A Treatise on the Brewing of Beer |
By E. HUGHES. Pointing finger Some very useful and necessary
Title: A Treatise on the Brewing of Beer Author: E. Hughes Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
E-text prepared by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team (http://www.pgdp.net)
A TREATISE ON THE BREWING OF BEER, &c. &c. A Saving of Twenty per Cent. A TREATISE ON THE BREWING OF BEER, WHEREIN IS PROVED That one Bushel of Malt will produce a Gallon of Beer more than another Bushel of an equal Strength, although both Malts be made of one Sort or Species of Barley. In this work will be found some profitable and necessary directions to Maltsters. Improvements in the Brew-house, and Brewing Utensils. Showing the cause what makes hard and sour Beer. Directions for preventing Beer from becoming sour or foxed, even if used in the warmest Season. ALSO Directions in what State to cleanse the Beer, so as to have it fine without using any art or device whatsoever; and for the Management of the Beer in the Cellar. Some Observations in the Choice of HOPS; Proving that they are useful after they have been used in brewing. The different Experiments are from Twenty Years Practice.