ublic@vhost@g@html@files@44126@44126-h@44126-h-6.htm.html#b16_28" class="pginternal">28; territory of, 5, 94 Aegosagae, a tribe of Gauls invited into Asia by Attalus, 5, 77, 78, 111 Aegospotami, the Goat’s river, on the Hellespont, 1, 6; 12, 25k Aegusa, one of the Aegates (Farignano), 1, 60 Aegusae (the Aegates), 1, 44 Aegys, a town in Laconia, 2, 54 Aemilia, wife of Scipio Africanus the elder, and sister of Aemilius Paullus, 32, 12-14 Aemilius Lepidus, M., consul B.C. 232, 2, 21, 22 Aemilius Lepidus, M., consul B.C. 187, 16, 34; 22, 3; 28, 1; 32, 21 Aemilius Papus, L., consul B.C. 225, 2, 23, 26-31 Aemilius Paullus, M., consul B.C. 255, 1, 36, 37 Aemilius Paullus, L., consul B.C. 219 and 215, 3, 16, 18, 19, 106, 107, 116, 117; 4, 37, 66; 5, 108; 15, 11 Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus, L., consul B.C. 182 and 168, 18, 35; 29, 1, 7, 10, 14, 15, 17, 20; 30, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19; 31, 3; 32, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21; Aemilius Regillus, L., praetor B.C. 190, 21, 8, 10, 24 Aena, a temple at Ecbatana, 10, 27 Aeneas Tacticus (middle of 4th cent. B.C.), 10, 44 Aenianian Gulf (=Sinus Maliacus), so called from the Aenianes, 10, 42 Aenus, a town in Thrace, mod. Enos, 5, 34; 22, 9, 15; 30, 3 Aeolian Islands. See Liparae Aeolis, a district of Mysia between the rivers Carius and Hermus, 5, 77; 21, 13, 14 Aeolus,
.htm#b5_10" class="pgexternal">10, 55; 8, 12; 9, 28, 34; 10, 27; 12, 12b, 17, 18, 19, 22; 18, 3; 22, 8; 29, 21; 38, 4 Alexander, son of Acmetus, officer of Antigonus Doson, 2, 66 Alexander, commander of cavalry to Antigonus Doson and a minister of Philip V., 2, 66, 68; 4, 87; 5, 28; 7, 12 Alexander of Aetolia, friend of Dorimachus, 4, 57, 58 Alexander, father of Antigonus, the legate from Perseus to Boeotia, 27, 5 Alexander, ambassador to Rome from Attalus, 18, 10 Alexander Balas, 33, 15; 18, 6 Alexander, king of Epirus, 2, 45; 9, 34 Alexander Isius, an Aetolian, 13, 1; 18, 3, 4, 10, 36; 21, 25, 26 Alexander, brother of Molo, commander of Persis under Antiochus the Great, 5, 40, 41, 43, 54 Alexander, tyrant of Pherae in Thessaly, 8, 1; 39, 2 Alexander, made governor of Phocis by Philip V., 5, 96 Alexander of Trichonium, 5, 13 Alexander, tower of, in Thessaly, 18, 27 Alexandria, capital town of Egypt, 2, 69; 4, 51; 5, 35, 37, 40, 63, 66, 67, 79, 86, 87; 7, 2; 12, 25d; 13, 2; 14, 11; 15, 25, 26, 30; 16, 10, 22; 22, 7, 12; 27, 19; 28, 1, 17, 20, 22, 23; 29, 1 Aquileia, on the Adriatic, 34, 10, 11 Arabia, 5, 71; Arabians, 5, 71, 79, 82, 85; 13, 9 Arachosia, district in Asia, 11, 34 Aradus, an island off the coast of Phoenicia (Ruad), 5, 68 Aratthus, a river in Epirus, 21, 26 Aratus of Sicyon, son of Clinias, his history, 1, 3; 2, 40; 4, 2; - his policy and character, 2, 40, 43-52, 56-60; 4, 6-12, 14, 19, 24, 37, 67, 76, 82, 84-87; 5, 1, 5, 7, 12, 15, 16, 23, 26-28, 30, 91-103; 7, 11;
- his death, 8, 14.
- See also 9, 17, 23; 10, 22; 24, 6; 34, 14. Vol. i. p. 283, note.
