Apparently no successful attempt has ever been made to prepare a complete and systematic bibliography of matrimonial institutions. Indeed, to do so would be a formidable undertaking; but that such a book would be of vast service to social history no one can doubt. Useful lists of authorities, however, are appended to the works of various writers, notably to Lubbock's Origin of Civilization; Starcke's Primitive Family; Chamberlain's Child and Childhood; Lehr's Le mariage; and especially Westermarck's Human Marriage. For marriage with kindred, including the deceased wife's sister, there is a good, though not exhaustive, bibliography by A. H. Huth in the Report of the First Annual Meeting of the Index Society (London, 1879), 25-47; greatly enlarged in his Marriage of Near Kin (2d ed., London, 1887), 394-465. Ethbin Heinrich Costa's Bibliographie der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (Braunschweig, 1858) is helpful, particularly for the earlier monographic literature. For supplementary materials, especially the curiosities of the subject, consult Hugo Hayn's Bibliotheca Germanorum erotica: Verzeichniss der gesammten deutschen erotischen Literatur mit Einschluss der Uebersetzungen, nebst Angabe der fremden Originale (2d ed., Leipzig, 1885); the same writer's Bibliotheca Germanorum nuptialis (Cologne, 1890); and the well-known Bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs À l'amour, aux femmes, au mariage, etc. (3d ed., 6 vols., San Remo, London, Nice, and Turin, 1871-73). Legal works on marriage and related institutions are included in Martin Lipenius's Bibliotheca realis juridica omnium materiarum, rerum, et titulorum, in universo universi juris ambitu occurrentium, post F. G. Struvii et G. A. Jenichenii curas emendata ... et locupletata (2 vols., folio, Leipzig, 1757); but of much more service for the present purpose is the great work of J. F. von Schulte, Die Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des canonischen Rechts von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart (3 vols., bound in 4, Stuttgart, 1875-80). Many recent publications are entered in George K. Fortescue's Subject Index of the Modern Works Added to the Library of the British Museum in the Years 1880-1895 (3 vols., London, 1886-97); while Poole's Index For topical analysis of the literature presented in this Bibliographical Index consult the critical and descriptive notes at the heads of the respective chapters. I. EARLY HISTORY OF MATRIMONIAL INSTITUTIONSAbercromby, John. "Marriage Customs of the Mordvins." Folklore, I, 417-62. London, 1890. Achelis, A. "Die Geschlechtsgenossenschaft und die Entwickelung der Ehe." Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fÜr Erdkunde zu Berlin, XXV, Heft 4. Berlin, 1890. Achelis, T. "Die Entwicklung der Ehe." BeitrÄge zur Volks- und VÖlkerkunde, II. Berlin, 1893. ——— "The Historical Development of the Family." Open Court, II, 806, 807. Chicago, 1888-89. Adam, Lucien. Du parler des hommes et du parler des femmes dans la langue caraibe. Paris, 1879. Adams, Henry. Historical Essays, New York, 1891. Alabaster, Ernest. Notes and Commentaries on Chinese Criminal Law. London, 1899. American Anthropologist. 11 vols. Washington, 1888-98. American Antiquarian. 20 vols. Chicago, 1879-98. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings. 47 vols. Philadelphia, Cambridge, and Salem, 1849-98. Amram, D. W. "Divorces on Condition [Hebrew]." Green Bag, III, 381-83. Boston, 1891. ——— "Chapters from the Ancient Jewish Law: Divorce." Ibid., IV, 36 ff., 493 ff. Boston, 1892. ——— The Jewish Law of Divorce. Philadelphia, 1896. Anchieta, Padre JosÉ d'. "InformacÃo dos casamentos dos Indios do Brazil." Revista trimensal de historia e geographia, VIII (1846), 254-62. Rio de Janeiro, 1867. Annales de l'Institut international de sociologie. PubliÉes sous la direction de RenÉ Worms. II, "Travaux du second congrÈs, septembre-octobre 1895." Paris, 1896. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Journal of. 26 vols. London, 1872-97. Araki, Toratoro. Japanisches Ehoschliessungsrecht: eine historisch-kritische Studie. Inaugural-Dissertation. GÖttingen, 1893. Atkinson, J. J. Primal Law. London, New York, and Bombay, 1903. Avery, J. "Polyandry in India and Thibet." American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, IV, 48-53. ——— "The Races of the Indo-Pacific Oceans: Polynesians." American Antiquarian, VI, 361-69. Chicago, 1884. Ayrer, Georg Heinrich. De jure connubiorum apud Romanos quam sub divini numinis tutela, etc. GÖttingen, 1736. Backer, Louis de. Le droit de la femme dans l'antiquitÉ: son devoir au moyen Âge. A. Claudin, Éditeur. Paris, 1880. Bachofen, J. J. Das Mutterrecht: eine Untersuchung Über die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiÖsen und rechtlichen Natur. Stuttgart, 1861. ——— Die Sage von Tanaquil. Heidelberg, 1870. ——— Antiquarische Briefe. Strassburg, 1886. Bader, Clarisse. La femme dans l'Inde antique: Études morales et littÉraires. 2d ed. Paris, 1867. ——— La femme biblique, son influence religieuse, sa vie morale et sociale. New ed., revised and corrected. Paris, 1873. ——— La femme grecque: Étude de la vie antique. 2 vols. 2d ed. Paris, 1873. ——— La femme romaine: Étude de la vie antique. 2d ed. Paris, 1877. Baegert, Jacob. "An Account of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Californian Peninsula." Trans. by Charles Rau. Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1864, 378-99. Washington, 1865. Bagehot, Walter. Physics and Politics. London, 1872. Ball, B. W. "The Rights of Women in Ancient Athens." Atlantic Monthly, XXVII, 273-86. Boston, 1871. Bandelier, A. P. "On the Social Organization and Mode of Government of the Ancient Mexicans." Report of the Peabody Museum, II, 557-699. Cambridge, 1880. Bardesan (ca. 250 A. D.). Book of the Laws of Countries. (Identical with his De Fato.) Trans. in William Cureton's Spicilegium syriacum. London, 1855. Baring-Gould, S. "Marriage." In his Germany, Present and Past, 96-126. New York, n. d. Baron, J. "Das Heirathen in alten und neuen Gesetzen." In R. Virchow and I. von Holtzendorff's Sammlung gemeinverstÄndlicher wissenschaftlicher VortrÄge. Berlin, 1874. BarthÉlemy, Anatole de. "Le droit du seigneur." Revue des questions historiques, I, 95-123. Paris, 1866. Bastian, A. "Ueber die EheverhÄltnisse." ZFE., VI. ——— "Matriarchat und Patriarchat." Ibid., Verhandlungen, 331-41. Berlin, 1886. Bastian, A. Die RechtsverhÄltnisse bei verschiedenen VÖlkern der Erde. Berlin, 1872. Baway, Ahamadu. "The Marriage Customs of the Moors of Ceylon." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch, X, 219-33. Colombo, 1888. Beauchamp, W. M. "Permanence of Early Iroquois Clans and Sachemships." Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, XXXIV, 381-92. Salem, 1886. ——— "Aboriginal Communal Life in America." American Antiquarian, IX, 343-50. Chicago, 1887. Beckwith, Paul. "Notes on Customs of the Dakotahs." Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1886, Part I, 245-57. Washington, 1889. Bergel, J. Die EheverhÄltnisse der alten Juden im Vergleiche mit den griechischen und rÖmischen. Leipzig, 1881. BernhÖft, F. Staat und Recht der rÖmischen KÖnigszeit im VerhÄltniss zu verwandten Rechten. Stuttgart, 1882. ——— Verwandtschaftsnamen und Eheformen der nordamerikanischen VolksstÄmme. Rostock, 1888. ——— "Ueber die Grundlagen der Rechtsentwicklung bei den indogermanischen VÖlkern." ZVR., II. Stuttgart, 1880. ——— "Das Gesetz von Gortyn." Ibid., VI. Stuttgart, 1886. ——— "Zur Geschichte des europÄischen Familienrechts." Ibid., VIII. Stuttgart, 1888. ——— "Die Principien des europÄischen Familienrechts." Ibid., IX. Stuttgart, 1891. ——— "Altindische Familienorganisation." Ibid., IX. Stuttgart, 1891. ——— "Ehe und Erbrecht der griechischen Heroenzeit." Ibid., XI. Stuttgart, 1895. Bertholon, M. "Les formes de la famille chez les premiers habitants de l'Afrique du nord d'aprÈs les Écrivains de l'antiquitÉ et des coutumes modernes." Archives de l'anthropologie criminelle, VIII (1893), 581-614. "Bibliophile" (pseud.). Les nuits d'Épreuve des villageoises allemandes avant le mariage. Brussels, 1877. Billington, Mary Frances. Women in India. London, 1895. Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Versuch einer Ethnographie der Philippinen. Gotha, 1882. Boaz, Franz. "The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians: Based on the Personal Observations and the Notes Made by Mr. George Hunt." Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1895, 311-738, Report of the U.S. National Museum. Washington, 1897. BogiŠic, V. De la forme dite "Inokosna" de la famille rurale chez les Serbes et les Croates. Paris, 1884. Botsford, G. W. "The Athenian Constitution." 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Contrary wise, how shamefull & hor " rible a thinge whordome & aduoutry is: How " one oughte also to chose hym a mete and conue " nient spouse to kepe and increase the mutuall " loue, trouth and dewtie of wedloke: and " how married folkes shulde bring up " their children in the feare " of god " Translated by Myles Couerdale " [1541]. There were a 12mo edition and also an 8vo edition in 1543. ——— Der christlich Ehestand. ZÜrich, 1579. Bulwer, Edward (compiler). The Parish Registers of St. Martin-cum-Gregory in the City of York. I and II, 1539-1734: Part IV. York, 1895. Bunny, Edmund. Of Divorce for Advlterie, and Marrying again: that there is no sufficient warrant so to do. Oxford, 1610. Burckhardus, Adolph Carl. Dissertatio de poenis secundarum nuptiarum. Marburg, 1717. Burn, J. S. History of the Fleet Marriages. 2d ed. London, 1834. ——— Registrum ecclesiae parochialis. The History of Parish Registers in England. 2d ed. London, 1862. Burn, Richard. The Ecclesiastical Law. 4 vols. 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Hawaii.—United States Statutes at Large, XXXI; Civil Laws, Honolulu, 1897; Penal Laws, Honolulu, 1897. Idaho.—(1) Session Laws: annual or biennial, 1864-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Compiled and Revised Laws, Boise City, 1875; Revised Statutes, Boise City, 1887; Codes, 4 vols., Boise City, 1901. Illinois.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1821-55; biennial, 1857-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws, Kaskaskia, 1818; Revised Code, Vandalia, 1827, 1833; Public and General Statutes, Chicago, 1839; Revised Statutes, 1845; Purple's Compilation, 2 vols., Chicago, 1856; Statutes, Chicago, 1864; Gross's Statutes, 3 vols., Springfield, 1872-74; Starr and Curtis's Annotated Statutes, Indiana.—(1) Session Laws: annual or biennial, 1818-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws, Corydon, 1818; Revised Laws, Corydon, 1824; Laws, Indianapolis, 1825; Revised Laws, Indianapolis, 1831; Revised Statutes, Indianapolis, 1838, 1843; General Laws, Indianapolis, 1849; Revised Statutes, 2 vols., Indianapolis, 1852; Horner's Revised Statutes, 2 vols., Chicago, 1896; Burns's Annotated Statutes, 3 vols., Indianapolis, 1901. Indian Territory.