The Welsh word for the principality of Wales. A great quantity of human bones have from time to time been dug up in the grounds which surrounded this ancient friary, from which it appears probable that it was once used as a burying place for those who died of the plague, which frequently and severely visited this town. Phillips says that after the battle of Battlefield, between Henry IVth and Hotspur, “many persons of note were buried in the Black and Austin’s Friars in Shrewsbury.” Sutton-spring water: | Grains. | A wine gallon of Sutton-water contains of muriate of soda | 1082 | 6 | Ditto of lime, with an admixture of muriated soda | 226 | 0 | Carbonate of iron | 0 | 5 | Clay and silex | 11 | 5 | Total of solid contents | 1320 | 0 | | Cubic Inches. | Carbonic acid | 1.805 | Common air, contaminated with azote and sulphurated hydrogen gas | 12.635 | Total of volatile contents | 14.440 | The hospitable and truly old English mansion of Mrs. Corbet, which is seen on the right hand. When the French took possession of Rome, this font was undergoing a repair at the statuary’s, and was considered so valuable an antique, that the French Commissary priced it at 2000 guineas. Being claimed however by the statuary as his own property, he was allowed to retain it, and afterwards he contrived to convey it to Lord B. to whom it belonged. |