Act for Ports and Towns (1691), 80
Act for Ports and Towns (1704), repeal of, 76, 77
act prohibiting importation of "stript tobacco," 77
petition for the repeal of, 77
ale, 80
Allen, William, 41
Ambler, Richard (merchant), 79
architectural drawings, Tutter's Neck, 30
Atkins, Robert, 42
Bacon, Nathaniel, 7
ball, cannon, 12, 22, 23 (illustr.)
basin, English delftware, 15, 16 (illustr.), 22, 24 (illustr.)
bead, glass, 47, 70, 71 (illustr.)
Belcher, Governor (Massachusetts), 77
Board of Trade (London), reports to, 75, 76, 77, 78-79, 82-83, 84, 85, 111
"shallop," 82
sloop, 82
bone, 18, 47
bones, animal, 51-52
bottles, 36, 43, 51, 82
bird, 82, 107, 108 (illustr.), 109 (illustr.)
case, 13
oil or essence, 13
pharmaceutical, 13, 24 (illustr.), 25, 55
stoneware, 91, 92, 98 (illustr.), 100 (illustr.), 101, 105
water, 107
wine, 4, 10, 13, 14, 24 (illustr.), 25, 39 (illustr.), 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 51, 55, 68-70 (illustr.)
wine, miniature, 17 (illustr.), 24 (illustr.), 25
wine, seals for, 32, 35, 36, 37 (illustr.), 43, 46, 55, 69, (illustr.), 70
Yorktown earthenware, 106 (illustr.)
bottle glass, 11
bowls: delftware, 49, 64-66 (illustr.)
earthenware, 48 (illustr.)
Indian pottery, 67
Staffordshire, 55
stoneware, 96, 97 (illustr.)
Yorktown earthenware, 49, 104 (illustr.), 107
Braxton (ship), 83
Bray, David, Sr., 40
Bray, David, Jr., 35, 37, 40
Bray, Elizabeth, 41
Bray, Elizabeth Meriwether, 41
Bray, James, Sr., 40
Bray, James, Jr., 40
Bray, Judith, 35, 36, 37, 40
Bray, Thomas, 35, 40, 45, 56
brewing, 80, 82, 85
Brewster, Richard, 36
Bristol (store), 82, 87
Brown, Matthew, 36, 40
bricklaying, English bond, 4, 8, 44, 45
brickmaking, 43
bricks (See under building materials)
broad arrow, 58 (illustr.), 59
Bruton Parish, 35
church, 37
buckle, shoe, 63 (illustr.), 64 (See also harness)
building materials:
bricks, 43, 87;
shipment of, 83;
sizes of, 8, 44, 45
lathes, oak, 7
lumber, 7, 9, 10, 14;
oak strips, 44;
weatherboards, 44
(See also floor)
mortar, 4, 8, 10, 43, 44, 45, 51
oystershells, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 44, 45, 49, 52
plaster, 51
shingles, cypress, 7
Burbydge, Richard (seal of), 36, 39, 46, 69 (illustr.), 70
Burdett, John (tavern keeper), 107, 108
Burwell, Lewis, 41
Burwell's Ferry (Virginia), 43
(See also Kingsmill)
button, brass, 70, 71 (illustr.)
can, iron, 4
Carter, Robert "King", 45
Cary, Colonel Thomas, rebellion led by, 39
Challis site (James City County), 92, 94, 95, 96, 110
Chalmers, George, 78
chamber pots, 82;
handle of English delftware, 15, 16 (illustr.)
charger, delftware, 49, 51, 55, 65 (illustr.), 66
Charles II, 39, 82
Charleston, R. J., 13
Chesapeake Corporation, 31, 32, 41, 42
Cheshire, ——, 87
chimney, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14;
bird bottles in, 107-108;
Tutter's Neck, 36, 43, 45, 49
chinoiserie, 13
Chowan Precinct (North Carolina), 37-39
Bruton Parish, 37
Chowan Precinct (North Carolina), 37-38
Clark, Victor S., 76
Clay Bank,
excavations at, 3-27;
excavation plans, 6
Clayton, John, 87
clock, 82
closets, 7
clothing, 77, 78
Coke, John (tavern keeper), 95, 96, 97, 110
collar, iron, 24 (illustr.), 25
College Landing (Virginia), 32
Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., 3, 5, 31, 32, 42, 44, 96
ceramics, 10, 11, 31, 32, 46
Indian, 11, 15, 16 (illustr.)