—Carter's Annotated Statutes, St. Paul, 1899. Iowa.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1838-49; biennial, 1851-1902; (2) Collected Statutes: Revised Statutes, Iowa City, 1843; Code, Iowa City, 1851; Revision, Des Moines, 1860; Code, Des Moines, 1873; McClain's Annotated Codes and Statutes, with Supplement, 3 vols., Chicago, 1888-92; Annotated Code, Des Moines, 1897; Supplement, 1902. Kansas.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1857-77; biennial, 1879-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Statutes, 1855; General Laws, Topeka, 1862; General Statutes, Lawrence, 1868; Dassler's General Statutes, 2 vols., St. Louis, 1876; Webb's General Statutes, Topeka, 1897; General Statutes, Topeka, 1901. Kentucky.—(1) Annual or biennial Acts to 1902; (2) Collected Statutes: Littell's Statute Law, 5 vols., Frankfort, 1809-19; Humphrey's Compendium of the Common Law in Force in Kentucky, Lexington, 1822; Digest, 2 vols., Frankfort, 1834; Loughborough's Digest, Frankfort, 1842: Revised Statutes, Frankfort, 1852; Kentucky Statutes, Louisville, 1894, 1899, 1903. Louisiana.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1805-70; biennial, 1872-1902; (2) Collected Statutes: Acts ... of the Territory of Orleans (1804), New Orleans, 1805; ibid. (1806), New Orleans, 1807; Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans [French and English], New Orleans, 1808; Laws of Las Siete Partidas, which are still in force in Louisiana, 2 vols., New Orleans, 1820; Code Civil de l'État de la Louisiane, 1825; Lislet's General Digest, 2 vols., New Orleans, 1828; Upton and Jennings's Civil Code, New Orleans, 1838; Revision, New Orleans, 1852; Civil Code, Baton Rouge, 1853; Revised Civil Code, New Orleans, 1870; Voorhies's Revised Statutes, New Orleans, 1876; Voorhies's Revised Laws, New Orleans, 1884; Revised Civil Code, New Orleans, 1888; Wolff's Revised Laws, New Orleans, 1897; Merrick's Revised Civil Code, 2 vols., New Orleans, 1900. Maine.—(1) Public Acts or Acts and Resolves: annual, 1820-81; biennial, 1883-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws, 2 vols., Brunswick, 1821; Vol. III, Portland, 1831; Smith's Laws, 1821-34, Maryland.—(1) Session Laws: annual to 1868; biennial, 1870-1902; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws Made Since 1763, folio, Annapolis, 1777; Laws, 1763-87, folio, Annapolis, 1787; Kilty's Laws, 2 vols., Annapolis, 1799; Scott and M'Cullough's Maryland Code, 2 vols., Baltimore, 1860; Poe's Maryland Code, Baltimore, 1888. Massachusetts.—(1) Annual Acts and Resolves, 1780-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Public General Laws, November 28, 1780, to February 16, 1816, 4 vols., Boston, 1807-16; Revised Statutes (1835), Boston, 1836; Supplement to the Revised Statutes, 1836-53, Boston, 1854; Supplement to the General Statutes, 2 vols., Boston, 1873-78; Public Statutes, Boston, 1882; Supplement to the Public Statutes, 1882-88, Boston, 1890; Public Laws, 2 vols, and Index, Boston, 1902; Crocker's Notes on the Public Statutes of Massachusetts, 2d ed., Boston, 1891. Michigan.—(1) Session Laws: Annual Acts to 1851; biennial, 1853-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws of the Territory, 4 vols., Lansing, 1871-84; Revised Statutes, Detroit, 1838, 1846; Howell's General Statutes, 3 vols., Chicago, 1882-90; Miller's Compiled Laws (1897), 3 vols., Lansing, 1899. Minnesota.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1849-79; biennial, 1881-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Revised Statutes, St. Paul, 1851; General Statutes, St. Paul, 1866; ibid., 2 vols., St. Paul, 1894. Mississippi.