No. 817 The young lady who has a "Know" in style will immediately sense the style value of this swagger-style coat. The patch pockets relieve the plain front and give it an air of distinction. Notice particularly the herring-bone stitch giving the garment the Tailored effect. The coat can be finished with machine stitching—or by hand. The accompanying beret is finished in Red, White and Blue Ribbon. Notice too the emblem on the beret. No. 817 HERRINGBONE COAT AND HAT IN "SHARK BLUE" Size 12
SWATCH Swatch—Cast on 19 sts, Row 1, P. Row 2—-K 4 sts, *inc in next st by knitting 1 st in next st of row below in back, then K the next st, K 3 sts, K 2 tog, K 3, repeat from *across row, ending with K 2 tog. Row 3—P. Row 4—*K 2 sts tog, K 3 sts, inc 1 st (same as Row 2), K 3 sts, repeat from *across row, ending K 4. COAT Right Half of Back—Cast on 64 sts, P back. Row 2—K 4, *inc 1 st (same as swatch) K 3, K 2 tog, K 3, repeat from *across row, ending with K 2 tog, P back. Row 4—*K 2 tog, K 3, inc 1 st, K 3, repeat from *ending with K 4. Repeat these 4 rows for 3 inches (Place marker for side seam). Make first dec (on side seam), on 2nd row of pattern as follows: K 2 tog, K 2, *inc 1 st, K 3, K 2 tog, K 3, repeat from *across row, ending with K 2 tog, P back. (Always dec on 2nd row of pattern when decreasing thruout coat). Next row, K 2 tog, K 2, *inc 1 st, K 3, K 2 tog, K 3, repeat from *across row, ending with K 4. P back. *K 3, inc 1 st, K 3, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row ending with K 2 tog. P back. Repeat last 4 rows for 2 inches. 2nd dec: K 2 tog K 1, *inc 1 st, K 3, K 2 tog, K 3, repeat from *across row, ending with K 2 tog. On next Purled row make a dec at center seam, P 2 tog, continue purling across. K 2 tog, K 1, *inc 1 st, K 3, K 2 tog, K 3, repeat from *ending with K 3, P back. K 2, *inc 1 Left Front—Cast on 82 sts, work in pattern same as for back for 3 inches. Now dec 1 st at seam end. Work 2 inches even. Make a dec at seam end every 2 inches until piece measures 27 inches, meanwhile dec 1 st at front edge every 4 inches (63 sts). Work even to underarm 29 inches or desired length to underarm. Bind off 5 sts at beginning of the next row at underarm. Continue to K 2 sts tog at underarm until you have 53 sts. Work even at underarm and dec every 2 inches at front edge, until piece measures 4½ inches above the 5 bound off sts (51 sts). Bind off 15 sts at beg of next row at neck edge. Now K 2 sts tog at beg and end of every row at neck edge, until 30 sts remain. Bind off 6 sts at beg of the next 4 rows at armhole and continue to dec at neck edge, in same manner. Work right front to correspond, until you have 20 inches from bottom. K 8 sts, bind off 5 sts for buttonhole continue pattern across row, P back and cast on 5 sts over those bound off. Continue same as left front working buttonholes 4 inches apart. Sleeves—Cast on 55 sts, work in pattern for 1½ inches. Now inc 1 st at each end. Continue to inc 1 st at each end every 1½ inches, until sleeve measures 16½ inches (77 sts). Work even until sleeve measures 18 inches or desired length to underarm. Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows. Bind off 2 sts, at beg of the next 2 rows (65 sts). Now K 2 sts tog at beg and end of every K row, until 33 sts remain, bind off. Collar—Cast on 70 sts, P back. K next row, increasing 1 st at beg and end (Inc 1 st at beg and end of every other K row thruout collar). K 1 row, P 1 row for 5 rows. On next row, inc in every 6th st across row. Work 5 rows even, make another inc in same manner 2 more times, having increases come directly above those of previous increases. K 1 row, P 1 row, bind off 8 sts, K across on P side (hem line). Then bind off 8 sts, K across. P 1 row, K 1 row for 3 more rows, bind off loosely. Pockets—Cast on 19 sts. Work in pattern for 4 rows. Cast on 9 sts. Work back. Cast on 9 more sts. Work in pattern for 5½ inches. Bind off 9 sts at beg of the next 2 rows. Work even on 19 sts for 4 