 263
Consumers’ co-operation, 208
Co-operation with bourgeois movement to be avoided, 163
Co-operative Guild, Women’s, 208
Copper works, 29
Cop-winding, 107
Core-making, 64, 146
Corporate action, 175
women untrained for, 165
Cotton, bad, 101, 114
Cotton Factory Times, 145 n.
Cotton trade, 31 et seq., section, 240, 268-82
Cotton weavers, section, 96, 168, 173
male, 60
Cotton-weaving, 58
Courtney, Janet, 263 n.
Coventry, 64
ribbon trade, 41
Cracker factory, strike in, 148
Cradley, 133-4, 136
Cradley Heath chain-makers, 131
Craft Unions, 149, 158, 207-8
Cunningham, W., D.D., 38
Curse of the Factory System, 47
Cycle industry, 64
Darwen and Ramsbottom, 96
Death-rates, 77
of male infants, 257
Deaths of women in mine explosions, 29
Decay of hand-spinning, section, 39
Decline of domestic manufacture, 35
Decrease of employment in wartime, statistics of, 241, 266
Deductions, 292
Deficiencies, educational, 169
Defoe, Daniel, 24
Delays in labour legislation, causes of, 186
Deloney, 6
Dependents on women-workers, 145-6, 233-4
Derby, 27, 95
Derbyshire, 29, 97
Detroit Free Press, 145
Development of capitalistic industry, section, 17
Development of women’s employment, 61
Devon, 51
Devotion and self-sacrifice of women, 165
Difficulties in organising women, 115, 139, 151, 154, 164, 169
Digby Mysteries, 6
Dismissal without notice, 125
Disproportion of women, 77
Distaff, the, Chap. I., section
Textiles, 5
Divergent views on factory system, 45
Division among the weavers, 97
Dock and General Workers’ Union, 126
Dock Strike, 128
Doherty, 55
Domestic workers, statistics of, 84, 86
little organisation among, 168
Dorset, 51
Dover, New Hampshire, strikes at, 141
Drawers, 126
Dressmakers, little organisation among, 168
Dressmaking, 64, 65, 95
Grant, P., 45
Greenwood, Arthur, 189
Greig, Mrs. Billington, 209
Grey or Franciscan Friars, 6
Guest, 32
Guild, Women’s Co-operative, 176-177
Habit of association, lack of, 106
Half-pay apprentices, 41
Halifax, 39
Hamilton, A., 20
Hammond, J. L. and B, 180 n.
Hand-loom Weavers, Committee on, 42
Hand-loom weaver’s wife, section, 40
Hand-wheels thrown aside, 34
Hargreaves, J., 33, 42
Haslam, J., 191, 192, 193
Hat and cap workers, 150
Healds, 98
Hebden Bridge, 231
Henley, Walter of, 10
Henry VII., accounts of, 27
Henry VIII., 19
Hicks, Mrs. Amie, 128, 129, 130
Hicks, Margaretta, 209
Hirsch-Duncker Unions, 161
Holda or Holla, 2
Hollow-ware workers, strike of, 136-138
Home, work in the, 44
Home Workers’ Union, 160
Horrocks, 36
Hostility of employers to Unions, 139, 151, 169
Hotel servants and waitresses, 168
Houldsworth, 93
Hours of work, 183-4, 277, 289
Housewife preparing wool, 11, 14-15
position of the, 165
Housing in towns, 50
Huddersfield, 115
Hull, 14, 15
Husbandry, servants in, section, 3
Hutchins, B. L., 197 n., 207 n.
Hyde, 93
Ideals of Victorian era, 198-9
Ignorance of domestic work, 51
Importation of silk, 26
Improvements in working conditions, 190, 202
Increase of women in metal trades, 63
Increase of women-workers in Germany, 155
Industrial change, effects of, 42
revolution, Chap. II.
Industrial Workers of the World, 148
“Industry in bonds,” 49
Inequality of wages, 123
Influence of Unions on conditions, 153
Injury from prolonged standing, 186, 187
Insanitary conditions in confectioners’ workrooms, 130
Inspection of factories impossible for women, 197
Inspectors, factory, 181
women appointed as, 182
Instability of status, 152
Insurance Act, 103, 108, 116, 126, 131, 176, 188, 205
Interdenominational Unions, 161
Interests, interlocking of, 173
“Interkonfessionelle” Unions, 164
International Association for Labour Legislation, 125
International Typographical Union, 143
International Workers’ Congress, 123
Inventions, 43
Ipswich, 65
Christ’s Hospital at, 21
Ireland, 224
Irons on apprentices, 274
Ironworks, a fifteenth-century, 29
Isolation of women, 164-5
Jacquard’s loom, 42
Jam-making, 135
James, Clara, 128, 130
James, John, 25 n.
James, William, 207
Jones, Lloyd, 106
Kaffirs, 2
Kamtchatdals, 2
Kay, 33
Kendal, 39
Kettering, 224
King, Mr., 120
Knights of Labour, 144, 145
Knitting-machine, 25
Korrespondenzblatt, 158
Labour, an important factor in production, 136
Labour Commission, 61, 63, 129, 170, 197, 198
Labour League, Women’s, 177, 208
Labour legislation, weakness of and delays in, 186
Labour movement, 127
Labourers, Statute of, 4
Lacquering, 63
Lancashire, 61, 74, 96, 97, 102
cotton spinners of, 93
Lapsley, 29
Lassalle, 158
Laundresses, Union of, 122
Laundry Workers’ International Union, 147
Law, Alice, 36
Lawrence, Mass., 149
Lead mines, women in, 29
poisoning, 288
Lee, inventor of knitting-machine, 25
Leeds, 23, 39, 116, 224
Leicester, 92, 224
Leland’s Itinerary, 21
Lenience of Magistrate, 293
Levant Company, 32
Lighting of work-places, 184, 284
Linen and jute, 115, 242
List prices, 99, 100, 114
Liverpool, 173
Locked in factory, 129-30
Lombe, John, 27
London, 126, 242
milliners, 168
Trades Council, 128
London weavers, 13, 14
Women’s Trades Council, 123
Loom, the, 5
Low wages of women, consolation for, 57
Lowell, Female Labour Reform Association at, 142
strikes at, 141
Union, 142
Lye, 136, 137
Lytton, Lady Constance, 200
Macarthur, Mary, xv, 131
Macclesfield, 28
MacDonald, J. R., 195 n.
Machine work, 66
Machinery and skill, 68-9
and women’s employment, 69-70
Mackworth, Sir H., 29
Maladjustment and Readjustment, section, 245
Male Weavers’ Union, 143-4
Malingering, xv, 188
Malmesbury Abbey, 21-2
Manchester, 31, 32, 47, 50, 55, 93, 126, 173, 176, 224
societies, 126-7
spinners, 92
Women’s Trade Union Council, 139
Women’s War Interests Committee, 256, 296
Mantoux, 23, 41
Manufactures and Commerce, Select Committee on, 54
Markham, Gervase, 14
Marriage, section, 78
and organisation, 151
decreasing prospect of, 196, 256
prospect of, its effects on young men and women, 151, 169-70
Married women’s work, 89-91
Marx, Karl, 49
Mary, Queen, 21
Match factories, 47
workers, 183
makers’ Union, 128
Match-girls’ strike, 127-8
Material progress, 51, 265
Maternity benefit, 103, 259 n.
and child welfare, 258
care of, 206
Matheson, M. C., 195 n.
Matthews, Miss, 153
Mechanical power, 200-201
progress, 43
Mellor, 33
Men and women, division of work between,