Given in by John Glen, Merchant, Port-Glasgow.
James Glen, taylor
Alex. M'Farlane do.
George M'Gee smith
Andrew Mann skipper
Wm. Holm shoemaker
James Erskine dyer
Wm. Henderson baker
Wm. Liddel do.
James Couper skipper
Humphray Davie shop keeper
Archd. Brown taylor
James Ronald shoemaker
Wm. Wallace do.
John Stiven tanner
Wm. Allerdie weaver
John Paton
George Campbel weaver
Robert Jamieson porter
Samuel Fife Rope maker
Robert M'Farlane wright
Andrew Simson do.
James Munn do.
James Morison do.
David Fife weaver
Wm. Lamont shoemaker
Wm. Turner junr. smith
Humphray M'Lean baker
Wm. Hart do.
James M'Kean copper smith
John Armour weaver
Wm. Gibb sawer
James Graham carter
Archd. Henderson wright
Thomas Edmiston mason
James Kelly wright
George Neilston do.
Duncan Buchanan sawer
James Davidson weaver
Malcolm White do.
George Nicol do.
Archd. Scott wright
Daniel Fleming do.
Archd. Taylor do.
Dougal Gray clerk
Moses M'Cool sawer
John Biggar do.
Archd. M'Vicar do.
Wm. Holm do.
Peter Sinclair do.
James Stuart do.
Andrew Fairlie do.
John Gordon do.
John Adam do.
John Litsler do.
Wm. Paterson wright
Donald M'Intosh copper smith
James White labourer
James M'Kinzie baker
John Rodger junr. smith
Francis Sproul wright
John Flane
John Garner labourer
John Banks miner
Thomas Ferguson do.
William Gordon do.
Wm. Watson do.
William Minzies hosier
David Miller labourer
Robert Taylor farmer
Alexr. Hadridge do.
James White do.
John Greenlees labourer
John Laird farmer
John Laird do.
Andrew Dick, Erskine
Wm. Stuart school master
Robert Barr shoemaker
Alexr. Stevenson farmer
Robert Orr smith
Patrick Lindsay flax dresser
James Hamilton linen printer
Matthew Bush do.
John Stirling engraver
Frederick Gordon do.
Randolph M'Innes linen printer
John Hall do.
Wm. Yuill do.
Patrick M'Farlane do.
Andrew Aitken wright
Walter Lindsay labourer
John M'Grigor copperman
Wm. M'Farlane shoemaker
Wm. M'Aulay maltman
John Barton farmer
John Barr farrier
William Gordon
James Bain miller
Robt. M'Farlane farmer
John Cafor
Andrew Aitken
Patrick Gray Hellbrick
Thos. Maltman linen printer
Thomas Kereg do.
Adam White do.
John Bryce couper
Wm. Henderson shoemaker
James Henderson linen printer
John Alexander vintner
Michael Lindsay
Katharine Beatson, Drummond
Robert Brash there
Bailie James Colquhoun
George Walker shoemaker
John Ewing do.
John Mitchel do.
Patrick Mitchel do.
John Lindsay do.
Patrick Colquhoun do.
Peter Houston do.
Elizabeth Lin
Janet Donald
Katharine Houston
James Paterson sawer
Robert Lata boatman
John M'Alester wright
Alexr. Williamson do.
Alexander Brown do.
Archibald Glen weaver
James M'Niel do.
John Houston do.
Wm. Lang merchant
Hugh Cameron do.
Wm. Alexander wright
John Webster baker
Robert Lang farmer
Wm. Lang malter
Robert Williamson stay maker
Andrew Shields taylor
William M'Farlane couper
William Reid dyer
Robert Gardiner shoemaker
Mungo M'Intyre do.
Jeremiah Rankin do.
James Ker do.
James Scott do.
Alexander Little do.
Archibald Fife weaver
James Morison currier
Margaret Martin in Shots
John Train merchant
James M'Culloch wright
John Rentoul do.
William Black do.
James Auken do.
Patrick Wotherspoon do.
Robert Lintown do.
James Lintown do.
Archibald Martin mason
Hugh Anderson do.
Patrick Stobs do.
John Carse reed maker
Thomas Tudhope labourer
David Scott mason
David Picken wright
Duncan Robertson
Robert Findlay stone cutter
John Brownlie mason
Henry Sutherland do.
John Campbel
Wm. Scott weaver
Matthew Brown do.
William Cochran do.
Robert Craig do.
William Stevenson do.
William Robertson do.
John Dunlop do.
John Willison do.
Robert More do.
John Macham do.
John Campbel do.
