Aargau, subject land, 186
Adams, Sir F. O., 412
Adolf of Nassau, 131
Æneas Sylvius, 203, 253
Ætius defeated Huns, 45;
gave Savoy to Burgundy, 51
Agassiz, 14
Agen, battle of, 20
Agnes of KÖnigsfelden, 141
Alamanni, 39, 46, 47, 49
Albrecht of Habsburg, 113, 120, 131, 132
Alcuin, 64
Allobroges, 21
Allmend, or common land, 48, 126
Alpinus, 37
Alpnach, bay of, 355
AmbÜhl of Glarus, 176
Amman chosen in Uri, 127
Am Stoss, battle of, 181
Appenzell, 181;
admitted as an ally, 182;
admitted as a canton, 237
AquÆ (Baden), 35
AquÆ SextiÆ, battle of, 21
Arbedo, engagement at, 188
Arelatisches Reich founded, 73
Arnold of Brescia, reformer, 100, 152
Arnold von Melchthal, 120
Arnulf of Kaernthen, 76
Arth, Battle of, 354
Asylum, Right of, 416, 418
Augusta Rauracorum, 35, 39
Augusta Vindelicorum, 32
"Äusserer Stand," Society, 320
Austria, 143, 146, 166;
defeated at Sempach, 172;
defeated at Naefels, 177;
claims the Forest, 178
Autun, battle of, 55
Avars, the, 76
Avenches, 97, 213;
battle at, 368
Aventicum, 14, 34, 39
Baden (Zurich), 186
Barbarossa, 96
Basel, 14;
treaty of, 236;
divided, 387
Bayard, 240
Beccaria, 294
Bellinzona, 188
Bern, founded, 97;
defeated at Schosshalde, 158;
forms Burgundian Confederation, 159;
rules over Hasle, 163;
League with Austria, 166;
power over house of Kyburg, 166;
seizes Habsburg, 186;
fortifies Morat, 212;
natural bent for rule, 245;
governing families of, 320;
plundered by French, 351, 353;
population, &c., 420
Berchtold V. founds Bern, 97;
defeated by Savoy, 98
Bertha, the "Spinning Queen," 74, 86
Bertold I., Duke of Zaeringen, 93
Bertold II., 94
Bertold IV., 96
Beza, 287, 290
Bibracte, battle of, 23
Bituitus, 19
Bockenkrieg, 372
Bodmer, 334, 338
Bonivard, 273
Borromean League, 294
Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan, 293
Bourbaki, General, 417
Breisach, rising at, 205
Breitinger, 334, 336
Brun, Burgomaster of Zurich, 140, 146, 155, 157
Bubenberg, Hans von, 164;
Adrian von, 206, 212
Bullinger, Reformer, 268, 296
Bund ob dem See, 181
Burgdorf, 97, 166
Burgundia Transjurans, 73
Burgundy takes West Helvetia, 40;
defeated by Huns, 50;
defeated by Franks, 55;
two kingdoms of, 73;
its wars, 200
Burkhard of Alamannia, 74
Burkhard of Chur-RhÆtia, 78, 80, 81
CÆcina ravages Helvetia, 36
Campo Formio, treaty of, 347
Calvin, 279;
his writings, 280;
settles at Geneva, 281;
banished, 282;
founds the Consistory, 283;
burns Servetus, 286;
his policy, 287;
death, 289
Carlomann, 58
Carmagnola, General, 188
Carolinum founded, 67
Catalaunian Plain, great battle on, 45
Catholic League, 387
Catholic Reaction, 291, 294
Central Government, 396
Centralists, the, 366
Chablais, 380, 402
Charlemagne, 59;
Emperor of the West, 60;
legends concerning, 62;
zeal for education, 64
Charles the Bald, 72
Charles the Bold, 200, 205;
defeated at Grandson, 211;
at Morat, 213;
death, 215
Charles IV. of Germany, 141, 143
Chiavenna, 241, 346, 380
Chillon, 109, 274
Christianity, introduction of, 40
Christian League, 264
Codex Manesse, 153
Columban, 57
Commerce, 409
Confederation formed, 119
Conrad I., 77;
II., 88;
III., 99
Conradin, 114
Constance, siege of, 304
Clairvaux, monk, preaches Crusades, 99
Clovis, king of the Franks, 54
Crusades, 98
D'Affry, 372, 376
Davel, Major, 319
"DÉlices, Les," 326;
theatre destroyed, 328
Diesbach, Nicolas von, 206
Divico, 20, 23
Domo d'Ossola, 188
DornbÜhl, victory at, 158
Drachenried, engagement at, 355
Drusus, 25, 32
Dufour, General, 393, 401, 415
East Frankish realm, 72
