- Abram, Father Nicholas, 245
- Academies of the Jesuits, 76
- Alber, Father Ferdinand, 242
- Allen, Cardinal, 57
- Alvarez, Grammar of, 167
- Anderledy, Father Anthony, 128
- Aquaviva, Father Claudius, 52, 59, 70, 82;
- the fifth General of the Order, 126;
- creates a commission to draw up a method of studies, 144;
- provisional rules of, 148
- Aquinas, St. Thomas, 11, 45;
- the standard in theology, 148
- Argento, Father John, 71, 76
- Aristotle, use of, 166
- Astronomical observations of the Jesuits, 172
- Augustine, 9
- Azor, John, 144
- Bacon, Lord, 46, 93;
- his debt to Possevino, 94
- Bader, Father George, 104, 107
- Bayonne, the College of, 96
- Beckx, Father, 128
- Bellarmine, literary productiveness of, 135
- Belles-lettres, 82;
- the Jesuits preËminent in the study of, 189
- Berchmans, John, 113
- Blair's "Rhetoric," 132, 252
- Boarding colleges, 100
- Bobadilla, Nicholas, 33, 43
- Bonald, Viscount de, 7
- Bonaventure, St., 11
- Borgia, Francis, 24;
- succeeds Laynez, 66, 110;
- founds the Roman college, 111;
- the third General of the Order, 124
- Borromeo, St. Charles, 73
- Bossuet, 66
- Bourdaloue, 106, 165
- Broeckaert, Father, 167
- Brouet, Pasquier, 33
- Buffer, Father, "Practical History" of, 168
- Buys, Father, 73, 144
- Calasanzio, Father Joseph, his "Pious School," 260
- Calcutta, Jesuit school at, 268
- Campano, Father, 66
- Campian, Edmund, 57, 212
- Canisius, Father Peter, 90;
- 36;
- at Rome, 40, 53;
- promulgates the constitution of his Order, 55;
- death of, 55, 119;
- his educational system, 56;
- his care for Germany, 114;
- founds a German college in Rome, 117;
- his educational policy successful, 118
Maistre, Count de, 6 Maldonado, a double-headed disputant, 212 Moriana, 112, 168 Mathematics in the Jesuit system of education, 170 et seq. Mercurian, Father Everard, the fourth General of the Order, 126 Montague, college of, Loyola at, 31 Montmorency, Father, 65 Monumenta GermaniÆ PÆdagogica, the, 75 Moral education, the, prescribed by Loyola, 102 Nadal, Jerome, 120 Netherlands, Jesuit schools in, 5 Nickel, Father Goswin, 128 Olave, Martin, 120 Oliva, General Paul, 73, 128 Pachtler, Father, 63, 76 Papal Seminaries founded by Gregory XIII., 73 Parma, Duke of, 69 Paris University, the, 13; Parsons, Robert, 57 Pascual, John Sacrista, 21 Pedagogics in the Ratio Studiorum, 147 Peltier, Father John, 111 Perry, 67 Petau, Father Denis, 167 Philosophy, course of, what it includes, 173 Philosophical Curriculum, the, at the present time, 275 et seq. Piccolomini, Father Francis, 128, 231 Polanco, John, 115, 120 PorÉe, PÈre, Voltaire's preceptor, 132, 245 Playfer, Dr., 94 Plato, 98 Possevino, Father Anthony, Bacon's forerunner, 94, 103, 107 PrÆlectio, the typical form of Jesuit instruction, 232 et seq. Professors formed by the Jesuit system, 156 et seq.; - literary productions expected from, 188;
- in the Jesuit Seminaries, coÖrdination between, 230
"Provincial Letters" of Pascal, 105 Quintilian, use of, 166 Ranke, Von Leopold, 4, |