CHAPTER X.-- The Great Fleets Engaged; Tabular Statement. THE BRITISH NAVY. BRITISH BATTLESHIPS (Dreadnought Type). Name Ton- nage. Speed (kts.) Com'- ment. Com- pleted. Armour. Armament. Queen Elizabeth Class. Barham [9] - 27,500 25 900 1915 Belt: 13 1 ? 2 -in.; P.D., 2 3 ? 4 -in.; Guns 13 1 ? 2 -in.; G.T. 13 1 ? 2 #NAME? 15-in., eight; 6-in., sixteen; 12 pr., twelve; torpedo tubes, five. Malaya [10] „ Queen Elizabeth [11] 1914 Warspite [12] „ Valiant [13] 1915 Agincourt [14] 27,500 22 1,100 1914 Belt: am. 9-in.; P.D., 2 1 ? 2 -in.; turrets 9-in. 12-in., fourteen; 6-in., twenty; 3-in., ten. Iron Duke Class. Benbow - 25,000 22 -5 900 1914 Belt: 12-in.; P.D., 2 3 ? 4 -in.; Guns 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. 13-5-in., ten; 6-in., twelve; 3-in. anti-aerial, two; torpedo tubes, four. Emperor of India „ Marlborough „ Iron Duke „ King George V. Class. Ajax - 23,000 21 900 1913 Belt: 12-in.; P.D. 2 3 ? 4 -in.; Guns 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. 13-5, ten; 4-in., sixteen; 3 pr., four; torpedo tubes, three. Audacious „ Centurion „ King George V. „ Erin [15] 23,000 21 870 1914 Belt: 12-in.; P.D., 3-in. 13-5-in., ten; 6-in., sixteen. Orion Class. Conqueror - 22,500 21 800 1912 Belt: 12-in.; P.D. 2 3 ? 4 -in.; Barbette 10-in. 13-5-in., ten; 4-in., sixteen; 3 pr., four; torpedo tubes, three. Monarch „ Thunderer „ Orion 1911 Colossus Class. Colossus - 20,000 21 780 1911 Belt: am. 10-in.; f. 8-in.; a. 7-in.; P.D. 2 3 ? 4 -in.; Barbette and C.T. 11-in. 12-in., ten; 4-in., sixteen; 3 pr., four; torpedo tubes, three. Hercules „ Neptune 19,900 „ St. Vincent Class. Note to Armour details: am. = amidships, f. = forward, a. = aft, P.D. = protective deck, C.T. = conning-tower. BATTLESHIPS (Pre-Dreadnought Type) Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | Lord Nelson Class. | | | | | | | Agamemnon | | - | 16,500 | 18 | | 865 | 1907 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 12-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., four; 9·2, ten; 3-in., twenty-four; torpedo tubes, five. | Lord Nelson | „ | King Edward VII. Class. | | | | | | | Africa | | - | 16,350 | 18 | | 825 | 1906 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 9-in.; f. 6-in.; a. 2-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., four; 9·2, four; 6-in., ten; 12 pr., fourteen; 3 pr., fourteen; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, four. | Britannia | „ | Commonwealth | 1905 | Dominion | „ | Hibernia | 1906 | Hindustan | 1905 | King Edward VII. | 1904 | Zealandia | 1905 | Swiftsure Class. | | | | | | | Swiftsure | | - | 11,800 | 20 | | 700 | 1904 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 7-in.; f. 3-in.; a. 2-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 10-in.; C.T. 10-in.; Cas. 7-in. | 10-in., four; 7·5, fourteen; 14 pr., fourteen; 12 pr., two; 6 pr., four; Maxims, four; torpedo tubes, two. | Triumph | „ | Formidable Class. | | | | | | | Bulwark | | - | 15,000 | 18 | | 781 | 1902 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 9-in.; f. 6-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 12-in.; C.T. 12-in.; Casemates 6-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., twelve; 12 pr., eighteen; 3 pr., two; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, four. | Formidable | 1901 | Implacable | „ | Irresistible | 1902 | Queen | „ | Prince of Wales | 1904 | London | „ | Venerable | 1902 | Duncan Class. | | | | | | | Albemarle | | - | 14,000 | 19 | | 750 | 1903 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 7-in.; f. 5-in.; a. 11/2-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Barbette 11-in.; C.T. 11-in.; Casemates 6-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., twelve; 12 pr., twelve; 3 pr., six; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, four. | Cornwallis | 1904 | Duncan | 1903 | Exmouth | „ | Russell | „ | Canopus Class. | | | | | | | Albion | | - | 12,950 | 18 | | 700 | 1901 | (Harvey Nic.) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 2-in.; a. 13-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Barbette 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. Casemates 5-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., twelve; 12 pr., twelve; 3 pr., six; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, four. | Canopus | 1899 | Glory | 1900 | Goliath | „ | Ocean | „ | Vengeance | 1902 | Majestic Class. | | | | | | | CÆsar | | - | 14,900 | 17 | | 750 | 1898 | (Harvey) Belt: am. 9-in.; P.D. 4-in.; Barbette 14-in.; C.T. 14-in. Casemates 6-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., twelve, 12 pr., sixteen; 3 pr., four; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, five. | Hannibal | „ | Illustrious | „ | Jupiter | 1897 | Magnificent | 1895 | Majestic | „ | Mars | 1897 | Prince George | 1896 | Victorious | 1897 | | | | | | | | Note to Armour details: am. = amidships, f. = forward, a. = aft, P.D. = protective deck, C.T. = conning-tower. BATTLE CRUISERS. Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | Queen Mary Class. | | | | | | | Queen Mary | | - | 27,000 | 28 | | 1,000 | 1914 | Belt: 9-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Turrets 9-in. | 13·5, eight; 4-in., sixteen; 13·5, eight; 6-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, two. | Tiger | 1913 | Lion Class. | | | | | | | Princess Royal | | - | 26,350 | 28 | 1/2 | 980 | 1912 | Belt: 9-in.; Turrets 9-in.; P.D. 3-in. | 13·5, eight; 4-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, two. | Lion | 1911 | Australia Class. | | | | | | | Australia | | - | 19,200 | 25 | | 780 | 1912 | Belt: 8-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Turrets, 10-in. | 12-in., eight; 4-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, two. | New Zealand | 18,800 | „ | Invincible Class. | | | | | | | Indefatigable | | - | 18,750 | 25 | | 790 | 1911 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 7-in.; f. 6-in.; a. 4-in.; Turrets 7-in.; P.D. 21/2-in. | 12-in., eight; 4-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, two. | Invincible | 1908 | Inflexible | 17,250 | 25 | | 780 | „ | Indomitable | „ | | | | | | | | Note to Armour details: am. = amidships, f. = forward, a. = aft, P.D. = protective deck, C.T. = conning-tower. ARMOURED CRUISERS. Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | Minotaur Class. | | | | | | | Defence | | - | 14,600 | 23 | | 850 | 1908 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 3-in.; P.D. 13/4-in.; Barbette 8-in. | 9·2, four; 7·5, ten; 12 pr., sixteen; torpedo tubes, five (submerged). | Shannon | „ | Minotaur | „ | Duke of Edinburgh Class. | | | | | | | Achilles | | - | 13,550 | 23 | | 704 | 1907 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 3-in.; P.D. 3/4-in.; Barbette 6-in. | 9·2, six; 7·5, four; 3 pr., twenty-four; torpedo tubes, three. | Cochrane | „ | Natal | „ | Warrior | 1906 | Duke of Edinburgh | 1905 | 9·2, six; 6-in., ten; 3 pr., twenty; torpedo tubes, three (submerged). | Black Prince | 1906 | Devonshire Class. | | | | | | | Antrim | | - | 10,850 | 23 | | 655 | 1905 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 2-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette 5-in.; Casemates 5-in. | 7·5, four; 6-in., six; 3-pounders, twenty; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Argyll | „ | Carnarvon | „ | Devonshire | „ | Hampshire | „ | Roxburgh | „ | Monmouth Class. | | | | | | | Berwick | | - | 9,800 | 23 | | 537 | 1903 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 4-in.; f. 2-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette 5-in.; Casemates, 4-in. | 6-in., fourteen; 12 pr., eight; pom-poms, ten; 3 pr., three; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Cornwall | 1904 | Cumberland | „ | Donegal | 1903 | Essex | „ | Kent | „ | Lancaster | 1904 | Monmouth | 1903 | Suffolk | 1904 | Drake Class. | | | | | | | Drake | | - | 14,100 | 24 | | 900 | 1902 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 2-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette 6-in.; Casemates 6-in. | 9·2, two; 6-in., sixteen; 12 pr., twelve; 3 pr., two; machine, six; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Good Hope | „ | King Alfred | 1903 | Leviathan | „ | Cressy Class. | | | | | | | Aboukir | | - | 12,000 | 21 | | 755 | 1902 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 2-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 6-in.; Casemates 5-in. | 9·2, two; 6-in., twelve; 12 pr., twelve; 3 pr., three; machine, four; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Bacchante | „ | Cressy | 1901 | Euryalus | 1904 | Hogue | 1902 | Sutlej | „ | | | | | | | | Note to Armour details: am. = amidships, f. = forward, a. = aft, P.D. = protective deck, C.T. = conning-tower. CRUISERS. Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armament. | Powerful Class. | | | | | | Terrible | 14,200 | 22 | | 840 | 1898 | 9·2, two; 6-in., sixteen; 12 pr., fourteen; 3 pr., twelve; torpedo tubes, four (submerged). | Diadem Class. | | | | | | Amphitrite | | - | 11,000 | 21 | | 680 | 1900 | 6 in., sixteen; 12 pr., twelve; 3 pr., six; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, two. | Andromeda | „ | Argonaut | „ | Ariadne | „ | Diadem | 1899 | Europa | „ | Spartiate | 1902 | Edgar Class. | | | | | | Crescent[16] | | - | 7,350 | 20 | | 550 | 1893 | 9·2, two; 6-in., ten; 6 pr., twelve; 3 pr., five; Max., two; 22 torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Edgar | „ | Endymion | 1894 | Gibraltar | „ | Grafton | „ | Hawke | 1893 | Royal Arthur[17] | „ | St. George | 1894 | Theseus | „ | Challenger Class. | | | | | | Challenger | | - | 5,880 | 21 | | 454 | 1904 | 6-in., eleven; 12 pr., eight; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Encounter (Australian Navy). | 1906 | Highflyer Class. | | | | | | Hermes | | - | 5,600 | 20 | | 456 | 1900 | 6-in., eleven; 12 pr., eight; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Highflyer | „ | Hyacinth | 1901 | Arrogant Class. | | | | | | Furious | | - | 5,750 | 20 | | 430 | 1899 | 6-in., ten; 12 pr., eight; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, three (two submerged). | Vindictive | 1898 | Talbot Class. | | | | | | Diana | | - | 5,600 | 19 | ·5 | 412 | 1898 | 6-in., eleven; 12 pr., nine; 3 pr., seven; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, three. | Dido | „ | Doris | „ | Eclipse | 1897 | Isis | 1898 | Juno | „ | Minerva | 1897 | Talbot | „ | Venus | 1898 | Chatham Class. | | | | | | Birmingham | | - | 5,400 | 25 | | 400 | 1914 | 6-in., eight; 3 pr., four. | Chatham | 1912 | 6-in., eight; nine smaller guns. | Dublin | 1913 | Birmingham, Lowestoft and Nottingham: 6-in., nine. | Lowestoft | 1914 | Nottingham | 1914 | Southampton | 1913 | Bristol Class. | | | | | | Bristol | | - | 4,800 | 27 | | 375 | 1910 | 6-in., two; 4-in., ten; machine, four. | Glasgow | „ | Gloucester | „ | Liverpool | „ | Newcastle | „ | Weymouth Class. | | | | | | Dartmouth | | - | 5,250 | 25 | | 390 | 1911 | 6-in., eight; smaller guns, nine. | Falmouth | „ | Weymouth | „ | Yarmouth | 1912 | Colonial Class. | | | | | | Brisbane[18] | | - | 5,400 | 25 | ·5 | 350 | ? | 6-in., eight; Q.F. and