Aratus, the younger, son of the last, 2, 51; 4, 37, 60, 67, 70, 72, 82; 5, 1; 7, 11; 24, 6, 10 Araxus, promontory of Achaia, 4, 59, 65 Arbo, a city in Illyria, 2, 11 Arbucala, a city of the Vaccaei in Spain, 3, 14 Arcades, a city in Crete, 4, 53 Arcadia and the Arcadians, 2, 38, 54, 56, 62; 4, 17, 20, 21, 33, 70-77; 12, 4; 18, 14; 39, 7; - practice of music in, 4, 20, 21
Arcas, the ancestor of the Arcadians, 4, 77 Arcesilas of Pitane, academical philosopher, 10, 22 Arcesilaus, ambassador of the Lacedaemonian exiles, 23, Arsinoe, a city of Aetolia, 30, 11 Artabazanes, an Asian prince, 5, 55, 57 Artaxerxes II., Mnemon, king of Persia, 1, 6; 12, 25f, B.C. 405-362 Artaxias, a prince in Armenia, 25, 2; 31, 17 Artemidorus of Syracuse, 1, 8 Artemis, temples of, near Lusi, 4, 18, 19, 25; 9, 34; - at Abydos, 16, 31;
- near Pergamum, 32, 27;
- near Elyma, 31, 11;
- worship of, at Syracuse, 8, 37;
- image of, at Bargylia, 16, 12
Artemisium in Elis, 4, 73 Arunculeius, Gaius, 33, 1, 9 As, Roman coin, 2, 15; 6, 39 Asclepius (Aesculapius), temples of, at Agrigentum, 1, 18; - at New Carthage, 10, 10;
- at Ambracia, 21, 27;
- at Pergamum, 32, 27
Ascondas of Boeotia, 20, 5 Asia, one of the three divisions of the world, 2, 37; 3, 37, 38, 59; 34, 7. - This side Taurus, = Asia Minor, 3, 3; 4, 2, 48; 21, 14, 45; cp. 5, 34, 90.
Asine, a city in Laconia, 5, 19 Asine, a city in Messenia, 18, 42 Aspasiacae, a Nomad tribe in Asia, 10, 48 Aspasianus, a Mede, 5, 79 Aspasius of Elis, 5, 94 Aspendus, in Pamphylia, 5, 73; 21, 35 Aspis, a city in Africa (Clupea), 1, 29, 34, 36 Ass’s Back (Onei Montes), 2, 52 Assyrians, 16 fn. 74; 39, 5 Astapa, a city in Spain, 11, 24 Asti, a Thracian tribe, 16, 12 Astias (Artemis), 16, 12 Astymedes, of Rhodes, 27, 7; 30, 4, 5, 22; 31, 6, 7; 33, 15 Atabyrium, mountain and town in Galilee, 5, 70 Athamanes, a tribe in Epirus, 4, 16; 16, 27; 18, 36; 20,
a href="/files/44125/44125-h/44125-h.htm#b5_95" class="pgexternal">95 Calynda, a city of Caria, 31, 15, 16 Camarina, a city in Sicily, 1, 24, 37; 12, 25k Cambylus, a Cretan, 8, 17-20 Camerinum, a city in Umbria, 2, 19 Cammani, a tribe in Asia, 31, 9 Campania, 3, 90, 91; 34, 11; - the Campanian Mamertines, 1, 7, 8.
