enberg@html@files@46134@46134-h@46134-h-1.htm.html#Page_55" class="pginternal">55 Madgen, Mr. W. L., on Industrial Redistribution, 142 Magnets, The Three, 16 Management expenses, 62 Manchester, profit on electricity, 67 Mann, Tom, on the depopulation of the country, 13 Manufacturers, choice of workmen, 77 Markets, 76; town forms a natural market for farmers, 22, 26 Marshall, Professor, on London overcrowding, 38; on organised migration, 104 Marshall, A. and M. P., on excessive number of shops in London, 81 Master-Key, 13 “Merrie England,” inconsistency of its proposals, 120 Mexico experiment, 98 Middlemen, their number reduced, 32 Migration, organised, secures, (a) combined advantages of town and country, chapters i., ii., iii., etc.; (b) full increment of land values for migrants, 29; (c) saving of compensation in respect of business disturbance, 47, 53; (d) large reduction in railway rates, 32, 51; (e) the advantages and economies of a well-planned city, 51; (f) a splendid system of water supply within its own territory; (g) proximity of workers to work, 54; (h) a greater extent of local self-government, 72; (i) plenty of space and avoids overcrowding, 88; (j) opportunities for economic use of money, 92; (k) a way of escape from present municipal obligations, 144; (l) a field of work for unemployed, 93; is advocated by Wakefield, 102; by Professor Marshall, 104 Milk, saving effected in the case of, 32 Mill, J. S., his endorsement of Wakefield, 104; on the ephemeral nature of wealth, 118 Misgovernment, check upon, 71 Money not consumed by being spent, 91; importance of dispensing with its unnecessary use, 92; set free from its enchantment, 93 Monopoly, no rigid, 27; evils of may be avoided in the case of shops, and advantages of competition secured, 79 Morley, Right Hon. J., on Temperance, 10; on the gradual adoption of new ideas, 86 Mummery and Hobson, “Physiology of Industry,” 91 Municipal enterprise, growth of, how determined, 27, 70; its limits, 69, 70; at present small range compared with private, 99 N Nationalisation must be preceded by humbler tasks, 89 Neale, Mr. V., on excessive number of shops in London, 81 Need, An urgent, 33 Water, scarcity of in country, 17 Water-supply usually a source of revenue, 66 Wealth-forms for the most part extremely ephemeral, 118; J. S. Mill on, 118 Wells, Mr. H. G. on future growth of London, 142 Westgarth, Mr. William, prizes for essays on reconstruction of London, 149 Wilson, P. W., on the distribution of industry, 142 Winter Garden. (See Crystal Palace.) Women may fill all offices in municipality, 75 Work, plenty of, 55, 88, 122, 130, 147 Workmen’s trains, 148