Athena was the air goddess of the Greeks, or, in Ruskin's phrase, "the queen of the air." She was known also by the name Pallas, and among the Romans as Minerva. As the air comes to us from out the great dome of the sky, so Athena was said to have sprung fully armed from the head of her father Zeus. The old Homeric hymn tells how "Wonder strange possessed The everlasting gods that shape to see, Shaking a javelin keen, impetuously Rush from the crest of Ægis-bearing Jove." Her eyes were blue, the color of the sky; her hair hung in ringlets over her shoulders. Her dress was "A gorgeous robe Of many hues, which her own hands had wrought." When arrayed for war she wore a golden helmet and carried a shield, or Ægis. In the centre of this shield was fastened the gorgon's head which Perseus had cut off with her aid. In her hand she wielded a mighty spear. The owl was her symbolic bird, and she was called glaukopis, or owl-eyed, because her wisdom gave her sight in darkness. The serpent was the emblem of her command over the beneficent and healing influences in the earth. Her favorite plant was the fruitful olive, valued by the Greeks both for the beauty of its foliage and for the usefulness of its oil. In the fortunes of war, when it was for defensive aims, Athena took an intense interest and an active part. In the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, she was on the side of the Greeks, who sought to recover from their enemies their queen Helen, whom the Trojan prince had captured. When the Greek army assembled before the walls of Troy— "Among them walked The blue-eyed Pallas, bearing on her arm The priceless Ægis, ever fair and new, And undecaying; from its edge there hung A hundred golden fringes, fairly wrought, And every fringe might buy a hecatomb. With this and fierce, defiant looks she passed Through all the Achaian host, and made their hearts Impatient for the march and strong to endure The combat without pause,—for now the war Seemed to them dearer than the wished return In their good galleys to the land they loved." As the air gives us the breath of life, so Athena gave inspiration to the heart of man. It was her friendly mission to fill with "strength and courage" the hearts of those who were beset by difficulties of many kinds. ATHENA GIUSTINIANA (MINERVA MEDICA -- Vatican Gallery, Rome -- D. Anderson, Photo. John Andrew & Son, Sc. ) ATHENA GIUSTINIANA (MINERVA MEDICA -- Vatican Gallery, Rome -- D. Anderson, Photo. John Andrew & Son, Sc. )
To Athena Ulysses owed his safe return to Ithaca after the adventures related in the Odyssey. It was her adroit planning which brought together the long lost father and his son Telemachus, with the faithful wife Penelope. She also found ways to help Jason when he went in search of the golden fleece; she aided Hercules in his labors and guided the hand of Perseus when he cut off the Gorgon's head. Athena was also the patroness of the industrial arts. She was skilful in weaving and needlework, making both her own and others' beautiful robes and teaching the craft to some favored mortals. She was, in short, the personification of "inspired and impulsive wisdom in human conduct and human art, giving the instinct of infallible decision, and of faultless invention." Our statue shows as many as possible of the attributes of the goddess. The figure is tall and stately and magnificently developed. The Greek ideal of beauty was to let nature have its way in the human body, unhindered by any such restraints of clothing as our modern fashions have invented. The broad shoulders and ample waist bespeak the splendid strength of the goddess. The neck rises from the shoulders like a column to support the well-set head. A tunic falls in straight folds to the feet, and over this is worn a long mantle gathered over the left shoulder. Upon her breast hangs the shield, here made very small, and the helmet and spear complete her equipment as a goddess of war. At her side coils the emblematic serpent. Her aspect is far from warlike. The face is intellectual and the expression thoughtful. This is the goddess of wisdom reflecting upon grave concerns. The mouth is set somewhat proudly, and the countenance is full of a dignified reserve. The masterful element, so strong in her character, is admirably expressed. There is something almost austere in the beauty of this virgin goddess. A majestic being like this is not one to be familiarly approached. |