James Renfrew do.
Thomas Gemmel do.
John Peden do.
Peter Lithgow do.
Robert Stirling do.
Neil Whyte do.
Alexander Stuart do.
James Bryce do.
Edward Taylor do.
Archibald Leckie do.
John Sproul do.
Alexander M'Gown do.
Thomas Suttily do.
James Hillhouse do.
John Reid do.
James M'Lymont do.
Alexander Thomson do.
Mungo White do.
Thomas King do.
James Brown hosier
William Semple do.
John Richmond smith
Andrew Morison mason
John Jack do.
James Semple silk dresser
John Dunlop weaver
John Balfour shoemaker
John Rankin linen printer
William Maxwel do.
James Duncan do.
Alexander Dalgliesh do.
John Dalgliesh do.
James Adam cutler
John Strong do.
John Brown bleacher
John Niven yarn washer
John Miller
John Craig
David Shephard weaver
James Lang do.
William Swap do.
John Young do.
Thomas Robertson do.
William Dunlop do.
Robert Stevenson do.
John Gibson do.
John Thomson labourer
William Livingston gardener
Thomas Laird wright
Hugh Allan shoemaker
James Allison labourer
William Pinkston weaver
Robert Thomson do.
Robert Spier senior do.
Andrew Giffin do.
Joseph Jamieson do.
John Houston senior do.
John Houston junior do.
James Pinkerton do.
Thomas Monie do.
James Buchanan do.
Robert Hall do.
William Park do.
William Provan do.
William Gavin do.
John Wright do.
James Barr do.
William Davis do.
James Houston do.
Robert Boyd weaver
James Patieson do.
Robert Kilpatrick do.
William Lindsay do.
Robert Matthie do.
John Guy do.
Robert Hunter do.
John Crawford do.
David Kennedy do.
Bryce Barr do.
Andrew Smith do.
Adam Barr do.
Robert Gillespie do.
Archibald Taylor do.
John Knox do.
Robert Jamieson of Boghead
William Knox shoemaker
Hugh Knox do.
Robert Patrick do.
Robert Fulton do.
Robert Hunter taylor
Robert Glen do.
James Clark do.
Robert Kerr merchant
Thomas Miller mason
John Houston do.
James Craig shoemaker
James Campbel flax dresser
Allan Caldwell
Thomas Howie carter
William Pollock smith
William Allan
David Caldwall mason
John Dunlop merchant
James Pollock farmer
Robert Orr farmer
James Orr weaver
Robert Montgomerie shoemaker
Thomas Houston mason
John Logan do.
William Findlay do.
John Sheddan weaver
John Barclay do.
James Allan smith
John Boyd portioner
Daniel Kerr do.
Allan Spier of Kersland mill
James Stirrat merchant
John Lyle
Andrew Hunter
Samuel Hunter of Pastorhill
Andrew Greg wright
John Logan do.
Allan Bogle farmer
William Woodside do.
Robert Ferguson do.
Thomas Aitken portioner
Thomas Milliken mason
Robert Howie carter
William Kirkwood flax dresser
Alexr. M'Pherson coal grieve
William Galston carter
James Miller do.
John Fulton
John Plewhight dykebuilder
William Archibald farmer
John Muir weaver
James Niel do.
Robert Dunlop do.
Robert Auld do.
John Archibald do.
Thomas Logan do.
John Hamilton do.
William Aitken do.
David Auld do.
Robert Stuart do.
Hugh Oswald
James Kerr do.
John Montgomerie do.
James Laurie do.
John Auld do.
Robert Aitken weaver
Hugh Willison do.
James Aitken weaver
John Henry do.
Matthew Stirrat do.
James Baillie junr. weaver
Alexander Petter do.
John Conn do.
James Dotchen do.
James Gray do.
Robert Barr do.
William Murdoch do.
Duncan Lowdon do.
John Starrat
John Gath couper Irvine
Thomas Kirkwood merchant
Hugh Gilmore do.
Robert Boyd weaver
John Dyet do.
James M'Millan do.
Alexander Howie wright
Robert Gardiner causayer
John Boyd
Mary Black
Jean Cowen
William Biggart farmer
John Fleck do.
James Galbraith do.
William Dun do.
Thomas Hunter merchant
James Watson wright
Thomas Lauchlan do.
George Starrat
William Stevenson merchant
Thomas Service wright
Daniel Vicar do.
John Craig merchant
Elizabeth Anderson
John M'Millan
Bryce M{illegible} ship master
John Ka{illegible} rope maker
James Raside do.
