JERKIN Back—Starting at bottom, cast on 104 sts, *K 2, P 4, repeat from *across, ending row with K 2. Next row, right side, K back. *Repeat these 2 rows for 1 inch. Dec 1 st at each end, repeat from *5 times, 6 inches (92 sts). Work 2 inches even. *Inc 1 st at each end, work 1 inch even, repeat from *for 5 times, 13 inches, 104 sts. Work ½ inch even. Bind off 7 sts at beg of the next 2 rows for underarm (90 sts). K 2 sts tog at beg of the next 12 rows (78 sts). Work even until armhole measures 8 inches, measuring straight up from where the 7 sts were bound off. On next K row, K 13 sts, K 1, P 1 ribbing to within last 13 sts. Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 8 rows, continue to follow K 1, P 1 sts for back of neck, bind off remaining 38 sts. Front—Work same as for back until piece measures 5 inches (having decreases and increases same on sides as back). On next row on right side, K 3, K 1, P 1 for 30 sts (border for pocket), K 28, P 1, K 1, for 30 sts (border for pocket), K 3. Follow pattern across row and, K 1, P 1, for pocket borders, for 1 inch. On next row, follow pattern to pocket borders, bind off K 1, P 1 borders, loosely in K 1, P 1. Pockets—Cast on 30 sts. K 2, P 4 across row, ending P 4. K back. Continue pattern for 5 inches, put sts on st holder. Make another pocket with K 2 border, on opposite edge. Put on st holder also. On wrong side, follow pattern for 2 sts, insert 30 sts for pocket (following pattern), continue across row, inserting 2nd pocket. Continue same as for back, until piece measures 3 inches above armhole. Now work in pattern on first 13 sts for 5 inches, bind off 5 sts at armhole edge, 2 times, then bind off 3 remaining sts. Work last 13 sts in same manner. Band at neck—Holding right side of work toward you, pick up 55 sts along left side of neck, K across 52 sts (center front), pick up 55 sts along right side. K 1, P 1, decreasing 2 sts at each corner, every row (always have decreases over previous decreases). On 4th row, inc 1 st at beg and end of row. When border measures 1 inch, bind off in K 1, P 1. Sew shoulder seams. Pick up 116 sts around armholes, K 1, P 1 for 1 inch, bind off K 1, P 1. Sew up right side seams. On left front, pick up 122 sts, K 1, P 1 for 3 rows. On next row, K 8, *bind off 4 sts for buttonhole, K 13, repeat from *5 times, bind off 4 for buttonhole, K 8. On next row, cast on 4 sts over those bound off. Work 4 more rows, bind off K 1, P 1 loosely. Work left back to correspond omitting buttonholes. Work 1 row of s c around bottom or turn under ½ inch. Sew pockets; do not have sts showing on right side. Sew on buttons. BEANIE With No. 4 needles, cast on 8 sts, P back. Row 2—Inc in each st (16 sts), P back. Row 4—*Inc 1 st, K 1 st, repeat from *across row (24 sts). P back. Row 6—*Inc 1 st, K 2 sts, repeat from *across row. Continue in this manner, having 1 more st between each increase, until you have 18 sts between each increase. K 1 row, P 1 row without increasing, for 6 rows. Now decrease in same manner as you increased. *K 2 sts tog, K 18, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row, P back. Decrease in this manner having 1 st less between each decrease for 5 more K rows. K 1 row on purled side (hem), then K 1 row, P 1 row for ½ inch, bind off loosely. Turn back ½ inch hem and sew. SOCKS—No. 814 Needles—1 set No. 12 steel. Material—Kashmir Sports—4 ounces. Gauge—9 sts to 1 inch. Size 9. Cast on 84 sts (30-30-24), K 1, P 1 for 1½ inches. K in pattern (K 4, P 2 for 1 rnd. K next rnd), until work measures 6½ inches from beg. K first 2 sts of first needle on 3rd needle. Dec 1 st at beg of first needle and 1 st at end of 3rd needle. Continue decreasing in this manner every ½ inch, 8 more times (66 sts). K even until work measures 11½ inches from beg or desired length. Heel—K 15, slip last 15 sts of rnd on same needle (30 sts). Divide remaining sts evenly on 2 needles for instep. Work 2½ inches in stockinette st (K) on 30 heel sts, knitting the first and last st of every row, end with purled row. To shape Heel—K 19, sl 1 st, K 1, p.s.s.o., turn, P 9, P 2 tog, turn. *K 9, sl 1 st, K 1, p.s.s.o., turn, P 9, P 2 tog, turn. Repeat from *until all sts are worked. K back 5 sts, this completes heel. Slip all instep sts on 1 needle. With another needle, K remaining 5 heel sts and pick up 16 sts along side of heel. With another needle, pick up 16 sts along other side of heel and K 5 remaining heel sts. Work 1 rnd even, keeping instep sts in pattern. Instep—First needle: K to last 3 sts. K 2 tog, K 1. 2nd needle, work in pattern. 3rd needle, K 1, P 2 tog thru back of sts. K to end of needle. K 3 rnds even. Continue to dec in this manner every 4th rnd 3 more times (17 sts remaining on each of the first and 3rd needles). Continue to work even until foot measures 5½ inches from where sts were picked up at heel. To shape Toe—First rnd: (K 8, K 2 tog) 7 times. K 2 rnds even. 4th rnd: (K 7, K 2 tog) 7 times; continue decreasing 7 sts every 3rd rnd in above manner, until there are 14 sts remaining, break thread, draw thru remaining sts, fasten securely. Weave elastic thread into wrong side of cuff with a tapestry needle. No. 814 A neat combination that can be worn for either sports or school. The Jerkin has a square neckline that is different and the stitch of the Jerkin is repeated in the socks. Notice the buttons on the sides of the Jerkin. Detailed illustration of Socks on Page 27. |