The Canadian Elocutionist / Designed for the Use of Colleges, Schools and Self Instruction, Together with a Copious Selection in Prose and Poetry of Pieces Adapted for Reading, Recitation and Practice


















Title: The Canadian Elocutionist

Author: Anna Kelsey Howard

Edition: 10

Language: English

E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland, Jerry Fairbanks, Charles Franks, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team


Colleges, Schools and for Self Instruction




Teacher of Elocution and English Literature.

"The manner of speaking is as important as the matter."—CHESTERFIELD.


The principal object the author had in view in the preparation of this work, was to place in convenient form for the use, both of teachers and others, the principles, rules, illustrations and exercises, that she has found most useful and practical for the purpose of instruction, and best calculated to make good readers, and easy, graceful and correct speakers.

For this purpose the rules and advices have been simplified and divested, as much as possible, of all abstruse scientific terms, and made as simple and plain as could be done, having a due regard to the proper explanations requisite to make them easy to understand and not difficult to practise.

It is hoped that this system of instruction, which has been for some years very successfully employed by the compiler in her own practice, may prove a valuable aid to those who wish to pursue the study of the art.

The examples chosen to illustrate the rules have been taken with a due regard to their fitness to exemplify the principles involved, and to show the various styles of reading, declamation and oratory, and the selections have been made in such a manner as to adapt them for use in schools, colleges and for public reading.

TORONTO, September 24_th_, 1885.


Of the importance of the study of Elocution as part of a good education there can be no question. Almost every one is liable to be called upon, perhaps at a few minutes notice, to explain his views and give his opinions on subjects of various degrees of importance, and to do so with effect ease in speaking is most requisite. Ease implies knowledge, and address in speaking is highly ornamental as well as useful even in private life.

The art of Elocution held a prominent place in ancient education, but has been greatly neglected in modern times, except by a few persons—whose fame as speakers and orators is a sufficient proof of the value and necessity of the study. The Ancients—particularly the Greeks and the Romans—were fully conscious of the benefits resulting from a close attention to and the practice of such rules as are fitted to advance the orator in his profession, and their schools of oratory were attended by all classes; nor were their greatest orators ashamed to acknowledge their indebtedness to their training in the art for a large portion of their success. The Welsh Triads say "Many are the friends of the golden tongue," and, how many a jury has thought a speaker's arguments without force because his manner was so, and have found a verdict, against law and against evidence, because they had been charmed into delusion by the potent fascination of some gifted orator.

As Quintilian remarks: "A proof of the importance of delivery may be drawn from the additional force which the actors give to what is written by the best poets; so that what we hear pronounced by them gives infinitely more pleasure than when we only read it. I think, I may affirm that a very indifferent speech, well set off by the speaker, will have a greater effect than the best, if destitute of that advantage;" and Henry Irving, in a recent article, says: "In the practice of acting, a most important point is the study of elocution; and, in elocution one great difficulty is the use of sufficient force to be generally heard without being unnaturally loud, and without acquiring a stilted delivery. I never knew an actor who brought the art of elocution to greater perfection than the late Charles Mathews, whose utterance on the stage was so natural, that one was surprised to find when near him that he was really speaking in a very loud key." Such are some of the testimonies to the value of this art.

Many persons object to the study of elocution because they do not expect to become professional readers or public speakers, but surely this is a great mistake, and they might as well object to the study of literature because they do not expect to become an author; and still more mischievous in its results is the fallacy, only too current even among persons of intelligence, that those who display great and successful oratorical powers, possess a genius or faculty that is the gift of nature, and which it would be in vain to endeavour to acquire by practice, as if orators "were born, not made," as is said of poets.

The art of reading well is one of those rare accomplishments which all wish to possess, a few think they have, while others who see and believe that it is not the unacquired gift of genius, labour to obtain it, and it will be found that excellence in this, as in everything else of value, is the result of well-directed effort, and the reward of unremitting industry. A thorough knowledge of the principles of any art will enable a student to achieve perfection in it, so in elocution he may add new beauties to his own style of reading and speaking however excellent they may be naturally. But it is often said "Our greatest orators were not trained." But is this true? How are we to know how much and how laborious was the preliminary training each effort of these great orators cost them, before their eloquence thrilled through the listening crowds? As Henry Ward Beecher says: "If you go to the land which has been irradiated by parliamentary eloquence; if you go to the people of Great Britain; if you go to the great men in ancient times; if you go to the illustrious names that every one recalls—Demosthenes and Cicero—they all represent a life of work. You will not find one great sculptor, nor one great architect, nor one eminent man in any department of art, whose greatness, if you inquire, you will not find to be the fruit of study, and of the evolution which comes from study." So much for the importance of Elocution and the advantages of acquiring a proficiency therein.

