The Right Hon. G. J. GOSCHEN, M.P., President. The Right Hon. A. J. BALFOUR, M.P., | Vice-Presidents. | The Right Hon. H. C. E. CHILDERS, M.P., | The Right Hon. LEONARD H. COURTNEY, M.P., | The Right Hon. JOHN MORLEY, M.P., | Mr. JOHN BIDDULPH MARTIN, Treasurer. 68 Lombard Street, E.C. - Professor C. Bastable.
- Mr. Henry R. Beeton.
- Mr. James Bonar.
- Mr. Charles Booth.
- Mr. John Burnett.
- Mr. Thomas Burt, M. P.
- Major Patrick George Cragie.
- Rev. Professor Cunningham, D. D.
- Mr. T. H. Elliott (Hon. Secretary).
- Sir Thomas Farrer, Bart.
- Professor H. S. Foxwell (Hon. Secretary).
- Mr. Charles Gairdner.
- Dr. Giffen, C. B.
- Professor E. C. K. Gonn.
- Mr. Alfred Spalding Harvey.
- Mr. Henry Higgs.
- Mr. Alfred Hoare.
- Mr. George Howell. M. P.
- Professor J. K. Ingram.
- Mr. J. N. Keynes.
- Professor Alfred Marshall.
- Professor J. E. C. Munro.
- Professor J. S. Nicholson.
- Mr. R. H. Inglis Palgrave, F. R. S.
- Rev. L. R. Phelps.
- Mr. L. L. Price (Hon. Secretary).
- Mr. John Rae.
- Sir Rawson Rawson. K. C. M. G., C. B.
- Mr. Frederick Seebohm.
- Professor Henry Sidgwick.
- Mr. H. Llewellyn Smith.
- Rev. Philip Wicksteed.
Professor F. Y. EDGEWORTH, M. A., D. C. L., Editor and Secretary. Correspondents: - Mr. F. C. Harrison for Calcutta (4, Harrington Street, Calcutta).
- Prof. W. J. Ashley for Canada (University of Toronto).
- Mr. A. Duckworth for New South Wales (87, Pitt Street, Sydney).
- Dr. Stephan Bauer for Austria-Hungary (1 Reichsrath-Strasse, 23, Vienna).
- Dr. Mahaim for Belgium (322, Rue St. Giles, LiÈge).
- Prof. Charles Gide for France (UniversitÉ, Montpellier).
- Prof. Gustav Cohn for Germany (UniversitÄt, KÖnigsberg).
- Prof. H. B. Greven for Holland (Leiden).
- Mons. E. Castelot for Paris (158, Boulevard Mal’esherbes).
- Prof. F. Taussig for United States (Cambridge, Massachusetts).
The Annual Subscription is a Guinea (26½ francs). There is at present no entrance fee. Any member may at any time compound for his future yearly payments by paying at once the sum of Ten Guineas (265 francs). The Journal will be supplied to Members without charge. They will also receive gratis some of the other publications which the Association may, from time to time, issue. Any person desirous of becoming a member of the Association is requested to send his name to Professor F. Y. EDGEWORTH, British Economic Association, 9, Adelphi Terrace, London, W. C., who will submit it to the Council for approval at their next meeting. Editorial Communications should be addressed to Prof. F. Y. Edgeworth, Balliol College, Oxford. For Statements made by Contributors to the Journal, they alone are responsible. |