Robert Ingram junior
James Hall ropemaker
James Ske{illegible} weaver
William Barr do.
James Robertson do.
Robert Workman do.
Robert Dunlop do.
James Hill
Daniel Kerr merchant
Robert M'Naught wright
John Wilson maltman
Henry Reid weaver Slackmanan, 12 copies
Given in by Mr. Christopher Scott, student in divinity now in Pathhead.
Adam Watson smith Pathhead
Mr. James Thomson student in philosophy
David Mitchel weaver there
John Reid weaver Sinklertown
Robert Forrester do. Pathhead
James Mitchelson do.
Mr. Æneas M'Bean student in philosophy
Mr. David Black do.
Mr. John Thomson do.
James Halley weaver there
Walter Gray do. there
Matth. Shields junior Gallatown
John Goodwin manufacturer Pathhead
John Drybrough smith there
Laurence Mitchel weaver there
John Lawson do. there
George Adam do. there
John Drybrough nailer there
Andrew Wilson there
Robert Gou{illegible} weaver in Grange
Peter Fason weaver in Pathhead
James Ure junior there
John Mathieson weaver there
James Forbes do. there
Gilbert Fisher in Grange
John Forgan weaver Pathhead
Alexander Beveridge do. there
David Forgan do. there
David Miller wright there
James Bodger weaver there
John Mackin{illegible} weaver in the links of Kirkaldie
James Stocks dyer Pathhead
David Halley weaver there
Robert Gibb do. there
James Jackson weaver Pathhead
William Taylor do. there
Peter Killgour do. there
Alex. Haggart flaxdresser there
James Miller weaver there
George White maltster there
Robt. Dick gardener Sinklertown
Eben. B{illegible}rte flaxdresser Pathhead
Robert Coventry weaver there
Andrew Blyth do. there
James Smart do. there
Andw. Waddel do. Kierbrae
John Brown do. Pathhead
James Johnston do. Sinklertown
Robt. Brown candlemaker Pathhead
Thomas Smart weaver there
John Gray do. there
Andrew Seath farmer there
Thomas Bell Ceres parish
George Mount there
And. Wallace labourer Kettle
Rachel Watson there
Given in by John Whytock weaver in Playfield Perth.
Peter Whytock weaver
David Cairnie do.
Hugh Cairnie do.
John Watson do.
John Killor do.
Andrew Brown ditto
John Wilson ditto
James Lamb ditto
Alexander Ferrier ditto
James Taylor ditto
David Smith ditto
Andrew Wylie ditto
John Carrick ditto
William Bettie ditto
David Kettle ditto
John Young ditto
Alexander Wilson ditto
John Speedie shoemaker
John Robertson tanner
Alexander Miller ditto
Walter Scobbie weaver
Robert Glass merchant
John M'Grigor flaxdresser Long Forgan
David Gardiner in Muirtown
Wm. Scott weaver in East Shiels
Charles Stark smith there
Archd. Shaw marble cutter Glasgow
Robt. Gibson weaver Pettinain
Alexander Nairn Libberton
James Gourlie in Stirling
John Harvie there
Thos. Kirkwood weaver Kilsyth
Margaret Black of Lairn in Ireland, 12 copies
James Muirhead farmer Kilsyth
John Muirhead there
Margaret Nimmo Delshanan Kirkintilloch
Andrew Wilson servant there
Jas. Dalrymple weaver Westside
James Dickson do. Monkland
George Brown merchant Perth, 12 copies
Henry Buist there
David Gardiner there
Peter Taylor in Tapermalloch
Revd. Mr. Preston minister of the gospel at Logieamen
Revd. Mr. John Young minister of the gospel at Dumbarron
Revd. Mr Laurence Reid minister of the gospel at Patha Condy
Mrs Bisset in Perth
Thomas Blair shoemaker there
James Hamilton in Blantyre
John Young innkeeper Alloa
Wm. Young student of divinity Glasgow
James Anderson in Strathmiglo, 12 copies
John Muir junior merchant in Glasgow, 2 copies
Wm. Blackwood plaisterer there
Wm. Wallace in Blacklow
Alex. Cuningham mason there
Robert Young do. there
Given in by James Hood, taylor Glasgow.
William Todd
Andrew Allan
Andrew Hood
Thomas Smith
William M'Ewen
Alexander Norrel
Given in by John Mein, London.
Thos. Orr East Smithfield, 2 cop.
Alexander Grant Deptford
Andrew Imbrie London
William Clarke ship wright
George Gregory Spittle fields
David Imbrie
Mr. Watson in great Towerhill
Henry Russel
Henry Hutton
Daniel Cook
Mrs. Toben
Robt. Forsyth No. 100 Wapping
Given in by John Hardie Old Meldrum.