machine, nine. | Melbourne | 1912 | Sydney | „ | Arethusa Class. | | | | | | Royalist | | - | 3,750 | 29 | | 280 | 1914 | 6-in., two; 4-in., six; torpedo tubes, two. | Inconstant | „ | Phaeton | „ | Penelope | „ | Galatea | „ | Undaunted | „ | Arethusa | „ | Aurora | „ | Boadicea Class. | | | | | | Active | | - | 3,440 | 26 | | 320 | 1911 | 4-in., ten; 3 pr., four. | Amphion[19] | 1912 | Bellona[20] | „ | Blanche | „ | Blonde | 1911 | Boadicea[21] | 1909 | Fearless | 1903 | AstrÆa Class. | | | | | | AstrÆa | | - | 4,360 | 19 | ·5 | 312 | 1894 | 6-in., two; 4·7, eight; 6 pr., eight; 3 pr., one; torpedo tubes, four (above water). | Bonaventure | „ | Cambrian | „ | Charybdis | 1895 | Flora | „ | Forte | „ | Fox | „ | Hermione | „ | Apollo Class. | | | | | | Æolus | | - | 3,400 | 20 | | 275 | 1893 | 6-in., two; 4·7, six; 6 pr., eight; 3 pr., one; machine, four; torpedo tubes, four (above water). | Brilliant | „ | Melpomene | 1892 | Latona | 1893 | Sappho | „ | Scylla | 1892 | Sirius | „ | Terpsichore | „ | Sentinel Class. | | | | | | Adventure | | - | 2,700 | 25 | | 268 | 1905 | 4-in., nine; smaller guns, six; torpedo tubes, two. | Attentive | „ | Foresight | „ | Forward | „ | Pathfinder | „ | Patrol | „ | Sentinel | „ | Skirmisher | „ | Topaze Class. | | | | | | Amethyst | | - | 3,000 | 23 | | 300 | 1905 | 4-in., twelve; 3 pr., eight; Maxims, two; torpedo tubes, two. | Diamond | „ | Sapphire | „ | Topaze | „ | | | | | | | | TORPEDO-BOAT DESTROYERS. “M” Class (1913-14) (Displacement, 1,200-1,350 tons; H.P., 27,000; 34 knots; armament, four 4-in.; four 21-in. torpedo tubes):—Manly, Mansfield, Marksman, Mastiff, Matchless, Menace, Mentor, Meteor, Milne, Minos, Miranda, Monitor, Moorsom, Morris, Murray, Myngs. “L” Class (1912-13) (Displacement, 965 tons; H.P., 25,000; 29 knots; armament, three 4-in.; four 21-in. torpedo tubes):—Laertes, Laforey, Lance, Landrail, Lark, Laurel, Laverock, Lawford, Legion, Lennox, Leonidas, Liberty, Linnet, Llewellyn, Lookout, Louis, Loyal, Lucifer, Lydiard, Lysander. “K” Class (1912-13) (Displacement, 935 tons; H.P., 24,500; 30-32 knots; armament, three 4-in.; two 21-in. torpedo tubes):—Acasta, Achates, Ambuscade, Ardent, Christopher, Cockatrice, Contest, Fortune, Garland, Hardy, Lynx, Midge, Owl, Paragon, Porpoise, Shark, Sparrowhawk, Spitfire, Unity, Victor. “I” Class (1911) (Displacement, 750-850 tons; H.P., 16,500-20,000; 30-35 knots; armament, two 4-in.; two 12 pdrs.; two 21-in. torpedo tubes):—Acheron, Archer, Ariel, Attack, Badger, Beaver, Defender, Druid, Ferret, Firedrake, Forester, Goshawk, Hind, Hornet, Hydra, Jackal, Lapwing, Lizard, Lurcher, Oak, Phoenix, Sandfly, Tigress. “H” Class (1910) (Displacement, 780 tons; H.P., 13,500; 27-29 knots; armament, two 4-in.; two 12 pdrs.; two 21-in. torpedo tubes):—Acorn, Alarm, Brisk, Cameleon, Comet, Fury, Goldfinch, Hope, Larne, Lyra, Martin, Minstrel, Nemesis, Nereide, Nymphe, Redpole, Rifleman, Ruby, Sheldrake, Staunch. “G” Class (1909) (Displacement, 900-1,000 tons; H.P., 2,100; 27 knots; armament, one 4-in.; two 21-in. torpedo tubes):—Basilisk, Beagle, Bulldog, Foxhound, Grasshopper, Harpy, Mosquito, Grampus, Pincher, Racoon, Rattlesnake, Renard, Savage, Scorpion, Scourge, Wolverine. “F” Class (1907-09) (Displacement, 865-1,090 tons; H.P., 14,000-15,500; 33-35 knots; armament, five 12 pdrs. (or two 4-in.); two 18-in. torpedo tubes):—Afridi, Amazon, Cossack, Crusader, Ghurka, Maori, Mohawk, Nubian, Saracen, Tartar, Viking, Zulu. “E” Class (1903-08) (Displacement, 530-560 tons; H.P., 7,500; 25 knots; armament, four 12 pdrs.; two 18-in. torpedo tubes):—Arun, Boyne, Chelmer, Cherwell, Colne, Dee, Derwent, Doon, Eden, Erne, Ettrick, Exe, Foyle, Garry, Itchen, Jed, Kale, Kennet, Liffey, Moy, Ness, Nith, Ouse, Ribble, Rother, Stour, Swale, Test, Teviot, Ure, Usk, Waveney, Wear, Welland. “D” Class (1895-01) (Displacement, 300-400 tons; H.P., 6,000; 30 knots; armament, one 12 pdr.; five 6 pdrs.; two 18-in. torpedo tubes):—Angler, Coquette, Cygnet, Cynthia, Desperate, Fame, Mallard, Stag. “C” Class (1895-01) (Displacement, 300-400 tons; H.P., 6,000; 30 knots; armament, one 12 pdr.; five 6 pdrs.; two 18-in. torpedo tubes):—Albatross, Avon, Bat, Bittern, Brazen, Bullfinch, Cheerful, Crane, Dove, Electra, Fairy, Falcon, Fawn, Flirt, Flying Fish, Gipsy, Greyhound, Kestrel, Leopard, Leven, Osprey, Ostrich, Mermaid, Racehorse, Recruit, Roebuck, Star, Sylvia, Thorn, Velox, Vigilant, Violet, Vixen, Vulture. “B” Class (1895-01) (Displacement, 300-400 tons; H.P., 6,000; 30 knots; armament, one 12 pdr.; five 6 pdrs.; two 18-in. torpedo tubes):—Albacore, Arab, Bonetta, Earnest, Express, Griffon, Kangaroo, Lively, Locust, Myrmidon, Orwell, Panther, Peterel, Quail, Seal, Spiteful, Sprightly, Success, Syren, Thrasher, Wolf. “A” Class (1894-95) (Displacement, 275-350 tons; H.P., 4,500; 27 knots; armament, one 12 pdr.; five 6 pdrs.; two 18-in. torpedo tubes):—Conflict, Fervent, Lightning, Opossum, Porcupine, Ranger, Sunfish, Surly, Zephyr. TORPEDO BOATS. Nos. 1-12 (1906-07) Displacement, 247-263 tons; H.P., 3,750; 27-281/2 knots; two 12 pdrs.; three 18-in. torpedo tubes. Nos. 13-36 (1907-08) Displacement, 260-308 tons; H.P., 4,000; 26-27 knots; two 12 pdrs.; three 18-in. torpedo tubes. Nos. 98, 99, 107-117 (1901-03) Displacement, 178-205 tons; H.P., 2,850-2,900; 25-26 knots; three 3 pdrs.; three torpedo tubes. Nos. 88-97 (1893-95) Displacement, 112-172 tons; H.P., 1,500-2,500; 23-241/2 knots; three 3 pdrs.; three torpedo tubes. SUBMARINES. Class | No. in Class | Date of Building | Speed in Knots | Dis- place- ment | Horse Power | Tubes | Guns | A | 9 | 1904-06 | Submerged | 9-12 | surface | 200 | Tons | 150-500 | 2 | | B | 10 | 1904-06 | „ | 9-13 | „ | 314 | „ | 189-600 | 2 | C | 37 | 1906-09 | „ | 10-14 | „ | 320 | „ | 300-600 | 2 | D | 8 | 1910-11 | „ | 10-16 | „ | 580 | „ | 550-1,200 | 3 | E | 16 | 1911-13 | „ | 10-16 | „ | 800 | „ | 1,950 | 4 | Two 3-in. | F | 6 | 1913-14 | „ | 12-20 | „ | 1,000 | „ | 5,000 | 6 | Two 3-in. |