shipment of, 82, 84
Staffordshire, 11
(See also specific forms and types)
Colono-Indian pottery, 24 (illustr.), 25, 45, 49, 55, 65 (illustr.), 67;
bowl, 65 (illustr.), 67;
cup, 52 (illustr.)
cooper, 12
Cotton, Ezra, 7
Council of Virginia, 40, 77, 78
petition complaining about piracy, 41
Culpeper, Lord, 41
cup, Colono-Indian pottery, 52 (illustr.);
delftware, 49;
earthenware, 12, 68, 69 (illustr.);
porcelain, 70, 71 (illustr.)
curtains, 82;
rings for, 70, 71 (illustr.)
cutlery, 46, 58 (illustr.);
bone handled, 18, 19 (illustr.)
(See also knife; fork)
Daniel, Daniel Mack, 42
delftware, 50 (illustr.):
bowls, 49
charger, 49, 51, 55
cup, 49
drug jar, 49
English, 13, 15, 16 (illustr.), 22, 23, (illustr.), 44, 46, 47, 51, 64-67, 65 (illustr.)
plate, 47
porringers, 49
salts, 51 (illustr.)
Desandrouin (cartographer), 32, 34, 35
doors, 8
drug jar, 49, 28
hearth, 9, 10, 12
Herman, Augustine, 2, 5
Higgenson, Humphry, 36
Hodgson, Reverend Robert, 7
Horns Quarter (King William County), 40
horseshoe, 49, 62, 63 (illustr.)
"Ardudwy" (Clay Bank), 4, 5, 7, 8, 14
brick, 45, 87
Corotoman, 45
Green Spring, Pyle House, 107, 108
Jamestown, 44
Tutter's Neck, drawings of, 30 (illustr.)
John Blair, 44
Brush-Everard, 44
Coke Garrett, 107, 108
James Geddy, 107
Anthony Hay, 110
New Post Office, 110
Archer Cottage, 102
Digges house, 92, 98, 106, 107, 108, 110
(See also Tutter's Neck, buildings)
indentured servants, 81
appeal to governor for help against, 38, 40
Iroquois Confederation, 40
pottery, 11, 15, 16 (illustr.) (See also Colono-Indian pottery)
projectile point, 15, 16 (illustr.), 71 (illustr.) 72
tobacco pipes, 14
uprising, 39-40
war with Tuscarora Indians, 39-40
inventory, William Rogers' estate, 82, 88-90, 105, 109
iron, unidentified objects, 20 (illustr.), 21, 24 (illustr.), 25-27
(See also specific items)
ironworks, 78
Jamaica Merchant (ship), 36
Jamestown, 44, 107
earthenware, 24 (illustr.), 25, 47, 68, 69 (illustr.)
