- Action of the Foot, 28
- Agricultural Societies and Shoeing, 112
- Arrangements of Shoeing Competitions, 113
- Balls & Keep's "Wedge-Pad", 110
- Bar Iron, 64
- Bar-Pad, 110
- Bars of the Foot, 11
- Bearing Surface of Hoof, 31
- " " , 42
- " at Heels, 54
- " of Shoe, 51
- " " , 53
- Berkshire Shoeing-Van, 115
- Bevelled Iron Bars, 64
- "Binds", 90
- Blood-Vessels, 26
- Bones of Foot, 23
- Bruises by Shoe, 91
- "Brushing", 95
- "Burnt-Sole", 93
- Calkins, 56
- " Effect of, 57
- " Position of, 58
- Cartilages of Foot, 24
- Charlier Shoe, 79
- " Theory, 80
- "Clacking", 97
- Clips, 75
- "Close" Fitting, 69
- Coarse Nail-holes, 61
- Cold Fitting, 77
- Concave Shoe, The, 55
- Continental Sandcrack-Shoe, A, 105
- Contracted Feet, 105
- Coronary Band, 18
- Coronary Cushion, 26
- Corns, 92
- "Cover", 50
- "Cutting", 94
- Defective Bearing-Surface, 46
- Disproportionate Hoof, 35
- Distance between Nails, 61
- Double-grooved Shoe, 55
- Drawing Knife, 34
- "Dropped" Sole, 100
- "Easing" the Heels, 71
- Effect of Charlier Shoeing, 82
- " Calkins, 57
- " Frog Pressure, 30
- Evils of Roughing, 86
- Excessive Rasping, 46
- Expansion of Foot, 29
- "Fine" Nail-holes, 61
- Fitting of Shoes, 67
- " Tips, 78
- " the Foot to the Shoe, 32
- Flat Bearing-surface of Shoe, 51
- Foot-surface of Shoes, 51
- "Forging", 97
- French Sandcrack Instruments, 104
- Frog, The, 13
- " Pads, URQUHART'S
Patent Horse-Shoe PadsPrevent Slipping, Cure Corns, Contracted and Diseased Feet. Economise the wear and tear of legs through absence of concussion. Developes the healthy functions of the feet. Cure Bent Legs, Sprained Tendons—a great saving in horse flesh. SIZES—FROG AND BAR 0 to 6; GRIP AND RING 1 to 5. Hind Shoe Pads kept in stock to order. Pads made to any size required at shortest notice. "India-rubber pads on leather enable many horses, whose feet are not sound, to work free from lameness; they also tend to prevent slipping. This is especially the case with Urquhart's 'bar pads,' respecting which my veterinary friends at Manchester, where they are largely used, inform me that they prevent slipping quite as much if not more, than the Charlier plan of shoeing horses."—Mr. T. D. Broad, F.R.C.V.S., of Bath. G. URQUHART, 6 Derby Street, Mayfair. THE BRITISH & COLONIAL Horse-Shoe & Machine COMPANY Ltd. Works Address— GLOBE IRON WORKS, WALSALL, STAFFORDSHIRE. | RICHARDSON'S | Office Address— 3 BILLITER BUILDINGS, BILLITER STREET, LONDON, E.C.
| All kinds and sizes of Fullered and Stamped Shoes kept in Stock. Nails, Rasps, Pads, and all other Farriery requisites at lowest prices. OUR GOODS ARE UNEQUALLED FOR DURABILITY AND NEATNESS. PROMPT DESPATCH GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS. N.B.—To prevent mistakes when ordering note the following:— A Width of Shoe across the widest part. B Width of Iron required at Toe. C Thickness of Iron required at Toe. EXAMPLE | 5-1/2-in. A | × | 7/8-in. B | × | 1/2-in. C | Each size should vary 1/4-in. EXAMPLE 5-in. 5-1/4-in. 5-1/2-in. 5-3/4-in. 6-in. and so on. Capewell Horse Nails "THE BEST IN THE WORLD" Highest Award Chicago Exhibition, 1893. | ad TRADE MARK | Gold Medal Mid-Winter Exhibition, San Francisco, 1894. | The Capewell Nails are:— "The Best Driving Nails," "The Best Nails to Hold," and "The Safest Nails to Use." They never split in driving. They never buckle in the hardest hoof. They are flexible to clinch, and the clinch holds against any strain in service. Their perfect points make a clean cut hole in the most brittle hoof. They are absolutely uniform in length, breadth, and thickness. They are manufactured in London from the best Swedish Iron, the quality of which is improved in compactness, tenacity, and uniformity of temper by the "Capewell Process." As demonstrated by actual mechanical tests at Chicago, the tensile strength of the Capewell is greater than that of any other nail made. Thus it is that the Capewell nails never break under the heads but hold the shoe until it is worn out. On Sale by all Iron Merchants, Ironmongers, and Dealers. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION TO The CAPEWELL HORSE NAIL Co. Limited. Offices & Factory—GLENGALL ROAD, MILLWALL, LONDON, E. THE UNITED HORSE SHOE & NAIL COM PY. LIMITED. General Offices and Works: CUBITT TOWN, LONDON, E. Manufacturers of Horse Shoes and Nails to the BRITISH ARMY. Manufacturers of PATENT STEAM-HAMMERED HORSE, MULE and PONY SHOES, which may be advantageously APPLIED COLD. Also of the ROWLEY PATENT HORSE SHOES and IRON. THE PATENT BRIGHT READY-POINTED "GLOBE" HORSE-SHOE NAIL. Contractors to all the Chief Tramway and Omnibus Companies in the United Kingdom. SEVERAL GOLD MEDALS. AWARDS WHEREVER EXHIBITED. PRICE LISTS AND TERMS ON APPLICATION. R. F. BLOSS, Secretary. H. & W. Brown, Printers, 20 Fulham Road, London, S.W. |