wiggle PART I. | CHAPTER I. | Introduction—Light—Solar Spectrum—Decomposition of Light—Light—Heat and Actinism—Blue Paper and Color for the Walls of the Operating Room—Proportions of Light, Heat and Actinism composing a Sunbeam—Refraction—Reflection—Lenses—Copying—Spherical Aberration—Chromatic Aberration | 13 | CHAPTER II. | Camera—Arrangement of Lenses—Camera Tubes—Camera Boxes, Bellows, and Copying—Camera Stands—Head Rests—Cleaning Vice—Nitrate Bath—Leveling Stands—Printing Frames—Collodion Vials | 26 | PART II. | Practical Hints on Photographic Chemistry. | CHAPTER III. | Soluble Cotton—Manipulation—Plain Collodion—Bromo-Iodized Collodion for Positives—Ditto for Negatives—Solution of Bromide and Iodide of Potassium and Silver—Double Iodide of Potassium and Silver—Developing Solution—Fixing the Solution—Brightening and Finishing the Image—Photographic Chemicals | 41 | PART III. | Practical Details of the Positive or Ambrotype Process. | CHAPTER IV. | Lewis's Patent Vices for Holding the Glass—Cleaning and Drying the Glass—Coating—Exposure in the Camera—Developing—Fixing or Brightening—Backing up, &c. | 129 | PART IV. | Practical Details of the Negative Process. | CHAPTER V. | Negative Process—Soluble Cotton—Plain Collodion—Developing Solution—Re-Developing Solution—Fixing the Image—Finishing the Image—Nitrate of Silver Bath | 143 | PART V. | Practical Details of the Printing Process. | CHAPTER VI. | Printing Process—Salting Paper—Silvering Paper—Printing the Positive—Fixing and Coloring Bath—Mounting the Positive—Facts worth Knowing | 151 | CHAPTER VII. | Helio Process.—An Entire Process for Producing Collodion Positives and Negatives with one Bath, and in much less time than by any other known Process: by Helio—Photographic Patents | 164 | CHAPTER VIII. | The Collodio-Albumen Process in Detail | 190 | CHAPTER IX. | On a Mode of Printing Enlarged and Reduced Positives, Transparencies, &c., from Collodion Negatives—On the Use of Alcohol for Sensitizing Paper—Recovery of Silver from Waste Solutions,—from the Black Deposit of Hypo Baths, &c.—The Salting and Albumenizing Paper—On the Use of Test Papers—Comparison of British and French Weights and Measures | 191 |