  • Maori, 95
  • Martin, 93
  • Mermaid, 97
  • Midge, 91
  • Minstrel, 93
  • Mohawk, 94
  • Mosquito, 40, 93
  • Moy, 96
  • Myrmidon, 98
  • Nemesis, 93
  • Nereide, 93
  • Ness, 96
  • Nith, 96
  • Nubian, 94
  • Nymphe, 93
  • Oak, 92
  • Opossum, 98
  • Orwell, 98
  • Osprey, 97
  • Ostrich, 97
  • Ouse, 96
  • Owl, 91
  • Panther, 98
  • Paragon, 91
  • Parramatta, 42
  • Peterel, 98
  • Phoenix, 92
  • Pincher, 40, 93
  • Porcupine, 98
  • Porpoise, 91
  • Quail, 98
  • Racehorse, 97
  • Racoon, 40, 93
  • Ranger, 98
  • Rattlesnake, 40, 93
  • Recruit, 97
  • Redpole, 93
  • Renard, 40, 93
  • Ribble, 41, 96
  • Rifleman, 93
  • Roebuck, 97
  • Rother, 96
  • Ruby, 93
  • Sandfly, 92
  • Saracen, 94
  • Savage, 40, 93
  • Scorpion, 40, 93
  • Scourge, 40, 93
  • Seal, 98
  • Shark, 91
  • Sheldrake, 93
  • Sparrowhawk, 91
  • Spiteful, 98
  • Spitfire, 91
  • Sprightly, 81
  • Fearless, 82
  • Flora, 87
  • Foresight, 84
  • Forward, 84
  • Fox, 41, 87
  • Furious, 86
  • Gibraltar, 78
  • Glasgow, 42, 82
  • Gloucester, 40, 82
  • Grafton, 78
  • Hawke, 78
  • Hermes, 85
  • Hermione, 87
  • Highflyer, 85
  • Hyacinth, 42, 85
  • Isis, 87
  • Juno, 87
  • Liverpool, 82
  • Lowestoft, 80
  • Medea, 89
  • Melbourne, 42, 80
  • Melpomene, 88
  • Minerva, 87
  • Newcastle, 41, 82
  • Niobe, 79
  • Nottingham, 80
  • Pandora, 86
  • Pathfinder, 84
  • Patrol, 84
  • Pegasus, 42, 86
  • Pelorus, 86
  • Perseus, 86
  • Philomel, 41, 89
  • Pioneer, 86
  • Prometheus, 86
  • Proserpine, 86
  • Psyche, 41, 86
  • Pyramus, 41, 86
  • Rainbow, 88
  • Royal Arthur, 78
  • Sapphire, 84
  • Sappho, 88
  • Sentinel, 84
  • Sirius, 88
  • Skirmisher, 84
  • Spartiate, 79
  • Southampton, 81
  • Sydney, 42, 80
  • Talbot, 87
  • Terrible, 79
  • Theseus, 78
  • Topaze, 84
  • 22, 30
  • Seymour, Admiral Sir E. H., 134
  • Tapken, Rear-Admiral, 110
  • Tirpitz, Grand-Admiral von, 18, 144
  • Tweedmouth, Lord, 26
  • Warrender, Vice-Admiral Sir George, 43
  • White, Mr. Arnold, 15
  • Wilson, Sir Arthur, 29

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