Abdominal vein in Anure Amphibian, 158
in Reptilia, 167
in Iguana, 160
in Urodele Amphibian, 157
viscera of Macacus rhesus, 77
Abnormal positions of appendix, 277
Abomasum, 49
Accipenser sturio, biliary ducts in, 145
pyloric appendices in, 120
ileo-colic junction of, 212
Ailuroidea, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Alimentary canal of Ammocoetes, 42
of Amphioxus, 42
of Belone, 40
of Chelydra, 58
of Cyclostomata, 40, 42
derivation of epithelium, 30
of muscular and connective tissue, 30
differentiation from body-cavity, 21, 29
divisions of, 38
early developmental stages, 21, 29
mammalian embryonal stages, 40
of Esox, 40
of Echelus conger, 54
of Necturus, 40
of Petromyzon, 200
of Proteus, 40
primitive type, 40, 42
of Pseudemys elegans, 55
of Rana, 55
separation from yolk-sac, 22
tract of Necturus maculatus, 52
of Tamandua, 56
Allantois in Amniota, 36
arteries of, 63, 146
derivation from alimentary canal, 35
function of, 36
relation to placenta, 36
to primitive intestine, 24
to urinary bladder, 24
Alligator mississippiensis, ileo-colic junction of, 201
stomach of, 51
Ammocoetes, alimentary canal of, 42
pancreas in, 117
Ammodytes, pyloric appendix in, 120
Amnion, definition of, 36
Amniota, development of liver in, 143
Amphibia, development of pancreas, 115
folds of intestine in, 196
ileo-colic junction of, 201
Amphibians, biliary ducts in, 145
intestinal canal of, 191
Amphioxus, alimentary canal of, 42
hepatic diverticulum of, 43
intestinal canal of, 191
Anthropoid apes, ileo-cÆcal folds of, 274
Anthropoidea, ileo-colic junction of, 213
Anthropomorpha, ileo-colic junction of, 216
Anguilla anguilla, stomach of, 47
Anure Amphibian, abdominal vein of, 158
cardiac vein in, 158
musculo-cutaneous vein in, 158
pelvic vein in, 158
post-cava in, 158
pre-cava in, 158
venous system in, 158
Aorta, early condition of intestinal branches, 32
Aortal arterial system, development of, 63
Aplacentalia, definition of, 36
Appendix, abnormal positions of, 277
absence of, 249
influence of dorsal vascular fold on shape of, 271
origin of, and shape of cÆcum, 245
position and peritoneal relations of, 250
variations of peritoneal relations, 258
Arctoidea, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Arctopithecus marmoratus, ileo-colic junction of, 208
Arctopithecini, ileo-colic junction of, 214
Arrest of development before intestinal rotation, 60
Arteries, of allantois, 64, 146
Artery, caudal, 64
ileo-colica, 66
colica dextra, 66
media, 66
coronary, 181
external iliac, 64
gastro-epiploica sinistra, 108
hepatic, 65, 179
ileo-colic, 262
inferior mesenteric, 67
internal iliac, 64
pancreatico-duodenalis inferior, 66
omphalo-mesenteric, 64, 146
sacralis media, 64
splenic, 65, 108
superior mesenteric, 64, 65
umbilical, 64
vitelline, 64, 146
Artiodactyla, ileo-colic junction of, 209
Arvicola pennsylvanicus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 211
Asymmetrical type of ileo-colic junction, 223
Ateles, ileo-cÆcal folds of, 261
ater, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Atresia ani, 24, 28
Axial mesoderm, connection with splanchnic and somatic mesoderm, 22
Bassaris astuta, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Batrachians, stomach of, 44, 46
Belone, alimentary canal of, 40
Biliary ducts in Accipenser, 145
in Amphibians, 145
arrangement of, 145
in birds, 145
in Buceros, 145
in calf, 145
in dog, 145
in Galeopithecus, 145
in Lophius, 145
in Lutra, 145
in Monotremes, 145
in Phoca, 145
in Reptilia, 145
in sheep, 145
in Tarsius, 145
in Trigla, 145
in Xiphias, 145
Birds, folds of intestine in, 196
glandular stomach of, 50
biliary ducts in, 145
ileo-colic junction of, 203
muscular stomach of, 50
venous system of, 161
Blastoderm, 20
layers of, 21
primitive, 20
Blastodermic vesicle, 20
Blastomeres, 20
Blastula, 20
Blastosphere, 20
Body-cavity, development of, 21
primitive condition of, 29
Body-wall, 22
Boselaphus tragocamelus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 210
Bos indicus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 210
spiral colon of, 233
Bradypus marmoratus, ileo-colic junction of, 208
stomach of, 51
Brunner’s glands, 194
Buceros, biliary ducts in, 145
Bursa epiploica in lower forms, 187
CÆca of the anthropoidea, compared with the human, 247
CÆcal gastric appendices of Dicotyles, 48
CÆcum and appendix, changes in position during development, 239
development of, 237
morphology of, 237
variations of, 244
descent of, 76, 243
of embryo, shape of, 245
first appearance in human embryo of, 53
function of, 219
non-descent in adult, 75
persistent subhepatic position in adult, 75
in the Rodentia, 229
shape of, and origin of appendix, 245
types of, 245
in the Ungulata, 229
Calf, biliary ducts in, 145
Camel, gastric water-cells, 49
Canal, medullary, 21, 28
neuro-enteric, 23
