The ‘Table of Contents’ has been created and inserted before the Preface by the Transcriber.
Omitted text in quotations was indicated by ‘ * * ’ in the original book, sometimes ‘ * * * ’, and this has been retained in the etext.
Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.
Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained.
Pg 15, ‘Athenian narrater’ replaced by ‘Athenian narrator’.
Pg 62, ‘recals the main’ replaced by ‘recalls the main’.
Pg 65, Stanza number ‘XI.’ replaced by ‘XII.’.
Pg 123, ‘Hom. _Od._ xi. 592’ replaced by ‘Hom. _Od._ xi. 598’.
Pg 126, ‘Porphyrio’ replaced by ‘Porphyrion’.
Pg 168, Stanza number ‘II.’ replaced by ‘III.’.
Pg 194, ‘Thy statues’ replaced by ‘Of statues’.
Pg 255, Stanza number ‘XI.’ replaced by ‘VII.’.
Pg 257, Stanza number ‘XXIII.’ replaced by ‘XLIII.’.
Pg 282, Stanza number ‘XLVII.’ inserted before “Even the dread ...”.
Pg 358, Stanza number ‘IV.’ replaced by ‘V.’.
Pg 358, Stanza number ‘VI.’ replaced by ‘VII.’.
Pg 358, All subsequent stanza numbers in the Notes for this Canto were off by one, (so ‘VIII’ has been replaced by ‘IX’, etc.)
Pg 31, pa?a?fae??? replaced by pa?a?f?e???.
Pg 88, d? ?s? replaced by d? ?s?.
Pg 90, t?? ???? replaced by t?? ????.
Pg 125, ? ?? replaced by ? ??.
Pg 125, t??? f????? replaced by t??? f?????.
Pg 126, ??a d? replaced by ??a d?.
Pg 126, ??f?? ????? replaced by ??f?? ?????.
Pg 126, ????e? d? replaced by ???e? d?.
Pg 170, S???e??? t? replaced by S???e??? te.
Pg 194, ????’ ????? replaced by ????’ ?????.
Pg 194, d? pa?a? replaced by d? p??a?.
Pg 226, ??? d? replaced by ??? d?.
Pg 226, ???s? ??? replaced by ???s? ???.
Pg 254, spe?’ ???????? replaced by sp??’ ????????.
Pg 254, ?at??’ ???s?a? replaced by ?at??’ ???s?a?.
Pg 255, ??? ?p????? replaced by ??? ?pe????.
Pg 255, ???? ??? replaced by ???? ???.
Pg 256, ?f?e?, ?? replaced by ?f?e?, ??.
Pg 256, e? d??e? replaced by e? d??e?.
Pg 256, ?t?asa?’ ??e replaced by ?t??sas’ ??e.
Pg 256, ?a???? ?pp??? replaced by ?a???? ?pp???.
Pg 257, ?p??, ??t? replaced by ?p??, ??t?.
Pg 257, s?? ??? replaced by s?? ???’.
Pg 281, f?????? sa??? replaced by f?????? s????.
Pg 357, ??? a????’ replaced by ??? a???s’.
Pg 357, ?s??? replaced by ?s???.
Pg 360, ?f?t????s? replaced by ?f?t????s?.
Pg 361, ????sa ??a?da? replaced by ????sa ??a?da?.