- Abdication of last King of Koryu, I 293
- of King of Tan-jong, I 311
- Aborigines, I 2
- Adulteration of food, I 171
- Advisers, Foreign, II 271, 372
- Adviser, Judge O. N. Denny, II 245
- A-gol-t’a, I 171
- Agriculture encouraged, I 149
- Aid from China, I 400
- Allen, Dr H. N., II 237, 241
- Alexeieff arrives, Kir, II 313
- Alexeieff supersedes Dr. Brown, 313
- Alliance, Anglo-Japanese, II 335
- between Korea and Japan, II 275
- of Silla and China, I 104
- Alphabet invented, I 307
- Altar repaired, Tan-gun, II 136
- Altar of Tan-gun, I 3
- American expedition, II 212
- American farm, II 232
- American fleet retires, II 214
- American fight on Kang-wha, II 214
- American Minister, First, II 232
- Anarchy in Koryu, I 109
- Anju Skirmish, II 365
- An Kyung-su murdered, II 328
- Annals of Three Kingdoms, I 177
- of Koryu, I 149
- of Early Korea, I 35
- Annani rice, II 332
- Arab traders, I 118
- Arch demolished, Chinese, II 281
- Arms, Hideyoshi’s, I 350
- Army cared for, I 143
- Army, Hideyoshi’s, I 350
- of 1000, B. C., I 11
- counter-invasion, Chinese, II 2
- reform, II 19
- to invade Japan, Mongol, I 219
- to meet Manchus, Korean, II 97
- Asan, Battle of, II 254
- Assassination of seven ministers, II 237
- Assault on Nam-han, II 109
- Astronomical instrument, I 334
- Astronomy, I 154, 303, 315
- Asylum in Korea, Wiman’s, I 14
- Attack of Japanese war vessels, II 219
- Authenticity of annals of early Korea, I 35
- “Baby War”180
- Centralization of Power, II 334
- Ceramics, II 55
- Cespedes, Gregoris de, II 37
- Chariots, War, II 170
- Charges against King Sun-jo, False, II 41
- ” against Queen of Sun-jo, False, II 62
- Chemulpo, Battle of, II 359
- Che-ju (Quelpart), I 74 See Quelpart
- Ch’i Dynasty in China, I 75
- Chil-lin, Admiral, II 39
- Chin-bun, I 18
- Chin-han, I 30
- ” Origin of, I 30
- ” Customs of, I 31
- China aids Korea, I 400
- ” appealed to, I 397, II 250
- ” breaks treaty with Japan, II 250
- ” disavows responsibility for Korea, I 220
- ” informed of Japanese invasion, I 385
- ” sides with Silla, I 97
- Chinese army, II 14
- ” army arrives, II 230
- ” army of counter-invasion, II 2
- ” bribed, II 12
- ” demand removal of Japanese, II 238
- Chinese disaster, I 91
- ” evacuate Pyeng-yang, II 257
- ” generals, II 2
- ” immigration, I 146
- ” influence, I 78
- ” innovations, I 78
- ” intervention, I 45
- ” official grades, I 148
- ” refuges, I 30, 36, 57
- ” refugees from Manchuria, II 68
- ” retire from Korea, II 21
- ” suzerainty denied, II 220
- ” take over Customs, II 242
- ” treachery, II 3
- ” victory over Koguryu, I 58
- Ch‘ing Empire founded, II 94
- Ch‘oe Ch‘i-wun, I 124, 128
- ” Literary work of, I 128
- Cho Pyung-sik obstructs trade, II 248
- Cho-ryung (Pass), II 354
- Cholera scourge, I 322, 330, II 85, 194, 285
- Chong Kong-ju, I 288, 292
- Cho-sun, Founding of, I 295
- ” ” Origin of word, I 136
- ” to The United States, II 232
- Eum-nu Tribe, I 24
- Equestrian feat, I 250
- Evacuation of Seoul, 1592, I 362
- ” of Nam-han, II 124
- ” of Korea by Japanese, 1596, II 26
- ” of Seoul by Japanese 1592, II 11
- ” of Pyeng yang, Japanese, 1596, II 7
- Examinations begun, I 146
- Examiners punished, II 174
- Exposure of infants, II 151
- Extortion, II 334
- Factions, I 146, 161
- Faction massacred, Civil, I 178
- Factional quarrels, I 333, II 52, 92, 153, 162, 163
- Factions forbidden, II 165
- Faith Cure, I 183
