PART FIRST.--FROM ADAM TO MOSES. Lesson I. The Beautiful Garden. (Tell Story 1 in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible.") To the Teacher:

Under the title of each lesson throughout these pages will be seen instructions to tell certain lessons, with numbers. These numbered lessons and parts correspond with the numbered lessons and parts in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible."

Let the teacher begin by asking, "Who can tell us what is the first verse of the Bible?" When hands are raised, call on three or four children to repeat the verse in turn; then let all the class repeat it in concert. Explain what the verse means, that God made the world, and all the things in it. Tell the story of the creation of the world; of the first man and the first woman; the Garden of E´den, and how Ad´am and Eve lost their home, and were driven out. Then teach the class the answers to the following questions. At the close of the lesson, see that every young pupil is shown just where the questions and answers on the lesson are found. The answers should be reviewed by parents, or older brothers and sisters, until the child can repeat them thoroughly, and can tell in his own language, the story of the lesson.

Questions and Answers.

1. What is the first verse in the Bible? "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

2. What does this mean? That God made all things.

3. In how many days does the Bible tell us that God made the world? In six days.

4. On what day did God rest from his work? On the seventh day.

5. Whom did God make as the first man? Ad´am.

6. Who was the first woman? Eve.

7. What place did God give to Ad´am and Eve as their home? The garden of E´den.

8. How long did Ad´am and Eve live in the beautiful garden? As long as they did what God told them to do.

9. What became of them when they did not obey God's word? They were driven out of the garden.

Lesson II. The Earliest People.

(Tell Stories 2 and 3.)
To the Teacher:

1. In the story of Cain and A´bel, explain carefully what is meant by "an altar"; and how in early times people came to God in prayer. With little children, use the word "praying," rather than "worship," and "gift to God" or "offering," rather than "sacrifice."

2. In the story of "The Great Ship," explain what "an ark" was, properly a chest or box; in this story, a great ship, built not to sail fast, but to float on the water, and to hold a great amount. Perhaps it was made so large, not only to carry many animals and their food, but also very many people, if the people had been willing to be saved by it.

1. Who was the first child of Ad´am and Eve after they were sent out of the garden of E´den? Cain.

2. What was the name of Cain's younger brother? A´bel.

3. What wicked thing did Cain do when the two boys grew up to be men? He killed his brother A´bel.

4. What does the Bible tell of the earliest people who were on the earth? They lived to be hundreds of years old.

5. Who lived the longest of any of those people? Me?-thu?´se-lah, who lived more than nine hundred years.

6. Were those who lived at that time good people? Nearly all of them were very wicked.

7. What good man lived in those times? E´noch, who walked with God.

8. What was the end of E´noch's life? He did not die, but God took him to himself.

9. What came upon the earth on account of the wickedness of its people? A great flood.

10. What good man with his family was saved from the flood? No´ah who built the Ark.

11. On what mountain did No´ah and his family leave the ark after the flood? On Mount Âr´a-rat.

Lesson III. Abram.

(Tell Stories 4 and 5. It might be well to end the story, for the present, at the foot of page 52, and leave the story of Lot for the next lesson.)

1. What was the name of the first large city built after the great flood? Ba´bel, afterward called Bab´y?-lon.

2. What happened to the people who were building a great tower in this city? They could not understand each other's speech.

3. What did these people of different languages do? They went away to different lands.

4. Who was A´bram? A good man, who prayed to God.

5. To what did all the other people of A´bram's time pray? To gods of wood and stone.

6. What did God tell A´bram to do? To go to a land far away.

7. What was God's promise to A´bram? "I will be with thee and bless thee."

8. To what land did A´bram go, obeying God's word? To the land of Ca´naan.

9. How did A´bram and his family live in the land of Ca´naan? In tents, moving from place to place.

10. What did A´bram build whenever he set up his tent? An altar for prayer to God.

Lesson IV. Abram and Lot.

