- Berth construction, Mr. Pullman's new and radical, 99, 100
- Boudoir cars, the Mann, introduced in Europe, 64, 81
- Bygone Days in Chicago, its story of the locating of the Pullman shops, 91
- Chicago Tribune, the, eulogy of the first Pullman cars, 46
- Cleaning the cars, 152-154
- Colebrookdale Iron Works, cast the first rails, 4
- Construction of Pullman cars, 123-129
- Detroit Commercial Advertiser, the, comments of, on the hotel car, 49
- Dining car, the first designed by Mr. Pullman, 52;
- he constructs "The Delmonico," 104;
- railroads adopt the, 104;
- its operation given up by the Pullman Company, 105
- Electric lighting of cars, 112-119;
- England, introduction of Pullman cars in, 61-63;
- reception of cars in, 66;
- "The Pullman Limited Express," 68, 69;
- electric lighting of Pullman cars in, 113-118
- Erie railroad, gets the through Pullman service, 78, 79, 82
- Europe, the Pullman car in, 61-69
- Flower Sleeping Car Company, 81
- Gates Sleeping Car Company, competitor of the Pullman Company, 75
- Gauge, railway, standardized, 48
- Heating, early, 22, 31;
- Hotel cars, the first in service, 49, 50, 52, 103;
- give way to the diner, 104
- Illinois Journal, the, comments on the first Pullman cars, 45
- Illinois State Register, the, describes the new type of car, 43, 44
- Knight car, used on eastern roads, 80
- Lighting, 31, 112;
- Linen, requirements to supply the cars, 147-149
- Locomotive, the beginnings of the, 5-9;
- London Telegraph, the, comments on the dining car, 67;
- on the introduction of electric lighting in Pullman cars, 115, 116
- Mann Boudoir Car Company, incorporated, 81;
- acquired by the Pullman Company, 83
- Mann, Colonel, designs a sleeping car, 63;
- his "boudoir cars" installed in Europe, 64;
- his Company acquired by the Pullman Company, 83
- Monarch Sleeping Car Company, competitor of