A few remarks to those who are ambitious of excelling in the art may now be given, showing how they may best proceed in improving themselves therein.

The following rules are worthy of strict attention:—1. Let your articulation be distinct and deliberate. 2. Let your pronunciation be bold and forcible. 3. Acquire a compass and variety in the height of your voice. 4. Pronounce your words with propriety and elegance. 5. Pronounce every word consisting of more than one syllable with its proper accent. 6. In every sentence distinguish the more significant words by a natural, forcible and varied emphasis. 7. Acquire a just variety of pause and cadence. 8. Accompany the emotions and passions which your words express, by corresponding tones, looks and gestures.

To follow nature is the fundamental rule in oratory, without regard to which, all other rules will only produce affected declamation not just elocution. Learn to speak slowly and deliberately, almost all persons who have not studied the art have a habit of uttering their words too rapidly. It should be borne in mind that the higher degrees of excellence in elocution are to be gained, not by reading much, but by pronouncing what is read with a strict regard to the nature of the subject, the structure of the sentences, the turn of the sentiment, and a correct and judicious application of the rules of the science. It is an essential qualification of a good speaker to be able to alter the height as well as the strength and the tone of his voice as occasion requires, so accustom yourself to pitch your voice in different keys, from the highest to the lowest; but this subject is of such a nature that it is difficult to give rules for all the inflections of the voice, and it is almost, if not quite impossible to teach gesture by written instructions; a few lessons from a good and experienced teacher will do more to give a pupil ease, grace, and force of action than all the books and diagrams in the world. Action is important to the orator, and changes of action must accord with the language; the lower the language the slower should be the movements and vice versa, observing Shakespeare's rule: "Suit the action to the word, the word to the action, with this special observance—that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature." Study repose, without it, both in speech and action, the ears, eyes, and minds of the audience, and the powers of the speaker are alike fatigued; follow nature, consider how she teaches you to utter any sentiment or feeling of your heart. Whether you speak in a private room or in a great assembly, remember that you still speak, and speak naturally. Conventional tones and action have been the ruin of delivery in the pulpit, the senate, at the bar, and on the platform.

All public speaking, but especially acting and reciting, must be heightened a little above ordinary nature, the pauses longer and more frequent, the tones weightier, the action more forcible, and the expression more highly coloured. Speaking from memory admits of the application of every possible element of effectiveness, rhetorical and elocutionary, and in the delivery of a few great actors the highest excellence in this art has been exemplified. But speaking from memory requires the most minute and careful study, as well as high elocutionary ability, to guard the speaker against a merely mechanical utterance. Read in the same manner you would speak, as if the matter were your own original sentiments uttered directly from the heart. Action should not be used in ordinary reading.

Endeavour to learn something from every one, either by imitating, but not servilely, what is good, or avoiding what is bad. Before speaking in public collect your thoughts and calm yourself, avoiding all hurry. Be punctual with your audience, an apology for being late is the worst prologue. Leave off before your hearers become tired, it is better for you that they should think your speech too short than too long.

Let everything be carefully finished, well-polished, and perfect. Many of the greatest effects in all arts have been the results of long and patient study and hard work, however simple and spontaneous they may have appeared to be.

Remember, that the highest art is to conceal art, that attention to trifles makes perfection, and that perfection is no trifle.