Canis familiaris, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
Capra Ægagrus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 209
Cardiac vein in Anure Amphibian, 158
Cardinal veins, anterior, 147
posterior, 147
Carnivora, gastric diverticula of, 48
ileo-colic junction of, 212
stomach of, 46, 47
Carnivorous birds, stomach of, 50
Casuarius, duodenum, biliary and pancreatic ducts of, 115
intestinal villi of, 195
Castor fiber, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 211
stomach of, 46
Cat, development of pancreas, 115
dorsal mesogastrium, spleen and pancreas, 126
lesser peritoneal sac, 128
spleen, pancreas and great omentum, 127
Caudal artery, 64
vein in Selachian, 154
in Urodele Amphibian, 156
Caudate lobe, 170
CebidÆ, ileo-colic junction of, 214
Cebus leucophÆus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 216
monachus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 216
Cell-body, 19
CellulÆ coli, 199
Ceratodus, spiral intestinal valve in, 119
Cercoleptes caudivolvulus, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Cercopithecus campbellii, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
pogonias, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
sabÆus, ileo-cÆcal folds of, 264
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Cervicapra, intestinal folds of, 196
Cervus sika, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 210
spiral colon of, 233
Cetacea, ileo-colic junction of, 209
Cetaceans, stomach of, 49
Changes in position during development of cÆcum and appendix, 239
Cheek pouches, 48
of Macacus nemestrinus, 48
Cheiroptera, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Chelonians, liver of, 144
stomach of, 45, 46
Chelydra, alimentary canal of, 58
pancreas of, 117
serpentaria, ileo-colic junction of, 201
Chick, development of liver in, 143
development of pancreas in, 115
Chlamydophorus, ileo-colic junction of, 207
Choloepus didactylus, ileo-colic junction of, 207
Chrysothrix sciureus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Cleft, uro-genital, 27
Cloaca, development of, 24
division of, in higher vertebrates, 27
in human embryos, 26
in Platypus anatinus, 26
structure of, in lower vertebrates, 25
in Iguana tuberculata, 25
Cloacal membrane, 24
anal segment, 28
uro-genital segment, 28
Coeliac axis, 65
Coelom, composition and derivation of walls, 29
development of, 21
primitive condition of, 29
Colic bend of the ManidÆ, 234
loop in Phascolarctos, 234
Colico-phrenic ligament, 109
Colon, ascending, adhesions of, 81
position of, in foetus, 84
and cÆcum of Lagomys pusillus, 232
descending, adhesion of, 81
relation of, to left kidney, 83
position as influenced by foetal liver, 77
spiral coil of, 233
structural modifications of, 230
Coluber natrix, stomach of, 44
Common bile duct, 145
Comparative anatomy of hepatic venous circulation, 154
of liver, 144
Comparison of human and anthropoid cÆca, 247
Connective tissue and muscular fibers, derivation of, 30
CoprodÆum, 25
Coronary artery, 181
ligaments of liver, 173
Corvus, cÆca of, 203
Costo-colic ligament, 109
Crocodiles, stomach of, 46, 51
Crop, 48
Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis, ileo-colic junction of, 201
Cyclostomata, divisions of alimentary canal of, 40, 42
intestinal canal of, 191
spiral intestinal valve of, 119
Cyclothurus didactylus, ileo-colic junction and cÆca of, 207
Cyclura teres, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 202
Cynocephalus anubis, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
babuin, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
porcarius, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
sphinx, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Cynoidea, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Cynomorpha, ileo-colic junction of, 213
Cyprini, stomach of, 44
Cystic duct, 146
development of, 142
Cysto-enteric duct, 145
Dasyprocta agouti, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 211
spiral colon of, 234
Dasypus sexcinctus, ileo-colic junction and cÆca of, 207
Dasyurus viverinus, ileo-colic junction of, 206
Descent of cÆcum, 243
Derivatives of entodermal intestinal tube, 34
Deuteroplasm, 19
Development of cÆcum and appendix, 237
of cystic duct, 142
of gall-bladder, 142
of liver, 141
in amniota, 143
in chick, 143
in Elasmobranchs, 143
in Teleosts, 143
of portal circulation, 147
of spiral colon, 233
of transverse colon, 244
of vascular system of liver, 145
Dicotyles, cÆcal gastric appendices of, 48
torquatus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 209
Didelphis, ileo-cÆcal folds of, 263
virginiana, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 205
Digitiform gland of Selachians, 201
Dipnoeans, intestinal canal of, 191
spiral intestinal valve in, 119
Diverticulum cÆcum vitelli in birds, 35
in Urinator imber, 35