- See also 2, 24; 3, 118; 7, 1; 24, 15
Campus Martius, the, 12, 4b Camus, town in Palestine, 5, 70 Candavia, mountain in Illyria, 34, 12 Cannae, in Apulia, 3, 107; battle of, 3, 113-117; 4, 1; 5, 105, 110, 111; 6, 11, 58; 15, 7, 11 Canobus, or Canopus, town in Egypt, 5, 39 Canuleius, ambassador to Egypt, 31, 18 Canusium, town in Apulia, 3, 107 Caphyae, town in Arcadia, 2, 52; 4, 11, 12, 68, 70; Capitolium, Capitol, 1, 6; 2, 18, 31; 6, 19 Cappadocians, 3, 5; 4, 2; 5, 43; 21, 43; 24, 8; 31, 13, 14, 17; 32, 25; Cappadocia, extent of, fr. xx. Capros, river in Assyria, 5, 51 Capua, 2, 17; 3, 90, 91; 9, 3-5; 24, 15; 34, 11 Carchi, a tribe in Asia, 5, 44 Cardaces, Asiatic mercenaries of Antiochus the Great, 5, 79, 82 Caria, 3, 2; 5, 36, 41; 21, 24, 48; 22, 5; 31, 7, 34 Charmion, of Crete, 22, 19 Charops, of Epirus, father of Machatas, 20, 3; 27, 15 Charops, of Epirus, son of Machatas, 27, 15; 30, 12, 13; 31, 8; 32, 20, 21 Charybdis, 34, 3 Chattenia, district in Arabia, 13, 9 Chersonese, Tauric, 25, 2 Chersonese, Thracian, 18, 51; 21, 15, 22, 48 Chesuphus, an Egyptian, 22, 7 Chilon, of Sparta, 4, 81 Chimarus, of Crete, 29, 6 Chiomara, wife of Ortiago the Gaul, 21, 38 Chiron’s villa, near Messene, 4, 4 Chius, - island of, 5, 24, 28, 100; 11, 4; 16, 5, 6, 8, 14; 18, 22; 21, 48;
- battle at, 16, 2-14
Chlaeneas, an Aetolian ambassador, 9, 31, 32, 37; speech of, 9, 28-31 Chremas, an Acarnanian, 28, 5; 30, 13; 32, 20 Chryseis, wife of Antigonus Doson, 5, 89 Chrysogonus, an officer of Philip V., 5, 9, 17, 97; 7, 12; 9, 23 Chrysondyon, a city of the Illyrian Dassaretae, 5, 108 Chrysopolis, on the Bosporus in Bithynia, 4, 44 Cibyra, a town in Phrygia (Horzoom), 21, 34; 30, 5, 9 Cilicia, 5, 59, 79, 82; 12, 7, 17-20; 21, 24; 31, 3 Cilician Gates, the, 12, 8, 17 Cineas, of Thessaly, 18, 14 Cineas, a minister of Ptolemy Physcon, 28, 19 Circeii, in Latium, 3, 22, 24; 31, 22, 23 Circus maximus, the, 30, 14 Cirrha, in Phocis, harbour of Delphi, 5, 27 Cirta, a town in Numidia, 37, 40 Creonium, a town of the Illyrian Dassaretae, 5, 108 Creta, Island, character of the people, 4, 53; 6, 46, 47; 8, 18, 21; 24, 4; - its government, 6, 43, 45-47; 22, 19;
- its pirates, 13, 8;
- the Cretans as mercenaries, 2, 66; 3, 75; 5, 3, 7, 14, 36, 53, 65, 79, 82; 10, 46; 13, 6; 31, 27; 33, 16;
- war with Rhodes, 33, 4, 13, 15, 16;
- to outwit a Cretan, 8, 21.
- See also 4, 8, 20, 54, 55, 61, 67, 71, 80; 7, 12, 14; 13, 4, 5; 22, 19; 28, 15; 29, 10; 31, 26; 33, 15, 16
