INTRODUCTION I. ON REMBRANDT'S CHARACTER AS AN ARTIST I JACOB WRESTLING WITH THE ANGEL II ISRAEL BLESSING THE SONS OF JOSEPH III THE ANGEL RAPHAEL LEAVING THE FAMILY OF TOBIT V THE PHILOSOPHER IN MEDITATION VII THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE XI THE SORTIE OF THE CIVIC GUARD, OR THE NIGHT WATCH XIV THE SYNDICS OF THE CLOTH GUILD PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY OF PROPER NAMES AND FOREIGN WORDS Transcriber's Note. The images in this eBook of the paintings are from the original book. However many of these paintings have undergone extensive restoration. The restored paintings are presented as modern color images with links. Modern images of the etchings are also given as links. REMBRANDT VAN RYN (BY HIMSELF) National Gallery, London REMBRANDT VAN RYN (BY HIMSELF) National Gallery, London Please click on the image for a larger image. Please click here for a modern color image Masterpieces of ArtREMBRANDTA COLLECTION OF FIFTEEN PICTURESAND A PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTERWITH INTRODUCTION ANDINTERPRETATIONBY |