lumme, 35
vateri, 114
Dog, biliary ducts in, 145
Dorsal mesentery, early condition and derivation, 32
in lower vertebrates, 32
smooth muscular fiber of, 33
mesogastrium, area of adhesion to parietal peritoneum, 106
developmental changes in direction and extent, 103
definition of, 100, 101
gastro-splenic segment, 108
redundant omental growth, 105
spleen and pancreas in cat, 126
vertebro-splenic segment, 108
vascular ileo-cÆcal fold, 262
fold, influence on shape of appendix, 271
Double cÆcal pouches of birds, 203
Ducts of Cuvier, 147
in Selachian, 155
in Urodele amphibian, 156
omphalo-mesenteric, 22
of Santorini, 111
vitello-intestinal, 22
of Wirsung, 111
development of, 112
Ductus venosus, 149
changes after birth in, 152
Duodenal antrum, 194
fold of cat, 92
of Hapale vulgaris, 93
inferior, 95
of Nasua rufa, 92
superior, 95
fossÆ, 92
superior, 94
vascular relations, 95, 96
loop, 54
Duodeno-colic neck, 57
Duodeno-jejunal fossa in the cat, 93
Duodenum, adhesion of, 67
development of, 53
peritoneal relations of infra-colic segment, 81
of supra-colic segment, 81
suspensory muscle of, 33
with biliary and pancreatic ducts, of Casuarius, 115
Echidna hystrix, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 204
Echelus conger, alimentary canal of, 54
ileo-colic junction of, 200
intestinal mucosa of, 197
endgut of, 199
pyloric appendix of, 120
Ectoderm, 21
Edentata, ileo-colic junction of, 206
types of ileo-colic junction and cÆcum in, 218
Egg, development of, 20
structure of, 19
Elasmobranchs, development of liver in, 143
Elephas indicus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 210
Embryonal intestinal hernia, 52
Embryonic shield, 20
Embryo, separation of, 20
Endgut of Echelus, 199
extent and contained segments, 38
function of, 198
in lower vertebrates, 199
Enteric canal, primitive condition of, 29
Entoderm, 21
derivatives of, 28
Entodermal intestinal tube, derivatives of, 34
Epiblast, 21
Epiploic bursa, 107
early stages of, 104
Epithelium of alimentary canal, derivation of, 30
Erethizon dorsatus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 211
Esox, alimentary canal of, 40
Eunectes marinus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 203
External iliac artery, 63
perineal folds, 28
Foetus at term, venous system of, 162
Falciform ligament, as part of ventral mesogastrium, 165
Felis, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
leo, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
Fish, development of pancreas, 115
folds of intestine, 196
ileo-colic junction of, 200
Fissipedia, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Fissure, transverse anal, 27
Folds, ileo-cÆcal, 260
Follicles, solitary, 196
Foramen of Winslow, 174
boundaries in adult human subject, 184
caudal boundary, 178
in lower mammals, 183
relation to duodenal adhesion, 184
in Tamandua bivittata, 183
Foregut, comparative anatomy of, 42
divisions of, 191
extent and contained segments, 38
Formative yolk, 19
Fossa duodeno-jejunalis, 96
ileo-cÆcal, 260
intersigmoidea, 97
of Treitz, 92, 96
Function of cÆcum, 219
of pyloric appendices, 221
of pyloric cÆca, 221
of spiral fold of intestinal mucous membrane, 220
Furrow, primitive intestinal, 22
Gadus callarias, ileo-colic junction of, 201
pyloric appendices in, 120
Galeopithecus, biliary ducts in, 145
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 213
Gall-bladder, development of, 142
occurrence of, 144
Gastric diverticula of Carnivora, 48
of Herbivora, 48
of Omnivora, 48
Gastro-hepatic omentum, as part of ventral mesogastrium, 165
Gastro-splenic omentum, 109
Genito-urinary sinus, 27
tract, male, in Platypus anatinus, 26
Germinal area, 20
membrane, 20
spot, 19
vesicle, 19
Glands of LieberkÜhn, 194
Glandular stomach of birds, 50
Gobius, stomach of, 45
Gorilla savagei, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 216
Graafian follicle, 19
Greater curvature, first appearance of, 41
Groove, medullary, 21
primitive intestinal, 22
Halicore, ileo-colic junction of, 208
Halmaturus derbyanus, ileo-cÆcal folds of, 263
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 205
stomach of, 47
Hapale jacchus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
vulgaris, duodenal fold, 93
Heloderma suspectum, ileo-colic junction of, 211
Hepatic antrum of lesser sac, 170
artery, 65
development of, 179
in relation to foramen of Winslow, 180
relation to duodenal adhesion, 182
relation to primitive dorsal mesentery, 182
cylinders, 143
ducts, 145
flexure, formation of, 76
recess of lesser sac, 177
ridge, 142
veins, 148
venous circulation, comparative anatomy of, 154
direction of current, 152
summary of development, 153
Hepatic-portal system in Selachian, 155
in Urodele Amphibian, 157
vein in Iguana, 160
Hepato-cystic duct, 145
Hepato-enteric duct, 145
Herbivora, gastric diverticula of, 48
