A, 44
Accidence, 163
Achates, 257
Act'ly, 87
Addled, 271
Adscriptus glebÆ, 18
Affected, 202
A fortiori, 24
Agamemnon, 314
Aganippe, 258
Agincourt, 2
Aim, 35
Alfred, 11
Allowance, 322
Alma, 12
Amateur nest, 250
Amateurs, 290
Ambrosial, 251
Amy Robsart, 97
Angular Saxon, 18
A'nigst, 41
Antediluvian, 15
Argus, 164
Arnold, Dr., 372
Arra, 37
Arter, 85
Arthur, 239
Asser, 12
Assizes, 21
At large, 160
Baal, 228
Babel, 165
Backsword, 8
Bagmen, 82
Bails, 349
Balak, 11
Balances, 197
Balliol, 127
Barrows, 14
Basket handle, 38
Bath, 296
Bating, 133
Beagles, 128
Beating, 271
Bee-orchis, 7
Beggars, 182, 205
Belauded, 66
Belle Sauvage, 74
Bell's Life, 281
Bequest, 303
Berks, 5
Berkshire, 8
Bewick, 252
Big School, 147
Bile, 266
Bill, 2
Bird-fancier, 253
Birth-right, 379
Biscuit, 77
Bist, 26
Bi'st, 89
Black, 208
Blackies, 310
Black Monday, 7
Blethering, 41
Blowing, 263
Blown, 293
Bob, 208
Bolstering, 158
Bona fide, 45
Books, 95, 182
Boomerang, 310
Booths, 32
Boots, 73
Border-farmer, 251
Bore, 119
Bounds, 70
Bout, 4
Bowls, 90
Boxes, 74
Box's head, 87
Braces, 106
Break cover, 27
Brownsover, 201
Brown study, 75
Buckskins, 34
Bucolics, 163
Bulls'-eyes, 69
Bumptiousness, 95
Burgess, 84
Butts, 7
Buxom, 76
Byes, 350
Cairn, 10
Cairngorm, 321
Cajoleries, 184
Calico, 19
Calling over, 96
Callow, 250
Caloric, 79
Camp, 10
Canes, 105
Cant, 301
Cap and gown, 104
Caravans, 34
Cardinal, 26
Carlyle, 369
Carte blanche, 105
Cast, 372
Castor, 38
Casts, 152
Catskin, 94
Chaff, 37
Chaffinch, 272
Chaired, 369
Chalet, 23
Chambers, 4
Chapel, 375
Charley, 8
Chartered, 195
Chartism, 239
Chaw, 19
Cheap Jacks, 33
Cheroot, 76
Chesapeake and Shannon, 124
China orange, 112
Chivalrous, 285
Choleric, 58
Chorus, 325
Chronicler, 12
Churchwarden windows, 328
Cicerone, 95
Civil wars, 7
Clanship, 3
Clement's Inn, 22
Clerk, 310
Clever, 167
Close, 57, 100
Cloth-yard shaft, 2
Coach, 284
Cob, 88
Cobs, 351
Cock, The, 150
Cock, 309
Cock of the House, 200
Cockpit, 180
Cogitation, 250
Colleagues, 169
Combes, 321
Comme, etc., 23
Concord, 261
Confirmed, 338
Congenial, 236
Constituted authorities, 364
Constitutional, 275
Constitutional authority, 364
Construe, 144
Convivial, 174
Convoy, 97
Corn-laws, 371
Corn Market, 161
Cornopean, 159
Corollary, 57
Cosmopolite, 8
Costermonger, 48
Counter, 292
Country sides, 49
County members, 89
Courier, 22
Courts, 238
Coventry, 175
Cover, 8, 191
Coverley, 43
Cover-point, 350
Coxiest, 185
Cressy, 2
Cribbed, 261
Cribs, 312
Crichton, 56
Cricket, 32
Cromlech, 14
Crotchet, 4
Culverin, 2
Curacy, 4
Curry favor, 338
Cut, 105, 176, 191
Cut out, 290
Derby, 182
Derogatory, 218
Digamma, 77
Dingle, 51
Dips, 132
Doctor, 127
Dogmatically, 364
Don, 21