Cretan sea, the, 5, 19 Cretan wine, SF, iv Cretopolis, in Mylias, part of Pamphylia, 5, 72 Crinon, a Macedonian, 5, 15, 16 Critolaus, a follower of Agathocles of Alexandria, 15, 26 Critolaus, Achaean Strategus B.C. 146, 38, 8-11; 39, 7, 8 Critolaus, a Peripatetic philosopher, goes on a mission to Rome, vol. ii. p. 466 Cronus, tumulus of, 10, 10 Cropius (Nestor), 27, 16 Croton, a city in Magna Graecia, 2, 39; 7, 1; 10, 1 Crow, the, a machine for grappling ships, 1, 22, 27, 28 Crown, mural, 6, 39; 10, 11; Ctesiphon, a city in the south of Assyria, 5, 45 Cumae, a city in Campania, 1, 56; 3, 5, 18, 19 Demetrius, of Pharos, 2, 10, 11, 65, 66; 3, 16, 18; 4, 16, 19, 37, 66; 5, 12, 101, 102, 105, 108; 7, 9, 11, 13, 14; 9, 23; 32, 23 Demetrius, of Phalerum, 10, 24; 12, 13; 29, 21; 36, 2 Demetrius, son of Ariarathes VI. of Cappadocia, 33, 12, 18 Demetrius, an Athenian, 22, 3 Demetrius, son of Euthydemus, king of Bactria, 11, 34 Demetrius, friend of Ptolemy Philometor, 30, 9 Demiurgi, the, 23, 5 Demochares, an historian, 12, 13, 15, 23 Democleitus, inventor of a system of fire signals, 10, 45 Democracy, 6, 3, 4; - its origin, 6, 9;
- its degeneracy, 6, 4, 10;
- in Achaia, 2, 38;
- in Messene, 7, 10
Democrates, a Macedonian admiral, 16, 3 Demodocus, an Achaean, 5, 95 Demophanes, of Megalopolis, 10, 22 Demosthenes, the famous orator, 12, 12b, 13; 18, 14 Demosthenes, of Bithynia, an historian, 12, 1 Demosthenes, secretary of Philip V., 18, 1, 8, 34 Dentheleti, a Thracian tribe, 23, 8 Diaeus, Achaean Strategus B.C. 151, 149, 147, 38, 8; 39, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15 Diatonium, a city in Crete, 22, 19 Dicaearchus, of Trichonium, an Aetolian ambassador, 18, 10; 20, 10; 21, 31 Dicaearchus, an officer of Philip V., 18, 54 Dicaearchus, of Messene in Sicily, a Peripatetic philosopher, 34, 5, 6 Dic?tas, a Boeotian ambassador, 27
-h-8.htm.html#b20_8" class="pginternal">8; Euboic talent, 1, 62; 15, 4; 18, 11. See Agones, Anares, Boii, Cenomani, Insubres, Lai, Lebecii, Ligures, Lingones, Senones, Veneti Gauls of the Alps, 2, 18, 21; 3, 34. See Allobroges, Taurini, Taurisci, Salassi Transalpine Gauls, 2, 15, 22; 3, 37, 39-41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50; 34, 7, 10. See Allobroges, Ardiges, Decietae, Ligures, Oxybii Gauls invading Greece and conquered at Delphi, 1, 6; 2, 20, 35; 4, 46; 9, 34, 35; settled near Macedonia, 18, 37; 25, 6; 29, 9; near Byzantium, 4, 38, 45, 46, 52. See Aegosagae Gauls in Asia (Gallograeci), 6, 5; 3, 3; 5, 111; 18, 41; 21, 33-39, 43, 48; 22, 21; 25, 2; 29, 22; 30, 1-3, 20; 31, 2, 6, 9, 12, 13, 23; 32, 3. See Galatia, Tectosages, Tolistobogii, Trocmi Gallic cavalry in the Roman army, 3, 65-67; character of the Gauls, 2, 7, 19, 32, 33, 35; 3, 70, 79; their arms and mode of fighting, 2, 33; 3, 62; the Gallic sword, 2, 30, 33; 3, 114 Gallic mercenaries in the service of Carthage, 1, 43, 67, 77 ; 2, 7; 3, 72, 74, 79, 84, 85, 106, 113-115, 117; 11, 1, 19; 15, 9, 11-18, 62, 83; 2, 1; 3, 2, 75; 5, 88; 7, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Hieromnemon, at Byzantium, 4, 52 Hieron, a fort on the Thracian Bosporus, 4, 39, 43, 50, 52 Hieronymus, son of Gelo II., king of Syracuse B.C. 216-215, 7, 2-7; 8, 5 Hieronymus, of Arcadia, 18, 14 