dx">Carpenter, Nathanael, 105 Carpini, Joannes de Plano, 42 Carteret, Philip, 85 Carthage, 5 Cartier, Jacques, 66 Cartography. See Map-making Caspian Sea, 30, 39, 49, 71 Cassini, J. and D., 95, 104 Catalan map, 50 Catalonians, 49 Cavendish, Sir Thomas, 67 Ceylon, 31, 50, 57 Chad, Lake, 109 Challenger, 130, 143 Champlain, Samuel, 67 Chancellor, Richard, 79 Charcot, J.B., 132 Chelyuskin, Lieut. T., 80 Chile, 66 China, 3, 30, 34, 43, 44, 71, 117 Chorography, 104 Chronometer, 97 Chrysoloras, Emanuel, 54 Cintra, Pedro de, 52 Clapperton, H., 109 Clarke, Capt., 122 Cluverius, Philip, 105 Coats Land, 132, 133 Cochin-China, 72 Columbus, Christopher, 56, 59 Compass, 48 Condamine, Charles de la, 96 Congo Free State, 113 —— River, 53, 103, 113, 114 Cook Archipelago, 88 Cook, Captain James, 78, 87, 103, 122 Coppermine River, 78 Cordova, Hernandez de, 64 Cortereal, Gaspar, 75 Cortez, 65 CovilhÃo, Pedro de, 53 Crates of Mallus, 23 Crete, 6 Harrison, John, 97 Hausaland, 109 Hawaii, 88 Hawkins, Captain, 70 Hayton, 43 Hearne, Samuel, 78 HecatÆus of Miletus, 11 Hedin, Sven, 116 Henry the Navigator, 51 Herodotus, 5, 11, 23, 30 Himilco, 6 Hiort, Dr. Johan, 144 Hipparchus, 22, 25 Hispaniola. See Haiti Hollar, 102 Homann, 101 Homer, 7 Honduras, 61 Hooker, Sir Joseph, 146 Horn, Cape, 67, 82, 84 Houtman, Cornelis, 69 Howell, 119 Huber, C., 117 Hudson Bay, 67, 76, 80 —— Bay Co., 78, 123 ——, Henry, 76, 80 Humboldt, Alexander von, 67, 144 Hume, Hamilton, 119 Huygens, Christiaan, 94 Ibn Batuta, 46 Ibn Haukal, 40 Iceland, 37, 75 Idrisi, 40 India, 3, 13, 20, 31, 44, 45, 50, 54, 57, 68, 69, 71, 115 Indicopleustes, Cosmas, 35 Inglefield, Captain, 124 International Council for the Study of the Sea, 144 —— Geographical Congress, 138 Ireland, 30, 37, Phipps, Captain, 122, 142 Phoenicians, 4 Picard, Jean, 94, 101 Pigafetta, F., 99 Pines, Isle of, 88 Pinzon, Vicente YaÑez, 59, 62 Pizarro, Francisco, 66 Plane-table, 93 Plato, 18 Pliny the Elder, 26 Polo, Marco, 43, 69 Polybius of Megalopolis, 23 Polyhistor, Julius Solinus, 35 Pomponius Mela, 26 Pont, Timothy, 102 Portolano maps, 48, 50, 55 Portuguese, 51, 55, 60, 68, 79, 108 Posidonius the Stoic, 23, 72 Potamology, 141 Potanin, 116 Prester John, 53 Pretorius, Jean, 93 Prjevalsky, Nicolai, 116 Procopius, 34 Ptolemy, 26, 39, 54, 72 Putte, Samuel van der, 72 Pygmies, 7, 17 Pythagoras, 8 Pytheas of Massilia, 21 Quadrant, 91, 94 Queensland, 119, 120 Quiros, Pedro Fernandez de, 83 Rae, Dr. John, 124 Ramsden, 97 Ratzel, Friedrich, 145 Ravenstein, A., 137 Rawling, Capt. G.C., 116 Rebmann, T., 110 Red Sea, 5, 35 Regiomontanus, 97 Rennell, Maj. James, 104 Retes, Inigo Ortes de, 83 Retreat of the Ten Thousand, 17 Rhins, Dutreuil de, 116 Torres, 70, 83 —— Strait, 83 Torricelli, 93 Toscanelli, Paolo del Pozzi, 56 Traverse Is., 128 Trinidad, 61 Triquetum, 90 Turkestan, 115 Turnagain, Cape, 123 Turner, Capt., 73 Tyre, 4 Uganda, 111 Ugyen Gyatso, 115 Unyamwezi, 111 Varenius, Bernhard, 105 Vernier, FranÇois, 93 Vesconte, Petrus, 49 Vespucci, Amerigo, 62 Victoria, 119 —— Falls, 112 —— Land, 130, 133 —— Nile, 111 —— Nyanza, 111, 113 Vinci, Leonardo da, 82 Vineland, 37, 75 Virgilius, Bishop of Salzburg, 36 Vlamingh, William de, 70 Volga, River, 30 Wagner, Hermann, 145 WaldseemÜller, Martin, 63, 103 Wallace, Sir Alfred Russel, 146 Wallis, Samuel, 85 Warburton, 121 Watling Island, 60 Weddell, James, 129 Wellby, Capt. W.S., 116 Welle, River, 114 Werner, 99 Western Australia, 121 West Indies, 60 Weyprecht, Lieut., 125 Whale fisheries, 80 White Nile, 108 —— Sea, 75, 79 Wiggins, Capt. Joseph, 125 Wilkes, Charles, 89, 130 William of Rubruquis, 42 Willoughby, Sir Hugh, 79 Wills, William, 121 Wilson, 131 Wissmann, 113 Wright, Edward, 99 Xenophon, PRINTED BY WATTS AND CO., JOHNSON’S COURT, FLEET STREET, LONDON.