stomach of, 46, 47
Herbivorous birds, stomach of, 50
Herons, cÆcum of, 204
stomach of, 50
Hippopotamus, ileo-colic junction of, 209
Human cÆca compared with those of the Anthropoidea, 247
Herpestes griseus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
ichneumon, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
HyÆna striata, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
Hylobates hoolock, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 216
Hypoblast, 21
Hyracoidea, ileo-colic junction of, 210
Hyrax capensis, ileo-colon, ileo-cÆcum and colic cÆca of, 210
large intestine and cÆca of, 234
Iguana, abdominal vein of, 160
cÆcal pouch and valves of, 202
hepatic-portal vein of, 160
post-cava of, 159
renal-portal system of, 159
sciatic vein of, 160
segmental veins of, 161
tuberculata, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 201
cloaca in, 25
ventral mesogastrium of, 166
Ileo-cÆcal folds, aberrant types of, 276
of the anthropoid apes, 274
of Ateles, 261
of Cercopithecus sabÆus, 264
of Didelphis, 263
and fossÆ, 260
of Halmaturus derbyanus, 263
of Mycetes fuscus, 264
smooth muscular fibers of, 33
fossa, anterior, 267
posterior, 271
fossÆ, aberrant types of, 276
Ileo-colic artery, 262
junction of Accipenser sturio, 201
of Alligator mississippiensis, 201
of Amphibia, 201
of the Arctoidea, 212
of the Ailuroidea, 212
of Arvicola pennsylvanicus, 211
of the Anthropoidea, 213
of the Anthropomorpha, 216
of the Artiodactyla, 209
of the Arctopithecini, 214
of Arctopithecus marmoratus, 208
of Ateles ater, 214
of Bassaris astuta, 212
in birds, 203
of Boselaphus tragocamelus, 210
of Bos indicus, 210
in the Carnivora, 212
of Canis familiaris, 212
of Capra Ægagrus, 209
in cases of arrested intestinal rotation, 241
of Castor fiber, 211
of the CebidÆ, 214
of Cebus, 215
leucophÆus, 216
monachus, 216
of Cercoleptes caudivolvulus, 212
of Cercopithecus campbellii, 214
pogonias, 214
sabÆus, 214
of Cervus sika, 210
of the Cetacea, 209
of Chlamydophorus, 207
of Cheiroptera, 212
of Chelydra serpentaria, 201
of Choloepus didactylus, 207
of Chrysothrix sciureus, 214
of Corvus, 203
of Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis, 201
of Cyclothurus didactylus, 207
of Cyclura teres, 202
of Cynocephalus, 213
anubis, 214
babuin, 214
porcarius, 214
sphinx, 214
of the Cynoidea, 212
of the Cynomorpha, 213
of Dasyprocta agouti, 211
of Dasypus sexcinctus, 207
of Dasyurus viverinus, 206
of Dicotyles torquatus, 209
of Didelphis virginiana, 205
of Echelus conger, 200
of Echidna hystrix, 204
of the Edentata, 206
effect of rotation on position of, 59
of Elephas indicus, 210
of Erethizon dorsatus, 211
of Eunectes marinus, 203
of Felis, 212
leo, 212
in fish, 200
of the Fissipedia, 212
of Gadus callarias, 201
of Galeopithecus, 213
of Gorilla savagei, 216
of Halicore, 208
of Halmaturus derbyanus, 205
of Hapale jacchus, 214
of Heloderma suspectum, 204
of the herons, 204
of Herpestes ichneumon, 212
of Hippopotamus, 209
of HyÆna striata, 212
of Hylobates hoolock, 216
of Hyracoidea, 210
of Hyrax capensis, 210
of Iguana tuberculata, 202
of the Insectivora, 213
of Lagothrix humboldtii, 215
of Lamellirostra, 203
of Lemur macaco, 213
mongoz, 213
of the Lemuroidea, 213
of Lepus cuniculus, 211
of Macacus, 214
cynomolgus, 214
ochreatus, 214
pileatus, 214
rhesus, 214
of mammalia, 204
of Manatus americanus, 208
of Manis longicauda, 208
of Marsupialia, 204
of Monotremata, 204
of Midas geoffrei, 214
ursulus, 214
of Monodon, 209
of Mustela, 212
of Mycetes cabaya, 214
fuscus, 215
of Myoxus, 211, 212
of Myrmecophaga jubata, 207
of Nasua rufa, 212
of Necturus maculatus, 201
non-vascular serous folds, 262
of Nycticebus tardigradus, 213
of Nyctipithecus commersonii, 214
of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, 204
of Orycteropus, 208
of Oryx leucoryx, 210
of Otolicnus crassicaudatus, 273
of Paradoxurus typus, 212
of Perameles nasuta, 206
of the Perissodactyla, 210
of Phascolarctos cinereus, 205
of Phascolomys wombat, 206
of PhocÆna, 209
of Phoca vitulina, 212
of Physeter, 209
of the Pinnipedia, 212
of the piscivorous divers, 203
of Pithecia satanas, 215
of Pleuronectes maculatus, 201
of the Primates, 213
of the Proboscidea, 210
of Proteles lalandii, 212
of Pseudemys elegans, 201
of Pteropus medius, 212
of Rana catesbiana, 201
of the RatitÆ, 203
of Reptilia, 201
of the Rodentia, 211
serial review in Vertebrata, 200
of the Sirenia, 208
of Simia satyrus, 216
of Strix, 203
of Struthio africanus, 204
of Sus scrofa, 209
asymmetrical type, 223
symmetrical type, 221
of Tamandua bivittata, 208
of Tapirus americanus, 210
of Tarsius spectrum, 213
of Tatusia novemcincta, 207
of Taxidea americana, 212
of Tolypeutes, 207
of Trichosurus vulpinus, 205
of Troglodytes niger, 217
types of, and cÆcum, 217
in Edentata, 218
in Marsupialia, 218
of Ursus, 212