Himeras, a river in Sicily, 7, 4, 5 Himerean Thermae, in Sicily, 1, 24 Himilco, commandant of Lilybaeum, 1, 42, 43, 45 Hippana, a city in Sicily near Panormus, 1, 24 Hipparchus, an ambassador from Ilium, 22, 5 Hippias, strategus of the Boeotians, 22, 4; 27, 1, 2, 6; 28, 9, 10; 29, 3 Hippitas, a friend of Cleomenes III., 5, 37 Hippo Regius, in Numidia, 12, 1 Hippo Zarytos (Diarrhytus), a town in Libya, 1, 70, 73, 77, 82, 88 Hippocrates, of Cos, 30, 7 Hippocrates, of Syracuse, 7, 2, 4, 5; 8, 5; 9, 22 Hippodrome, near Seleucia, 5, 59; Hippolochus, of Aetolia, 27, 15 Hippolochus, of Thessaly, 5, 70, 71, 79 Hippomedon, a Spartan, 4, 35 Hipposthenes, of Syracuse, 7, 4 Hirpini, a people of Central Italy, 3, 91 History, value of, 1, 1, 35; 2, 35; 3, 31; 5, 75; - truth the eye of, 1, 14; 12, 7;
- connected with geography, 3, 36;
- and natural science, 3, 57;
- compared with tragedy, 2, 56; 15, 36
Hollows, the, near Naupactus, 5, 103 Holy Isle, one of the Aegates, 1, 60, 61 (Maritima); - an Aeolian island sacred to Hephaestus, <
hants, 1, 40; 3, 46; 11, 1
- Insubres, a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls, 2, 17, 22, 23, 28, 30, 32, 34; 3, 40, 56, 60
- Intercatia, a town in Spain, 34, 9
- Io, daughter of Inachus, 4, 43
- Iolaus, comrade of Hercules, 7, 9
- Ionia, 18, 41a; 21, 13, 14, 33, 12
- Ionian sea, 2, 14; 5, 110; 34, 12; 38, 5
- Iphiades, of Abydus, 16, 30
- Iphicrates, of Athens, 39, 2
- Irobastus, an Egyptian, 22, 7
- Isara, a river in Gaul (IsÈre), 3, 49
- Iseas, tyrant of Caryneia, 2, 41
- Isius. See Alexander
- Island, the, between the Rhine and Isara, 3, 49
- Ismenias, of Boeotia, 27, 1, 2
- Isocrates, a grammarian, 32, 4, 6, 7
- Issa, an island in the Adriatic on the coast of Illyria (Lissa), 2, 8, 11; 32, 18
- Issus, in Cilicia, battle of, 12, 17, 18
- Ister. See Danube
- Isthmian games, the, 2, 12; 18, 44, 46
- Isthmus of Corinth, the, 2, 52; 3, 32; 4, 13; 12, 12; 16, 16; 20, 6; 30, 10; 39, 17, 19;
- ships dragged across, 4, 19; fr. xcviii.
- Istri, the, inhabitants of Istria, 25, 4
- Italy, geography and inhabitants of, 2, 14-24;
- Italians, 2, 31; 3, 2, 77, 85, 118; 5, 104; 11, 19; 18, 19; 34, 10.
- See also 1, 3; 3, 118; 5, 105; 28, 16; 39, 19
- Ithaca, island of, 34, 3
- Lucani, the, 2, 24; 10, 1
- Luceria, in Daunia, 3, 88, 100
- Lucius, fr. xi., l., xvii.
- Lucretius Gallus, Gaius, 27, 7
- Lucretius, Spurius, 31, 12, 13
- Lugdunum, a town in Gaul, 34, 15
- Luna, a town in Etruria, 34, 11
- Lusi, a town in Arcadia, 4, 18, 25; 9, 34
- Lusitani, the, 10, 17; 34, 8; 35, 2
- Lusius, a stream in the territory of Megalopolis, 16, 17
- Lutatius Catulus, Gaius, consul B.C. 242, 1, 59-62; 3, 21; 29, 3
- Lutatius Catulus, Gaius, consul B.C. 220, 3, 40
- Lycaeum, a town in the territory of Megalopolis, 2, 51, 55
- Lycaeus, a mountain in Arcadia, 34, 10
- Lycaonia, a district of Asia Minor, 5, 57; 21, 22, 48
