| | | | PAGE. | Ambition | civ | - | cv | 203 | Belief, Religious | lxxvii | - | lxxxiv | 136 | Bigotry | cxxxix | - | | 286 | Courage | i | - | xviii | 13 | Christianity | cxi | - | cxxv | 218 | Death | lxxiii | - | lxxvi | 117 | Discipline | cxxxii | - | cxxxiv | 264 | Doubt | cvi | - | cx | 206 | Education | cxxvi | - | cxxvii | 248 | Enjoyment | xlvi | - | lii | 72 | Faith | liii | - | lvi | 82 | Friendship | xlii | - | xlv | 68 | Government | xcviii | - | ciii | 190 | Heroism | cxxxvi | - | cxxxviii | 279 | Human Nature | lxi | - | lxxii | 104 | Humility | xxv | - | xxvi | 41 | Influence, Personal | lxxxv | - | lxxxix | 143 | Patience | lviii | - | lx | 93 | Providence | cxxxi | - | | 256 | Politician, The | cxlvi | - | cliv | 295 | Power | xxvii | - | xxxiv | 43 | Purity | lvii | - | | 91 | Reforms | xc | - | xcvii | 155 | Rest | cxxviii | - | cxxx | 250 | Rights, Woman’s | cxxxv | - | | 276 | Strength | xix | - | xxiv | 34 | Success | xxxv | - | xli | 60 | Toleration | cxl | - | cxlv | 291 |
FROM DIFFERENT STANDPOINTS. By Pansy and Faye Huntington. 12mo. Price $1.50, Boston: D. Lothrop & Co., If there is any better writer of Sunday School books than “Pansy,” we should like to make her acquaintance, she has a rare tact in story telling, and knows quite as well what to omit as what to say. Even the sternest critics, of S. S. Literature surrender to Pansy, in spite of themselves, and confess that her books are worth reading. “From Different Standpoints” is not quite so broad in its range as some of her previous works, but is more intense. The story is so full of life, though made up largely of letters and journals, the characters are so sharply drawn with so thorough an insight into the possibilities of human nature, and the religious element is of so high a type, and yet withal so natural, that the most careless reader is fascinated, and feels the inspiration of a noble Christian life. Such books, are a valuable addition to any S. S. libraries, and will supplement the best religious teachings of Bible-class or pulpit. As to the double authorship of the book, Faye Huntington is so nearly the double of Pansy, that her separate work cannot be detected.
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Two new Books just ready. The most popular Children’s Books of the Season. 1st.