of the Ungulata, 209
of Vulpes fulvus, 212
vascular mesenteric folds of, 262
of Xenurus, 207
of Zalophus gillespiei, 212
Iliac vein in Urodele Amphibian, 157
Inferior mesenteric artery, 67
Infra-colic compartment, secondary parietal peritoneum of, 85, 86
Insectivora, ileo-colic junction of, 213
Intermediate duodenal fold, 96
non-vascular ileo-cÆcal fold, 262
Internal iliac artery, 63
perineal folds, 27
Intestinal blood vessels, effect of intestinal rotation on, 59
canal of Amphioxus, 191
of Amphibians, 191
of Cyclostomata, 191
diverticula, 193
of Dipnoeans, 191
of Teleosts, 191
folds of mucosa, 193
non-differentiated, of lower vertebrates, 191
folds in Amphibia, 196
in birds, 195
in fish, 196
furrow, primitive, 22
glandular apparatus in lower vertebrates, 195
groove, primitive, 22
juice, function of, 194
mucous membrane of Cervicapra, 196
of Echelus conger, 197
Lophius, 197
lymphoid tissue, 196
of PhocÆna, 196
of Thalassochelys, 197
rotation, 58
arrest of development, 60
demonstration in cat, 67
spiral fold, function of, 193
vascular supply, 63
in cases of non-rotation, 67
villi of Carnivora, 195
of Casuarius, 195
of Ophidia, 195
of Ursus maritimus, 195
Intestine in early human embryo, 52
general consideration of, 51
large, and cÆca of Hyrax, 234
functions of, 198
length of, 199
of monkeys, 199
of rodents, 199
width of, 199
small, 192
absorbing apparatus, 195
divisions of, 194
length of, 192
secretory apparatus, 194
structure of, 194
villi, 195
Isthmus, duodeno-colic, 57
Jejuno-ileum, development of, 54
Labrus, stomach of, 44
Lagomys pusillus, colon and cÆcum of, 232
Lagothrix humboldtii, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 215
Lamellirostra, ileo-colic junction and cÆca of, 203
Lateral vein in Selachian, 155
Lemur macaco, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 213
mongoz, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 213
Lemuroidea, ileo-colic junction of, 213
Lepus cuniculus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 211
saccus lymphaticus of, 211
Lesser curvature, first appearance of, 41
Ligament, colico-lienale, 109
of ductus venosus, 152
gastro-lienale, 110
lieno-renale, 109
phrenico-lienale, 109
Ligamenta coli, 199
Liver in Chelonians, 144
comparative anatomy of, 144
derivation of, 34
development of, 141
function of, 195
lobation of, 144
in Ophidia, 144
peritoneal lines of reflection in embryo, 167
in foetus at term, 171
peritoneal relations of, 167
of Petromyzon, 141
unilobar type, 144
Lophius, biliary ducts in, 145
piscatorius, mucosa of midgut, 197
pyloric appendices in, 120
stomach of, 46
Lungs, derivation of, 34
Lutra, biliary ducts in, 145
stomach of, 48
Lymphoid tissue of intestinal mucosa, 196
Macacus cynomolgus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
descending mesocolon of, 140
lesser omentum of, 176
mesosigmoidea in, 140
nemestrinus, cheek-pouches of, 48
ochreatus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
peritoneum of infra-colic compartment, 136
pileatus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
relations of spleen and great omentum, 139
rhesus, abdominal viscera, 77
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Mammalia, ileo-colic junction of, 204
pancreatic ducts in, 117
Manatus americanus, ileo-colic junction and bifid cÆcum of, 208
stomach of, 48
Manis longicauda, ileo-colic junction of, 208
ManidÆ, colic bend of, 234
Marsupalia, ileo-colic junction of, 204
types of ileo-colic junction and cÆcum in, 218
Meckel’s diverticulum, 35
serous folds connected with, 262, 263
Medullary canal, 21
groove, 21
plates, 21
Membrane, cloacal, 24
Mesenchyma, 30
Mesenteric peritoneum, definition of, 32
Mesentery, absorption of, 33
definition of, 101
jejuno-ileal, line of attachment, 86
of umbilical loop, development of, 56
relation to adult mesocolon and mesentery, 72
Mesoblast, 21
Mesocola in cat, 86
Mesocolic fossa, 97
Mesocolon, ascending, adhesion of, 82
in monkeys, 83
relation of, to right kidney, 83
definition of, 101
descending, adhesion of, 82
in foetus, 83
line of attachment of, 83
in lower mammals, 83
in Macacus, 140
in monkeys, 83
transverse, root of, 85
Mesoderm, 21
derivatives of, 28
Mesoduodenum, adhesion of, 67
definition of, 101
Mesorectum, definition of, 101
Mesosigmoidea, definition of, 101
in Macacus, 140
Mesothelium, 21
Metanephros, 24
Midas geoffrei, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
ursulus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Midgut, 192
extent of, 38
Monodon, ileo-colic junction of, 209
Monotremata, ileo-colic junction of, 204
Monotreme, structure of penis, 26
Monotremes, biliary ducts in, 145
Morphology, general, of vertebrate intestine, 190
of human cÆcum and appendix, 237
Morula, 20
Moschus, stomach of, 49
Muscular stomach of birds, 50
Musculo-cutaneous vein in Anure Amphibian, 158