Revd. Mr. James Chalmers minister of the gospel in Daviot
John Gelland Old Meldrum
John Simson grieve Torvis
William Reid in New Deer
William Duguil in Odney
William Dow in Marnoch
William Cran merchant there
John Brown bookseller in Dunse, 24 copies
Given in by James Craig shoemaker in Kilbride
William Riddel weaver
James Shaw portioner
Thomas Russel smith
John Craig farmer
William Arbuckle
Wm. Wallace mains of Eglesham
Christopher Strang there
William C{illegible}r in Glassford
Robert Hamilton smith there
Given in by Alexander Hutchison in Newton.
Matthew Short baxter Moffat
David French Wamphray
William Proudfoot there
Matth. Murray jun. in Bentpath
Sim. Graham Newton Wamphray
Robt. Ferguson herd in Finigal
James Lochie in Windyshiels
John Chisholm in Shiel
James Hyslop in Wellroadhead
James Purvos in Watcarrick
John Anderson in Moodley
William Scott in Holm
Alexander Glencross Saughtrees
William Proudfoot Johnston
John Geddes Coriehall
John Beatie in Lambhill
Benj. Munel wright Saughtrees
Wm. Little wright Coriemill
Given in by James Goudie travelling chapman in Girvan.
Thos. Woderwood quarrier in Daily parish
James Paterson weaver there
Agnew Fletcher shoem. Maybole
James Goudie merchant there
Alex. Heron farmer Kirkoswald
Sam. M'Lymont mercht Girvan
William M'Queen mason there
Hugh M'Quaker do. there
John Ramsay shoemaker there
Thomas M'llwrath currier there
Joseph Baird weaver there
Revd. Mr. James Punton minister of the associate congregation at Hamilton
James Miller flaxdresser
William Hart merchant
James Barr shoemaker
Andrew Faulds in Carscallan
William Fleming servant there
Robert Strang in meikle Ernock
Thos. Leister weav. in Hamilton
Robert Smith do. there
Andrew Smith hosier
William Semple in Calton
John Weir weaver there
Messrs. Gordon and M'Knight in Dudly Worcestershire, 12 cop.
Given in by John Haggart in Errol
Patrick Brown in Wardhead
James Gentle in Errol
Andrew Adam there
John Thomson there
John Matthieson there
James Davie there
John Mallock there
Peter Pirie there
James Rattray there
David Gill there
James Kelt in Godins
Given in by John Forsyth, shoemaker Stirling
Robt. Rae grocer Stirling
John Henderson maltman there
Robert Beleh there
Katharine Connel there
Duncan King workman there
Alex. Wilson shoemaker there
James Ferguson carpet weaver
James Morison
Given in by John Wingate in St. Ninians
William Miller weaver
John Thomas do.
Archibald Gilchrist do.
John Harvie do.
John Forrester do.
William Forsyth taylor
Christian Anderson servant
Thomas Gilchrist merchant
John Miller do.
Alexander Gilchrist do.
John Wingate weaver
James Paterson do.
Robert Forrester do.
Robert Paul nailer
John Sharp smith
John Kessim brewer
John M'Farlane shoemaker
Walter Smith weaver
James Smart shoemaker
John M'Learn weaver
Thomas Thomson do.
John Fisher shoemaker
Thomas Anderson weaver
John Stevenson ditto
Archibald Smart shoemaker
John M'Farlane weaver
Alexander M'Farlane do.
William Jeffray do.
George Aitken do.
John M'Donald do.
James Munro do.
Robert Waterson do.
William Sharp do.
James Johnson do.
John Forfar do.
Andrew Liddel do.
Robert Stevenson do.
Thos. Anderson do. wester Livelands
John Baird do. Fategrin
Andrew Cowan Touchgorun
Thos. Jeffray smith Charters hall
James Gillespie do. there
Archd. Thomson taylor there
Willm. Chalmers do. there
George Miller smith New market
John M'Killop Craiggarth
Henry Edmund farmer in Hole
Given in by David Miller in Campsie
John Benny schoolmaster near Paisley
John Galloway Burn foot
William Thomson Arnbrae
Janet Bulloch Blarveath
Jas. Gilchrist weaver Campsie
Moses N{illegible}lson do. there
Robert Somerville merchant Kirkintilloch
Robt. Aitken tayler Waterside
John Stirling there
Andrew Stirling there
Archibald Stirling hosier Kirkintilloch
John Stuart couper there
John Ingli junr. smith there
John Goodwin portioner there
Mr William Fergus bailie of Kirkintilloch
John King in Baldernock
William Thomson farmer in Bridge end
William Murdoch workman in Torrence
John M'Kean merchant Campsie
Robert Young in Denny
Thos. Winning labourer Balmore
Given in by William White, bookseller in Beith
Robert Dunlop portioner
Alexander Young
Andrew Robinson farmer
Alexander Robinson do.