Eberhard the "Quarrelsome," 143;
of Kyburg, 161
Education, 388, 412
Eidgenossenschaft, the, 118
Eight States League, 139, 166
Einsiedeln, 82, 134
Eishere the Giant, 62
Elizabeth of Habsburg, 133
"Empty Pocket," Frederick the, 181
Ensisheim, peace of, 197
Erlach, Ludwig von, 350
Erlach, Rudolf von, 164
Ernest II. of Swabia, 82
Escalade of Geneva, 302
Eschenbach, 133
Escher, 358, 375
Ewiger Bund, 129
Exports, 410
Farel, reformer, 275
Faucigny, 380, 402
"Faustrecht," the, 107
Federal Assembly, 396
Federal Council, 396
Federal Tribunal, 396
Felix Martyr, 42
Fellenberg, educationist, 374
Ferney, 326
Feudalism, 103
Fichte, 338
Fontana, 234
"Foul Peace," the, 175
Franche ComtÉ, 215
Franco-German War, 417
Franks, the, 54
Fraubrunnen, skirmish at, 350
Frederick von Staufen, 93
Frederick I. (Barbarossa), 105
Frederick II., 127, 150
Frederick III., 190
Frederick the "Empty Pocket," 181, 185
Freiburg, 161, 221
French Revolution, 343
Fridolin St., banner of, at Naefels, 177
"Friedel" (Empty Pocket), 185
Galba, 25, 35
Gallia Comata, 31
Gall, St., 57, 62, 182, 241, 346
Geneva, 245;
"Children" of, 273, 285;
besieged by Savoy, 276;
occupied by Bernese army, 277;
Calvin's rule in, 284;
escalade of, 302;
Fatio's reforms, 322;
admitted into league, 380;
Geneva Convention, 415
Geschworne Brief, 155
Gessler, 121, 123
Giornico, victory at, 189
Glarean, scholar, 254
Glarus, 141;
1st Landsgemeinde, 175;
defeats Austria, 177;
defeated at Rapperswyl, 353
Goethe, 341
Golden League, 294
Gothard, St., pass, 187;
tunnel, 412
GÖtterdÄmmerung, 50
Gotteshausbund, 184
Grandson, battle of, 208, 211
GraubÜnden, 184, 234;
religious feuds, 305;
massacre in, 307;
Austrian occupation, 308;
independence recovered, 311
Grauholz, conflict at, 351
Gregory VII., Pope, 91
Greifensee, 194, 317
Greyerz, 162, 164
Grey, Lady Jane, 298
Grey League, 184
Locarno refugees, 295
"Long Diet," 378
Lorraine, kingdom of, 200
Lothair, 73, 96
Louis Napoleon, 389
Louis Philippe, 389
Louis the Child, 76
Louis the German, 70
Louis the Pious, 71
Louis XI., 195
Louis XIV., 312, 313
Lucerne, 140
Luneville, peace of, 367
LÜtzelburg, Henry of, 133
Lyons, 32
MÆhren, the, 76
Malleolus, savant, 198, 253
Mamelukes, the, 273
Manesse, 142, 153
Manufactures, 410
Marignano, 218, 240
Martel, Charles, 58
Massena, 360, 361
Maximilian, 232
Mayence, diet at, 93
"Mazze," the, 183
Mediation Act, 369
Meilen, 3
Meistersinger, 251
Melchthal, Arnold von, 120
Mermillod, Bishop, 402
Milan, 187, 189, 238
"Milchsuppe," the, 264
Military system, 398
Minnelieder, 153
Misox, 295
Monk of St. Gall, 62
Morat, battle of, 212
Morgarten, battle of, 131, 135;
another engagement at, 354
MÜller, historian, 124
Murten, see Morat
Mytenstein, the, 121
Naefels, battle of, 175
Nancy, battle of, 215
Napoleon and Switzerland, 370
"Natifs," the, 323
"NÉgatifs," the, 322
Nellenburg, counts of, 89
NeuchÂtel, 209;
rebels against Prussia, 323;
admitted to league, 380;
troubles in, 399;
Prussia renounces claim to, 402
Neueneck, engagement at, 350
"Nibelungenlied," 51
Nicolas von der FlÜe, 219
Nidan, Count of, 164
Nidwalden, 129
Notker, chronicler, 62;
Monachus S. Gallensis, 75
Novara, siege of, 239
Noviodunum, 33
Obwalden, 129
Ochs, Peter, 347, 352, 358, 367
Octodurum (Martigny), 35
Omer, St., treaty of, 204
Orcitrix, see Orgetorix
Orgetorix, 17;
his treason and death, 21
Otho I., 80
Ottokar of Steyermark, 116
Otto of Strassberg, 135;
death, 136
Otto von Freysing, 151
Papal see, alliance with, 238
Paracelsus, 301
Paris, peace of, 377
Paulus Diaconus, 64