Don Quixote, 355
Dot, 309
Dowager, 238
Down, 7
Down shepherd, 37
Doyle, 1
Drag, 77
Dragoons, 30
Dramatis personÆ, 283
Drat, 26
Draw, 191
Drawing, 183
Draws, 354
Dresden, 7
Dresser, 53
Dulce domum, 7
'E, 17
Ear-marked, 199
Earth, 342
Ee, 41
Ees, 276
Egypt, 330
Elaborate, 260
Elect, 339
Elegiac, 260
Eleven, 221
Elijah, 228
Elysium, 165
Embrangle, 56
Ensconce, 251
Entity, 139
Environments, 24
EphemerÆ, 206
Et ceteras, 267
Ethnology, 309
Eton, 323
Exercised, 342
Exhibitions, 346
Experto crede, 262
Extempore, 257
Eyrie, 10
Fagging, 101
Fairings, 33
Fat living, 238
Feint, 39, 292
Felonious, 273
Felony, 68
Fetish, 28
Fiery cross, 16
File, 90
First-class carriages, 79
First-day boys, 86
First-floor, 84
Fives' court, 100
Flank, 314
Flat, 356
Flies, 371
Flitch, 53
Float, 29
Floored, 265
Fond, 113
Foot-ball, 101
Footman, 64
Foozling, 271
Form, 168
Forms, 60
Freeholders, 18
Frontispiece, 292
Frowzy, 199
Fugle-man, 124
Functionary, 24
Funk, 135, 232
Fustian, 34
Gable ended, 150
Gaby, 68
Gad-fly, 376
Gamester, 30
Gammon, 312
Gee, 208
Gee'd 'em, 279
Generic, 139
Genus, 261
Geordie, 306
Get in, 360
Gi's, 43
Goodwood, 371
Gorse, 8
Goth, 328
Gradus, 246
Grampus, 333
Grapnel, 45
Gravelled, 298
Green rides, 64
Grewsome, 16
Grey, 242
Grimaldi, 97
Guard, 78
Habeas corpus, 356
Hack, 81
Hacks, 101
Half, 190
Half-a-crown, 184
Half-a-sov., 95
Half-sovereign, 37
Hamper, 78
Hand-grenade, 2
Handle, 290
Hands, 296
Hard all, 291
Hard away, 354
Hard-bitten, 347
Hare and hounds, 28
Harriers, 128
He, 37
Head, 293, 294
Hector, 283
Hecuba, 163
Hedge, 184
Heir-apparent, 83
Pipe, 34
Plancus, 109, 258
Plantations, 16
Play, 291, 333, 360
Poaching, 38
Po-chay, 91
Pop-joying, 29
Portmanteau, 78
Post-boys, 159
Post-chaise, 73
Pottered, 33
Pound, 6
PrÆpostors, 99
Predicate, 281
Premising, 175
Priggism, 46
Primum tempus, 68
Prisoner's base, 61
Privateers, 142
Privet, 13
Profane, 286
Progenitors, 57
Proselytizing, 242
Public, 15
Publican, 51, 228
Public schools, 66
Pull, 140, 293
Purely, 35
Puritan, 26
Purl, 81
Pusey horn, 17
Pyrenees, 114
Quadrangle, 94
Quaint, 36
Quantities, 261
Quarter, 293
Quarter Sessions, 21
Quickset, 272
Quit, 170
Quixotic, 4
Quoits, 90
Rashers, 82
Rating, 168
Raven, 64
Reaches, 201
Reading, 99
Reconnoitered, 59
Red tape, 46
Regulation catskin, 94
Regulator, 85
Richard Swiveller, 9
Rodney, 2
Roc, 263
Roman camp, 10
Rota, 142
Round tower, 376
Rug, 79
Rugby, 72
Rum, 246
Rum un, 87
Runs, 348
Russia, 108
Sacer vates, 2
Sack, 325
Salver, 105
William IV., 133
Wiltshire, 30
Winded, 293
Windsor Castle, 98
Wiseacre, 325
Wiseacres, 213
Wooy, 37
Worships, 358
Wos-bird, 42
Wur, 44
Wykeham, 259
Yeast, 45
Yeomanry, 21, 238
Yeomen, 1
Yule-tide, 19