James Robinson wright
John Robinson
Matthew French servant
John Miller weaver
Matthew King portioner
John Connel mason
Adam Gibson farmer
Robert Boyd do.
Hugh Barklay smith
John Paton weaver
Thomas Robinson weaver
James Spier portioner
Hugh Barklay servant
William Gishe farmer
Robert Ranken dyer
James Johnston farmer
John Armour servant
William Dickie servant
George Park
James Allan schoolmaster
David Clark merchant
Hugh Barklay taylor
Hugh Anderson farmer
Margaret Muir servant
Robert Wilson do.
William Paton
James Govan miller
John Hill flaxdresser
William Anderson wright
Andrew Mackie
William Jack shoemaker
James King wright
Robert Dunlop baker
Alexander Paton
John Bogle farmer
William King miller
Hugh Barr
William Service farmer
John Crawford do.
William Donald do.
Robert Berkley
William Rodger
John Sheddan portioner
John Dow wright
Given in by John M'Lymont, travelling Chapman
Gilbert M'Lymont weaver in Newton Stuart
William M'Lymont do. there
James M'Kean do. there
James M'Clure do. there
John M'Clumpha do. there
Anthony M'Gowan labourer
Wm. M'Kean taylor there
John M'Kie ferrier there
Wm. Bogle gardener in Minigass
Peter M'Kean mason at Ferrytown of Cree
William Watson at Bridgend of Cree
Robert Campbel at Largs
Willm. Douglas in Bargonan
Eliz. Hyslop in Knockvill
Mary Broadfoot in Corbyknows
Given in by Matthew Miller in Mauchlin
John Paterson tayl. in Mauchlin
John Miller schoolmaster there
Robert Gill there
Alexander Ray there
James Smith mason there
Andrew Aird servant there
Hugh Thomson smith Tarbolton
Roberr Elliot do. there
Willm Rattray weaver there
Andrew Cowan wright Sorn
Wilm. M'Gown miller do.
James Ralston in Sorn
James Mitchel in Craighall
John Mitchel there
John Baird there
John Wilson there
Wm. Currie wright St. Quivox
James Kirkland mason there
James Murdoch do. there
John Armour schoolmaster Gibb's yard
William Weir in Craigie
William M'Henle in Mauchlin
James Lees tanner there
William Miller weaver Tarbolton
James Brown son to Wm. Brown 2 copies
John Young in Ridgehill
John Garvan in Burn
John Young in muir of Rowallen
James Anderson weaver, 26 copies
John Stevenson do.
James Reside do.
Andrew Smith Castlesalt do.
John Blackwood do.
James Jamieson do.
James Muir in Robertland do.
John Dunlop wright
John Tannihill in Bogflit
James Wilson portioner in Chapleton
James Gemmel weaver
Archibald Alexander do.
James Alexander do.
John Calderwood do.
John Wylie taylor
Robert Smith weaver
James Stevenson in Oldhall
Andrew Cochran in Gilles
John Hall shoemaker
Alexander Wylie
Thomas Smith portioner Canaan
John Stevenson
John King Junior in Gree
David Steel weaver in Lambroghten
John Brown jun. in Bowstonhead
Archibald Young in Mains
Alexander Wilson in town of Air 2 copies
Margaret M'Gillan near Wighton 6 copies
James Orr
Given in by John M'Donald, student of Divinity in Ceres.
