Chap. | | Page. | I. | —Introduction | | II. | —Form and Action of the Foot | 9 | | The hoof. The sensitive foot, growth and wear of hoof. The bones, cartilages, pads and vessels. Action of the foot, expansion and contraction, function of the frog. The natural bearing-surface. | | III. | —Preparation of Hoof for Shoeing | 32 | | Bearing-surface for shoe. Proportions of foot, height of heel, length of toe, treatment of sole and frog. Faults to be avoided. | | IV. | —The Form and Manufacture of Shoes | 48 | | Material, weight, thickness, width. The foot-surface of shoes. The ground-surfaces. Calkins, nails and nail-holes. Machine-made shoes. Prepared bar-iron. | | V. | —Selection of a Shoe | 65 | | For varieties of horse and work. | | VI. | —Fitting and Application of Shoes | 67 | | Level or adjusted form. Outline fitting, surface fitting. Clips, hot and cold fitting. Tips. The Charlier system. | | VII. | —On Roughing | 83 | | Necessity for, evils of. Frost-nails, ordinary "roughing." Movable steel sharps, steel screw sharps. | | VIII. | —Injuries Resulting from Shoeing | 90 | | From nails, from the clip, from the shoe. "Corns," "burnt sole." "Treads." "Cutting or Brushing." "Over-reaching." "Speedy-cut." "Forging or Clacking." | | IX. | —Shoeing Bad Feet | 100 | | Flat feet, convex soles, broken feet. | | X. | —Leather and Rubber Pads | 107 | | Plain leather, ring-leathers, frog-pads. The Pneumatic Pad, The Wedge-pad, The Bar-pad. | | XI. | —Shoeing Competitions | 112 |