rows, bind off. Block all pieces before hemming. Sew backs tog. Sew fronts to side seams of back. Sew shoulder seams. Sew ¾ inch hem on fronts, bottom of coat and sleeves. Sew hem in collar and pockets. Sew pocket to coat as shown on illustration. Sew collar to neck edge about 1 inch from fronts after hem on fronts. Sew sleeve seams and insert into armhole having two small inverted pleats at top of sleeve. Sew on buttons. Insert shoulder pads. HAT Ch 4, join, work 7 s c in ring, 2 s c in each st, until you have 28 sts around. Now inc in every 5th st, until you have 60 sts around, then in every 15th st, until there are 100 sts around. Inc in every 20th, until there are 160 sts around. Work 2 rnds even, break thread. This will be center back. Count 48 sts on each side of center back, place 2 markers, holding right side toward you, s c from marker to marker, break thread. 2nd short row: Count 45 sts from center back and s c to within 45 sts from center back on other side, decreasing 3 sts spaced at equal distances apart. Work 10 more short rows in same manner as 2nd row (working 3 sts more on each side toward center back). Work 7 more rows in same manner, decreasing 5 sts to the rnd. Work 7 rows even or dec to fit headsize. Tack grosgrain ribbon around band, sew on emblem. (Continued from page 6) Work 2 rows of blue. Sl st at end of last row, Ch 1. Scallops—With blue, *skip 2 s c, work 6 d c in next st, skip 2 s c, s c in next st, repeat from *around row. With Pink, *ch 1, loosely, sl st into next st, repeat from *around row, break thread. Cord—With 1 strand of pink and blue, make a ch 22 inches in length, tape thru beading. Make a ch 9 inches long tape thru end of yoke. CAP Ch 3, join, work 7 s c in ring, then work 2 s c in each st, until there are 24 sts around. Inc in every 5th st, until there are 45 sts around. Now inc in every 10th st, until there are 73 sts around, sl st in next st. To start pattern: Row 1—Ch 4, *skip 1 s c, work 5 d c in next st, skip 2 s c, d c in next st, d c in last st just skipped (making an X pattern), repeat from *around row ending with 1 d c in same st at beg of ch 3, join in 3rd st of ch at beg of row. (15 shell, 15 X patterns). Sl st over 3 sts of first shell at beg of row, ch 4. Row 2—*Work 5 d c between X of row below, 1 d c between 3rd and 4th d c of next shell, 1 d c between 2nd and 3rd d c of same shell (making an X), repeat from *around row, ending with 1 d c in same st at beg of row. Sl st in 3rd ch at beg of row, sl st over 3 d c, ch 4. Row 3—Work 5 d c in center of X pattern, work an X in next shell, continue around row, ending with sl st in ch 3 at beg of row, sl st over 3 d c, ch 4. Row 4—Repeat row 2. Row 5—Make an X in next shell of row below, work in pattern around row for 13 shells, 12 X patterns, end row with 1 d c in 2nd d c of next shell, ch 4, turn. Row 6—make an X pattern in first shell, continue pattern around row, ending with X pattern in last shell, make 1 d c in 3rd ch at beg of row, ch 3, turn. Work 7 more rows in this manner. Band—Ch 1, turn, *work 1 s c in each of the first 2 sts, 2 s c in next st, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts, skip 2 sts, repeat from *across row, end with 3 s c, ch 1, turn. Row 2—*1 s c in each of the first 2 sts, picking up back thread only, 2 s c in next st, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts, skip 1 st, repeat from *across row, ending with 3 s c. With contrasting shade work 2 rows. Alternating 2 rows of each color once more. With 1 strand of pink, 1 strand of blue work 2 rows of s c around back of cap, skipping a few sts in each row to fit nape of neck. Ties—At end of last row, ch 48 sts, sl st in 4th ch from hook, ch 4, sl st in same st. Make 2 more ch 4 loops, break thread, fasten thread at other side of cap and work in same manner. BOOTIES Instep—With Pink, ch 13, work 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 s c in next st, 2 s c in next st, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts, skip 