Price Paper Cover, 25 cents a Copy Cloth Bound, 50 cents a Copy Pro rata for any quantity Published by Hunter &. Company Oak Park, Illinois. U.S.A. Each Chapter Separately Copyrighted in 1906 Copyrighted in Book Form, 1907 Revised and Enlarged Edition, Copyright, 1908 by Wm. C. Hunter All Rights Reserved Contents - Aches and Pains100
- Advertising32
- Advice39
- Ambition18
- Anger94
- Argument42
- Associates61
- Backbone and Wishbone108
- Brains, Birth, Boodle105
- Bribes120
- Buying34
- Catching Up93
- Cigarets64
- Compensation25
- Competition30
- Credit11
- Debt103
- Discontent98
- Do Good108
- Double Equipment109
- Dressing100
- Elimination46
- Employees89
- Enthusiasm92
- Expenses35
- Financing96
- Fixed Charges63
- Friends88
- Frozen Dog Tales129
- Generalists99
- Get Away109
- Good Fellowship67
- Good for Evil65
- Gossip120
- Groundwork7
- Grumbling60
- Hard Times59
- Hard Work68
- Health56
- Home Life77
- Honesty73
- Horse Sense50
- Hypochondriacs122
- Independence85
- Initiative110
- Kindness69
- Lawyers19
- Laxity92
- Learn to Play66
- Learn to Say No9
- Managers51
- Memory79
- Monthly Dividends102
- My Symphony126
- Never Quit Work13
- Night Work111
- Obedience113
- Optimism78
- Our Sons117
- Patience57
- Pay Day114
- Perspiration87
- Politics123
- Precedent95
- Producers21
- Profanity123
- Promises84
- Pull119
- Reading40
- Rule of Gold125
- Salesmen71
- Saving115
- Selling52
- Short Letters87
- Sizing Up Things27
- Sleep60
- Specialists47
- Speculation43
- Stand When Selling15
- Stenographers121
- Success74
- System124
- The Boss26
- The Man, Not the Plan23
- The String49
- Thinking75
- Vacations55
- Vantage Ground16
- Waiting for Success116
- Worry81
Dedication The Author respectfully dedicates this book to the Officers and Proprietors to the Managers and Superintendents to the Buyers and Sellers to the Clerks and Office Men to the Youth seeking promotion to the Boy with his first job and to all who wish to get Happiness Health and Dollars.