Mustela, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Mycetes cobaya, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
fuscus, ileo-cÆcal folds of, 264
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 215
Myoxus, alimentary canal of, 211, 212
stomach of, 46
Myrmecophaga jubata, ileo-colic junction of, 207
Myxinoids, pancreas in, 117
Nasua rufa, duodenal fold of, 92
ileo-colic junction of, 212
pancreatico-gastric folds of, 181
Necturus, alimentary canal of, 40
maculatus, alimentary tract of, 52
ileo-colic junction of, 201
stomach of, 43
venous system of, 158
Neuro-enteric canal, 23
Non-vascular ileo-cÆcal folds, 262
Nucleolus, 19
Nucleus, 19
Nutritive yolk, 19
Nycticebus tardigradus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 213
spiral colon of, 234
Nyctipithecus commersonii, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 214
Œsophageal gutter of ruminants, 49
Œsophageo-gastric junction, 45
Omega loop, development of, 77
Omental bursa, 107
early stages of, 104
Omentum, great, 107
layers of, 107
peritoneal adhesions in adult, 131
relation of, to transverse colon, transverse colon and duodenum, 129
lesser, as part of ventral mesogastrium, 165
divisions of, 172
in Macacus, 176
Omnivora, gastric diverticula of, 48
Omphalo-mesenteric arteries, 64, 146
artery, persistence of rudiments of, 65
duct, 22
veins, 146
Ophidia, intestinal villi of, 195
liver in, 144
stomach of, 44, 46
Oral pouches, 48
Ornithorhynchus anatinus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 204
Orycteropus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 208
Oryx leucoryx, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 210
spiral colon of, 233
Otolicnus crassicaudatus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 213
Ovis aries, spiral colon of, 233
Ovum, structure of, 19
Owl, stomach of, 50
Pancreas, adhesion of, 67
adhesion of mesoduodenal segment, 123
in Ammocoetes, 117
in Chelydra, 117
comparative anatomy of, 116
concealed, of Teleosts, 117
derivation of, 34
development of, in Amphibia, 115
of, in cat, 115
of, in chick, 115
of, in fish, 115
of, in lower vertebrates, 115
of, in man, 111, 115
of, in sheep, 115
in foetal pig, 123
function of, 195
in Myxinoids, 117
peritoneal relations, 122
vascular and visceral relations of adult, 125
in Protopterus, 117
relation to dorsal mesogastrium, 123
to mesoduodenum, 122
to omental bursa, 123
in Selachians, 116
Pancreatic ducts in Mammalia, 117
normal arrangement, 113
secondary, 111
variations, 114
Pancreatico-gastric folds in man, 187
in Nasua rufa, 181
Papilla Vateri, 114
Paradoxurus typus, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Paralichthys, pyloric appendices in, 120
Parietal mesoderm, 21
peritoneum, definition of, 32
Pelamys, pyloric appendices in, 120
Pelvic vein in Anure Amphibian, 158
Perameles nasuta, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 206
Perca, pyloric appendices in, 120
Perennibranchiates, stomach of, 44, 46
Perissodactyla, ileo-colic junction of, 210
Peritoneal cavity, lesser, summary and development of structure, 180
relations and position of appendix, 250
of appendix, variations of, 258
sac, lesser, of cat, 128
Peritoneum, arrangement in infra-colic compartment, 78
of cat, compared with human arrangement, 73
of infra-colic compartment in adult human subject, 88
lesser cavity of, in relation to liver, 174
of liver, in relation to lesser sac, 174
secondary lines of reflection, 73
of supra-colic compartment, general considerations, 99
Petromyzon, alimentary canal of, 200
liver of, 141
spiral intestinal valve of, 119
Peyer’s patches, 196
Phascolarctos cinereus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 205
colic loop in, 234
Phascolomys wombat, ileo-colic junction, cÆcum and appendix of, 206
Pteropus medius, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Phoca, biliary ducts in, 145
vitulina, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
stomach of, 45
PhocÆna communis, ileo-colic junction of, 209
intestinal folds, 196
Phylogeny of types of ileo-colic junction and cÆcum, 217
Physeter, ileo-colic junction of, 209
Physiology of vertebrate intestine, 190
Pickerel, pyloric valve of, 45
stomach of, 44
Pinnipedia, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Pipa, stomach of, 46
Piscivorous divers, cÆca of, 203
Pithecia satanas, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 215
Placental circulation, 146
Placentalia, definition of, 36
Plates, medullary, 21, 28
Platypus anatinus, male genito-urinary tract and cloaca, 26
Pleuronectes maculatus, ileo-colic junction of, 201
pyloric appendices in, 120
Pleuro-peritoneal cavity, 28
PlicÆ coli, 199
Polypterus, pyloric appendix in, 120
Portal circulation, development of, 147
vein, development of, 148
Position and peritoneal relations of appendix, 250
