, 321 Donka monastery, 40–42 Donkeys, 48, 64, 65, etc.; See Transport Dorje, cook, 50 Dorji Gompa, coolie, 202, 256 Doto nunnery, 51 Doya La, the, 88, 104, 336 Dram, village, 325 Drophung monastery, 323 Dug pass, 50 Dukpa, cook, 134, 188 Dunge pokri, island, 127 Dzakar (or Zakar) Chu, river, 93–5, 297, 333 Eaton, J. E. C., 17 Equipment, 20, 315, 341 Everest, Mount, 1–2, 183; position, 9, 13; height, 10–12; names, 13, 64, 225; seen from Khamba Dzong, 54, 56, 183–4; from Shiling, 64, 186–88, 217, 230, 263; from Rongbuk Valley, 192, 263–4; from Kama Valley, 116, 226; local ignorance of, 107, 112, 116; structure, 192–4, 203, 215, 310; best season for ascent, 153, 248, 270; difficulties of, 154, 276, 308; plans for, in 1921, 250–52 — — Committee, 16ff. — — Expedition, origin of, 14–16; value of, 5; objects, 17–18; cost, 19; equipment, 20, 315, 341; results, 179–80, 114, 136–7 Kama-chu, river, 122–4 Kambu hot springs, 40–43; valley, 291 Kanchenjunga, mountain, 9, 46, 117, 135, 140, 185 Kanchenjhow, mountain, 52, 54, 104, 166 Kang-chu, river, 325 Kangchen and -chung passes, 326 Kangdoshung glacier, 115–16 Kangshung glacier, 149–51 Karpo La, 147 Karro Pumri, mountain, 326 Kartse, mountain, 141 Kellas, A. M., 14, 18, 26, 341; illness and death, 46–49, 52–54, 164, 321 Khamba Dzong,fort and village, 13, 24, 53–57, 96, 164 Kharkung, village, 161 Kharta, 24, 90; first visit to, 88–93; headquarters of the expedition, 104–5, 110; survey of, 323, 327; valley formation, 339; fauna and flora, 299, 301–03 Khartaphu, mountain, 330 Khe or Khetam, village, 50–51 Kheru, 51 Khombu pass, 76, 78–9, 312, 339 — valley, 150–51 Kimonanga, village, 124 Korabak, rock, 124 Kuti (= Nyenyam), village, 324 Kyetrak, village and valley, 74–77, 327, 331 — glacier, 70, 77–79, 312; river, 79 Kyishong, village, 65, 102 Lachen, 56, 337 Lalbir Singh Thapa, surveyor, 243, 256; powdery snow and wind, 139, 142, 144, 159, 167–8, 259–60, 271, etc. Snow-blindness, 103, 167, 171 Snowfall, 37, 171 Snow line, 56 Snow men, the abominable, 141 Shigatse, 137, 211–14, 232, 243, 254, 265, 270 Somers Cocks, E. L., 16 Somervell, H. T., 312, 313 Strutt, Colonel E. L., 313 Sun's rays, 270, 308 Survey work of expedition, 179, 312. See Heron, Morshead, Wheeler Sutso plain, 99, 321–22 Takda, cantonment, 29 Tamba Sanye, saint, 281, 323 Tameness of animals, 59–60, 76–77, 80, 83, 88, 94, 131 Tang La, 48, 167, 323 Tang-pÜn-sum, plain, 48 Tangsham, 114, 117, 152 Targyeling, village, plain, 324 Tasang, village, 79, 289, 327 Tashi Dzom, 95 Tashilumpo monastery, 51, 173 Tashishong, 325 Tatsang, nunnery, 52, 165–6 Teesta Valley, 27, 29–30, 164, 337 Temperature, 79, 308, 342 Tents, airlessness of, 1, 15–17, Printed in Great Britain by Butler&Tanner, Frome and London see caption MAP I. PRELIMINARY MAP to illustrate the route of the MOUNT EVEREST EXPEDITION 1921. Reduced from the map on the scale 1/253440 by Major Morshead and assistants of the Survey of India, accompanying the expedition: the neighbourhood of the Mountain from Map II. Scale 1/750,000 or 1 Inch = 11·84 Stat. Miles. see caption MAP II. Preliminary Map of MOUNT EVEREST constructed at the R. G. S. from photographs and sketches made by the EXPEDITION of 1921 Scale 1/100,000 or 1 Inch = 1·58 Stat. Miles. see caption MAP III. THE GEOLOGY of the MOUNT EVEREST REGION from the surveys of Dr. A. M. HERON Geological Survey of India 1921. The topography from Map I. Scale 1/750,000 or 1 Inch = 11·84 Stat. Miles. |