1 st, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts, 2 s c in next st, 1 s c in each of the last 3 sts. Ch 1, turn. Row 2—Work 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts (picking up back st), 2 s c in next st, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts, skip 1 st, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts, 2 s c in next st, 1 s c in each of the last 3 sts, do not break thread. Work 2 rows of contrasting shade, alternating 2 rows of each color, until you have 10 rows. With pink, ch 28 sts loosely and sl st to other end. S c in each st around instep and chs, for 5 rnds. Work 5 more rnds, decreasing 3 sts to each rnd, do not have decreases come over those of previous rnd, break thread and sew seam of sole. Work 2 rows of s c around top of bootie, decreasing 3 sts in each rnd, join with a sl st. Ch 4, skip 1 st, work *1 d c in next st, ch 1, repeat from * (19 d c), join with a sl st. Ch 3, skip ch 3 of row below. *Work 4 d c between next 2 d c, skip 1 d c, d c between next 2 d c, d c between last 2 d c just skipped (an X pattern), repeat from *around row, end row with 1 d c in same st as ch 3 at beg of row, sl st in 3rd ch. Sl st over 3 sts, ch 4, work 4 d c between first X pattern, make an X pattern over next shell, end row same as first row. Work 3 more rows in same manner. With blue, work scallops as follows: Sl st over 3 sts, ch 1, *work 6 d c in X pattern, s c in center of next scallop, repeat from *around bootie; sl st in same st at beg of row. With pink, *ch 1, loosely, sl st in next st, repeat from *around row. With 1 strand of pink, 1 blue, ch 74 sts, tape thru bootie and tie. (Continued from page 18) and continue knitting 2 sts at neck edge until all sts are bound off. Work Right Front to correspond. Sleeves—Cast on 40 sts (43 sts, size 5). *Work in pattern for ¾ inch, inc 1 st at both ends, repeat from *until sleeve measures 8 inches (60 sts) or desired length to underarm. Bind off 2 sts at beg of the next 4 rows (52 sts), then K 2 sts tog at beg and end of every 4th row, until 38 sts remain. Now K 2 tog at beg and end of every row until 34 sts remain, bind off. Sew fronts and back together and sew up sleeve and insert into armholes having seams meet at underarm. Sew shoulder seams. Collar—Skip 3 sts (border), on each side, with wrong side toward you, pick up 54 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row, knitting first and last 3 sts on Purled rows, for ½ inch. Inc 1 st in every 6th st across. Work ½ inch even. Inc in every 7th st across. Work ½ inch even. Inc in every 8th st across. Work ½ inch even. Work ½ inch in garter st, bind off loosely on wrong side of collar. Tabs on sides—Cast on 10 sts, K 1, P 1, for 4½ inches. K 2 tog at beg and end of every row, until you have 2 sts, draw thru. Work 3 more pieces in same manner. Pockets—Cast on 17 sts, *K 2, P 3, repeat from *across row, K back. Work pattern for 1 inch. K 1 row, P 1 row for 1½ inches. K 2 tog at beg and end of every row, until 8 sts remain, bind off. Work 1 row of s c around edge. Sew on pockets as shown on illustration. Sew on tabs at K 1, P 1 border, tie in knots. Sew in zipper. SLIP-ON Back—Cast on 83 sts, (86 sts, size 5). Row 1—*P 3, K 2, repeat from *across row, ending with P 3. Row 2—K back (right side), repeat these 2 rows for 2 inches. K 1 row, P 1 row, for 7 inches, from start. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, for underarm, then K 2 sts tog at beg of the next 6 rows at underarm (71 sts). Work even until armhole measures 4 inches, measuring straight up from where the 3 sts were bound off. K 19, bind off 33 K 19. Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 4 rows at shoulder edge and K 2 tog at neck edge, until all sts are bound off. Work other shoulder to correspond. Front—Work same as back until piece measures 2½ inches above underarm, K 28 sts, bind off center 15, K 28, P back on 28 sts, K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at neck edge, until 19 sts remain. Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 4 rows that beg at shoulder and continue to K 2 tog at neck edge, until all sts are bound off. Work other side to correspond. Front band at neck—On right side, pick up 63 sts, P 3, K 2 across, ending with P 3, K back. Repeat these 2 rows for ¾ inch. Back band at neck—Pick up 43 sts. Work same as front. Sew shoulder seams and pick up 56 sts for sleeves, starting after 6 bound off sts to within 6 bound off sts at end of armhole. Pick up 2 sts at beg of every row, until you have 68 sts. *Work 3 rows even. On next K row, dec 1 st at each end, repeat from *until sleeve measures 3 inches, 56 sts. Dec 6 sts across row. Now work in pattern for ¾ inch, bind off. Sew up seams at underarm and sleeves. Embroider anchor as shown on illustration. PANTS With No. 3 needles, cast on 84 sts (88 sts, size 5), K 1, P 1 ribbing for 6 rows. Next row, K 1, *Y O, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row. Continue ribbing for 6 more rows. Now shape back as follows: K 4, turn, (slip the first st when purling back), P back, K 8, turn, P back, K 12, turn, P back. Continue in this manner, working 4 more sts every K row until there are 44 sts, then P back and on 84 sts, K 1 row, turn, P 40, K 4, P 40, repeat these 2 rows for 2½ inches (3 inches, size 4). Now inc 1 st at each end every 6th row, 5 times, then every 4th row 2 times, continuing to K center 4 sts to hem. (98 sts). Dec 1 st at each end every other row 7 times. Work even for 1 inch. P 1 row on K side. P 1 row, K 1 row for 6 rows, bind off loosely. Make other leg to correspond, starting shaping of back on opposite side as follows: P 4, turn, K back. P 8, turn, K back and continue in this manner until BERET With No. 3 needles, cast on 8 sts, P back. Row 2—Inc in each st (16 sts), P back. Row 4—*Inc 1 st, K 1 st, repeat from *across row (24 sts). P back. Row 6—*Inc 1 st, K 2 sts, repeat from *across row. Continue in this manner having 1 more st between each increase, until you have 19 sts between each increase. K 1 row, P 1 row without increasing, for 6 rows. Now dec in same manner as you increased. *K 2 sts tog, K 18, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row, P back. Dec in this manner having 1 st less between each dec for 6 more K rows. K 1 row on purled side (hem), then K 1 row, P 1 row for ½ inch, bind off loosely. Turn back ½ inch hem and sew. Block flat. (Continued from page 19) from bottom (58 sts). Work 1 inch even. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then bind off 2 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, (48 sts). Now K 2 sts tog at beg and end of every 4th row, until 32 sts remain. Now K 2 tog at beg and end of every row until 26 sts remain, bind off. Epaulets—Epaulets are K in garter st. Cast on 14 sts, K 1 row. Now inc 1 st at beg of every row, until you have 18 sts. Work even for 3 inches. Bind off 9 sts, K 9. K back on 9 sts and K 2 tog at beg of every row that begins in center of piece, bind off last 2 sts. Sew shoulder seams. Band at neck—Place epaulets at center of shoulder seam with the points overlapping back and the bound off sts over fronts. Pick up 8 sts from st holder at front, pick up sts around neck, picking up epaulets with neck sts, K off back. Continue other side and front in same manner (68 sts), K 1 row. Work buttonholes as follows: K 3, bind off 3, K across. On next K row, cast on 3 sts over those bound off. K 1 row, P 1 row for 4 rows always K first and last 2 sts on purled rows for edge. K 3 rows, bind off loosely on wrong side. Sew back to fronts and sew up sleeve seams, insert sleeves into armholes, having fullness at top. Stitch end of epaulets at shoulder. Sew on buttons. Fringe—With two ply Gold yarn, cut fringe 4 inches in length. With two strands, tape thru each stitch around epaulets as shown on illustration, trim. HAT With No. 5 needles, cast on 8 sts, P back. Row 2—Inc in each st (16 sts). P back. Row 4—*Inc 1 st, K 1 st, repeat from *across row (24 sts), P back. Row 6—*Inc 1 st, K 2 sts, repeat from *across row. Continue in this manner having 1 more st between each inc, until you have 11 sts between each inc (104 sts). Now K each row back and forth until piece measures 3 inches, from K rows. Bind off loosely on wrong side. Wrap contrasting shade of light weight yarn one yard long, 15 times, cut at both ends. With main color, wrap 8 times, cut at both ends. Twist each of these ends as tightly as possible. Now twist the two pieces together. Make a large knot, leaving ends for tassel, cut evenly. (Continued from page 27) Fold front piece in half, mark center of cap at opposite edge from border. Place mark in center of bound off sts on back of cap. Sew center back to front piece having markers meet. Block seam lightly on right side of cap. With red work scallops around seam of cap, as follows: holding back of cap toward you, fasten yarn at bottom, ch 1, *skip a space, work (1 h d c, 3 d c, 1 h d c) in next st, skip a space, s c in next space, repeat from *around back of cap about 20 scallops. Ties—Ch 70, work 1 s c around bottom of cap (continuing with same thread), skipping about 10 sts, ch 70 sts. Work 1 row of s c over chains and back of cap. Block lightly into shape. Hearts—With red, cast on 2 sts, P 2 sts. K increasing in each st, P back. *On next row inc in first 2 sts and last 2 sts, P back, repeat from *once. K 1 row, P 1 row even for 4 rows. K 2 tog, K 4, turn, P 2 tog, P 3, K 2 tog, K 2 turn. P 2 tog, P 1, bind off 2 sts, break thread. Work other 6 sts to correspond and work 1 row of s c around heart. Sew hearts on each side of cap as shown on illustration. SLIP-OVER NO. 816 Size 10 to 12 years
Back—With No. 1 needles, cast on 104 sts (size 12, 108 sts), K 1, P 1 for 5 inches. Change to No. 3 needles, K 1 row, P 1 row, until piece measures 11 inches. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows for underarm, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 6 rows (92 sts). Work even until armhole measures 5½ inches, measuring straight up from where the 3 sts were bound off. On next K row, K 29, put remainder of sts on st holder. P back on 29 sts. On next row, bind off 5 sts at beg of every row at armhole edge, 5 times and P 2 tog at beg of every row at neck edge. Work other 29 sts to correspond. Neck Band—With No. 1 needles, pick up 50 sts, K 1, P 1 ribbing for 1 inch, bind off, K 1, P 1. Front—Cast on 104 (size 12, 108), K 1, P 1 for 5 inches. Change to No. 3 needles. On next row, K 26, K 1, P 1 for 52 sts, K 26. On next row P 27, P 1, K 1, for 50 sts, P 27. Next row, K 28, K 1, P 1, for 48 sts, K 28. Next row, P 29, P 1, K 1, for 46 sts, P 29. Continue in this manner having 2 sts less in pattern on every row, until all sts are K. P 1 row, K 1 row until piece measures same as for back. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 8 rows (90 sts). Work even until armhole measures 2 inches (2½ inches, size 12). K 44, K 1, P 1, K 44. Next row, P 43, P 1, K 1, P 1, K 1, P 43. Next row, K 42 (K 1, P 1, 3 times), K 42. Next row, P 41 (P 1, K 1, 4 times), P 41. Continue in this manner having 2 more sts in pattern every row, until you have 28 sts in pattern. K 31, put remainder of sts on st holder. P back. P 2 tog at beg of every 4th row, at neck edge until 25 sts remain. Bind off 5 sts at beg of every row at armhole edge, 5 times, work even at neck edge. Work other side to correspond, (Put 28, K 1, P 1) on st holder. Band at neck. Pick up 23 sts, K 1, P 1 following pattern across front, pick up 23 sts on other side. K 1, P 1 for 1 inch, bind off K 1, P 1. Sleeves—With No. 1 needles, cast on 66 sts. K 1, P 1 for 2½ inches. Change to No. 3 needles, K 20, K 1, P 1 for 26 sts, K 20. Next row, P 21, P 1, K 1, for 24 sts, P 21. K 22, K 1, P 1 for 22 sts, K 22. P 23, P 1, K 1 for 20 sts, P 23. Continue in this manner having 2 sts less in pattern every row, until all sts are K, inc 1 st on each end and continue to inc 1 st on each end every 4th row, until sleeve measures 4½ inches (72 sts). Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then 2 sts at beg of the next 2 rows (62 sts). K 2 tog at beg and end of every 4th row until you have 40 sts, bind off. Sew up shoulder seams, sew back and front together. Sew sleeve seams and insert into armhole. MITTENS No. 816 Size 6 to 8, 10 to 12