Post-anal gut, 23
Post-cardinal veins in Urodele Amphibian, 157
Post-cava in Anure Amphibian, 158
in Iguana, 159
in Urodele Amphibian, 157
Post-caval vein, 151
Pre-cava in Anure Amphibian, 158
Primates, ileo-colic junction of, 213
types of ileo-cÆcal folds in, 265
Primitive aortÆ, 63
common dorsal mesentery, 33
dorsal mesentery after rotation, 79
mesentery, effect of intestinal rotation on, 59
mesenteric segment, 72
mesocolic segment, 72
jugular veins, 147
Proboscidea, ileo-colic junction of, 210
ProctodÆum, 24, 26
in human embryos, 27
Protoplasm, 19
Protopterus, pancreas in, 117
Proteus, alimentary canal of, 40
anguineus, stomach of, 43
Proteles lalandii, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
Proventriculus, 50
Psalterium, 49
Pseudemys elegans, alimentary canal of, 55
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 201
Pyloric appendices, 119
function of, 221
in Accipenser, 120
in Gadus, 120
in Lophius, 120
in Paralichthys, 120
in Pelamys, 120
in Perca, 120
in Pleuronectes, 120
in Rhombus, 120
in Scomber, 120
in Thynnus, 120
relation to pancreas, 121
significance of, 120
appendix in Ammodytes, 120
in Echelus, 120
in Polypterus, 120
cÆca, 119
function of, 221
stomach, 50
valve, 44
in fishes, 45
of loon, 45
Rana, alimentary canal of, 55
catesbiana, ileo-colic junction of, 201
esculenta, venous system of, 158
RatitÆ, ileo-colic junction and cÆca of, 203
Rectal gland of Selachians, 201
Rectangular ileo-colic junction, 225
Recto-coccygeal muscles, 33
Recto-uterine muscles, 33
Rectum, development of, 54
separation from genito-urinary sinus, 27
Renal-portal circulation in Urodele Amphibian, 156
system in Selachian, 154
in Iguana, 159
Reptilia, abdominal vein, 167
biliary ducts in, 145
ileo-colic junction of, 201
Retro-gastric peritoneal space, boundaries of, 175
space, rudimentary form of, 105
Retro-peritoneal hernia, 92
Reticulum, 49
Rhombus, pyloric appendices in, 120
Rodentia, cÆcal pouch of, 229
compound stomach of, 49
ileo-colic junction of, 211
spiral colic valve of, 231
Rodents, saccus lymphaticus of, 196
Round ligament of liver, 152
Rumen, 49
Ruminantia, structure of stomach in, 49
Saccus lymphaticus of Lepus cuniculus, 211
of Rodents, 196
Salamandra maculosa, venous system of, 158
Salivary glands, derivation of, 34
Saurians, stomach of, 44, 46
Sciatic vein in Iguana, 160
Scincus ocellatus, stomach of, 45
Scomber, pyloric appendices in, 120
Segmental veins in Iguana, 160
Segmentation, 20
Segmentation-cavity, 20
Selachian, caudal vein in, 154
digitiform gland of, 201
duct of Cuvier, 155
hepatic portal system of, 155
lateral vein of, 155
pancreas in, 116
rectal gland of, 201
renal portal system of, 154
spiral intestinal valve in, 119
venous system, 154
Semnopithecus, stomach of, 47
Septum urogenitale, 27
transversum, 142
Serous folds in cases of Meckel’s diverticulum, 262, 263
membrane, derivation of, 31
Shape of cÆcum and origin of appendix, 245
of embryonic cÆcum, 245
Sheep, biliary ducts in, 145
development of pancreas, 115
Sigmoid flexure, development of, 54, 77
Simia satyrus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 216
Sinus venosus, 146
Sirenia, ileo-colic junction of, 208
Soft palate, 42
Somatic mesoderm, 21
Somatopleure, 22, 29
Spigelian lobe, boundaries of, 170
development of, 169
recess of lesser sac, 177
Spiral coil of colon, 233
colic valve of Rodentia, 231
colon of Bos indicus, 233
of Cervus sika, 233
of Dasyprocta agouti, 234
development of, 233
of Nycticebus tardigradus, 234
of Oryx leucoryx, 233
of Ovis aries, 233
fold of intestinal mucous membrane, function of, 220
intestinal valve in Ceratodus, 119
in Cyclostomata, 119
in Dipnoeans, 119
in Petromyzon, 119
valve of gastric diverticulum in Sus, 48
Splanchnic mesoderm, 21
Splanchnopleure, 22, 29
Spleen, development and relation to dorsal mesogastrium, 108
and great omentum in Macacus, 139
pancreas and great omentum in cat, 127
peritoneal relations, 110
vascular connections, 108
Splenic artery, 65, 108
flexure, development of, 54, 76
vessels, peritoneal relations, 109
Stomach of Alligator, 51
assumption of special functions modifying form of, 48
of Anguilla anguilla, 47
of Batrachians, 44, 46
of Bradypus, 51
cÆcal diverticula of, 47
of Carnivora, 46, 47
of carnivore birds, 50
of Castor, 46
cellular structures connected with, 47
of Cetaceans, 49
changes in position during development, 102
of Chelonians, 45, 46
of Coluber natrix, 44
comparative anatomy of, 42
of Crocodiles, 46, 51
of the Cyprini, 44
definition of, as segment of foregut, 43
embryonic borders and surfaces, 41
factors modifying form of, 43
first differentiation in human embryos, 40
further development in human embryos, 40
glandular, of birds, 46
of Gobius, 45
of Halmaturus, 47
of heron, 50
of Herbivora, 46, 47
of herbivorous birds, 50
