By Thomas Hughes, Q.C. Author Of 'Tom Brown's Schooldays' PREFACE VACATION RAMBLES EUROPE 1862 to 1866 Foreign parts, 14th August 1862. Bonn, 22nd August 1862. Munich, 29th August 1862. The Tyrol, 2nd September 1862. Vienna, 10th September 1862. The Danube, 13th September 1862. Constantinople, 34th September 1862. Constantinople, 30th September 1862. Athens, 1st October 1862. Athens, 4th October 1862. The Run Home, October 1862. Dieppe, Sunday, 13th September 1863. Bathing at Dieppe, 17th September 1863. Normandy, 20th September 1863. Gleanings from Boulogne Blankenberghe Belgian Bathing Belgian Boats AMERICA Peruvian, 6.45 p.m. 8.45 p.m. 8 a.m., Friday. 9.30 a.m., Friday. On board the Peruvian. 9.30 p.m., Saturday. Monday. Peruvian, 9th August 1870. Wednesday. Tuesday evening. Friday. Mouth of the St. Lawrence. Sunday 14th. Wednesday. (2) Montreal, 19th August 1870. Montreal, 20th August 1870. Tuesday morning, 23rd August 1870. Elmwood, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 25th August 1870. Elmwood Avenue, Cambridge, 31s August 1870. Cambridge, 2nd September 1870. New York. Garrison's Landing, opposite West Point, Friday, 9th September 1870. Clifton Hotel, opposite Niagara Falls, 11th September 1870. Storm Lake, 13th. September 1870. Fort Dodge, 13th September 1870. Chicago, September 1870. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, 23rd September 1870. Washington, Friday. St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass., Tuesday, 9th October. Ithaca, N.Y., 16th October 1870. New York, Tuesday. AMERICA 1880 to 1887 The Cumberland Mountains East Tennessee, 1st September 1880. Rugby, Tennessee, 10th September 1880. Rugby, Tennessee. A Forest Ride, Rugby, Tennessee. The Natives, Rugby, Tennessee. Our Forester, Rugby, Tennessee. The Negro "Natives", Rugby, Tennessee, 30th October 1880. The Opening Day, Rugby, Tennessee. Life in an American Liner Life in Texas, Ranche on the Rio Grande, 16th September 1884. Crossing the Atlantic, 4th September 1885. Notes from the West, Cincinnati, 24th September 1886. Westward Ho! 2nd April 1887. The Hermit, Rugby, Tennessee, 19th September 1887. American Opinion on the Union, SS. Umbria, 5th October 1887. EUROPE 1876 to 1895 A Winter Morning's Ride Southport, 22nd March. A Village Festival The "Victoria," New Cut. Whitby and the Herring Trade, 30th August 1888. Whitby and the Herring Trade, 31st August 1888. Sunday by the Sea, Whitby, 7th September 1888. Singing-Matches in Wessex, 28th September 1888. The Divining-Rod, 21st September 1889. Sequah's "Flower of the Prairie," Chester, 26th March 1890. French Popular Feeling, 15th August 1890. Royat les Bains, 23rd August 1890. Royat les Bains, 30th August 1890. Auvergne en Fete, 6th September 1890. Scoppio Del Carro, Florence, Easter Eve, 1891. A Scamper at Easter, 8th April 1893. Lourdes, 15th April 1893. Fontarabia, 22nd April 1893. Echoes from Auvergne, La Bourboule, 2nd July 1893. La Bourboule, 10th July 1893. ComitE des Fetes. 17th July 1893. Dogs and Flowers, La Bourboule, 24th July. Dutch Boys, The Hague, 1st May 1894. "Poor Paddy-Land!" I 6th Oct. 1894. "Poor Paddy-Land!" II "Panem et Circenses", Rome, 21 st April 1895. Rome Easter Day JOHN TO JONATHAN