- Fall of Ka-rak, I 80
- ” of Wija dynasty, I 15
- ” of Kitan, I 188
- ” of Koguryu, II 112
- ” of Kung-ye, I 132
- ” of Ky?n-wh?n, I 140
- ” of Ma-han, I 33, 44
- ” of Mongol Empire, I 260
- ” of Ming Empire, II 139
- ” of P?k-je, I 106
- ” of Silla, I 140
- ” of Sin-don, I 265
- ” of Wiman dynasty, I 18
- ” of Yi-Kwal, II 78
- Family names, I 49
- Famine relief, I 149
- Famine, flood, plague, 1814, II 194
- Farm, American, II 232
- Feudal retainers, I 300
- Feudalism stopped, I 300
- Fire-arms, First, I 345
- First bomb and mortar, I 407
- ” capital, I 2
- ” eclipse, I 11
- ” envoy from Japan, I 59
- ” fire-arms, I 345
- ” Japanese Minister, II 222
- ” Korean flag, II 225
- ” iron-clad, I 376
- ” Minister to Japan, II 225
- ” Mongol Invasion, I 192
- ” Printing-type, I 301
- ̶
ongol, II 214
- ” of Japan, Mongol, I 213, 225
- ” of Japan, I 214, 304
- ” by Kitan, I 150, 155
- ” of Kogury?, I 87
- ” of Korea by Sui Emperor, I 87
- ” by Manchus, II 69, 82
- ” First Mongol, I 192
- ” of Liao Tung 240 A. D., I 57
- ” Second Mongol, I 201
- ” ” Japanese, II 30
- ” planned, Second Japanese, II 29
- ” by Red-heads, I 244
- ” by Tap-dan, I 227
- ” by Wiman, I 15
- ” by Y?-jin, I 171
- Invention of alphabet, I 307
- ” of new weapons, I 330
- ” in Silla,I 75
- Iron building, I 236, 237
- Iron-clad, The first, I 376
- Iron money, I 152
- Irrigation, II 169
- Ito, Marquis, II 364
- I-tu, The, I 119
I 264 Liberal cabinet, II 238 Light-houses, II 338 Lindsay, II 195 Liu Kiu envoy, II 188 Literary activity, I 120, 315, 329, 331, 333, II 188 - ” work of ChoÉ Ch’i-w?n, I 128
- ” of King In-jong, II 182
- ” of King Sun-jo, I 340
Loans, Beginnings of Government, I 65 Lobanoff-Yamata Agreement, II 308 Long-tailed fowls, I 29 - Mabuda, II 94
- Mahan, I 28
- ” Conquest of, I 45
- ” Customs, I 29
- ” Fall of, I 44
- ” population, I 30
- ” religion, I 30
- Mal-gal Tribes, I 25
- Manchu camp, II 102
- ” ” captives, II 127
- ” ceremony, II 125
- ” charges, II 82
- ” conquests, II 68
- ” demands, II 84
- ” ” for tribute, II 93
- ” enter Korea, II 99
- ” ” Seoul, II 101
- ” envoys insulted, II 96
- ” invasion, II 69, 82
- ” invade China, II 135
- ” invasion, Omen of, II 97
- ” Japanese offer of aid against, II 91
- ” leader Hongt’asi, II 82
- ” leaders, II 94
- ” letter to Korea, First, II 66
- ” oath, II 86
- ” power, II 63
- ” suzerainty, II 125
- ” tablet, II 130
- ” take Kang-wha, II 118
- ” vandalism, II 113
- Man-hunting, II 154
- Map of North, II 169
- Mararanta, Buddhist Monk, I 66
- Mari Mountain, I 3
- Ma-rip-gan, Royal title, I 70
- Markets, Beginning of, I 76
- Marriage Consanguineous, I 144, 145
- ” with sister, I 144, 145
- ” of present Emperor, II 18, 25
- Nap-tap-ch?l defeated, I 252
- National examinations, I 146, 237
- Naval battle off A-san, II 252
- ” ” off Chemulpo, II 359
- ” ” of Chin-do, II 33
- ” ” at Ok-po Island, I 375
- ” ” at Pyuk-hang Harbor, I 377
- ” ” near Sun-ch‘un, II 48
- ” ” at Tang-hang Harbor, I 377
- ” ” of Yalu, II 258
- ” reform, II 172
- ” stations, II 155
- ” victory of Admiral Yi Sun-sin, I 399
- Navy defeated, Korean, II 31
- Nelson of Korea, The, II 49
- Neutral territory across the Yalu, II 220
- Neutrality declared, Korean, II 351
- Nickel coinage, II 270
- Nine Tribes, The, I 2
- Norach’i, Manchu Chief, II 63
- Noron party in power, II 165
- Northern Tribes, I 19
- Noses and ears, II 38
- Novel written, II 160
- Oath, Form of, I 110