Patrick Orr farmer in Ceres
William Morton do. there
John Turpie merchant in Carnum
James Laing in Ceres
Given in by Robert Inglis, bookseller in Edinburgh
Revd. Dr John Erskine, minister of the gospel in the old Gray-friar's Edinburgh, 2 copies
Hugh Watson servant in Westerholls
William Inglis schoolmaster in Carstairs
Given in by James Lang bookseller Kilmarnock
Revd. Mr John Russel minister of the gospel in Kilmarnock
George Fairservice schoolmaster
George Miller shoemaker there
James White do. there
James Cuningham do. there
Gavin Walker miller there
James Freebairn plaisterer there
John Dickie there
William Arbuckle there
George Thomson barber
Alexander Giffin farmer in Dundonald
John Rowat shoemaker
David Ferguson in Craigie
Mary Frances in Irvine
Archibald M Ketton shoemaker in Saltcoats
Mat. Alerton farmer Galston
Alexr. Longmuir portioner in Dreghorn
Robt. Creighton in Firmerlaw
Samuel Muir weaver Kirkland
John Wilson in Titwood
Robert Hay quarrier Symington
Wm. Hendry farmer Muir mill
James Morison do. Riccarton
Alexander Holm
Robt. Parker farmer Burleith
John Bunton do. in Puroch
Thomas Earle weaver in Capperingtiren
Wm. Arbuckle butcher in Kilmarnock
John Dickie shoemaker there
Given in by Robert Ramsay, taylor in Bathgate
Revd. Mr John Jamieson minister of the gospel
Daniel Steel shoemaker
John Gillan workman
David Newlands merchant
William Gray workman
John Rule tanner
George Ranken wright
Margaret Muirhead
Andrew Jeffray workman
John Bryce mason
David Tinnond do.
Robert Ramsay taylor 10 copies
James Marshal mason
Thomas Hodge weaver
John Cuthbertson workman
Gavin Inglis do.
William Laurie smith
Alexander Mitchel workman
Robert Geddes do.
William Sclate
Robert Thomson
Peter Newlands weaver
John Gardiner shoemaker Torphichen
Alexander Black stabler in Edinburgh
William Gray in Currie
Given in by Sir Archibald Nicol, weaver and bookseller in Glasgow.
David Riddel plaisterer Glasgow
William Blackwood do. there
Andw. Blackwood hosier there
Andrew Riddel weaver Kilbride
Agnes Strang of Bogton there
John Freebairn wright Rutherglen
John Wilson do. there
Robert Dun coalhewer
Andrew Keir there
Robert Arthur linen printer Cross mill
John M'Nab do. there
John Moffat do. there
William Cumming do. there
Walter M'Gregor do. there
Peter M'Nicol do. Farnazie
John Brown do. Cross mill
Joseph Buchanan do. there
Alexander Buchanan do. there
John Ewing there
Isobel Lindlay in Kilbride
Robert Watson silk weaver Hole
William Leitch weaver there
Robert Anderson do. there
John Montgomerie there
John M'Ewen weaver in Grahams town
James Angus dyer at Farnezie
Thomas Ogilvie weaver Gorbals
John Niven do. there
William Henderson do. there
Henry Muir Carotine
Thomas Galloway there
John Paterson smith in Rutherglen
Pitcairns Ritchie there
James Paterson there
John Brown hammerman Calton
James Wingate do. there
John M'Lea tanner there
John Walker Calder
John M'Lean of north Medrox
Mary Martin in Rew
William Brown there
John Paterson weaver Birkenshaw
William M'Lean of south. Medrox
John Stark taylor in Leckethill
James Legat in Drumbowie
James Towie weaver Glentore
Margaret Brown in Rew
William Shaw portioner in wester Glentore
James Bogle weaver Slamanan
David Auchinvole Auchinsterry, Cumbernauld
Joseph Thom in Calder
William Dickie silk weaver in Mauchlin
James Ritchie weaver there
Margaret Ferrier in Dalsholm
William Smith coalhewer Knightewood
James Aitken horsekeeper there
Robert Watt wright Jordan hill
James Mackie in Cumbernauld
Joseph Williamson in Millbrae, New Monkland
Gavin Bailie sawer Hamilton
Alexr. Pomfrey weav. Millheugh
John Burns of Braehead
John Hamilton weaver Dalfeif
James Davidson do. there
James Drummond shoemaker
Ann Alston there
Janet Lepper there
John Henderson mason Hamilton
James Weir shoemaker in Blantyre
John Maiklem gardener Campsie
James Bollock weaver Neilston
David Sprour do. there
Michael Stevenson silk weaver there
Thomas Gilmour weaver there
John Gray do. there
Robert Gilmour linen printer Eastwood
Alexander Calderwood do. there
John Bell do. there
Andrew Faulds dyer there
John Gilchrist wright Carluke
John Husband in Hurlot
Walter M'Farlane coal cutter there
William Paterson
James Craig weaver in Govan
Matthew Gilmour do. there
William Clow do. there
George Jamie do. there
James Morison do. there
John Struthers do. there
Wm. Robertson do. there
John Robertson do. there
James Shields mason there
John Ritchie weaver there
Wm. Campbel do. there
John Lyle do. there
Smellie Gellers manufactorer there
David Gran weaver there
John Russel do. there
Wm. Liddel do. there
John Lyon workman Carmunnock
Arthur More miller there
Thomas Muir coalhewer Rutherglen
Wm. Roxburgh weaver Glasgow
John Davie do. there
Matthew Morison do. there
John Duncan do. there
Wm. Lang do. there
John Hamilton of Gurhomlock Barony
John Moffat farmer there
Andrew Moffat mason there
Robert Arthur at Garoch mill
John Richmood of Carlenb, Sorn.