THE GERMAN NAVY. BATTLESHIPS (Dreadnought Type). Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com- ple- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | Ersatz WÖrth[22] | | - | 29,000 | 23 | | —— | 1916 | | 15-in., eight; 5·9-in., sixteen. | “T”[23] | | | | | | | | Markgraf | | - | 25,600 | 21 | | 1,130 | 1914 | Belt: 133/4-in. | 12-in., ten; 5·9-in., fourteen; 3·4-in., ten; torpedo tubes, five. | Grosser KurfÜrst | „ | KÖnig | „ | Kronprinz[24] | 1915 | | | | | | | | KÖnig Albert | | - | 24,312 | 21 | | 1,080 | 1913 | Belt: 133/4-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Turrets, 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., ten; 5·9-in., fourteen; 3·4-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, five. | Kaiserin | „ | F. der Grosse | 1912 | Kaiser | „ | P. Regent Luitpold | 1913 | | | | | | | | Helgoland | | - | 22,435 | 20 | ·5 | 1,106 | 1911 | Belt: 113/4-in. P.D. 3-in.; Turrets,11-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., twelve; 5·9-in., fourteen; 3·4-in., fourteen; torpedo tubes, six. | Oldenburg | 1912 | Ostfriesland | 1911 | ThÜringen | „ | | | | | | | | Nassau | | - | 18,600 | 19 | | 966 | 1909 | (Krupp) Belt: am., 11-in.; f. 6-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 4-in.; Barbette, 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 11-in., twelve; 5·9-in., twelve; 3·4-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, six. | Posen | 1910 | Rheinland | „ | Westfalen | 1909 | | | | | | | | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = Protective decks; C.T. = conning tower. BATTLESHIPS (pre-Dreadnought Type). Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com- ple- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | Deutschland | | - | 13,000 | 18 | | 743 | 1906 | (Krupp) Belt: a.m. 93/4-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette, 11-in.; casemates 61/2-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 11-in., four; 6·7-in., fourteen; 3·4-in., twenty; torpedo tubes, six. | Hannover | 1907 | Pommern | „ | Schlesien | 1908 | Schleswig-Holstein | „ | | | | | | | | Braunschweig | | - | 13,000 | 18 | | 743 | 1904 | (Krupp) Belt: a.m. 9-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette, 11-in.; casemates 6-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 11-in., four; 6·7-in., fourteen; 3·4-in., eighteen; torpedo tubes, six. | Elsass | „ | Lothringen | 1906 | Hessen | 1905 | Preussen | „ | | | | | | | | Mecklenburg | | - | 11,650 | 18 | | 683 | 1903 | (Krupp) Belt: a.m. 9-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 5-in.; Barbette 10-in.; casemates 6-in.; C.T. 10-in. | 9·4-in., four; 6-in., eighteen; 15-pdr., twelve; torpedo tubes, six. | Wettin | 1902 | Wittelsbach | „ | Schwaben | 1903 | ZÄhringen | 1902 | | | | | | | | K. Barbarossa | | - | 10,600 | 18 | | 622 | 1901 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 12-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette, 10-in; casemates, 6-in.; C.T. 10-in. | 9·4-in., four; 5·9-in., fourteen; 3·4-in., fourteen; torpedo tubes, five. | K. Friedrich III. | 1898 | K. Karl der Grosse | 1901 | K. Wilhelm II. | 1900 | K. Wilhelm der Grosse | 1901 | | | | | | | | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = Protective decks; C.T. = conning tower. BATTLE-CRUISERS. Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com- ple- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | E. Hertha[25] | | - | 28,000 | 27 | | | | | 12-in., eight; 5·9-in., twelve. | E. Victoria Louise[26] | | | | | | | | Derfflinger | | - | 26,200 | 26 | 1/2 | 1,125 | 1914 | Belt, 12-in. | 12-in., eight; 5·9-in., twelve; 3·4-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, four. | LÜtzow[27] | 1915 | | | | | | | | | Seydlitz | 24,600 | 27 | | 1,108 | 1913 | Belt, 12-in.; P.D., 21/2-in. | 11-in., ten; 5·9-in., twelve; 3·4-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, four. | | | | | | | | Goeben | | - | 22,640 | 28 | | 1,013 | 1912 | Belt, 11-in., P.D., 21/2-in. | 11-in., ten; 5·9-in., twelve; 3·4-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, four. | Moltke | 1911 | | | | | | | | Von der Tann | 19,100 | 28 | | 850 | 1910 | Belt: 10-in.; P.D., 21/2-in. | 11-in., eight; 5·9-in., ten; 3·4-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, four. | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = Protective decks; C.T. = conning tower. ARMOURED CRUISERS. Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com- ple- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | BlÜcher | 15,550 | 25 | 1/2 | 888 | 1909 | (Krupp); am. 7-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 21/2-in. | 8·2-in., twelve; 5·9-in., eight; 3·4-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, four. | | | | | | | | Gneisenau | | - | 11,500 | 22 | 1/2 | 764 | 1908 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 3-in.; a. 5-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette, 6-in.; Battery, 4-in.; C.T., 8-in. | 8·2-in., eight; 5·9-in., six; small guns, eighteen; torpedo tubes, four (submerged.) | Scharnhorst | 1907 | | | | | | | | FÜrst Bismarck | 10,570 | 19 | | 594 | 1900 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 8-in.; f. 4-in.; a., 4-in.; P.D., 2-in.; Battery, 8-in.; casemates, 4-in.; C.T., 8-in. | 9·4-in., four; 5·9-in., twelve; 3·4-in., ten; torpedo tubes, six. | | | | | | | | Roon | | - | 9,350 | 21 | | 633 | 1905 | (Krupp) Belt: am., 4-in.; f., 3-in.; a., 3-in; P.D., 23/4-in.; Barbette, 6-in.; Battery, 4-in.; C.T., 6-in. | 8·2-in., four; 6-in., ten; 3·4-in., fourteen; torpedo tubes, four. | Yorck | 1905 | | | | | | | | Prinz Adalbert | | - | 8,851 | 21 | | 591 | 1903 | (Krupp) Belt: am., 4-in.; f., 3-in.; a., 3-in.; P.D., 2-in.; Trt., 6-in.; Battery, 4-in.; G.T., 9-in. | 8·2-in., four; 6-in., ten; torpedo tubes, four. | Friedrich Karl | 1903 | | | | | | | | Prinz Heinrich | 8,760 | 20 | | 567 | 1902 | (Krupp) Belt: a.m., 4-in.; f., 2-in.; a., 2-in.; P.D., 2-in.; Trt., 6-in.; Battery, 4-in.; C.T., 6-in. | 9·4-in., two; 6-in., ten; 3·4-in., ten; torpedo tubes, four. |
Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = protective deck; C.T. = conning tower. CRUISERS. Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com- ple- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armament. | Kaiserin Augusta | 6,000 | 21 | 1/2 | 439 | 1894 | 6-in., twelve; 3·4-in., eight; torpedo tubes, three. | | | | | | | Freya | | - | 5,600 | 19 | | 450 | 1898 | 8·2, two; 6-in., six; 3·4, fourteen; torpedo tubes, three (submerged). | Hansa | 1899 | Hertha | 1898 | Victoria Luise | „ | Vineta | 1899 | | | | | | | E. Gefion[28] | | - | 5,500 | 28 | | — | — | 5·9-in., ten. | E. Hela[29] | | | | | | | Rostock | | - | 4,870 | 28 | | 373 | 1913 | 4-in., twelve; machine, two; torpedo tubes, two. | Karlsruhe | „ | Graudenz | 1914 | Regensburg | „ | | | | | | | Breslau | | - | 4,520 | 27 | 1/2 | 370 | 1912 | 4-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, two. | Magdeburg | „ | Strassburg | „ | Stralsund | „ | | | | | | | Augsburg | | - | 4,281 | 26 | | 379 | 1910 | 4-in., twelve; torpedo tubes, two. | KÖln | 1911 | Kolberg | 1910 | Mainz | 1909 | | | | | | | Dresden | | - | 3,620 | 24 | 1/2 | 361 | 1907 | 4-in., ten; torpedo tubes, two. | Emden | 1908 | | | | | | | Koenigsburg | | - | 3,420 | 23 | 1/2 | 322 | 1907 | 4·1, ten; torpedo tubes, two. | Nurnburg | 1908 | Stettin | „ | Stuttgart | „ | | | | | | | Bremen | | - | 3,200 | 22 | 1/2 | 300 | 1904 | 4·1, ten; torpedo tubes, two. | Berlin | „ | Danzig | 1906 | Hamburg | 1904 | Leipzig | „ | LÜbeck | 1905 | MÜnchen | „ | | | | | | | Arcona | | - | 2,660 | 22 | | 281 | 1903 | 4·1, ten; torpedo tubes, two. | Frauenlob | „ | Undine | 1903 | | | | | | | Amazone | | - | 2,630 | 21 | | 275 | 1901 | 4·1, ten; torpedo tubes, two. | Ariadne | „ | Gazelle | 1898 | Medusa | 1901 | Niobe | 1899 | Nymphe | 1901 | Thetis | „ | | | | | | | Gefion | 3,750 | 19 | | 300 | 1894 | 4·1, ten. | | | | | | | Hela | 2,000 | 19 | 1/2 | 191 | 1896 | 3·4-in., four; smaller guns, six; torpedo tubes, two. | TORPEDO-BOAT DESTROYERS. 12 Boats, S 31-36, V 25-30 (1913-14), displacement, 570 tons; speed, 321/2 knots; armament: two 3·4-in., four machine guns, five torpedo tubes. Complement, 75. 12 Boats, S 13-24 (1912-13), displacement, 555 tons; speed, 321/2 knots; armament; two 3·4-in., two machine guns, four torpedo tubes. Complement, 73. 12 Boats, V 1-6, G 7-12 (1911-12), displacement, 560 tons; speed, 321/2 knots; armament: two 3·4-in., two machine guns, four torpedo tubes. Complement, 73. 12 Boats, G 192-197, V 186-191 (1910-11), displacement, 640 tons; speed, 32 knots; armament: two 3·4-in., two machine guns, four torpedo tubes. Complement, 83. 12 Boats, V 180-185, S 176-179, G 174-175 (1909-10), displacement, 635 tons; speed, 32 knots; armament, two 3·4-in.; two machine guns, four torpedo tubes. Complement, 83. 11 Boats, G 169-170, G 172-173, S 165-168, V 162-164 (1908-09), displacement, 610 tons; speed, 30 knots; armament, two 3·4-in., two machine, three torpedo tubes. Complement, 83. 12 Boats, V 150-161 (1907-08), displacement, 545 tons; speed, 30 knots; armament, two 3·4-in., two machine guns, three torpedo tubes. Complement, 83. 12 Boats, S 138-149 (1906-07), displacement, 515 tons; speed, 30 knots; armament: one 3·4-in., five smaller guns, three torpedo tubes. Complement, 80. 1 Boat, G 137 (1906), displacement, 565 tons; speed, 33 knots; armament: one 3·4-in., five smaller guns, three torpedo tubes. Complement, 80. 47 Boats, G 132-136 (1905-06), S 126-151 (1904-05), S 120-125 (1903-04), S 114-119 (1902-03), G 108-113 (1901-02), S 102-107 (1900-01), S 90-101 (1898-1900), displacement, 390-475 tons; speed, 26-27 knots; armament: three 3-pdrs., two machine, three torpedo tubes. Complement, 60. 8 Boats, D 3-10 (1887-98), displacement, 290-345 tons; speed, 22-28 knots; armament: three (or five) 3-pdrs., three torpedo tubes. Complement, 50-60. 1 Boat “Taku” (1898), displacement, 270 tons; speed, 30 knots; armament, two 3-pdrs.; two torpedo tubes. Complement, 49.
SUBMARINES. 2 Boats, U 1 and U 2 (1906-08), displacement, 197-236 tons; speeds, 8-10 knots; armament, two torpedo tubes. 6 Boats, U 3-U 8 (1908-11), displacement, 240-300 tons; speeds, 8-12 knots; armament, two torpedo tubes. 12 Boats, U 9-U 20 (1910-12), displacement, 450 tons; speeds, 9-15 knots; armament, three torpedo tubes. 16 Boats, U 21-U 36 (1912-14), displacement, 800 tons; speeds, 18-12 knots; armament: two guns, four (or five) torpedo tubes. MINELAYERS. “Nautilus” (1906), displacement, 1,900 tons; speed, 20 knots; armament, eight 3·4-in., 400 naval mines. “Albatross” (1907), displacement, 2,120 tons; speed, 20 knots; armament: eight 3·4-in., 400 naval mines. “Pelikan” (1890), displacement, 2,300 tons; speed, 15 knots; armament: four 3·4-in., 300 naval mines.
