What we request of life is that the tools should be given to his hand or hers who can handle them.—Schreiner. WOMAN is a human being before she is a mother and all the time she is a mother. And after her active work of motherhood is finished, she will still be a human being, subject to all the ambitions, hopes, desires and interests that humanity has. Daughters have inherited tendencies from their fathers as well as from their mothers, and all daughters have done this from prehistoric times to the present. Sons have belonged to mothers as well as to fathers. The race is one. Women can not be limited in the expression of this great miracle of life which stirs her soul, as it stirs man’s. Woman must have freedom to work, to think, to find happiness, to express herself. She must be accepted as a part of every part of this becoming Democracy. She must be accepted in the world as it is today. She belongs, not to the past, but to this present. There is work that she alone can do, and to do this she must be economically free. The freedom of woman is the most important of all subjects that statesmen and citizens can consider. Pay mothers for the work they do for the state. Give them the opportunity for economic freedom, that they may be self-respecting, and develop on equal terms with men. The great need of the world is for better women and men—an evolving race. There is just one way: we must have evolving mothers. Servile mothers have slave sons Women must be free to choose their occupations. If they marry, they must recognize the business in marriage and enter into the business partnership with true intelligence. With no less intelligence must men understand that the contract in marriage can not be unilateral and bring benefit or happiness to either person, nor can the purpose of marriage be best accomplished. Democracy in marriage is the Great Imperative. We would have a democratic form of government? Democracy must begin at the foundation of all government—the home.