CHAPTER I. | PAGE | Introduction | 1 | II. | The Discovery of the New World | 11 | III. | The Papal Gift of all the Heathen World to the Portuguese and Spaniards | 19 | IV. | The Spaniards in Hispaniola | 28 | V. | The Spaniards in Hispaniola and Cuba | 43 | VI. | The Spaniards in Jamaica and other West Indian Islands | 56 | VII. | The Spaniards in Mexico | 62 | VIII. | The Spaniards in Peru | 92 | IX. | The Spaniards in Peru—(continued) | 104 | X. | The Spaniards in Paraguay | 119 | XI. | The Portuguese in Brazil | 145 | XII. | The Portuguese in Brazil—(continued) | 158 | XIII. | The Portuguese in India | 173 | XIV. | The Dutch in India | 185 | XV. | The English in India.—System of Territorial Acquisition | 202 | XVI. | The English in India—(continued).—Treatment of the Natives | 252 | XVII. | The English in India.—Treatment of the Natives—(continued) | 272 | XVIII. | The English in India—(continued) | 285 | XIX. | The English in India—(concluded) | 298 | XX. | The French in their Colonies | 312 | XXI. | The English in America | 330 | XXII. | The English in America—Settlement of Pennsylvania | 356 | XXIII. | The English in America till the Revolt of the Colonies | 367 | XXIV. | Treatment of the Indians by the United States | 386 | XXV. | Treatment of the Indians by the United States—(continued) | 402 | XXVI. | The English in South Africa | 417 | XXVII. | The English in South Africa—(continued) | 443 | XXVIII. | The English in New Holland and the Islands of the Pacific | 469 | XXIX. | Conclusion | 499 |