Matthew Jamieson there
James Wilton of Crafthead there
George Cameron in Hill there
Alexander Buchanan linen printer Cross mills
John Arthur do. there
Matthew Cameron do. there
Wm. Jarvie workman Farnezie
Daniel Spier in Monsshonse Sorn
Jos. Aiton shoemaker Riccarton
John Dick Craigie
Jean Wilson there
Hugh Templeton there
George Marr coal hewer there
Robert Lamon farmer Thornhill
Robert Perier shoemaker there
William Morton do. Craigie
Matthew Dickie do. there
William Allen farmer there
George Bowie there
Thomas Wallace there
John Glover there
John Wallace miller there
James Hunter in Riccarton
James Orr Mossside there
Thomas Jamieson in Tarbolton
Robert Lamont farmer there
Ronald Hunter cowper there
William Stephen wright there
David Smith there
William Lindsay there
Wm. Auld farmer there
Wm. Reid mason there
Wm. Drips do. there
John Gray do. there
John Jamieson farmer there
Hugh Reid there
Janet Tait there
Wm. Wright wright there
Alexr. Paterson farmer there
David Miller there
David Wilson in Craigie
John Armour taylor Galston
David Borland there
Robt. Goudie miller Garoch mill
George Donald there
John Brown in Barony
Alexr. Moffat Parkhead there
William Baxter do. there
John Jarvie weaver Barony
James Robertson in Eastwood
Archebald Paterson there
John Taylor there
Robert Gilmour in Mearns
John Faulds in Nethertown
John Morison there
Jas. Thomson wright Hackethead
John Marshall do. there
Peter Norris plumber Glasgow
Arthur Laing wright Paisley
James Philip Hackethead
Matthew Laurie there
Elizabeth Forrester there
Gemmel there
John Brown farmer Paisley
John Ralston do. there
William Adam in Mosslane
Zach. Waterston farmer Govan
Agnes Stark there
Wm. Ritchie weaver there
Jas. Fleming mason & wright there
James Dove dyer Glasgow
Robert Love plasterer there
John Dun mason there
Wm. Beggart do. Calton
George Neill there
Alex. Connel wright Carmunnock
Alex. Anglie weaver Glasgow
John M'Farlane shoemaker there
Alexander Nicol do. there
James Dun officer London
David M'Creath Maybole
David Crooks in Selnock
Euphans Hodge in Galston
John Carmichael there
Andrew Willock there
Alexander Mair there
James Irvin there
John Richmond there
George Paterson hosier there
William Parker there
James Watt there
Janet Smith there
John Lamie workman there
Robert Glover do. there
John Goudie there
John Anderson farmer Mauchlin
William Hunter do. there
John Hunter do. there
John Reid do. there
James Dickie do. there
Wm. Meikle wright & glaz. there
Matth. Ronald silk weaver there
James Smith mason there
Hugh Wallace of Bergow there
Frances Murdoch there
James Smith there
Archibald Campbel there
Andrew Ritchie there
George Beveridge there
James Oliphant there
Elizabeth Lindsay there
William Barrie there
John D{illegible}ak there
Robert Glover weaver there
Mary Glover in Craigne
Jas. Stuart shoemaker Glasgow
John Shearer smith in Barony
Wm. Watchman weaver there
Robert Allan do. there
James Wallace do. mid Quarter
James Allan there
John Wotherspoon weaver there
John M'Allun do. there
David M'Nair weaver Calton
Robt. Buchanan wright there
David Donald weaver there
James Taylor do. there
Gilbert Garth do. there
Wm. Goven do. there
Mat. Steel do. middle Quarter
Wm. Dounie wright Carntine
Geo. Chrichton coalhewer Barony
Alex. M'Learn smith Calton
Jas. Robertson miller Garscub
Andrew George do. there
Jas. Park coalhewer Anastand
Geo. Crawford weaver Glasgow
Archibald Bell do. there
Thomas Park wright there
Thomas Malcolm do. there
George Arthur do. there
John Rae weaver Calton
Wm. Williamson teacher there
Wm. Walker weaver there
Wm. Crocket do. there
Robert Wilson do. there
John Alston do. there
John Fife do. there
James Lawson do. there
Robert Hutton do. there
William Gardiner do. there
John Chrystie labourer there
David Jack weaver there
Robert Munro do. there
John Garden do. there
James Wylie do. there
Adam Brown taylor there
Mary Arthur there
James Leigh potter Glasgow
Alex. Moriton candlemaker there
James Granger weaver Calton
Jas. Henderson do. Drygate toll
James Kay plasterer Gorbala
Duncan Campbel cowper Glasgow
John Burn shoemaker there
Gavin Wotherspoon do. there
Henry M Culloch do. there
John Sheddan do. there
John Pettigrew old Monkland
Robt. Pettigrew wright there
Christian Murdoch Glasgow
Blackney Waddel old Monkland
James Smith there
John Pettigrew wright there
Robt. Pettigrew sawer there
Henry Pato teacher there
William Thomson there
Mat. Reid coalhewer Sandhills
Wm. Erskine do. there
Martin Rodger smith there
Jas. Kinnibrugh tayl. Shettleston
Wm. Walkinshaw miller Barony
Wm. M'Leland plaisterer Glasg.