pickle, glass, 69 (illustr.), 70
stoneware, 92
storage, 24 (illustr.), 25, 68, 69 (illustr.), 105, 107
Jenings, Col., 82, 87
Jenkins, William F., 3, 4, 11
Jennings, Governor Edmund, 4
Johnson, Elizabeth Bray, 41
Johnson, Col. Philip, 41
Jones, Dorothy Walker, 41
Jones, Frederick, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44-45, 56;
property attacked by Indians, 40;
will of, 40;
wine bottle seal of, 35-36, 38 (illustr.), 39 (illustr.), 69 (illustr.), 70
Jones, Henry (tobacco pipe maker), 14
Jones, Hugh, 42
Jones, Jane, 41
Jones, Captain Roger, 36, 41;
complaints about the conduct of, 41
Jones, Thomas, 13, 35, 37, 41
Judith (ship), 83
jug, brown stoneware, 65 (illustr.), 67;
white stoneware, 55
kilns, 104; "furniture", 76, 91, 92, 93-94, 99 (illustr.), 103-104;
location of, 84, 105-106;
types of, 104;
use of refuse of, 92
(See also pottery making)
Kingsmill (Virginia), 40, 41 (See also Burwell's Ferry)
Clay Bank, 7, 8
Tutter's Neck, 30, 36, 43, 44;
conjectural reconstruction of, 30 (illustr.);
excavation of, 45-46
knife, iron, 20 (illustr.), 21;
table, 49, 58 (illustr.), 59
Knight, Tobias, 41
lamps, 82
latten (See under spoon)
leather, 79
Lee, Robert (widow of), 4
Little Town (Virginia), 40, 45
majolica, Spanish, 49
makers' marks:
latten spoon—R S, 58 (illustr.), 59
W W, 4, 18
pewter spoon—M, 27
tools—I H, 21
WARD, 18
(See also tobacco pipe)
Maloney, James E., 92-96, 102-105
mantels, 8
manufacturing in colonial Virginia, 76-79
reports on trade and manufactures, 75, 76, 78-79
manufacturing in New England, 77
map, Tutter's Neck, 33 (illustr.);
Virginia (1673), 2 (illustr.), 5; (1781), 32, 34, 35 (illustr.);
Yorktown, 74; (1691), 80
marks: broad arrow, 58 (illustr.), 59
excise stamp on stoneware, 92, 95 (illustr.)
shipping, 36
(See also makers' marks; tobacco pipes)
Marlborough (plantation), 32, 79, 105
Maynard (ship), 83
Maynard, Lieutenant, 42
Mercer, John, 79, 84, 105
Meriwether, Elizabeth, 41
Middle Plantation (Williamsburg), 40
mill, horse, 82
Minge, Robert, 81
Morse (Moss), Francis, 87
Mountford's Mill Dam, 82
mug, 82;
English delftware, 15, 16 (illustr.), 22, 24 (illustr.), 46;
redware, 22, 24 (illustr.);
reproductions, 96 (illustr.);
stoneware, 91, 92, 93 (illustr.), 94 (illustr.), 99 (illustr.), 104-105
Nancy (sloop), 83
National Park Service, 91, 92, 93, 96, 102, 107, 110
Negroes, 40, 78, 79, 82 (See also slaves)
Nelson, John, 84
Nelson, William, 88
"New Bottle" (plantation), 4; location of, 4-5
New Bottle (Scotland), 4
Nicholson, Francis, 41
Norton, Courtenay, 83
Norton, John (merchant), 83
oil, 83
ointment pot, 65 (illustr.), 66
Page, Elizabeth, 40
Page family, 3
pan: cream (Yorktown earthenware), 55, 68, 69 (illustr.), 100 (illustr.), 101, 102 (illustr.), 103 (illustr.), 106, 109-110
milk, 82
pudding, 82
sauce, 82
Tidewater earthenware, 22, 24 (illustr.), 25, 92
Parker, Isaac, 84
Parks, William (printer), 87
Petsworth Parish (See under Vestry Book of)
Pettus family, 40
Pettus, Mourning, marriage of, 40
Pettus, Thomas, Jr. (widow of), 40
pewter (See spoon)
pictures, 82
pipe (See tobacco pipe)
pipkin, 24 (illustr.), 25, 99, 100 (illustr.), 101
piracy, 41-42
plate, English delftware, 15, 16 (illustr.), 22, 24 (illustr.), 65 (illustr.), 67; tin-glazed earthenware, 15, 16 (illustr.)