influence of habitual amount of food on form of, 44
of size and shape of abdominal cavity on form of, 46
of volume and character of food on form of, 46
of Teleosts, 46, 47
of Labrus, 44
of Lophius, 46
of Lutra, 48
of Manatus americanus, 48
of Moschus, 49
masticating surfaces of, 48
of Myoxus, 46
of Necturus maculatus, 43
of Ophidia, 44, 46
of owl, 50
of Perennibranchiates, 44, 46
of Phoca vitulina, 45
of the pickerels, 44
of Pipa, 46
of Proteus anguineus, 43
relation to vagus nerve, 43
ruminant type of, 43
of Saurians, 44, 46
of Scincus ocellatus, 45
of Semnopithecus, 47
storage compartments of, 48
structural modifications of, increasing action of gastric juice, 46
of Tamandua, 51
transverse position of, 45
type-form of, 43
StomadÆum, 24
in human embryos, 27
Strix, cÆca of, 203
Structural modifications of colon, 230
Struthio africanus, ileo-colic junction and cÆca of, 204
Sturgeon, pyloric valve of, 45
Subintestinal veins, 147
Submucosa, derivation of, 30
Superior mesenteric artery, 64, 65
relation to umbilical loop, 66
Suspensory ligament of liver, derived from ventral mesogastrium, 165
Sus scrofa, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 209
spiral valve of gastric diverticulum in, 48
Symmetrical type of ileo-colic junction, 221
TÆnia coli-, 199
Tamandua, alimentary tract of, 56
bivittata, foramen of Winslow in, 183
ileo-colic junction and cÆca of, 208
stomach of, 51
Tapirus americanus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 210
Tarsius, biliary ducts in, 145
spectrum, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 213
Taxidea americana, ileo-colic junction of, 212
Tatusia novemcincta, ileo-colic junction of, 207
Teleosts, anal and genito-urinary orifices in, 25
concealed pancreas of, 117
development of liver in, 143
gastric diverticula of, 47
intestinal canal of, 191
stomach of, 46, 47
without pyloric appendices, 120
Thalassochelys, intestinal folds of, 197
Thymus, derivation of, 34
Thynnus, pyloric appendices in, 120
Thyroid, derivation of, 34
Tolypeutes, ileo-colic junction of, 207
Transverse anal fissure, 27
colon, development of, 54, 244
differentiation of, 76
mesocolon, development of, 80
Trichosurus vulpinus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 205
Trigla, biliary ducts in, 145
Troglodytes niger, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 217
Types of ileo-cÆcal folds in Primates, 265
ileo-colic junction and cÆcum, phylogeny of, 217
Umbilical arteries, 63
hernia of embryo, 52
loop, derivation of adult intestinal segments from, 53
divisions of, 52
of embryonic intestine, 52
relation of vitello-intestinal duct to, 52
veins, 147
changes after birth in, 152
final arrangement, 151
further changes in, 149
intra-hepatic distribution, 152
vesicle, 22
Umbilicus, 21
Ungulata, cÆcal pouch of, 229
ileo-colic junction of, 209
Urinary bladder, in human embryos, 27
relation to allantois, 24
Urinator imber, diverticulum cÆcum vitelli, 35
lumme, diverticulum cÆcum vitelli, 35
pyloric valve of, 45
UrodÆum, 25
Urodele Amphibian, abdominal vein in, 157
caudal vein in, 156
ducts of Cuvier in, 156
hepatic-portal system of, 157
iliac vein in, 157
post-cardinal veins in, 157
post-cava in, 157
renal-portal system in, 156
venous system of, 156
Uro-genital cleft, 27
Ursus, ileo-colic junction of, 212
maritimus, intestinal villi, 195
Uvula, 42
Vagus, gastric distribution of, 43
Valves of Kerkring, 196, 197
ValvulÆ conniventes, 196, 197
Variations of cÆcum and appendix, 244
in the peritoneal relations of the appendix, 258
Vasa intestini tenuis, 66
Vascular mesenteric folds of ileo-colic junction, 262
system of liver, development of, 145
Vein, portal, development of, 148
Veins, anterior cardinal, 147
hepatic, 148
omphalo-mesenteric, 146
posterior cardinal, 147
primitive jugular, 147
subintestinal, 147
umbilical, 147
vitelline, 146
hepaticÆ advehentes, 147
revehentes, 147
Venous system in Anure Amphibian, 158
of bird, 161
of human foetus at term, 162
of Necturus maculatus, 158
of Rana esculenta, 158
in Selachian, 154
of Salamandra maculosa, 158
of Urodele Amphibian, 156
Ventral mesentery, early condition and derivation, 31
mesogastrium, 163
in Iguana, 166
and liver, 140
relation to duodenum, 164
relation to liver, 105
to umbilical vein, 165
vascular ileo-cÆcal fold, 262
Vertebrate intestine, general morphology and physiology, 190
Visceral mesoderm, 21
peritoneum, definition of, 32
Vitelline arteries, 64, 146
membrane, 19
sac, 20
veins, 146
anastomosis of, 147
Vitello-intestinal duct, 22
Vitellus, 19
Vulpes fulvus, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
Water-cells of camel’s stomach, 49
Wolffian duct, relation to primitive intestine, 24
Xenurus, ileo-colic junction of, 207
Xiphias, biliary ducts in, 145
Yolk, 19
Yolk-sac, 20
Zalophus gillespiei, ileo-colic junction and cÆcum of, 212
Zona pellucida, 19