blic@vhost@g@html@files@31108@31108-h@31108-h-3.htm.html#Page_101" class="pginternal">101. - Brandes, George, "Young Germany" by,
- Brass, August, tool of Bismarck,
- Bresci, Gaetano, assassin of King Humbert,
- Brousse, Paul,
- 49,
- 196-197,
- 198;
- originates phrase, "the Propaganda of the Deed,"
- leads revolutionary manifestation at Bern,
- leaves the Bakouninists,
- Bucher, Lothar, tool of Bismarck,
- Burlington strike, outrages by private detectives during,
- Burns, William J., quoted on character of detectives as a class,
C - Cabet, utopian socialism of,
- Cafiero, Carlo, Italian revolutionist, disciple of Bakounin,
- Camorra, an organization of Italians which pursues terrorist tactics,
- Capitalism, workingmen's ignorance concerning, previous to advent of Karl Marx,
- Carnot, President, assassination of,
- Caserio, assassin of President Carnot,
- Castillo, Canovas del, torture of suspected terrorists by,
- Catholic Church, burden of anarchism laid on doctrines of socialism by,
- 98;
- right of assassination upheld by clergy of,
- terrorist tactics pursued by organizations of,
- Cerretti, Celso, Italian insurrectionist,
- Colorado, governmental tyranny during labor wars in,
- 217;
- political and industrial battles in (1894-1904),
- Commune of Paris, viewed as a spontaneous uprising of the working class,
- Communist League, Marx presents his views to, resulting in the Communist Manifesto,
- Communist Manifesto, of Marx and Engels,
- 137-141;
- the universal text-book of the socialist
108-h@31108-h-2.htm.html#Page_79" class="pginternal">79,
- 84-85,
- 104.
- Herwegh, German poet and revolutionist,
- Hess, Moritz, secret history of Basel congress of 1869 by,
- Hillquit, Morris, description by, of battle between strikers and detectives at Homestead,
- Hins, follower of Bakounin, quoted,
- 163;
- outlines, in 1869, program of modern syndicalists,
- HÖdel, assassin of Emperor William,
- Hogan, "Kid," quoted on strike-breakers,
- Homestead strike, character of Pinkertons employed in,
- 285-286;
- account of battle between strikers and special police,
- Houses of the People, in Europe,
- Humbert, King, attempt upon life of,
I - Individualism in France a contributing cause to rise of syndicalism,
- Industrial Workers of the World, American syndicalism,
- Inheritance, abolition of right of, advocated by Bakounin,
- Intellectuals, appearance of, as an aid to anarchism,
- 239-241;
- lack of real understanding of labor movement by, and fate of,
- International Alliance of Social Democracy,
- International Working Men's Association (the "International"), Bakounin's attempt to inject his ideas into,
- 7,
- 15;
- launching of the,
- beginning made by, in actual political work,
- struggles in, between followers of Marx and followers of Bakounin's anarchist doctrines,
- congress of, at Basel in 1869 the turning-point in its history,
- overturning of foundation principles of, owing to anarchist tendencies of the congress,
- period of slight accomplishment, from 1869 to 1873,
- congress of 1873 at The Hague,
- expulsion of Bakounin and removal of seat of General Council to New York,
- motives of Marx in destroying,
- one chief result of existence of, the distinct separation of anarchism and socialism,
- attempts of Bakouninists to revive, after Hague congress,
- end of efforts of anarchists to build a new,
- International Working People's Association, anarchist society in America,
- Italy, anarchist uprisings in, in 1874,
- 41-44;
- demonstration under doctrines of Propaganda of the Deed in (1877),
- reasons for individual execution of justice in, found in expense of official justice and corruptness of courts,
- condition
@31108-h-1.htm.html#Page_47" class="pginternal">47-48,
- 162-169;
- rapid spread of, in America