Peasants' revolt, 311
Pepin le Bref, 58
Pestalozzi, 331, 339, 356, 366, 374, 385
Peter Martyr, 295
Peter of Savoy, "Second Charlemagne," 108;
Savoy palace, 109;
war with Austria, 110;
death, III
PfÄffikon Lake, 6
Pfyffer, "Swiss king," 293
Philip of Savoy, III
Pius II., 203
Planta, John von, 305;
Rudolf, 307
Polytechnikum at Zurich, 398
Population, 418
Postal Union, the, 415
Railways, 410
Rapinat, 364
Rapperswyl, counts of, 104;
skirmish at, 156;
John of, 156;
battle at, 353
Raron, barons of, 182, 183
Rauraci, 14, 33
Rauracian Republic, 345
Reding, 191, 194;
advocates Reislaufen, 226
Reding of Schwyz, 353, 359, 367
Referendum, the, 403;
of two kinds, 405;
its working, 406
Reformation in East Switzerland, 254;
in West Switzerland, 267
Regensburg, peace of, 145
Regula Martyr, 40
Reichsfreiheit, the, 126
Reinhard, 376, 379
RenÉ of Lorraine, 208, 215
Rengger, 365
RhÆtians, 14;
campaign of Drusus, 26;
joined with East Switzerland, 32;
fall of Goths, 55
Rheinfelden manor, 91;
battle of, 310
Richard of Cornwall, 109
Robenhausen, 6, 8
Rohan, Duke Henry de, 309, 310
Romans, 20;
Bibracte, 23;
conquer Valais, 25;
RhÆtia, 26;
policy, 30
Romaunsh dialect, 14, 26
Rotach, 181
Rothenburg, 168
Rotzloch, battle of, 355
Rousseau, 325; birth, 328;
writings, 329;
"Contrat Social," 331
Rudolf der Alte, 113
Rudolf of Habsburg, 113;
elected King of Germany, 115;
policy, 116
Rudolf II., 74
Rudolf III., 82, 87
Rudolf IV., 145
Rudolf, "Rector of Burgundy," 91
Rudolf the Guelf, 73
Rudolf the Silent, 113
Rudolf von Erlach, 164
"Rufst du mein Vaterland," 178
RÜtli, the oath on, 120, 122
Sabaudia (Savoy), 51
Salis, Von, 305
Salodunum (Soleure), 35
Sarnen, the "White Book" of, 124
Savoy, 98;
Palace in Strand, 109;
defeated at Visp, 182;
loses Lower Valais, 208;
and Freiburg, 216;
and Vaud, 277
"Savoyards," the, 273
Sax-Misox, 183, 188
Schaffhausen, 204, 236
Schauenberg, 350, 355, 360
Scheffel's "Ekkehard," 81
Schindellegi, battle of, 354
Schinner, MatthÆus, 238
Schirmverwandte, 180
Schmalkalden wars, 291
Schosshalde, battle of, 158
Schwyz, 119;
charter of liberties, 127;
joins league, 128;
war with Zurich, 190
Sempach, battle of, 166;
Winkelried's death, 170
Sequani, the, 41
Servetus, 286
Sforza, Ludovico, 238;
Maximilian, 239
Siebner Concordat, 387, 391
Sigismund, 55, 185
Sigmund of Austria, 204
Simplon Road, 376
Socinus, 295
Solernon, Abbott of St. Gall, 76, 77, 80
Solothurn, 159, 221
Sonderbund wars, 392
Soult, Marshal, 361
#203;l, Madame de, 332
StÄfa, insurrection in, 346
Stanz, meeting at, 217, 219;
covenant of, 221;
siege, 355
Stapfer, 365, 370
Staufacher, 120
"Stecklikrieg," the, 368
Steyermark, 116
Strasburg, 203
Strauss, 391
Stuppa, 313
StÜssi, 191, 193
Subject lands, 179
Suwarow, 360, 361
Swabia, 71, 73;
John of, 133;
wars, 235
Swiss guards massacred, 345
Sylvius, 204
Tagsatzung (Diet), 250
TÄtwil, Austrian defeat at, 142
Tavelli murdered, 182
Tell, 122, 123
Tell, historian, 301
Tellenplatte, 123
Theiling of Lucerne, 227
Theobald, bishop, 66
Theodoric the Great, 51, 53
"ThermopylÆ of Switzerland," 137
Thun, 97
Thurgau, 204
Ticino, 187, 241
Tigurini, the, 14, 22
Tirano, skirmish at, 308
Toggenburg, 93, 190
Torberg, peace of, 146
Toygeni, the, 14
TrÉmouille, General, 239
Trivulzio, 239, 241
Tschudi, historian, 124, 252
Ufenau Island, 192
Ulrichen, battle of, 182
Ulrich of Kyburg, 108
Unitarier, 366
Unterthanen Laender, 180
Unterwalden, 119;
divided, 129
Uri, 119;
severed from Zurich Abbey, 126;
chooses Ammann, 127
Uristier of Uri,