
For convenience it has seemed well to divide the following list into two parts--the first devoted to the discussion of theory, the other offering concrete suggestions.

Such a division is arbitrary, of course. No better exposition of theory can be found than is contained in some of these references dealing with actual laboratory usage and furnishings. On the other hand the two books by Dr. Kilpatrick, with their illuminating analysis of didactic materials, afford many concrete suggestions, at least on the negative side.


Chamberlin, A. E.

"The Child: A Study in the Evolution of Man," Scribner, 1917.
Chap. I, "The Meaning of the Helplessness of Infancy."
Chap. II, "The Meaning of Youth and Play."
Chap. IV, "The Periods of Childhood."

Dewey, John

"Democracy and Education," Macmillan, 1916.
Chap. XV, "Play and Work in the Curriculum."
"How We Think," D. C. Heath and Co.
Chap. XVII, "Play, Work, and Allied Forms of Activity."
Chap. XVI, "Process and Product."
"Interest and Effort in Education," Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913.
Chap. IV, "The Psychology of Occupations."
"The School and Society," University of Chicago Press, 1916.
Chap. IV, "The Psychology of Occupations."
Chap. VII, "The Development of Attention."
"Cyclopedia of Education," Edited by Paul Monroe, Macmillan Co.
Articles on "Infancy," "Play."

Dopp, Katherine E.

"The Place of Industries in Elementary Education," University of
Chicago Press, 1915.

Groos, Karl

"The Play of Man," Appleton, 1916.

Hall, G. Stanley

"Educational Problems," Appleton, 1911.
Chap. I, "The Pedagogy of the Kindergarten."
"Youth: Its Regimen and Hygiene," Appleton, 1916.
Chap. VI, "Play, Sports and Games."

Kilpatrick, William Heard

"The Montessori System Examined," Houghton Mifflin, 1914.
"Froebel's Kindergarten Principles Critically Examined,"
Macmillan, 1916.

Lee, Joseph

"Play in Education," Macmillan, 1915.

Wood, Walter

"Children's Play and Its Place in Education," Duffield, 1913.


Arnold, Dr. E. H.

"Some Inexpensive Playground Apparatus," Bulletin No. 27, Playground
Association of America and Playground Extension
Committee of The Russell Sage Foundation.

Deming, Lucile P. and others

"Playthings," Bulletin No. I.
"The Play School," Bulletin No. III.
"The Children's School, The Teachers College Playground, The
Gregory School," Bulletin No. IV.
Bureau of Educational Experiments publications, 1917.

Chambers, Will Grant and others

"Report of the Experimental Work in the School of Childhood,"
University of Pittsburgh Bulletin, 1916.

Cook, H. Caldwell

"The Play Way," Stokes Co., 1917.

Corbin, Alice M.

"How to Equip a Playroom: the Pittsburgh Plan," Bulletin No. 118,
Playground and Recreation Association of America, 1913.

Dewey, John and Evelyn

"Schools of To-morrow," Dutton, 1915.
Chap. V, "Play."

Hall, G. Stanley

"Aspects of Child Life," Ginn, 1914.
"The Story of a Sand Pile."

Hetherington, Clark W.

"The Demonstration Play School of 1913," University of California
Bulletin, 1914.

Hill, Patty Smith and others

"Experimental Studies in Kindergarten Education," Teachers College
publications, 1915.

Johnson, George E.

"Education by Plays and Games," Ginn & Co., 1907.

Lee, Joseph

"Play for Home," Bulletin No. 102, Playground and Recreation
Association of America.

Read, Mary L.

"The Mothercraft Manual," Little, Brown & Co., 1916.

Wells, H. G.

"Floor Games," Small, Maynard & Co., 1912.
"The New Machiavelli," Duffield Co., 1910.
Chap. II, "Bromstead and My Father."


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