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws to 1902; (2) Collected Statutes: Statutes of the Mississippi Territory, Natchez, 1816; Revised Code, Natchez, 1824; Digest, New York, 1839; Statutes, New Orleans, 1840; Hutchinson's Code, 1798-1848, Jackson, 1848; Revised Code, Jackson, 1857, 1880; Annotated Code, Nashville, 1892. Missouri.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1820-71; biennial, 1873-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Revised Statutes, St. Louis, 1835; Laws ... of the District of Louisiana, of the Territory of Louisiana, of the Territory of Missouri, and of the State of Missouri to 1824, 2 vols., Jefferson City, 1842; Revised Statutes, St. Louis, 1845; ibid., 2 vols., Jefferson City, 1856, 1879; Revised Laws, Jefferson City, 1889; Revised Statutes, 2 vols., Jefferson City, 1899. Montana.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1864-77; biennial, 1879-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Compiled Statutes, Helena, 1888; Booth's Codes and Statutes, 4 vols., Butte, 1895; Sander's Codes and Statutes, Helena, 1895. Nebraska.—(1) Session Laws, 1855-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Statutes in Force August, 1867; Brown's General Statutes, Nevada.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws, 1861-1903; (2) Cutting's Compiled Laws, 1861-1900, Carson City, 1900. New Hampshire.—(1) Session Laws: annual to 1879; biennial, 1881-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws, Portsmouth, 1797; Constitution and Laws, Dover, 1805; Laws, Exeter, 1815; Laws, Hopkinton, 1830; Revised Statutes (1842), Concord, 1843; Compiled Statutes, Concord, 1853; General Statutes, Manchester, 1867; General Laws, Manchester, 1878; Public Statutes, Concord, 1891, 1900. New Jersey.—(1) Annual Acts, 1779-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Patterson's Laws, Newark, 1800; Laws, Trenton, 1821; Elmer's Digest, Bridgeton, 1838; Statutes, Trenton, 1847; Nixon's Elmer's Digest, Philadelphia, 1855; Revised Statutes, Trenton, 1874; General Statutes, 3 vols., Jersey City, 1896. New Mexico.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1851-69; biennial, 1871-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Revised Statutes, St. Louis, 1865; Compiled Laws, Santa FÉ, 1885, 1897. New York.—(1) Annual Laws to 1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Laws, 2 vols., folio, New York, 1789; Laws, 3 vols., New York and Albany, 1792-1800; Laws, 6 vols., Albany, 1802-12; Van Ness and Woodworth's Laws, 2 vols., Albany, 1813; Revised Statutes of 1827-28, 3 vols., Albany, 1829; Stover's Code of Civil Procedure, 3 vols., New York, 1892, 1902; Throop and Collin's Revised Statutes, 9th ed., 6 vols., New York, 1889-92; Birdseye's Revised Statutes, 3 vols., New York, 1896. North Carolina.—(1) Session Laws: annual to 1877; biennial, 1879-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Martin's Iredell's Public Acts, 1715-1803, 2 vols., Newbern, 1804; Haywood's Manual, Raleigh, 1819; Laws, 2 vols., Raleigh, 1821; Revised Statutes, 2 vols., Raleigh, 1837; Code, 2 vols., Raleigh, 1883. North Dakota.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws, 1890-1903; (2) Revised Codes, Bismarck, 1895, 1899. Ohio.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws, 1803-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Chase's Statutes of Ohio and the Northwest, Territory, 1788-1833, 3 vols., Cincinnati, 1833-35; Swan's, Statutes, Cincinnati, 1854; Bates's Annotated Statutes, 3 vols., Cincinnati, 1897, 1903. Oklahoma.—(1) Biennial Session Laws, 1895-1903; (2) Statutes, Guthrie, 1893; Wilson's Revised Annotated Statutes, Guthrie, 2 vols., 1903. Oregon.