- ” The King’s, II 278
- ” to Mok Ho-ry?ng, King’s, II 163
- ” to Manchus, II 86
- Obeisance to Tsin Emperor, I 13
- Obscene literature banned, I 321
- Official garments, I 146
- ” grades, I 148
- ” names, Mongol, I 228
- Ok-j?, Conquest of, I 52
- Ok-py?n, The, I 331
- Old maids consoled, II 150
- Omens of fall of Kogury?, I 112
- ” of fall of Kory?, I 239
- ” of the Japanese Invasion, I 334
- ” of fall of P?k-je, I 104
- ” of fall of Sil-la, I 121
- ” of Manchu invasion, II 97
- Ondali, The, I 84
- On-jo, I 41
- Origin of A-gol-d’a, I 171
- ” of alphabet, I 308
- ” of Chin-han, I 30
- ” of Chu-mong, I 37
- ” of horse relay, I 76
- ” of Keum-wa, I 37
- ” of Kija, I 4
- ” of markets, I 76
- ” of Kogury?, I 36
- ” of Korea, Legendary, I 1
- ” of Korean hat, I 148, 149
- South Korea settlements, I 32
- Southern Korea, Tribes of, I 28
- Sparwehr, The, II 143
- Speyer, de, II 315
- Spies, Mongol, I 200, II 94
- Spoils system, II 54
- Starvation in Nam-han, II 107
- Stevens, Adviser, II 372
- Stone-fight, Origin of, I 276
- Stork as official emblem, II 144
- Store-houses, Gov’t, I 149
- Su Cha-pil’s return from Japan, II 234
- Sui Emperor invades Korea, I 87
- Suk T‘al-ha, I 44
- Sul Ch‘ong, I 120
- Sulphur mines, II 149
- Sungari River, I 38
- Sun-jo, False charges against King, II 41
- ” King, I 337
- ” in Wi-ju, I 392
- ” vindication of, II 41
- Superstition, II 134
- “Surprise” wrecked, II 203
- Surrender of Nam-han offered, II 113
- Suspension bridge, First, II 8
- Su-ya-bul, I 34
- Suzerainty castcast off, Chinese, II 273
- ” Chinese claims to, II 245
- ” Manchu, II 125
- ” Mongol, I 194
- Ta-bak Mt., I 1
- Tablet of Regent, II 215
- T?-bong Kingdom, I 131
- Tairano, I 345
- Ta-jong active, I 292, 299
- Tal-geui, I 5
- T‘am-na Kingdom, I 75
- ” envoy to Kory?, I 136
- ” prefect, I 178
- ” a vassal of Kory?, I 142
- Ta-n? well, I 184
- Tang dynasty, I 92
- Tan-gun, I 1
- ” altar repaired, II 136
- ” grave found, II 185
- Tan-jong abdicates, I 311
- Ta-p‘a-ra, I 44
- T‘ap-dan invasion, I 227
- Tattooing, I <
c013">Wiman, I 14
- Wina Cliff, I 43
- Wine-drinker executed, II 175
- Wine-making prohibited, I 301
- ” and spirits prohibited, II 166
- Witchcraft, I 330, II 161
- Woman ruler, First, I 93
- Women’s rights, I 221
- Wreck of “Surprise”, II 207
- ” of French war vessels, II 197
- ” of “Gen. Sherman”, II 207
- ” of Sparwehr, II 143
- Wu-ti’s Conquest, Emperor, I 18
- Wu-yi, Emperor, I 4
- W?n-gyun defeated, II 31
- Ya-gol-da, I 201
- Yalu, Battle of, Naval, II 258
- ” Russian aggression on, II 348
- Yamagata arrives, Marshall, II 258
- Yang-?lla, I 74
- Yang Tribe, I 19
- Yasuhiro, I 344
- Ye-m?k horses, I 21
- ” religion, I 21
- ” tribe, I 19
- Yi Kwal’s rebellion, II 74
- Yi T’a-jo becomes King, I 295
- ” defeats Japanese, I 271
- ” deposes king, I 287
- ” honored, I 254
- ” reforms, I 288
- ” retires, I 299
- ” revolts, I 283
- ” rise, I 248
- ” successes, I 262
- ” takes Liao Fortress, I 264
- Yi Yong-ik’s methods, II 330
- ” narrow escape, II 339
- ” return, II 344
- ” Rise of, II 329
- Yi Sun-sin, I 375
- ” degraded, II 30
- ” fame, I 378
- ” genius, II 40
- ” great naval victory, I 399
- ” Plot against, II 29
- ” reinstated, II 32
- ” tactics, Admiral, I 276
- ” victorious, II 33, 48
- Yin dynasty, I 4
- Yongampo, II 347
- Yong gol da, II 94
- Yoshitoshi, I 345
- Y?-jin attacked, I 161
- Y?-jin invade, I 171
- Yuan Empire named