- Lycastium, a district of Crete, 22, 19
- Lychnidius, a lake in Illyria, 5, 108
- Lychnis, a town in Illyria, 18, 47; 34, 12
- Lycia, 21, 24, 48; 22, 5; 24, 9; 25, 4; 30, 5; 31, 7, 15; 34, 4
- Lyciscus, an Acarnanian, 9, 32-39
- Lyciscus, an Aetolian, 27, 15; 28, 4; 30, 13; 32, 19, 20
- Lycoa, a town in Arcadia, 16, 17
- Lycon, a Rhodian, 30, 5
- Lycophron, a Rhodian, 25, 5
- Lycopolis, a city in Egypt, 22, 7
- Lycopus, an Aetolian, 21, 25, 26
- Lycortas, of Megalopolis, Achaean Strategus, B.C. 184, 182, father of Polybius, 2, 40; 22, 3, 10, 12, 13, 16; 23, 12, 16, 17; 24, 6, 10; 28, 3, 6; 29, 34, 36
- Machatas, son of Charops, 27, 15
- Maeander, the river, 21, 24, 48; 22, 5
- Maeander, of Alexandria, 15, 30
- Maedi, a Thracian tribe, 10, 41
- Maeotis Palus (Sea of Azov), 4, 39, 40, 42; 5, 44; 10, 27, 48; 34, 7
- Magas, father of Berenice, 15, 26
- Magas, son of Ptolemy Euergetes and Berenice, 5, 34, 36; 15, 25
- Magi, the, 34, 2
- Magilus, a Gallic chief, 3, 44
- Magister equitum, 3, 87
- Magistrates at Rome, 3, 87; 6, 12, 19
- Magnesia, a district in Thessaly, 5, 99, 100; 18, 11, 46, 47
- Magnesia, a city of Ionia on the Maeander, 5, 65; 16, 24
- Mago, brother of Hannibal, 3, 71, 79, 85, 114; 9, 22; 10, 7, 38; 11, 21
- Mago Samnis, a friend of Hannibal, 9, 25
- Mago, commandant of New Carthage, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19
- Mago, an ambassador from Carthage, 36, 3
- Mago Bruttius, 36, 5
- Magonus, of Carthage, 7, 9
- Magus, the (false Smerdis), 5, 43
- Mahabal, an officer under Hannibal, 3, 84, 85, 86
- Malea, promontory of Laconia (MaliÁ), 5, 95, 101, 109; 34, 4, 7, 12
- Malian Gulf, 9, 41; 18, 1; 20, 10
- Mamertines, the, 1, 7-12, 20; 3, 26
- Mamilius Vitulus, Q., consul B.C. 262, 1, 17-19
- Mandonius, a Spanish chief, 10, 18, 35; 11, 29
- Manilius, Manius, consul B.C. 145, 36, 12, 15
- Myrcanus, a Carthaginian, 7, 9
- Myrina, a city in Aeolis, 18, 44
- Myrrhicus, a Boeotian, 22, 4
- Myrtis, of Argos, 18, 14
- Myrtium, a courtesan of Alexandria, 14, 11
- Myrton, a friend of Charops, 32, 20, 21
- Mysia, 4, 50, 52; 5, 76, 77; 21, 48
- Mysteries, the, 28, 19
- Myttistratum, a town in Sicily, 1, 24
- Myttonus, a Libyan, 9, 22
- Myus, a town of Ionia, 16, 24
- Nabis, tyrant of Sparta, 4, 81; 13, 6-8; 16, 13, 16, 17; 18, 17; 21, 2, 9, 11; 33, 16. See Apega
- Namnitae, a tribe of Transalpine Gaul, 34, 10
- Naragara, a town in Africa, 15, 5
- NarÁvas, a Numidian, 1, 78, 82, 84, 86
- Narbo (or Atax), a river in Transalpine Gaul (the Aude), 5, 37, 38; 34, 10
- Narbo (Narbonne), 34, 6, 10
- Naucratis, a city in Egypt, 22, 7; 28, 20
- Naupactus, a city of the Aetolians (Lepanto), 4, 16; 5, 95, 102, 103; 16, 27; 20, 10; 23, 5; 38, 11; fr. lxxxiii.;
- Neapolis (Naples), 1, 20; 3, 91; 6, 14
- Neleus, 16, 12
- Nemean games, 2, 70; 5, 101; 10, 26; 22, 13
- Neocaesareia, fr. xx.