Pollock, ——, 40
porcelain, Chinese, 49
cup, 70, 71 (illustr.)
porringers, 82;
delftware, 49, 65 (illustr.), 66;
Yorktown earthenware, 100
(illustr.), 101, 107
Porteus, Beilby, 4, 8
Porteus, Edward, 4, 7, 14
Porteus, Robert, 4, 5, 7, 8
pot, cream, 82;
iron, 62, 63 (illustr.), 78
potteries, Charlestown, Mass., 84
Fulham (England), 109
Gloucester, Mass., 85
North Devon, England, 84
North Walk, England, 84-85
Philadelphia, 84
Williamsburg, 92-96, 102-105
pottery: inventory of, 82, 85
pottery making, 78-79, 83-84, 102-105, 110;
experiments in, 92-96, 102-105
prison, 82
gaol, 95
projectile point, 15, 16 (illustr.), 71 (illustr.), 72
Purton (plantation), 4
Randolph, John, 35, 77
Reade, George, 87
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 7
Reynolds, Susanna Rogers, 82, 83, 87
Reynolds, Thomas, 83, 84, 110
ring: curtain (brass), 70, 71 (illustr.);
iron, 24 (illustr.), 25, 62, 63 (illustr.)
"Rippon Hall" (plantation, York County), 4
Rogers, George, 83, 84
Rogers, Theodosia, 82, 87
Rogers, William (Yorktown potter), 75-111
brewer, 80, 82, 14, 26 (illustr.), 27
V^S, 26 (illustr.), 28
W, 54
W F, 14
W P (or R), 14, 26 (illustr.), 27
X·I·F·X, 26 (illustr.), 28
tobacco pipes, makers of:
William Ferry, 14
John Fletcher, 27
Jacob Fox, 27
Josiah Fox, 14, 27
Henry Jones, 14
Richard Sayer, 54, 56, 57 (illustr.)
I. Tippet, 14, 49
Robert Tippet, 54
Richard Tyler, 54
tools, 14
chisel, carpenter's, 12;
cooper's, 13, 22, 23 (illustr.);
forming, 9, 12, 22, 23 (illustr.)
cramp, 20 (illustr.), 21
dividers, 49, 54 (illustr.), 58 (illustr.), 60
fleam, 58 (illustr.), 60
gimlet, 19 (illustr.), 21
hoe, 12, 21, 22, 23 (illustr.);
broad, 21, 23 (illustr.);
grub, 21, 23 (illustr.)
race knife, 12, 18, 19 (illustr.), 24 (illustr.), 25
saw, 47, 54 (illustr.)
saw wrest, 20 (illustr.), 21
scissors, 54 (illustr.), 59, 60
scythe, 62, 63 (illustr.)
sickle, 47, 49, 54 (illustr.), 60, 61 (illustr.)
tools: spade, 22, 23 (illustr.)
unidentified, 58 (illustr.), 60
wedge, 12, 22, 23 (illustr.)
tube, bone, 63 (illustr.), 64;
iron, 61 (illustr.), 62
Tutter's Neck, 30-72;
aerial photograph of, 32
drawings of, 30
excavation of, 43-46
kitchen, 30, 36, 43, 44, 45-46
residence, 30, 43-45
excavation plan of, 37, 47
map of, 33 (illustr.), 34, 35 (illustr.)
tyg, earthenware, 12, 15, 16 (illustr.); 22, 24 (illustr.)
Tyler, Richard (tobacco pipe maker), 54
unidentified objects, iron, 20 (illustr.), 21, 24 (illustr.), 25-27
(See also specific items)
Vestry Book of Petsworth Parish, 5, 7
Vincent, William (potter), 85
Virginia: colonial economy, 76-79
Ward, —— (toolmaker), 18
warehouse, 87
weaving, 79
Webb, Frances, 83
Williamsburg, 13, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 82, 83, 84, 87, 91, 92, 95, 110
(See also Colonial Williamsburg, Inc.)
Williamsburg Pottery, 92-96;
experiments at, 102-105
Williamsburg Restoration, Inc., 31, 41
windows, 7, 44;
frames for, 87;
lead cames for, 44
(See also glass, window)
woodenware, 83
York (ship), 83
Yorktown, 74-111;
list of plat owners, 81
map of, 74;
(1691), 80
Transcriber's Notes:
Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected.
P. 54 Sidenote text may appear to be oddly split between lines but this is what is portrayed on the image.