John Niyison wright there
Andrew Niven Gorbals
William Reid nailer there
John Burry weaver Calton
Malcom M'Lean do. there
Janet Zuill Glasgow
Wm. Hamilton in Carmunnock
John Warnock farmer Cathcart
Andrew Park do. Eastwood
George Deans weaver Neilston
John Johnston do. Duckethall
James Cochran do. there
Robert Cunningham do. there
John Wilson do. there
Doug Graham bleacher Farnezie
Willm. Morison Paisley
James Airston weaver Neilston
Robert Legat do. there
Wm. M'Ewen there
Alexr. M'Gregor Neilston
Robt. Cumming labourer Paisley
Robert Barr farmer there
John Peacock in Pollock place
Alexander Malcolm there
Archibald Hamilton there
James Henderson there
Thos. Cullen shoemaker Calton
John Shearer coalhewer Houlton
James Lyle do. there
Charles Colquhoun do. there
Wm. Watt in Knightswood
Grizel Gibb Dalsholm
John Duncan of Milnfield
John Gardner weaver Calton
John Ross hammerman there
William Glen weaver Glasgow
Andrew Tury boatman Canal
James Mitchel in Dalmarnock
John Nisbet in Carntine
John M'Pherson smith Glasgow
Jas. Allan shoem. Calton 12 cop.
Andrew M'Gilchrist Glasgow
John Findlay there
John Drummond there
Hugh Henderson barber there
Wm. Cochran weaver Paisley
John Stuart hillman there
James Lauchlan weaver there
Robt. Miller bleacher Eastwood
Alexander Leck weaver
Arthur Campbel in Barony
Alexr. Allan at Provan mill
James Thomson in Rochelay
Robt. Galloway mason Carntine
John Blair coallier there
Wm. Burnside do. there
James Orrock weaver
James Smith do. Calton
Matthew Rea do.
Robert Young in Postle
Jas. Morton shoemaker Calton
John Morison do. there
Wm. Somerville miller Glasgow
Wm. Henderson weaver there
John Falconer there
William Allan there
John Gray Westmuir
James Ralston Glasgow
Wm. M'Gibbon there
Agnes Dalrymple there
James Glen farmer Woodside
James Dickson Auldhousebridge
James Findlay weaver Gorbals
Peter Gray coalhewer Shettleston
James Graham Glasgow
Wm. Loudon gardener Dalbeth
Agnes Dyer Glasgow
Margaret Boyd there
James Logan miller Woodside
Jas. Graham shoemaker Calton
Jas. Fisher do. in Callender
Wm. Miller wright Glasgow
John Buchanan do. there
Mungo Ritchie do. Garscub
Archibald Sword do. there
Hugh Aitken coalhewer Jordanhill
Robt. Purdon hammerman Barony
Robt. Brown brewer Glasgow
Given in by Peter Gold, in Newtown of Douglas
William Gold there
Wm. Williamson there
Hugh Gold there
James Gold farmer there
John Aitken there
Robert Miller there
John Forrest farmer west Calder
Glasgow, June 4th, 1782
For Printing by Subscription,
In One large Octavo Volume.
An Elegant Edition of
Three Hundred and Fifty-Two
By the Eminently Pious
Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews.
To which is added,
The Author's Testimony to the covenanted work of Reformation, as it was carried on between 1638 and 1649.—And also his Dying Words, containing several Advices to some ministers and near relations. As also,
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