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- One of the most remarkable qualities of Miss Woolson's work was its intense picturesqueness. Few writers have shown equal beauty in expressing the poetry of landscape.—Springfield Republican.
- Characterization is Miss Woolson's forte. Her men and women are original, breathing, and finely contrasted creations.—Chicago Tribune.
- Delightful touches justify those who see many points of analogy between Miss Woolson and George Eliot.—N. Y. Times.
- Miss Woolson's power of describing natural scenery and strange, out-of-the-way phases of American life is undoubted. One cannot well help being fascinated by her stories.—Churchman, N. Y.
- Miss Woolson is one of the few novelists of the day who know how to make conversation, how to individualize the speakers, how to exclude rabid realism without falling into literary formality.—N. Y. Tribune.
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