DRESS Starting at bottom, with No. 3 circular needle, cast on 375 sts, size 4 (427 sts, size 6), do not join. K in garter st for 9 rows, 5 ribs. Size 4—Work as follows: P 31, *K 3, P 59, repeat from *4 times, K 3, P 31. K back. Repeat these 2 rows for 1 inch. First dec: K 13, K 2 tog, K 12, K 2 tog, K 7, *K 2 tog, K 16, K 2 tog, K 15, K 2 tog, K 16, K 2 tog, K 7, repeat from *4 times, dec last panel same as first panel. *Work 1 inch even. Make another dec in same manner having decreases come directly above previous decreases. (24 sts less after each decreased row). Repeat from *until you have 159 sts. Work even until piece measures 12 inches or desired length to waist line. Size 6—K 9 rows for border same as size 4. P 37, *K 3, P 67, repeat from *4 times, K 3, P 37. K back, repeat these 2 rows for 1 inch. First dec: K 16, K 2 tog, K 15, K 2 tog, K 7, *K 2 tog, K 18, K 2 tog, K 19, K 2 tog, K 18, K 2 tog, K 7, repeat from *4 times, dec last panel same as first panel. Work 1 inch even. Make another dec in same manner every inch, until you have 163 sts. Work even until piece measures 14 inches or desired length to waist line. *K 16 (size 6, K 18) (including 3 K sts), with No. 1 needles, K 1, P 1, for 49 sts, continue with circular 3 needle, K 29 (back gore), with No. 1 needles, K 1, P 1, for 49 sts. Continue with No. 3 circular needle, K 16 (size 6, K 18). P back following pattern, repeat from *for 1½ inches. On right side of work continue on No. 3 circular needle same as before without ribbing for 2¾ inches. (3¼ inches, size 6). Size 4 and 6—From now on continue fronts and back for size 6 same as size 4 only you will have 1 more st on each front and 2 more sts in back. K 37 to underarm, put on st holder. Bind off 7. K 71 sts for back, put other front on st holder, P 2 sts tog at beg of the next 4 rows (67 sts). Work even following pattern for 4½ inches (5 inches size 6). Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 8 rows, bind off remaining 27 sts for back of neck. Continue on left front, bind off 7 sts for underarm, following pattern, K 2 tog at underarm 3 more times (34 sts) work even for 1 inch more (1½ inches, size 6). On wrong side, P 13, K 15 (border for top of pocket), P 6 across. K back, repeat these 2 rows for 4 more rows. On next row, P 13, bind off 15 sts for pocket edge, P across. With separate yarn, cast on 15 sts, K 1 row, P 1 row for 2½ inches, put on st holder. K 6 sts, K the 15 sts from st holder for pocket, K across. P 1 row, K 1 row for 1 inch. Now P 2 tog at beg of every row at neck edge until 23 sts remain. Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 4 rows at shoulder and continue to P 2 tog at neck edge, until all sts are bound off. Work Right Front to correspond. Sleeves—With No. 1 needles, cast on 48 sts (size 6, 52 sts), K 1, P 1, for ¾ inch. Change to No. 3 needles, K 1 row, next row, P 16, K 3, P 10, K 3, P 16. K back. K these last 2 rows and inc 1 st at each end every 4th row, until sleeve measures 2 inches from beginning, 54 sts. Now inc 2 sts in center gore as follows: *K to first gore and K 4 sts after gore, inc 1 st, K to within 5 sts of 2nd gore, inc 1 st, K across. Continue to inc at seam ends every 4th row and 2 sts between gores every 6th row, repeat from *until piece measures 3 inches, 62 sts. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg and end of next K row, now K 2 tog at beg and end of every 4th row (continue to inc 2 sts between gores every 6th row) until you have 50 sts. Now K 2 tog at beg and end of every K row (do not inc in center gores), until you have 44 sts. Now K 1, P 1 ribbing between gores and continue to K 2 tog at beg and end of every K row, until ribbing measures ¾ inch, bind off. Collar—With white, cast on 56 sts, K 4 rows, 3 ribs. K 1 row, P 1 row, always knitting first and last 3 sts on purled rows (border). Continue these 2 rows for 4 inches. K 16, bind off 24 sts, K 16. Work 3 rows even on last 16 sts, keeping K 3 border on outer edge. Now dec 1 st every 4th row on neck edge and dec 1 st on outer edge (by knitting 4th and 5th st tog) every 8th row, until you have 2 sts, bind off. With red and royal blue, embroider 2 rows around collar as illustrated. Sew shoulder seams. Sew up sleeve seams, sew into armhole having fullness at top of sleeve. Sew pockets on inside of dress (do not stitch thru on right side). Sew on collar. Insert Zipper.
No. 810 Fit for a Princess too!—though she doesn't have to be of Royal Lineage. Any charming young lady can wear this type of knitted dress and feel—well—like a Princess. The dress has a zipper closure and a modish flared skirt—and a Sailor collar. The Princess is holding a doll—wearing a duplicate of her Dress. (Continued from page 14) 60 sts across row. Work even until sleeve measures 10 inches from bottom of cuff or desired length to underarm. *On next row work to within 3 sts at end of row, repeat from *once. On next row work to within 2 sts at end of row, repeat from *once (50 sts). Now work to within 1 st of each row until you have 28 sts left. Sew shoulder scams and sides. Sew sleeves and insert into armholes making a small inverted pleat at top. Starting at right front, work 1 row of s c completely around fronts and neck. Work 3 more rows of s c on left front, break thread. Work 1 row of s c on right front making ch 3 loops for buttonholes about 2 inches apart. Work 2 more rows of s c over chains. Work 2 (Continued on page 21) |