Directions for Breathing




  Pronunciation and Accent


  I. Pure
  II. Orotund
  III. Guttural
  IV. Tremor
  V. Aspirate
  VI. Falsetto


    I. Gentle
    II. Moderate
    III. Heavy

    I. Radical
    II. Median
    III. Vanishing
    IV. Compound
    V. Thorough
    VI. Semitone
    VII. Monotone


  I. Moderate
  II. Quick
  III. Slow


  I. Middle
  II. High
  III. Low
  IV. Transition


  I. Rhetorical pause
  II. Emphasis
  III. Climax
  IV. Inflection
  V. Circumflex or Wave


  I. Personation
  II. Expression


  I. Position of the Hand
  II. Direction


  I. Introduction
  II. Advice to Students




A Child's First Impression of a Star… N. P. Willis.
A Legend of Bregenz… Adelaide A. Procter.
A Modest Wit
A Prayer… James Russell Lowett.
A Slip of the Tongue
A Tarryton Romance
Advice to a Young Lawyer… Story.
An Autumn Day… Bryant.
An Order for a Picture… Alice Cary.
Ask Mamma… A. M. Bell.
Aunty Doleful's Visit
Baby's Visitor
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata
Bells Across the Snow… Frances Ridley Havergal.
Brutus on the Death of Caesar… Shakespeare.
Calling a Boy in the Morning
Cataline's Defiance… Rev'd. George Croly.
Christ Turned and Looked upon Peter… Elisabeth B. Browning.
Cuddle Doon… Alexander Andersen.
Curfew Must not Ring To-night
Dios Te Guarde
Domestic Love and Happiness… Thomson.
Drifting… T. Buchanan Read.
Elizabeth… H. W. Longfellow.
Eve's Regrets on Quitting Paradise… Milton.
Experience with European Guides… Mark Twain.
Fashionable Singing
First Experience
Gertrude of Wyoming… Campell.
Ginevra… Rogers.
God, the True Source of Consolation… Moore.
Good-Bye… Whyte Melville.
Guilty or Not Guilty
Hagar in the Wilderness… N. P. Willis.
Hannah Binding Shoes… Lucy Larcom.
Highland Mary… Burns.
Home Song… H. W. Longfellow.
How We Hunted a Mouse… Joshua Jenkins.
How Women say Good-bye
I Remember, I Remember… T. Hood
I'll Take What Father Takes… W. Boyle.
In School Days… Whittier.
Jimmy Butler and the Owl
Keys… Bessie Chandler
King John… Shakespeare.
Landing of Columbus… Rogers.
Little Bennie… Annie G. Ketchum.
Little Mary's Wish… Mrs. L. M. Blinn.
Love in Idleness… Shakespeare.
Makin' an Editor Outen 0' Him… Will. M. Carleton.
Malibran and the Young Musician
Marmion and Douglas… Sir W. Scott.
Mary Maloney's Philosophy
Mary Stuart… Schiler.
Memory's Pictures… Alice Cary.
My Trundle Bed
Nay, I'll Stay With the Lad… Lillie E. Barr.
Never Give Up
Niagara… John G. C. Brainard.
No Kiss
Ocean… W. Wetherald.
On His Blindness… Milton.
On the Miseries of Human Life… Thomson.
Only Sixteen
Oration Against Cataline… Cicero.
Over the Hill from the Poor-House… Will M. Carleton.
Papa Can't Find Me
Passing Away… Pierpont.
Paul's Defence before Agrippa… Bible.
Per Pacem ad Lucem… Adelaide A. Procter.
Poor Little Joe… Peleg Arkwright.
Poor Little Stephen Girard… Mark Twain.
Prayer… Tennyson.
Reading the List
Reflections on the Tomb of Shakespeare… Irving.
Rock of Ages… F. L. Stanton.
Roll Call
Romeo and Juliet… Shakespeare
Sandalphon… H. W. Longfellow.
Santa Claus in the Mines
Saved… Mary B. Sleight.
Scene at Niagara Falls… Charlei Torson.
Scenes from Hamlet… Shakespeare.
Scenes from Leah the Forsaken
Scenes from Macbeth… Shakespeare.
Scenes from Pizarro… Sheridan.
Scene from Richelieu… Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer.
Sim's Little Girl… Mary Hartwell.
Somebody's Mother
Song of Birds… H. W. Longfellow.
Sonnet… James Ritttell Lowell.
St. Philip Neri and the Youth… Dr. Byrom.
Temperance… Rev. John Ireland.
The Ague
The Approach to Paradise… Milton.
The Armada… Macaulay.
The Bald-Headed Man
The Battle of Agincourt… Shakespeare.
The Bishop's Visit… Emily Huntington Miller.
The Bridal Wine-Cup… Sidney Herbert.
The Chimes of S. S. Peter and Paul
The Dead Doll
The Death-Bed… Thomas Hood.
The Engineer's Story
The Faithful Housewife
The Famine… H. W. Longfellow.
The Field of Waterloo… Lord Byron.
The Fireman… George M. Baker.
The Foolish Virgins… Tennyson.
The Hired Squirrel… Laura Sanford.
The Hypochondriac
The Inexperienced Speaker
The Jester's Choice… Horace Smith.
The Kiss
The Last Hymn… Marianne Farningham.
The Last Station
The Launch of the Ship… H. W. Longfellow.
The Little Hatchet Story… R. N. Burdette.
The Little Hero
The Little Quaker Sinner
The Miniature
The Model Wife… Ruskin.
The Modern Cain… E. Evans Edwards.
The Newsboy's Debt
The Old Man in the Model Church… John H Yates.
The Old Soldier of the Regiment… G. Newell Lovejoy.
The Opening of the Piano… O. W. Holmes.
The Painter of Seville… Susan Wilson.

