COAT Back—Starting at bottom, cast on 102 sts, (108 sts, size 6), K 8 rows (4 ribs). P 1 row, K 1 row for 2½ inches. Now dec 4 sts as follows: K 2 tog, K 31, K 2 tog, K 32, K 2 tog, K 31, K 2 tog (98 sts). Work 1 inch even. Make another dec: K 2 tog, K 30, K 2 tog, K 30, K 2 tog, K 30, K 2 tog (94 sts). *Work 1 inch even and make another dec in same manner, having decreases come directly above those of previous decreases, repeat from *until piece measures 11 inches (66 sts). Work 1 inch even (3 inches, size 6). *Now inc 1 st on each side, work 1 inch even, repeat from *once. Work even until back measures 17 inches or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 6 rows (6 sts off on each side). Work even until armhole measures 5 inches (5½ inches, size 6), measuring straight up from where the 3 sts were bound off. Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 6 rows, bind off remaining sts loosely for back of neck. No. 805 Smart, colorful and easy on the eye is this two-piece ensemble for the young lady. The coat is first knit and then the plaid is embroidered in green, yellow and red. The only note of contrasting plainness is in the collar of the coat and the back of the bonnet. The coat closes with a convenient Zipper. Left Front—Cast on 52 sts (56 sts, size 6). K 8 rows (4 ribs). P 1 row, K 1 row for 2½ inches, always keeping first 3 sts K on purled rows for border at front. Now dec 2 sts as follows: K 2 tog, K 23, K 2 tog, K 25 (50 sts). Work 1 inch even and *make another dec in same manner, work 1 inch even. Repeat from *until piece measures 11 inches (34 sts). Work 1 inch even (3 inches, size 6). *Now inc 1 st at seam end, work 1 inch even, repeat from *once. Work even until front measures 17 inches or desired length to underarm. Bind off 4 sts at beg of next row for underarm, then K 2 tog at beg of every row at underarm 3 more times. Work even until armhole measures 3½ inches from where the 4 sts were bound off (4 inches, 6 years). On next row that begins at neck edge, bind off 6 sts. P 2 sts tog at beg of every row at neck edge, until 18 sts remain. Bind off 5 sts at beg of the next 3 rows at shoulder and continue to P 2 tog at neck, until all sts are bound off. Work Right Front to correspond. Sleeves—Cast on 38 sts (42 sts, size 6), K 8 rows (4 ribs). Now P 1 row, K 1 row for 2½ inches, *inc 1 st on each end, work even for 1 inch, repeat from *until sleeve measures 10 inches from beginning (54 sts). Work 1 inch even or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg and end of every K row, until 18 sts remain. Work other sleeve in same manner. Embroidering (see swatch). Fold back in half at neck edge, place a marker. Count 7 sts on left side of marker. With red yarn insert tapestry needle from wrong side to right side. *Now insert needle over 1 thread and down 1 thread, bringing needle from wrong to right side 2 threads below, repeat from *to bottom of coat. Count 7 sts to right of marker, with red, make another row in same manner. Fasten ends securely. Count 14 sts on either side of these 2 rows and make 1 more row with red, in same manner. With yellow work 1 row on next thread to right side of each red row. Measure 2 inches from bottom of back, with red make a running st, inserting needle over 1 thread and under 2 threads across row, do not pull too tightly. *Skip 17 rows of knitting and on 18th row, make another running st with red, repeat from *to top of coat. With green make 1 row below red in same manner. Fronts—On 5th row from shoulder edge, with red, work from top to bottom same as back. Count 14 rows, with red, make another row in same manner. Measure 2 inches from bottom, work running sts with red and green to match back. Sleeves—Make same st from top of sleeve to bottom starting in center of sleeve, with red and yellow. Skip 14 rows on either side make one more row, with red and yellow. Work running sts with red and green starting 2 inches from bottom of coat, every 18th row to top of sleeve. Sew shoulder seams. Collar—Holding wrong side of coat toward you, pick up 52 sts. P 1 row, K 1 row, knitting first and last 3 sts on P rows for border for ½ inch. Inc in every 6th st across row. Work ½ inch even. Inc in every 7th st across. Work ½ inch even. Inc every 8th st across. Work ½ inch even. Work 3 ribs in garter st, bind off loosely on wrong side. Sew Back to Fronts and sew up sleeves, insert into armholes, having seams meet at underarm. Make two small inverted pleats at top of sleeves. Insert zipper. (Continued on page 32) |