(Begin at page 53 in Story 5; tell stories 6 and 8, omitting all of Story 7, except to tell that Abram's name was changed to Abraham.)

1. Who was Lot? He was A´bram's nephew, who at first lived with A´bram.

2. Where did Lot live, after he left his uncle A´bram? Near the wicked city of Sod´om.

3. What happened to Lot and his family at Sod´om? They were carried away by enemies in war.

4. How was Lot saved from those enemies and brought back to his home? By A´bram, who drove the enemies away.

5. What new name did God give to A´bram? The name of A´bra-ham.

6. Who came to visit A´bra-ham in his tent? Angels from God.

7. What good news did they bring to A´bra-ham? That he should have a son.

8. What prayer did A´bra-ham make to God? That God would not destroy the wicked city of Sod´om.

9. What did God promise to A´bra-ham? To spare the city, if he should find ten good men in it.

10. How many good men did the angels of God find in Sod´om? Only one, Lot.

11. What came upon Sod´om, and the cities near it after the angels had sent Lot away? A rain of fire.

Lesson V. Isaac and his Sons.

(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12.)

1. What was the name of A´bra-ham's son? I´s?aac.

2. What was done with I´s?aac when he was a boy? He was laid on an altar.

3. For what purpose was I´s?aac laid on the altar? To be given to God.

4. When I´s?aac grew up, who became his wife? Re?-bek´ah.

5. What kind of a man was I´s?aac? He was a good man, who loved peace.

6. Who were the two sons of I´s?aac and Re?-bek´ah? E´sa?u and Ja´cob.

7. To whom did E´sa?u sell his right as the older son? To his brother Ja´cob.

8. For what price did E´sa?u sell his birthright? For a bowl of food.

9. What else did Ja´cob get that was meant for E´sa?u? His father's blessing.

Lesson VI. Jacob.

(Tell Stories 13 and 14.)

1. Who was Ja´cob? The younger son of I´s?aac.

2. What did Ja´cob see in a dream at night, when he was going far from his home? A ladder from earth to heaven with angels on it.

3. Whom did Ja´cob see standing at the top of the ladder? The Lord God.

4. What did God say to Ja´cob at that time? "I am with thee and will keep thee."

5. What promise did Ja´cob make after he saw the heavenly ladder and heard the voice of God? "The Lord shall be my God."

6. What other name was given to Ja´cob many years afterward? The name of Is?´ra-el.

7. What does the name Is?´ra-el mean? The prince of God.

8. How many sons did Ja´cob or Is?´ra-el have? Twelve.

9. What people came from Ja´cob or Is?´ra-el? The children of Is?´ra-el or Is?´ra-el-ites.

10. What are the Is?´ra-el-ites called in the Bible? The people of God.

11. Why are they called "the people of God"? Because they prayed to God, when other people were praying to idols.

Lesson VII. Joseph in Egypt.

(Tell Stories 15 and 16.)

1. Who was Jo´s?eph? One of the younger sous of Ja´cob.

2. How did Ja´cob feel toward Jo´s?eph? He loved Jo´s?eph more than his older sons.

3. How did Jo´s?eph's older brothers feel toward him? They hated him.

4. How did Jo´s?eph's brothers treat Jo´s?eph? They sold him for a slave.

5. To what land was Jo´s?eph taken and sold? To the land of E´gy?pt.

6. How was Jo´s?eph treated as a slave in E´gy?pt? He was put in prison.

7. What is told of Jo´s?eph in the prison? "The Lord was with Jo´s?eph."

8. Who sent for Jo´s?eph in the prison? Pha´raoh, the King of E´gy?pt.

9. What did Jo´s?eph do for Pha´raoh? He told him the meaning of his dreams.

10. What did Jo´s?eph tell Pha´raoh were coming upon the land? Seven years of great plenty.

11. What would come after the seven years of plenty? Seven years of great need.

12. What did King Pha´raoh do, when he heard these things? He made Jo´s?eph ruler over all the land.

Lesson VIII. Joseph and his Brothers.