The Patriot's Elysium… Montgomery.
The Polish Boy… Mrs. Ann S. Stephens.
The Potion Scene (Romeo and Juliet)… Shakespeare.
The Quaker Widow… Bayard Taylor.
The Quarrel of Brutus and Cassius… Shakespeare.
The Retort
The Rift of the Rock… Annie Herbert.
The Seasons… Thomson.
The Serenade
The Sioux Chief's Daughter… Joaquin Miller.
The Sister of Charity… Owen Meredith.
The Wedding Fee… B. M. Streeter.
The Whistler… Robert Story.
The World from the Sidewalk
The Worn Wedding Ring… W. C. Bennett.
The Young Gray Head… Mrs. Southey.
There's Nothing True but Heaven… Moore.
Though Lost to Sight to Memory Dear… Ruthven Jenkyns.
Three Words of Strength… Schiller.
To Her Husband… Anne Bradstreet.
Tom… Constance Fenimore Woolsen.
Trial Scene from the Merchant of Venice… Shakespeare.
Waterloo… Lady Morgan.
Your Mission


Miss Kelsey has given special attention to Reading and Elocution for a number of years. She has a powerful voice, with variety of expression. Miss Kelsey I know to be a lady of true Christian principles, ambitions to excel, and set a good example in Elocution and Literature. I commend her to those interested in this branch of learning.

Allen A. Griffith,

Author of "Lessons in Elocution,"
And Professor of Elocution at State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich.

I have long known Professor Griffith, whose communication is enclosed. Such is his ability in his profession, and so large are his acquirements, And so just and broad his critical faculty, that I cannot commend Miss Kelsey in any way so well as by saying that I accept the Professor's judgment as most satisfactory. His opinion of her is reliable beyond question.

I have been pleased with Miss Kelsey's views on Elocution, as far as I can learn them from a single interview, and hope she may be successful in the profession she has chosen.

W. Hogarth,

Late Pastor of Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Michigan.

35 Union Square, New York.

Miss Kelsey has been under my instruction in Elocution, and I take pleasure in saying that she was so earnest in study, and so faithful in practice, that her proficiency was very great. I bespeak for her added success as a teacher; and from the repertoire which her recent study has given, new triumphs as a public reader.

Anna Randall Diehl,

Author of "Randall's Elocution," and "The Quarterly

Ann Arbour, November 3rd, 1880.

To whom it may concern:

I have known Miss Kelsey (now Mrs. William J. Howard) for upwards of two years, and have a high respect for her as a conscientious, cultivated and agreeable lady, who is entitled to confidence and esteem. She has a good reputation as an Elocutionist, and I have no doubt would give valuable and faithful instruction to any one who may seek her aid.


Professor of Law, Michigan University, and Judge of Supreme
Court, Michigan.

* * * * *

November 13th, 1880.

For several years Mrs. Anna K. Howard, (then Miss Kelsey) lived in Ann Arbor as a teacher of Elocution, and also as a student in one of our professional departments, and was known to me as very earnest in all her work.

I never had the pleasure of hearing her read or of witnessing any of her instructions in Elocution; but of her proficiency in both directions, I frequently heard very favourable reports.


Professor of History in Cornell University, and author of "History of
American Literature."

* * * * *

[St. Catharines (Ont.) Times.]

MISS KELSEY fairly took the audience by storm, being heartily encored.
She is one of the best professional readers we have ever listened to.

* * * * *

[Ann Arbor (Mich.) Courier.]

MISS KELSEY'S manner is simple and graceful, or full of vigour and fire; her voice singularly sweet and flexible, or deep and sonorous at will. Miss K. has given readings in many of our important cities, and she always holds her audience spell-bound.

* * * * *

[Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press.]

MISS KELSEY is a lady of unusual talent; evidently understands her vocation. She fully sustained her reputation acquired elsewhere, and has made many friends in this city—her professional worth and professional merit being recognized—who will be pleased with another opportunity of listening to her readings should she thus favour them.

* * * * *

[St. Thomas (Ont.) Times.]

The readings of Miss Kelsey were the piece de resistance of the evening. This lady has a very sweet voice, and flexible, pure accentuation, and is altogether as good an elocutionist as we have ever heard. It was wonderful how distinctly her voice was heard all over the hall, though apparently making no effort. She was applauded with enthusiasm.


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