Abyssinian table-lands, 190 et seq.
Albano, Lake, 89
America, volcanic regions of North, 136 et seq.;
of Western, 144
Andes, 18, 27, 227, 254
Andesite, 263
Antrim, 154 et seq.
Arabia, dormant volcanoes of, 126-135
Arabian desert, 134
Archibald, C. D., 213
Arizona, volcanoes of, 137
Argyll, Duke of, 173
Ascension, 36
Ashangi, volcanic series of, 192
Atmospheric effects of Krakatoa eruption, 213-214
Auckland district, volcanoes of, 147
Auvergne, volcanic regions of, 14, 16, 92 et seq.
Azores, 32
Ball, Sir R. S., 242, 244
Basalt, 260
Blanford, W. T., 188, 189
Bonneville, Lake, 141-142
British Isles,
Tertiary volcanic districts of, 154 et seq., 227;
pre-Tertiary volcanic districts of, 196 et seq.
Buch, L. von, 6, 11, 24
California, volcanoes of, 140
CallirrhoË, springs of, 133
CaÑon, the Grand, 138
Cantal, volcanoes of the, 99-101
Cape Colony, Basalts of, 194
Charleston earthquake, 218, 222, 224
Chambers, G. F., 246
Charnwood Forest, 198
Chimborazo, 18
Clermont, vale of, 96-97
Clinkstone, 263
Cordilleras of Quito, 25
Cotopaxi, 16-18, 24, 26
Crater-cones, Lava, 19
Crateriform cones, 13
Craterless domes, 15
Dana, Prof. J. D., 19, 39, 249
Darwin, 28, 30
Darwin, Prof. G. H., 9, 231
Daubeny, 7, 61, 69
Davison, C., 9, 231
Davy, Sir H., 11
Deccan trap-series, 187 et seq.
Demavend, Mount, 24
Diabase, 262
Diorite, 261
Dolerite, 261
Domite, 263
Dore, volcanoes of Mont, 100-101
Doughty, C. M., 127
Durocher, 232
Dutton, Capt. C. E., 9, 220, 222
Dykes in Ireland, 169-170
Earthquakes, 217 et seq.
Errigal, 10
Etna, 14, 61 et seq., 229
Fingal's Cave, 185
Forbes, D., 27
France, extinct volcanoes of, 92 et seq.
Gabbro, 261
Gardner, J. S., 156
Geikie, Sir A., 8, 29, 143, 156, 160, 169, 172, 176, 177, 196
Giant's Causeway, 165-166
Granite, 264
Granophyre, 264; of Mull, 174
Green, Prof. A. H., 194
Hatch, Dr., 260
Haughton, Prof., 68
HaurÂn, volcanoes of the, 22, 129
Haute Loire, volcanic districts of, 101-105
Hawaii, volcanoes of, 39, 249, 251
Hecla, 32
Herschel, Sir J., 244
Hibbert, Dr. S., 6, 114, 124
Hochstetter, F. von, 147
Hopkins, 171, 217
Hull, Dr. E. G., 110
Humboldt, A. von, 20, 25
Hutton, James, 5
Iceland, volcanoes of, 30-32
Ireland, volcanic Tertiary rocks of, 154 et seq.
JaulÂn, 129
Johnston-Lavis, 52
Jordan valley, 126 et seq., 226
Jorullo, 24
Judd, Prof., 8, 68, 69, 71, 172, 178, 208
Krakatoa, eruption of, 206 et seq.
Kurile Islands, volcanoes of, 28
Laacher See, 121-123
Lampophyre, 262
Lancerote, 34
Lasaulx, Prof. von, 68
Lavas, relative density of, 232-234
Lima in 1746, earthquake of, 222
Lipari Islands, volcanoes of, 69 et seq.
Lisbon, earthquake of, 221
Lister, J. J., 38
Lunar volcanoes, 236 et seq.
Lyell, Sir C., 30, 62, 78, 217
Mackowen, Col., 74
Magdala, volcanic series of, 192-193
Mallet, R., 9, 217
Mauna Loa, 19, 39, 249
Mica-trap, 262
Milne, Prof., 28, 218, 253
Moab, volcanic regions of, 132
Moon, volcanoes of, 236 et seq.
Monte Nuovo, 85
Mull, 172 et seq.
Neapolitan group of volcanoes, 28
New Zealand, volcanoes of, 146
Obsidian, 264
Ocean waves of seismic origin, 208, 220
O'Reilly, Prof., 9, 219
Orizaba, 21
Ovid, 3
Pacific, volcanic islands of, 37
Palestine, dormant volcanoes of, 126-135
Palmieri, Prof., 55
Pantelleria, 74
PhlegrÆan fields, 85
Phonolite, 263
Pitchstone, 264
Pliny, 2, 4
Porphyrite, 262
Powell, Major, 138
Pre-Tertiary volcanic rocks, 187 et seq.;
of British Isles, 196 et seq.
Puy de DÔme, 105-110
Pythagoreans on volcanoes, 2-3
Quito, Cordilleras of, 25
Rangitoto, 19, 149
Reyer, Dr. E., 17
Rhine valley, volcanoes of, 113 et seq.
Rhyolite, 263
Riviera in 1887, earthquake of, 219
Rocca Monfina, 80
Roderberg, 119, 120
Rome, 88-89
Rosenbusch, H., 260
Roto Mahana, 151
Ruapahu, 151
Russell, Hon. Rollo, 213
Rutley, F., 260
St. Helena, 37
San Francisco, Mount, 138
Santorin, 76-83
Schehallion, 10
Schumacher, 127
Scotland, volcanic districts of, 172 et seq.
Scrope, Poulett, 5, 73, 93, 98
Scuir of Eigg, 180-184
Seismic phenomena, special, 201 et seq., 217 et seq.
Shasta, Mount, 140
Siebengebirge, 116-120
Skye, 177-179
Sleamish, 168
Smyth, Piazzi, 33
Snake River, volcanoes of, 142
Staffa, 185-186
Strabo on volcanoes, 3
Stromboli, 71-73
Sumatra, volcanic action in, 226
Syenite, 262
Symes, R. G., 167
Syria, earthquakes in, 219
Taupo Lake, 150
Taylor, Mount, 138
Tell el AhmÂr, 131
Tell el Akkasheh, 131
Tell el Farras, 131
Tell AbÛ en NedÂ, 130
Tell AbÛ NedÎr, 129
Templepatrick, quarry at, 160
Teneriffe, 33
Tertiary period, volcanic activity of, 255
Thucydides, 2
Tonga Islands, volcanoes of, 38
Tongariro, 151
Trachyte, 263
Trass of BrÜhl Valley, 123-125
Tristan da Cunha, 37
Tristram, Canon, 127, 131
Utah, volcanoes of, 137
Verbeek, R. D. M., 202
Vesuvius, 4, 14, 41-60, 67, 229
historic notices of, 1-5;
form, structure, and composition of, 10-19;
lines and groups of active, 20-29;
of mid-ocean, 30-40;
extinct or dormant, 84 et seq.;
special volcanic and seismic phenomena, 201 et seq.;
the ultimate cause of volcanic action, 225 et seq.;
whether we are living in an epoch of special volcanic activity, 253-256;
brief account of volcanic rocks, 259-THE WALTER SCOTT PRESS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.