(Tell Stories 17, 18 and 9.)

1. What did Jo´s?eph do after he became ruler of E´gy?pt, during the seven years of plenty? He saved up all the food.

2. What was done with the food that was saved up by Jo´s?eph? The people of E´gy?pt were fed in the years of need.

3. Where were Ja´cob and his other sons, the brothers of Jo´s?eph, living at this time? In the land of Ca´naan.

4. What did Jo´s?eph's brothers do to get food in the time of need? They went down to E´gy?pt.

5. How did Jo´s?eph treat his brothers when they came to him? He gave them food but did not tell them who he was.

6. When they came the second time what did Jo´s?eph do? He told them who he was, and forgave them.

7. What else did Jo´s?eph do for his father and his brothers? He sent for them all to come down to E´gy?pt.

8. How many were the Is?´ra-el-ites or people of Is?´ra-el, when they came down to E´gy?pt? Seventy people.

9. In what part of E´gy?pt did they live? In the land of Go´shen.

Lesson IX. The Youth of Moses.

(Tell Story 20.)

1. How long did the Is?´ra-el-ites stay in E´gy?pt? More than four hundred years.

2. How did the E´gy?pt-ians? treat the Is?´ra-el-ites while Jo´s?eph lived, and for a time afterward? They were kind to the Is?´ra-el-ites.

3. What became of the Is?´ra-el-ites in E´gy?pt? They grew into a great people.

4. How did the King of E´gy?pt who ruled many years after Jo´s?eph's time treat the Is?´ra-el-ites? He was very cruel to them.

5. How did the King treat the Is?´ra-el-ites cruelly? He made them work very hard.

6. What order did the King give, to keep the Is?´ra-el-ites from growing in number? That all their boy babies should be killed.

7. What did one Is?´ra-el-ite mother do with her little baby-boy? She left him in a little boat on the river.

8. Who found the baby floating in the river? The daughter of Pha´raoh the King.

9. What did the daughter of Pha´raoh do with the baby? She made him her own son.

10. What was the name of this boy? Mo´s?es?.

11. To what land did Mo´s?es? go after he grew up? To the land ot Mid´i-an.

Lesson X. The Israelites Leaving Egypt.

(Tell Stories 21, 22 and 23.)

1. How long was Mo´s?es? in the land of Mid´i-an? Forty years.

2. What was Mo´s?es? at that time? A shepherd.

3. On what mountain did Mo´s?es? see a wonderful sight? On Mount Ho´reb, called also Mount Si´nai.

4. What did Mo´s?es? see on this mountain? A bush on fire, yet not burned up.

5. What spoke to Mo´s?es? from the burning bush? The Lord God of Is?´ra-el.

6. What did God tell Mo´s?es? to do? To bring his people out of E´gy?pt.

7. Who helped Mo´s?es? in this work? His brother AÂr´on.

8. Who would not allow the Is?´ra-el-ites to go out of E´gy?pt? Pha´raoh the King.

9. What came upon Pha´raoh and the E-gy?p´tians? until they were willing to let the Is?´ra-el-ites go? Many plagues.

10. How were the Is?´ra-el-ites at last led out of E´gy?pt? By a pillar of cloud and of fire.

Lesson XI. The Israelites in the Wilderness.

(Tell Stories 24, 25, 26 and 27, but make the account of the Tabernacle very brief.)

1. Through what sea did God lead the Is?´ra-el-ites when they came out of E´gy?pt? Through the Red Sea.

2. Into what land did they go from E´gy?pt? Into the wilderness on the south of Ca´naan.

3. What kind of a land was this wilderness? A land without food or water.

4. What did God give to the people for food while they were in the wilderness? Bread from heaven.

5. How did God give water to the people? From a rock.

6. Where did God speak to the people? From Mount Si´nai.


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