The Table of Contents was created by the transcriber and placed in the public domain. Images for some complicated pages are included, and the formats of the digital versions of those pages were simplified for improved legibility. Additional Transcriber’s Notes are at the end. CONTENTS THREE OPEN LETTERS. Van Houten’s Cocoa. Mr. Pickwick. “Chops and tomato sauce are excellent, my dear Mrs. Bardell, but let the liquid be Van Houten’s Cocoa. “It is a glorious restorative after a fatiguing journey.” “Best & Goes Farthest.” The Standard Cocoa of the World. A Substitute for Tea & Coffee. Better for the Nerves and Stomach. Cheaper and more Satisfying. At all Grocers. Ask for VAN HOUTEN’S. Perfectly Pure—“Once tried, used always.” ?A comparison will quickly prove the great superiority of Van Houten’s Cocoa. Take no substitute. Sold in 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1 lb. Cans. ?If not obtainable, enclose 25c. in stamps or postal note to either Van Houten & Zoon, 106 Reade Street, New York, or 45 Wabash Ave., Chicago, and a can containing enough for 35 to 40 cups will be mailed if you mention this publication. Prepared only by the inventors, Van Houten & Zoon, Weesp, Holland. THE MAN.A STORY OF TO-DAY, With Facts, Fancies and Faults Peculiarly its Own; Containing Certain Truths Heretofore Unpublished Concerning Right Relation of the Sexes, etc., etc. By Aspasia Hobbs. Copyright, 1891, by J. S. Ogilvie. THE SUNNYSIDE SERIES, No. 47. Issued Monthly. December, 1891. Extra. $3.00 per year. Entered at New York Post-Office as second-class matter. |