THE FRENCH NAVY BATTLESHIPS. Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | Courbet | | - | 23,100 | 20 | | 1,000 | 1913 | Belt: am. 101/2-in.; f. 7-in.; a. 7-in.; P.D. 31/2-in. | 12-in., twelve; 5·5-in., twenty-two; eight smaller; torpedo tubes, three. | Jean Bart | „ | France | 1914 | Paris | „ | | | | | | | | Condorcet | | - | 18,400 | 19 | | 680 | 1911 | Belt: am. 10-in.; f. 6-in.; a. 6-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 12-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., four; 9·4-in., twelve; 3-in., sixteen; torpedo tubes, two. | Danton | „ | Diderot | „ | Mirabeau | „ | Vergiaud | „ | Voltaire | „ | | | | | | | | DÉmocratie | | - | 14,870 | 18 | | 800 | 1907 | Belt: 11-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Turret 12-in. | 12-in., four; 7·6, ten; 4-in., eight; smaller, twenty-six; torpedo tubes, five (two submerged). | Justice | „ | VÉritÉ | 1908 | | | | | | | | Patrie | | - | 14,865 | 18 | | 800 | 1906 | Belt: 11-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Turret 121/2-in. | 12-in., four; 6·4, eighteen; smaller, twenty-five; torpedo tubes, five (two submerged). | RÉpublique | „ | | | | | | | | Suffren | 12,730 | 18 | | 750 | 1903 | Belt: 12-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Turret 12-in. | 12-in., four; 6·4, ten; 4-in., eight; smaller, twenty-four; torpedo tubes, four (two submerged). | | | | | | | | Charlemagne | | - | 11,000 | 18 | | 650 | 1899 | (H.) Belt: am. 123/4-in.; f. 10-in.; a. 10-in. P.D. 23/4-in.; Barbette 153/4-in. | 12-in., four; 5·5, ten; 4-in., eight; smaller, 26; torpedo tubes four (submerged). | Gaulois | „ | St. Louis | 1900 | | | | | | | | Bouvet | 12,000 | 17 | 1/2 | 650 | 1898 | (H.) Belt: am. 153/4-in.; f. 12-in.; a. 10-in. P.D. 31/2-in. | 12-in., two; 10·8, two; 5·5, eight; 4-in., eight; smaller, thirty; torpedo tubes, four. | | | | | | | | MassÉna | 11,700 | 18 | | 620 | | (H.) Belt: am. 173/4-in.; f. 10-in.; P.D. 31/2-in. | 12-in., two; 10·8, two; 5·5, eight; 4-in., eight; torpedo tubes, four. | | | | | | | | Charles Martel | 11,880 | 18 | | 650 | 1896 | (C.) Belt: am. 173/4-in.; f. 131/2-in.; a. 11-in.; P.D. 23/4-in. | 12-in., two; 10·8, two; 5·5, eight; torpedo tubes, six. | | | | | | | | Carnot | 12,000 | 18 | | 650 | 1896 | (C.) Belt: am. 173/4-in.; f. 10-in.; a. 10-in.; P.D. 23/4-in. | 12-in., two; 10·8, two; 5·5, eight; smaller, twenty-two; torpedo tubes, four. | | | | | | | | JaurÉguiberry | 11,650 | 18 | | 600 | 1896 | (C.) Belt: am. 173/4-in.; f. 9-in.; a. 9-in., P.D. 23/4-in. | 12-in., two; 10·8, two; 5·5, eight; smaller, twenty; torpedo tubes, six. | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = protective deck; C.T. = conning tower. ARMOURED CRUISERS. Name | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | LÉon Gambetta | | - | 12,350 | 22 | | 750 | 1904 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 63/4-in.; t. 3-in.; a. 3-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Barbette 6-in.; casemates 4-in.; C.T. 8-in. | 7·6, four; 6·4, sixteen; smaller twenty-four; torpedo tubes, five (two submerged). | Jules Ferry | 1906 | Victor Hugo | „ | | | | | | | | Amiral Aube | | - | 10,000 | 21 | | 600 | 1904 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 63/4-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Turret, 8-in.; cas. 4-in.; C.T. 9-in. | 7·6, two; 6·4, eight; 4-in., six; smaller, twenty; torpedo tubes, five. | Conde | „ | Gloire | 1902 | Marseillaise | 1903 | | | | | | | | Dupetit Thouars | | - | 9,519 | 21 | | 580 | 1903 | (H. N.) Belt: am. 63/4-in.; f. 4-in.; a. 4-in.; C.T. 4-in. | 7·6, ten; 6·4, eight; 4-in., four; smaller, 22. | Amiral Gueydon | 1902 | Montcalm | „ | | | | | | | | Jeanne d’Arc | 11,270 | 22 | | 620 | 1903 | (H.) Belt: am. 6-in.; f. 5-in.; a. 3-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Turret 71/2-in.; cas. 5-in.; C.T. 6-in. | 7·6, two; 5·5, fourteen; smaller, twenty; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | | | | | | | | Desaix | | - | 7,700 | 21 | | 500 | 1904 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 4-in.; f. 3-in.; a. 3-in.; P.D. 23/4-in.; Turret 4-in.; C.T. 6-in. | 6·4, eight; 4-in., four; smaller, sixteen; torpedo tubes, two (above water). | Dupleix | 1903 | KlÉber | 1904 | | | | | | | | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = protective deck; C.T. = conning tower. Protected Cruisers: D’Entrecasteaux (completed 1898), 7,990 tons, 191/2 knots, armament: 2-9·4 in., 12-5·5 in., 16 smaller, 6 torpedo tubes. Guichen (1902), 8,150 tons, 23 knots, 2-6·4 in., 6-5·5 in., 15 smaller, 2 torpedo tubes. Jurien de la GraviÈre (1901), 5,590 tons, 22 knots, 8-6·4 in., 10 smaller, 2 torpedo tubes. D’EstrÉes (1900) 2,421 tons, 201/2 knots, 2-5·5 in., 4-3·9 in., 3 torpedo tubes. Du-Chayla (1897) 3,890 tons, 20 knots, 6-6·4 in., 4-3·9 in., 2 torpedo tubes. Lavoisier (1899), 2,285 tons, 20 knots, 4-5·5, 2-3·9 in., 2 torpedo tubes. Friant (1894), 3,882 tons, 19 knots, 6-6·4 in., 4-3·9 in., 2 torpedo tubes. Also: Alger, Surcouf, Cosmao, very old ships, of small fighting value. Destroyers: 80 boats (1901-1914), 310-710 tons, 25-31 knots, armed with 9 pdrs. or 3·4-in., guns 2-4 torpedo tubes. Torpedo-Boats: 90-100 boats (1890-1909), 90-185 tons, 24-30 knots, armed with small quick-firers and 2-3 torpedo tubes. Submarines: 75 boats (1903-14), 106-740 tons, 12-18 knots (surface), armed with 4-8 torpedo tubes.