Cuff—Cast on 44 sts, 16 sts on each 2 needles, 12 on 3rd needle, *P 4 rnds. K 4 rnds, repeat from *2 more times. K 2, P 2 around row for 3 inches (size 6 to 8), 4 inches (size 10 to 12). Put next 12 sts on st holder and cast on 4 sts. Continue to K 2, P 2 for 2½ inches (size 6 to 8), 3½ inches (size 10 to 12). On next rnd, K 2 tog, P 2 tog for 1 rnd. K 1, P 1 for 4 rnds. K 2 tog until you have 9 sts, draw through and sew. Thumb—Pick up 12 sts from st holder, pick up 4 sts from hand. K 2, P 2 for 1½ inches, size 6 to 8 (1¾ inches, size 10 to 12), then P the 2 P sts tog for 1 rnd. Next rnd K the 2 K sts tog for 1 rnd (8 sts), draw through and sew. With red sports yarn make 2 small hearts as follows: With No. 2 needles, cast on 2 sts, P 2 sts, K increasing in each st. P back. *Inc in first and last st, P back, repeat from *once. K 1 row, P 1 row. K 2 tog, K 2, turn, P back. K 1, K 2 tog, bind off. Work other 4 sts to correspond. Make another heart in same manner. Sew 2 pieces tog and fill with red yarn. Make 3 more hearts in same manner. With 2 strands of sports yarn, ch 52 sts, sew heart on each end, tie a bow and sew on mitts as shown on illustration. These can easily be removed when washing. Directions for socks on page 22. (Continued from page 9) BONNET Starting at side of front. With No. 5 needles, cast on 20 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 3 rows, inc 1 st at beg of next row (place marker, this is back edge). Work 3 rows even. Inc 1 st at beg of next row, continue to inc 1 st at beg of every 4th row, until you have 29 sts. Work even until piece measures 8 inches from beg. Now dec 1 st at back edge every 4th row, until you have 20 sts. Work 3 rows even, bind off. Back—Cast on 32 sts. P 1 row, K 1 row, for 1 inch. *On next row, inc 1 st at beg and end, work 1 inch even, repeat from *until piece measures 4 inches, 40 sts. *Now work 3 rows even, dec 1 st at beg and end of next K row, repeat from *2 more times (34 sts). K 2 tog at beg and end of every row, until 26 sts remain. Fold front piece of cap in half crosswise, place marker. Count 9 sts on each side of marker. With red yarn make a running st inserting needle over one thread and under 2 threads across row, do not pull too tightly. Skip 9 sts from other side of marker, work another row in same manner. Work 2 more rows, 18 rows from each side of rows just finished. With green work one more row in same manner 1 st above. Count 8 rows from straight end of piece, work yarn lengthwise with red as follows: *Insert needle over one thread and down one thread bringing needle from wrong to right side 2 threads below. Repeat from *to end of piece. Count 14 rows (about 2½ inches from end of piece), with red make another row in same manner. With yellow make another row in same manner one thread above. Sew ½ inch hem on straight end of front piece; sew other end to back piece (place marker at center of each piece first). Work 2 rows of s c around bottom of cap. Attach small bows made of grosgrain ribbon leaving ends to tie. Attach feather as shown on illustration. PURSE Purse—Cast on 26 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 4 inches or enough rows to make a perfect square. Work another piece in same manner. Embroider stripes same as in coat about ¾ inch from sides. Sew 2 sides tog s c around other 2 sides. Strap—Ch 4, work 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts. *Ch 1, turn, work 1 s c in each of the 3 sts, repeat from *until piece measures 8 inches. Sew ends to top of squares. Insert 2 four inch zippers (or 1 zipper if preferred). Attach tassels on zipper ends, made with a few strands of yarn. |