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1843-60; biennial, 1860-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Deady and Lane's Organic and Other Pennsylvania.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1803-79; biennial, 1881-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Acts of the Assembly, folio, Philadelphia, 1775; Dallas's Laws, 3 vols., folio, Philadelphia, 1793-97; Laws of the Commonwealth, 1700-1810, 4 vols., Philadelphia, 1810; Cary and Bioren's Laws, 8 vols., Philadelphia, 1803-8; Laws, from October, 1700, 10 vols., Philadelphia, 1822-44; Pepper and Lewis's Digest, 1700-1894, 2 vols., Philadelphia, 1896. Porto Rico.—Revised Statutes and Codes, San Juan, 1902. Rhode Island.—(1) Annual Laws or Acts to 1902; (2) Public Laws, Providence, 1798, 1822, 1844, 1882, 1896. South Carolina.—(1) Annual Session Laws, 1790-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Cooper and McCord's Statutes at Large, 10 vols., Columbia, 1837-41; Brevard's Alphabetical Digest, 3 vols., Charleston, 1814; Revised Statutes, Columbia, 1873, 1894; Code, 2 vols., Columbia, 1902. South Dakota.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws, 1890-1903; (2) Grantham's Statutes, 2 vols., Chicago, 1899; Albany, 1901; Revised Codes, Pierre, 1903. Tennessee.—(1) Session Laws: annual to 1873; biennial, 1875-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Public Acts ... of North Carolina and Tennessee, 1715-1813, Nashville, 1815; Scott's Laws, 2 vols., Knoxville, 1821; Haywood and Cobb's Statute Laws, 2 vols., Knoxville, 1831; Caruther and Nicholson's Compilation, Nashville, 1836; Code, Nashville, 1858, 1884; Shannon's Annotated Code, Nashville, 1896. Texas.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws, 1846-1901; (2) Collected Statutes: Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, Provisional Government of Texas and the Convention ... at Washington, March 1, 1836, Houston, 1838; Laws of the Republic, 9 vols., Houston, 1838-45; Dallam's Digest, Baltimore, 1845; Revised Statutes, Galveston, 1879; Revised Civil Statutes, 2 vols., St. Louis, 1888; Annotated Civil Statutes, Supplement, 1888-93, St. Louis, 1894; Sayles's Annotated Civil Statutes, 2 vols., St. Louis, 1897; Herron's Supplement, 1903; White's Penal Code, Austin, 1901. Utah.—(1) Annual or biennial Session Laws, 1850-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Acts, Resolutions, and Memorials, 1850-55, Great Salt Lake City, 1855; Compiled Laws, Salt Lake City, 1876, 1888; Revised Statutes, 1898. Vermont.—(1) Session Laws: annual Laws or Acts and Resolves, 1787-1868; biennial, 1870-1902; (2) Collected Statutes: Slade's State Papers ... with Laws, 1779-86, Middlebury, 1823; Virginia.—(1) Acts of the Assembly: annual, 1807-79; biennial, 1881-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Acts, Richmond, 1794, 1803, 1814; Revised Code, 2 vols., Richmond, 1819; Tate's Digest, Richmond, 1823; Supplement to Revised Code, Richmond, 1833; Tate's Digest, 2d ed., Richmond, 1841; Code, Richmond, 1849, 1860, 1868, 1873, 1887. Washington.—(1) Session Laws: annual to 1869; biennial, 1871-1903; (2) Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes, 2 vols., San Francisco, 1897. West Virginia.—(1) Annual or biennial Acts, 1863-1903; (2) Collected Statutes: Kelly's Revised Statutes, 2 vols., St. Louis, 1878; Warth's Code, Charleston, 1887, 1891, 1900. Wisconsin.—(1) Session Laws: annual, 1836-83; biennial, 1885-1903; (2) Revised Statutes, Southport, 1849, Chicago, 1858, 1872; Annotated Statutes, 2 vols., Chicago, 1889; Statutes, 2 vols., 1898. Wyoming.—(1) Biennial Session Laws, 1869-1903; (2) Revised Statutes, Cheyenne, 1887; Laramie, 1899.