- Neocretans, 5, 3, 65, 79
- Neolaidas, an ambassador from Ptolemy Philometor, 33, 8
- Neolaus, brother of Molon, 5, 53, 54
- Neon, a Messenian, 18, 14
- Neon, a Boeotian, father of Brachylles, 20, 4
- Olympus, Mt., in Laconia near Sallasia, 2, 65, 66, 69; 5, 24
- Olympus, Mt., in Thessaly, 12, 26; 34, 10
- Olympus, Mt., in Galatia (Ala Dagh), 21, 37
- Olynthus, a city in Macedonia, 9, 28, 33
- Omias, of Sparta, 4, 23; 24, 8
- Onchestus, a river in Thessaly, 18, 20
- Onesigenes of Syracuse, 7, 4
- Onomarchus, a Phocian, 9, 33
- Onomastus, governor of Thrace, 22, 17, 18
- Opheltas, of Boeotia, 20, 6
- Opici, a tribe in Campania, 34, 11
- Opimius, Quintus, consul B.C. 154, 33, 8, 10, 13
- Oppius, Lucius, 33, 13
- Orchomenus, a city of Arcadia, 2, 46, 54, 55; 4, 6, 11, 12
- Oreium, a mountain in Assyria, 5, 52
- Orestae, a tribe in Macedonia, 18, 47
- Orestes. See Aurelius
- Orestes, father of Tisamenus, 2, 41; 4, 1
- Oretes, a Spanish tribe, 3, 33
- Oreus, a city in Euboea, 10, 43; 11, 5; 18, 45, 47
- Orgyssus, a town in Illyria, 5, 108
- Orion, the rise of, 1, 37
- Oroanda, a town in Pisidia, 21, 44, 46
- Orontes, a river in Syria, 5, 59
- Orontes, a mountain in Media, 10, 27
- Orophernes, usurper of Cappadocia, 3, 5; 32, 24, 25; 33, 6
- Oropus, in Boeotia, 32, 25; 33, 2
- Orthosia, a town in Caria, 30, 5
- Ortiago, a Gallic chief, 21, 38; 22, 21
- Ossa, Mt., in Thessaly, 34, 10
- Ostia, harbour of Rome, fr. v. (6, 2); 31, 22; 34, 11
- Otacilius Crassus, Manius, consul B.C. 261, 1, 20
- Oxus, a river in Asia, 10, 48
- Oxybii, a tribe of Transalpine Gauls, 33, 8, 10, 11
- Pachynus, a promontory of Sicily (Capo Passaro), 1, 25, 42, 54; 7, 3
- Padoa, a
ublic@vhost@g@html@files@44126@44126-h@44126-h-8.htm.html#b18_47" class="pginternal">47
- Pharus, island and town of, 2, 11; 3, 18, 19; 5, 108; 7, 9. See Demetrius
- Pharycus, an Aetolian, 9, 34
- Phaselis, a city of Lycia, 30, 9
- Phasis, a river in Colchis, 4, 56
- Phayllus, an officer of Achaeus, 5, 72, 73
- Pheias, harbour town in Elis, 4, 9
- Pheidias, the Athenian artist, 30, 10
- Pheneus, a town in Arcadia, 2, 52; 4, 68
- Pherae, a city of Thessaly, 5, 99; 18, 19, 20
- Phibotides, a city of Illyria, 5, 108
- Phigaleia, a city in Arcadia, 4, 3, 6, 31, 79, 80; 5, 4
- Philaenus, altars of, in the Greater Syrtis, 3, 39; 10, 40
- Philaenis, 12, 13
- Philammon, governor of Libya, under Ptolemy Epiphanes, 15, 25, 26a, 33
- Philemenus, of Tarentum, 8, 26, 27, 31, 32
- Philetaerus, son of Attalus I., 39, 7
- Philiades, of Messene, 18, 14
- Philinus, historian, 1, 14, 15; 3, 26
- Philinus, of Corinth, 39, 11
- Philip II., king of Macedonia, B.C. 360-336, 2, 41, 48; 3, 6; 5, 10; 8, 11-13; 9, 28, 33; 18, 14; 22, 6, 8
- Philip V., son of Demetrius II., king of Macedonia B.C. 229-179, 1, 3;
- his youth and succession, 2, 2, 37, 45, 70;
- engages in the social war, 4, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22-27, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37;
- invades Aetolia, 4, 55, 57, 61-87;
- renews the war by sea, attack on Thermus, 5, 18
- Pindar, quoted, 4, 31
- Piraeus, the, 16, 23; 16, 4-10, 14, 15, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 34, 35; 18, 1, 2, 6, 8, 52; 21, 7, 10, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 29-31, 45, 48; 22, 5; 23, 9; 25, 4, 5; 27, 3, 4, 7; 28, 2, 16, 23; 29, 3, 4, 10, 11, 19; 30, 4-9, 20, 22; 31, 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 25, 26; 33, 4, 6, 13, 15, 16, 17;
- Rhodian magistrates, navarch, 30, 5;
- prytanies, 13, 5; 15, 23; 22, 5; 27, 7; 29, 10;
- their attempts to end the Social War, 5, 24, 100; 11, 4;
- accept money for the cost of education, 31, 25
- Rhodon, of Phocaea, 21, 6
- Rhodope, mountain, Thrace, 34, 10
- Rhodophon, of Rhodes, 27, 7; 28, 2; 30, 5
- Rhone, the, 2, 15, 22, 82, 83, 88; 2, 23, 27; 3, 10, 13, 15, 22-24, 27, 28, 30, 75, 96; 12, 4c; 34, 8
- Sardinian sea, the, 1, 10, 42; 2, 14; 3, 37, 41, 47; 34, 6
- Sardis, in Lydia, 5, 77; 7, 15-18; 8, 17, 23; 21, 11, 13, 16, 38; 29, 12; 31, 10
- Sarissae, Macedonian spears, 12, 20; 18, 26, 29
- Sarsina, a town in Umbria (Sarsina), 2, 24
- Sason, an island off Illyria, 5, 110
- Saspiri, an Asian tribe, 5, 44
- Sation, a town in Illyria, 5, 108
- Satrapeii, an Asian tribe, 5, 44
- Satyrus, of Ilium, 22, 5
- Satyrus, an Achaean, 31, 6
- Saw, the, a place in Sardis, 7, 15;
- Scardus, a mountain in Illyria, 28, 8
- Scerdilaidas, an Illyrian general, 2, 5, 6; 4, 16, 29; 5, 3, 4, 95, 101, 108, 110; 10, 41
- Science, progress of, 10, 12
- Scipio. See Cornelius. Cp. 34, 10;
- pedigree of, vol. ii. p. 456.