THE RUSSIAN NAVY BATTLESHIPS—PRE-DREADNOUGHTS Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | A. Pervosvanni | | - | 17,400 | 18 | | 900 | 1911 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 81/2-in.; f. 5, a. 4-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 12, Bty 5, C.T. 8-in. | 12-in., four; 8-in., twelve; 4·7, twenty; torpedo tubes, five. | Imperator Pavel I | „ | | | | | | | | Slava | 13,500 | 18 | | 700 | 1905 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 9-in.; f. 4, a. 4, P.D. 4-in.; Barbette 10, T. 6, C.T. 10-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., twelve; smaller, twenty-five; torpedo tubes, four (two submerged). | | | | | | | | Cesarevitch | 12,912 | 18 | | 750 | 1903 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 10, f. 4, a. 4, P.D. 4-in.; Barbette 11-in.; Turret 6-in.; C.T. 10-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., twelve; 12-pr., twenty; smaller, thirty; torpedo tubes, three (two submerged). | | | | | | | | [30]Panteleimon | | - | 12,733 | 16 | | 700 | 1911 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 9, f. 2, a. 2, P.D. 21/2-in.; Barbette 12-in., Battery 5-in., C.T. 10-in. | 12-in., four; 6-in., sixteen; 12-pr., fourteen; smaller, sixteen; torpedo tubes, five (two submerged). | [31]Ivan Zlatoust | 1910 | | | | | | | | [32]Evstafi | 12,500 | 17 | | 700 | 1911 | (H.) Belt: am. 16-in.; P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 16-in.; Battery 5-in.; C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., four; 8-in., four; 6-in., twelve; smaller, twenty-two. | | | | | | | | [33]Rostislav | 9,000 | 16 | ·5 | 600 | „ | (H.) Belt: 15, P.D. 3-in.; Barbette 15-in.; Battery 6, C.T. 10-in. | 10-in., four; 6-in., eight; smaller, thirty; torpedo tubes, four (above water). | | | | | | | | [34]G. Pobiedonosetz | 11,200 | 16 | | 550 | 1895 | (C.) Belt: am. 18-in.; f. 10-in.; a. 10-in.; Barbette 12-in.; C.T. 16-in. | 12-in., six; 6-in., seven; smaller, twenty; torpedo tubes, six (under water). | [Four Dreadnoughts were nearly complete when war opened.] | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = protective deck; C.T. = conning tower. ARMOURED CRUISERS. Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com’- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | Rurik | 15,000 | 22 | | 800 | 1907 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 6, f. 4, a. 3, P.D. 11/2-in.; Barbette 8-in., Battery 3, C.T. 8-in. | 10-in., four; 8·8, eight; 4·7, twenty; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | | | | | | | | Admiral Makaroff | | - | 7,900 | 21 | | 570 | 1908 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 8-in., f. 4; a. 3; 8-in., f. 4; a. 3; P.D. 2-in.; Barbette 7, Battery 31/2, C.T. 61/2. | 8-in., two; 6-in., eight; smaller, twenty; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Pallada | 1910 | Bayan | „ | | | | | | | | Gromoboi | 12,400 | 20 | | 800 | 1900 | (H.) Belt 6-in.; P.D. 2-in.; Casemates 6-in.; C.T. 10-in. | 8-in., four; 6-in., sixteen; 12-pr., twenty; smaller, twenty-four; torpedo tubes, two. | | | | | | | | Rossia | 12,130 | 20 | | 750 | 1898 | Belt: am. 10-in.; f. 5, a. 4, P.D. 21/2-in.; Bulkheads 6, Casemates 2, C.T. 8-in. | 8-in., four; 6-in., sixteen; 12-pr., twelve; smaller, thirty-six; torpedo tubes, six (above water). | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = protective deck; C.T. = conning tower. Protected Cruisers: Askold (completed 1901), 5,905 tons, 23 knots, armament: 12-6 in., 26 smaller guns, 6 torpedo tubes. Diana and Aurora (1902), 6,700 tons, 20 knots, armament: 8-6 in., 30 smaller guns, 4 torpedo tubes. Oleg, Kagul[35], Pamyat Merkurya,[36] (1904-05), 6,645 tons, 24 knots, 12-6 in., 26 smaller guns, 2 torpedo tubes. Zemtchug (1903), 3,106 tons, 23 knots, 8-4·7 in., 12 smaller guns, 2 torpedo tubes. Almaz,[37] (1903) 3,285 tons, 19 knots, 3-4·7 in., 14 smaller, 2 torpedo tubes. Destroyers: There are 140 destroyers (1895-1913), 220-1050 tons, 25-27 knots, armed with 12-pdr. or 4-in. guns and 3-5 torpedo tubes. Of this total, 31 boats are in the Black Sea or Far East. Torpedo-Boats: 29 boats (1897-1902), 118-186 tons, 24-30 knots; armed with small quick-firers and 1-3 torpedo tubes. Submarines: 14 boats (1904-10) 150-370 tons, 9-16 knots (surface), 2-4 torpedo tubes.
THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN NAVY. BATTLESHIPS. Name. | Ton- nage. | Speed (kts.) | Com- ple- ment. | Com- pleted. | Armour. | Armament. | | | | | | | | Prinz Eugen | | - | 20,000 | 22 | | 950 | 1912 | Belt: am. 11-in.; f. 7-in.; a. 6-in.; gun positions and C.T. 12-in. | 12-in., twelve; 5·9, twelve; smaller, 22. | Tegetthoff | 1914 | Viribus Unitis | 1913 | | | | | | | | Erz. Ferdinand | | - | 14,500 | 20 | ·5 | 816 | 1910 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 9-in.; f. 6-in.; a. 4-in.; gun positions and C.T. 10-in. | 12-in., four; 9·4 eight; 3·9, twenty; 3 torpedo tubes (submerged). | Radetzki | 1911 | Zrinyi | „ | | | | | | | | Erzherzog Friedrich | | - | 10,500 | 20 | | 875 | 1906 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 81/2-in.; P.D. 21/2-in.; Barbette 91/2-in.; Baty. 6-in.; C.T. 81/2-in. | 9·4, four; 7·6, 3-in., fourteen, twelve; smaller, 28; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Erz. Karl | „ | Erz. Ferdinand Max | 1907 | | | | | | | | Habsburg | | - | 8,300 | 19 | | 630 | 1903 | (Krupp) Belt: am. 83/4-in.; f. 2-in.; a. 2-in.; Barbette, 8-in.; cas. 6, C.T. 8-in. | 9·4, three; 6-in., twelve; smaller, 28; torpedo tubes, two (submerged). | Arpad | 1904 | Badenberg | 1903 | | | | | | | | Note to Armour.—am. = amidships; f. = forward; a. = aft; P.D. = protective deck; C.T. = conning tower. Cruisers: Sankt Georg (1906), 7,180 tons, 21 knots, armour belt 61/2-in., armament: 2-9·4 in., 5-7·6 in., 4-6 in., 17 smaller, 2 torpedo tubes. Kaiser Karl VI. (1900), 6,150 tons, 20 knots, armour belt 81/2 in., armament: 2-9·4 in., 8-6 in., 28 smaller, 2 torpedo tubes. Kaiserin Maria Theresa (1895), 5,185 tons, 19 knots, armour belt 4-in., armament: 2-7·6 in., 8-6 in., 20 smaller, 4 torpedo tubes. Admiral Spaun, Saida, Helgoland, Novara (1910-14), 3,500 tons, 27 knots, 9-4 in. (Spaun, 7-4 in.), 2 torpedo tubes, Aspern, Zenta, Szigetvar (1899-1901) 2,300 tons, 20 knots, 8-4·7 in., 12 smaller, two torpedo tubes, Kaiser Franz Josef, Kaiserin Elisabeth (1890-91) 3,966 tons, 19 knots, 8-6 in., 20 smaller, 4 torpedo tubes. Panther, Leopard, Tiger (1887-89), 1,600 tons, 181/2 knots, 4-4·7 in. Destroyers: 18 boats (1905-1913), 390-800 tons, 28-32 knots, armed with 12 pdr. or 4-in. guns, 2 torpedo tubes. Torpedo-Boats: 54 boats (1906-1914), 110-250 tons, 26-281/2 knots, armed with small guns and 2 torpedo tubes. Submarines: 6 boats (1909-1910), 270 tons, 12 knots (surface), 2-3 torpedo tubes.
JAPANESE NAVY Dreadnoughts: Kawachi, Settsu (completed 1912), 20,800 tons, 201/2 knots, 12-in. belt, armament: 12-12 in., 10-6 in., 8-4·7 in., 12 smaller, 5 torpedo tubes. Complement, 960. Satsuma, Aki (1910-11), 19,500 tons, 20 knots, 9-in. belt, armament: 4-12 in., 12-10 in., 8-6 in. (Satsuma has 12-4·7 in. instead), 5 torpedo tubes. Complement, 900. Battle Cruisers: Kongo, Hiyei (1913-14), 27,500 tons, 27 knots, belt 10 in., armament: 8-14 in., 16-6 in., 16 smaller, 8 torpedo tubes. Complement, 1,100. Other Armoured Ships: 11 Battleships (Aki, Satsuma, Kashima, Katori, Iwami, Mikasa, Hizen, Suwo, Sagami, Asahi, Shikishima, Fuji, Tango) completed 1898-1906, displacement 10,960-16,400 tons, 17-181/2 knots, and armed with 12-in., 10-in., and 6-in. guns, also torpedo tubes. Thirteen Armoured Cruisers (Kurama, Ibuki, Ikoma, Tsukuba, Asama, Tokiwa, Idzumo, Iwate, Azuma, Yakuba, Aso, Kasuga, Nisshin) completed 1899-1910, displacement 7,700-14,600 tons, 20-24 knots, armed with 12-in. or 8-in. guns, 6-in. and 4·7-in. quick-firers, and torpedo tubes. Protected Cruisers: 20 Vessels (Chikuma, Hirado, Yahagi, Tone, Yodo, Mogami, Otowa, Tsushima, Nutaka, Soya, Tsuguru, Kasagi, Chitose, Akashi, Suma, Akitsushima, Itsukushima, Hashidate, Chiyoda, Yaeyama), 1890-1912, 1,230 tons-6,600 tons, speed 18-25 knots. There are also 54 destroyers (completed 1898-1913), 42 torpedo-boats (1900-1905), and 15 submarines (1904-1914).
British and German Naval Guns BRITISH. | Calibre of Gun. in. | Weight (tons). | Length (in calibres). | Weight of Projectile (in lbs.) | Muzzle Velocity (in foot- seconds) | Muzzle Energy (in foot- tons). | 15 | | 96 | | 45 | | | 1,950 | | | 2,500 | 84,510 | 13 | ·5 | 76 | | 45 | - | | 1,250 | | - | 2,800 | 69,000 | 1,400 | 12 | | 68 | | 50 | | 850 | | 2,950 | 51,290 | 12 | | 58 | | 45 | 850 | 2,900 | 49,500 | 12 | | 50 | | 40 | 850 | 2,580 | 39,250 | 10 | | 34 | | 45 | 500 | 3,000 | 30,000 | 9 | ·2 | 28 | | 50 | 380 | 3,000 | 23,000 | 9 | ·2 | 25 | | 40 | 380 | 2,350 | 14,520 | 7 | ·5 | 15 | 1/2 | 50 | 200 | 3,000 | 12,500 | 7 | ·5 | 14 | | 45 | 200 | 2,600 | 9,300 | 6 | | 8 | | 50 | 100 | 3,000 | 6,000 | 6 | | 7 | 1/2 | 45 | 100 | 2,750 | 5,250 | 6 | | 7 | | 40 | 100 | 2,200 | 4,300 | 4 | ·7 | 2 | | 40 | 40 | 2,188 | — | 4 | | 2 | | 50 | 31 | 3,000 | 1,900 | GERMAN. | 15 | | 82 | 1/2 | 45 | | 1,675 | | 2,920 | 99,000 | 12 | | 47 | | 50 | 860 | 3,084 | 56,660 | 12 | | 42 | 1/2 | 45 | 860 | 2,920 | 50,830 | 11 | | 36 | | 50 | 661 | 3,084 | 43,600 | 11 | | 32 | 3/4 | 45 | 661 | 2,920 | 39,000 | 11 | | 29 | | 40 | 661 | 2,756 | 34,800 | 9 | ·4 | 18 | | 40 | 419 | 2,750 | 22,000 | 8 | ·2 | 15 | | 50 | 275 | 3,084 | 18,170 | 8 | ·2 | 13 | 3/4 | 45 | 275 | 2,900 | 16,300 | 8 | ·2 | 12 | | 40 | 275 | 2,750 | 14,500 | 6 | ·7 | 6 | 3/4 | 40 | 154 | 2,756 | 6,452 | 5 | ·9 | 5 | | 45 | 101 | 2,920 | 5,856 | 5 | ·9 | 4 | 1/2 | 40 | 101 | 2,756 | 5,200 | 4 | ·1 | 1 | 1/2 | 40 | 35 | 2,750 | 1,890 | 3 | ·4 | 1 | ·1 | 40 | 21 | 2,750 | — | Wyman & Sons Ltd., Printers, London and Reading.