25–6; his interviews with Elizabeth, 264, 269, 306; declines to believe Elizabeth’s professed desire to marry AlenÇon, 309; his scandalous words to Elizabeth, 312; shocked at Elizabeth’s profanity, 323. Catharine de Medici, Queen-mother of France, 3–4, 57, 66, 69, 71, 76; offers Charles IX. to Elizabeth, 79–80, 82–7, 103; favours Leicester’s suit, 104–5; proposals to marry Anjou to Mary Stuart, 114; her negotiations for Anjou’s marriage with Elizabeth, 115–17, 123–5; her interview with Buckhurst, 124–5; her interviews with Walsingham, 127, 135, 137; anxiety for the Anjou match, 140–1; plans to marry Anjou elsewhere, 144; her renewed negotiations for the Anjou match, 145–9; proposes AlenÇon to Elizabeth, 149 passim; her action after St. Bartholomew, 166, 168–71; again offers AlenÇon, 172–3; keeps AlenÇon and Navarre in durance, 175–81; pursues AlenÇon in his flight, 183; again pursues AlenÇon, 190; her plans against the Huguenots, 197–8; Elizabeth praises her, 215; she opposes AlenÇon’s entrance into Flanders, 246, 251; her interview with Walsingham, 256; attempts to bribe AlenÇon, 256; makes light of Elizabeth’s pledge to AlenÇon, 275; her anger with AlenÇon for trusting Elizabeth, 286; helps AlenÇon in the Netherlands, 322; meets AlenÇon on his flight from Flanders, 329; proposes to marry him to Mary Stuart, 330; swears to be revenged upon the Spaniards for AlenÇon’s death, 330; Elizabeth’s letter to her on AlenÇon’s death, 331. Catharine of Aragon, 5, 16–17. Catharine of Navarre, her suggested marriage with AlenÇon, 186. Catholics, persecution of, during AlenÇon’s stay in England, 266. Cavalcanti, Guido, Catharine de Medici’s envoy to Elizabeth, about the Anjou match, 116, 128–9, 131, 136–7, Dudley, Lady Robert, her husband’s alleged plot to murder, 31, 45; her death, 50, 54, 63, 83. Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 2, 29–31, 33–4, 36, 38–40; intrigues to prevent the Austrian match, 41–6, 48–9, 50; presses his own suit, 53–65; solicits Spanish aid, 53–9; solicits Huguenot aid, 63–4; favours Darnley’s marriage with Mary Stuart, 67; proposed marriage with Mary Stuart, 69–70; made Earl of Leicester, 73; his fresh Catholic intrigues, 75; ostensibly favours the Archduke Charles, 82–3; Spanish approaches to, 89–90; French approaches to, 94; suggested marriage with an Austrian princess, 95; again feigns approval of the Austrian match, 97–8; quarrel with Heneage, 98; reproached by Norfolk, 102; his suit again in the ascendant, 103; favoured by the French, 104–5, 106; quarrels with Sussex and Ormond, 107; reproached by the Queen, 108–9; feigns support to the Anjou match, 116–17; proposed marriage with the Princess of Cleves, 138; his attitude towards AlenÇon’s suit, 163, 197, 200, 202–3, 204, 207; his jealousy of Simier, whom he attempts to murder, 209; his second marriage, 210; is against the AlenÇon match, 216, 222, 228, 239, 241–2, 244, 248–9, 250–1, 261, 265, 267, 268, 270–1, 273, 275, 278, 292, 297, 298; accompanies AlenÇon
rst">J. James V. of Scotland, 6. James VI. of Scotland, birth of, 107. Jauregui, his attempt to assassinate Orange, 308. John Don, of Austria, Elizabeth suggests marriage with him, he seizes Namur, 188, 191; Elizabeth urges him to make peace, 192. K. Kenilworth, Elizabeth takes La Mole thither, 162–3; Elizabeth receives news of St. Bartholomew at, 164. Killigrew, 40–1. Killigrew, Henry, English envoy in France, 144; interview with the Queen-mother, 145–7, 149–51. Knollys, Sir Francis, remonstrates with the Queen about the AlenÇon match, 218. L. Lafin, pursued by Fervaques into Elizabeth’s presence, 278. Lansac, 238, 240, 287. L’Archant, Captain of Anjou’s guard, sent to England, 136–9, 140. L’Aubespine, Secretary, special envoy to Elizabeth, 197. Leicester, Earl of, see Dudley. Leighton, Thomas, special envoy to France, 179–80. Lennox, Earl of, 72. Lethington, William Maitland, laird of, 67, 68–9, 70, 89. Lignerolles, his murder, 141, 144. Limoges, Bishop of, 147. Lincoln, Earl of, see Clinton. Lippomano, his story respecting the Queen and AlenÇon, 265. L’isle, Madame, cipher name for Elizabeth, 168. Long Melford, Suffolk, De Bacqueville received by the Queen at, 194. Lorraine, Cardinal, 69, 76, 137, 140. Lucidor, Don, cipher name for AlenÇon, 168, 176. Lumley, Lady, 25. M. Maisonfleur, his mission to Elizabeth, 167–8, 175–6. Mansfeldt, Count, 48. Marchaumont, AlenÇon’s agent in England, 233; knights Drake, 235; sends Elizabeth’s garter to AlenÇon, 236; urges AlenÇon to visit England, 241, 244–5, 248–9, 250, 252; again urges AlenÇon to visit England, 260, 262; his reception of AlenÇon, 262–3, 276; complains to Elizabeth of Leicester’s talk about AlenÇon, 304; continually begs for money for Alen
1" class="pginternal">311–12; Salcedo’s plot to murder, 320; tired of AlenÇon, 325, 326–7. Ormond, Earl of, 103, 107. Oudenarde, fall of, 319. Oxford, Earl of, 29. P. Paget, Lord, 14–15. Parr, Catharine, marries Thomas Seymour, 7; her treatment of Elizabeth, 7–8. Parry, Sir Thomas, Cofferer to Princess Elizabeth, 8–11. Paulet, Sir Amyas, English minister in France, 198. Pelican, the, Drake’s ship, 235. Pembroke, Earl of, 58, 67; the Queen’s anger with him, 108; receives the special French embassy, 238. Philip II., 3–4; his suggested marriage with Elizabeth, 7; marries Mary, 13–20; his approaches to Elizabeth, 21–3; his attitude towards an Austrian match, 24–5; offers his hand to Elizabeth, 27–8; inclined to aid Dudley, 57, 62, 83, 100; rejoices at St. Bartholomew, 166; his fleet well received by Elizabeth, 184; Henry Cobham sent to him, 185; disbelieves in the AlenÇon match, 197; his pretensions to the crown of Portugal, 215; plots with Mary Stuart for the invasion of England, 224; crippled by Elizabeth’s policy, 331. Pickering, Sir William, a suitor for Elizabeth’s hand, 25, 29–30; arrives in England, 33–4, 36–7; quarrels with Bedford and Arundel, 37. Pinart, Secretary, 238, 244, 251, 273–4, 276, 279, 288; reproaches AlenÇon for his treasonable talk, 295; threatens Elizabeth, 297–8. Porte, La, sent to England by AlenÇon, 184. Pruneaux, M. de, 311. Q. Quadra, Alvaro de, Bishop of Aquila, Spanish ambassador, 24, 26, 32, 34–6, 38–9, 41–4, 45–50, |