- See also fr. xc.-xciii.
- Scironian rocks, the, 16, 16
- Scodra, a town in Illyria, 28, 8
- Scopas, an Aetolian, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 16, 19, 27, 37, 62; 5, 3, 11; 13, 1, 2; 15, 22, 24
- Tarraco, a city in Spain (Tarragona), 3, 76, 95; 10, 20, 34, 40; 11, 33
- Tarseium, a town in Spain (Tartessus), 3, 24, 33
- Taurini, a Gallic tribe in the valley of the Po, 3, 60; 34, 10
- Taurion, minister of Philip V., 4, 6, 10, 19, 80, 87; 5, 27, 92, 95, 103; 8, 14; 9, 23
- Taurisci, an Alpine tribe, 2, 15, 28, 30
- Taurisci Norici, a tribe near Aquileia, 34, 10
- Taurus, mountain in Asia Minor, 4, 48; 5, 40, 41, 107, 109; 10, 28;
- as a boundary of Asia from Syria and other kingdoms, 3, 3; 4, 2, 48; 5, 40, 77; 8, 22; 11, 34; 21, 14, 17, 21, 24, 43, 48
- Taygetus, mountain in the Peloponnese, 34, 10
- Teanum Sidicinum, a city in Campania (Teano), 3, 91
- Tectosages, a Gallic tribe in Asia Minor, 21, 39
- Tegea, a city in Arcadia, 2, 46, 54, 58, 70; 4, 22, 23, 82; 5, 17, 18, 20, 24, 92; 9, 28; 11, 11, 18; 16, 17, 36, 37; 18, 14; 38, 8, 9
- Tegean gate at Messene, 16, 17
- Telamon, on the coast of Etruria (Telamone), 2, 27
- Teleas, an ambassador of King Euthydemus, 11, 34
- Telecles, of Aegium, 32, 7; 3399, 100; 18, 3, 14, 27, 38; 22, 1; 27, 16; 28, 3, 12, 13; 29, 19; 39, 2
- Thestia (or Thestieis), a town in Aetolia, 5, 7
- Thetis, temple of, at Pharsalus, 18, 20, 21
- Thoas, an Aetolian, 21, 17, 31, 45; 28, 4
- Thoas, an agent between Perseus and Rhodes, 30, 8
- Thrace, 4, 39, 44, 45; 5, 34, 74; 18, 49; 22, 15, 17; 23, 8; 24, 3; 34, 7, 10;
- Greek cities in, 9, 28; 18, 48, 51; 22, 1, 9, 17; 23, 8
- Thracians, the, mercenaries, 5, 65, 79, 82; 31, 3.
- See also 4, 38, 45, 46, 51, 66; 5, 7; 8, 24; 10, 41; 18, 4, 22, 37; 22, 17, 18; 23, 10; 34, 7; 39, 2
- Thraseas, an Alexandrian, 5, 65
- Thrason, of Syracuse, 7, 2
- Thrasycrates, of Rhodes, 11, 4
- Thrasylochus of Messene, 18, 14
- Thrasymene Lake, the, 3, 82, 84, 108; 5, 101; 15, 11
- Thronium, a city of the Epicnemidian Locrians, 9, 41; 18, 9
- Thucydides, the historian, 8, 13
- Thule, island of, 34, 5
- Thuria, a town in Messenia, 23, THE END
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