| | Page | | PLATES | 1. | a, "Old Minto" on the Tanana. Indian village. (A. H., 1926.) b, Present Nulato and its cemetery (on hill to the right of the village) from some distance up the river. (A. H., 1926.) c, The Greyling River site, right bank, 22 miles above Anvik; site and graveyard (male skeleton) from top of knoll. (A. H., 1926.) | 54 | 2. | a, View on the Yukon from above Kaltag. (A. H., 1926.) b, Indian burial ground, middle Yukon. (A. H., 1926.) c, Anvik, from the mission. (A. H., 1926.) | 54 | 3. | a, Midnight on the Yukon. b, Lower middle Yukon: painted burial box of a Yukon Indian (before 1884) said to have been a hunter of bielugas (white whales), which used to ascend far up the Yukon | 64 | 4. | a, Eskimo camp below Paimute, Yukon River. b, Old "protolithic" site 12 miles down from Paimute, right bank, just beyond "12-mile hill" (skull, bones, stones). c, "Old" site in bank seen in middle of picture, 12 miles down from Paimute, opposite that shown in preceding figure. (A. H., 1926.) | 64 | 5. | a, Cape Prince of Wales from the southeast. (A. H., 1926.) b, Village and cemetery slope. Little Diomede. (A. H., 1926.) | 96 | 6. | a, Asiatics departing for Siberia from the Little Diomede Island. (Photo by D. Jenness, 1926.) b, c, "Chukchis" loading their boat with goods on Little Diomede Island, before departure for Siberia. (Photos by D. Jenness, 1926.) | 96 | 7. | a, Eskimos from East Cape arriving at Nome, Alaska. b, East Cape of Asia (to the southward). (Photo from Joe Bernard.) | 96 | 8. | A group of women at Shishmaref. (Taken at 2 a. m. by A. H., 1926.) | 96 | 9. | a, My "spoils," loaded on sled, Point Hope. (A. H., 1926.) b, The load is heavy and sledding over sand and gravel difficult. (A. H., 1926.) | 136 | 10. | Characteristic stone axes, middle Yukon. (A. H. coll., 1926.) | 136 | 11. | Crude stone artifacts, found at Bonasila, lower middle Yukon. (A. H. coll., 1926.) | 136 | 12. | Crude stone artifacts, found at Bonasila, lower middle Yukon. (A. H. coll., 1926.) | 136 | 13. | Tanana Indian woman | 150 | 14. | Chief Sam Joseph, near Tanana village, on the Yukon. (A. H., 1926.) | 150 | 15. | a, Yukon Indians, at Kokrines, Jacob and Andrew. Jacob probably has a trace of white blood. (A. H., 1926.) b, Yukon Indians at Kokrines. (A. H., 1926.) | 150 | 16. | Yukon Indians. a, Marguerite Johnny Yatlen, Koyukuk village. (A. H., 1926.) b, Lucy John, Koyukuk, daughter of a former chief. (A. H., 1926.) | 150 | 17. | Yukon Indians. a, George Halfway, Nulato on the Yukon. (A. H., 1926.) b, Jack Curry of Nulato, 41 years. (Now at Ruby, middle Yukon; Eskimoid physiognomy.) c, Arthur Malamvot, of Nulato | 150 | 18. | a, Indian children, mission school at Anvik, lower middle Yukon. b, Indian children, mission school at Anvik, lower middle Yukon. c, Two women of Anvik, on the Yukon, somewhat Eskimoid | 150 | 19. | Terminal piece of a lance or harpoon, northern Bering Sea. Black, high natural polish. Most beautiful piece of the fossil ivory art. (A. H., 1926, U.S.N.M.) | 174 | 20. | Fossil ivory specimens showing the old curvilinear designs. Northern Bering Sea. (A. H. coll., 1926, U.S.N.M.) | 174 | 21. | Objects showing the old fossil ivory art, northern Bering Sea. (U.S.N.M., Nos. 1 and 3 coll., A. H., 1926.) | 174 | 22. | Fossil ivory needle cases and spear heads, northern Bering Sea, showing fine workmanship. (A. H. coll., 1926, U.S.N.M.) | 174 | 23. | a, Small, finely made objects in fossil ivory and stone (the head), from the ruins at Point Hope. (A. H. coll., 1926.) b, Old fossil ivory objects, northern Bering Sea. The article to the right is almost classic in form; it is decorated on both sides. (A. H. coll., 1926, U.S.N.M.) | 174 | 24. | Fossil ivory combs, upper Bering Sea. (A. H. coll., 1926) | 174 | 25. | Fossil ivory objects from the upper Bering Sea region. Transitional art. (Museum of the Agricultural College, Fairbanks, Alaska.) | 174 | 26. | Old black finely carved fossil ivory figure, from the northeastern Asiatic coast. (Loan to U.S.N.M. by Mr. Carl Lomen.) | 174 | 27. | Wooden f ANTHROPOLOGICAL SURVEY IN ALASKA By AleŠ Hrdlicka
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