
TABLE I.—Distribution of Land Among the Several Sections of the Peasant Population.

Classes of peasantry by district, origin, and by title of possession. Population. Land (Dessiatines).
Communities. Households. Persons (males and females). Total. Per cent. To each male of the tenth census. To each household of the census of 1882.[194] To each person of the census of 1882.[194]
Number. Per cent.
District of Ranenburg:
I. Former serfs:
1. CorvÉe or taille 75 2547 16071 12 14797 9 2.4 6.2 1.0
2. Redemption 192 10310 63621 47.4 59509 36.2 2.4 6.1 1.0
3. Donation 5 90 553 0.4 119.5 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.3
4. Absolute Property 4 16 133 0.1 242 0.1 5.3 16.1 1.9
All to former serfs 276 12963 80378 59.9 74667 45.4 2.4 6.1 1.0
II. Former State peasants
1. Agrarian communism 27 6237 42297 31.5 68230 41.5 4.1 11.1 1.6
2. Quarterly possession 15 415 2940 2.2 6144 3.7 6.7 15 2.1
3. Mixed[195] 10 1224 8248 6.2 15092 9.2 4.5 12.4 1.8
All to former state peasants 52 7876 53485 39.9 89466 54.4 4.3 11.5 1.7
III. Former serfs, subsequently state peasants 12 36 236 0.2 228 0.2 2.3 6.5 1.0
Total 340 20875 134099 100 164361 100 3.1 8.2 1.3
District of Dankoff:
I. Former serfs:
1. CorvÉe or taille 75 2078 12923 13.2 13512 10.4 2.6 6.9 1.1
2. Redemption 172 7524 48126 49 50026 38.5 2.5 7 1.1
3. Donation 7 231 1376 1.4 551 0.4 0.8 2.7 0.4
4. Absolute property 6 69 511 0.5 947 0.7 4.8 14.1 1.9
All to former serfs 260 9902 62936 64.1 65036 50.0 2.7 6.9 1.1
II. Former state peasants
1. Agrarian communism 18 3082 19817 20.2 31756 24.4 4.1 10.4 1.6
2. Quarterly possession 18 1765 12131 12.4 27208 20.9 5.4 15.9 2.3
3. Mixed[195] 3 415 2789 2.8 5331 4.1 5.1 12.9 1.9
All to former state peasants 39 5262 34737 35.4 64295 49.4 4.6 12.4 1.9
III. Former serfs, subsequently state peasants[196] 14 87 551 0.5 751 0.6 4 9.1 1.4
Total 313 15251 98224 100 130082 100 3.3 8.9 1.4


To make it clearer for the purposes of comparative study, some of these data are translated into English measures:


Classes. Ranenburg. Dankoff.
I. Former serfs:
1. CorvÉe or taille 16.8 18.7
2. Redemption 16.5 18.9
3. Donation 5.4 7.3
4. Absolute property 43.5 38.1
All to former serfs 16.5 18.7
II. Former state peasants:
1. Agrarian Communism 29.7 28.1
2. Quarterly possession 40.5 43.0
3. Mixed 33.5 34.9
All to former state peasants 31.1 33.5
III. Mixed 17.6 24.6
Total 22.2 24.1

TABLE II.—Taxation of the Peasantry.

Classes of peasants and titles of possession. District of Ranenburg. District of Dankoff.
Land in dessiatines. Cattle. Taxes in rubles. Land in dessiatines. Cattle. Taxes in rubles.
To 1 male, 1858. To 1 household. To 1 dessiatine. To 1 male, 1858. To 1 male worker. To 1 male, 1858. To 1 household. To 1 dessiatine. To 1 male, 1858. To 1 male worker.
I. Former serfs:
1. CorvÉe or taille 2.4 6.2 2.7 5.2 11.9 19.9 2.6 6.9 2.7 5.1 12.6 21.9
2. Redemption 2.4 6.1 2.5 4.5 10.8 17.9 2.5 7.0 2.5 4.3 11.1 18.7
3. Donation 0.5 1.9 1.8 6.8 3.6 6.2 0.8 2.7 1.6 4.6 4.0 8.1
4. Absolute property 5.3 16.1 4.2 0.8 4.6 5.1 4.8 14.1 4.3 1.1 5.8 8.9
II. Former serfs, subsequently state peasants 2.3 6.5 2.4 3.1 7.0 14.2 4.0 9.1 3.0 2.5 7.9 15.8
Total 2.4 6.1 2.6 4.6 11.0 18.2 2.7 6.8 2.5 4.4 11.2 19.1
III. Former state peasants:
1. Agrarian communism 4.1 11.1 2.9 2.4 10.1 16.2 4.1 10.4 2.6 2.2 9.4 15.6
2. Quarterly possession 6.7 15.0 4.0 1.9 13.2 18.0 5.4 15.9 3.3 1.9 10.8 18.1
3. Mixed 4.5 12.4 3.1 2.4 11.1 18.6 5.1 12.9 2.9 2.6 10.5 17.9
Total 4.3 11.5 3.0 2.4 10.4 16.7 4.6 12.4 2.9 2.6 10.0 16.7

TABLE III.—Arrears in Taxes.

Degree of indebtedness. Former serfs. Former state peasants.
Communities. Households. Arrears in Rubles. Communities. Households. Arrears in Rubles.
Number. Per cent. Amount. Per cent. To 1 household. Number. Per cent. Amount. Per cent. To 1 household.
District of Dankoff:
Without arrears 175 6107 61.2 17 2125 40.4
In arrears:
For not more than the land tax[197] 88 3541 35.4 6602 53.4 1.9 21 3119 59.3 4668 94.7 1.5
For not more than 1 year’s taxes 8 162 1.6 2432 19.7 15.0 1 18 0.3 263 5.3 14.6
For from 1 to 2 years’ taxes 3 179 1.8 3322 26.9 18.6
Total in arrears 99 3882 38.8 12356 100 22 3137 59.6 4931 100
Total in the district 274 9989 100 39 5262 100
District of Ranenburg:
Without arrears 41 1254 9.6 6 169 2.1
In arrears:
For not more than the land tax 138 6776 52.1 52891 30.1 7.8 34 5063 64.3 33869 47.9 6.7
For not more than 1 year’s taxes 76 3529 27.1 70814 40.3 20.1 13 2644 33.6 36857 52.1 13.9
For from 1 to 2 year’s taxes 29 1367 10.6 47392 26.9 34.7
For from 2 to 3 years’ taxes 3 73 0.6 4768 2.7 65.3
Total in arrears 246 11745 90.4 175865 100 47 7107 97.9 70726 100
Total in the district 287 12999 100 53 7876 100

TABLE IV.—Distribution of Rented Land.

A.—Classification with regard to ownership of land.

Households. D. of Korotoyak. D. of Nizhnedevitsk. In all.
Tenants, per cent. Rented land. Tenants, per cent. Rented land. Rented for money rental, per cent. Rented for share in crops, per cent.
Per cent. To one tenant (dessiatines). Per cent. To one tenant (dessiatines).
Landless 0.2 }13.4 0.3 }9.2 5.4 0.3 }19.4 0.3 }14.9 3.4 0.3 0.2
Owning under 5 dessiatines 13.2 8.9 2.8 19.1 14.6 3.0 11.6 12.8
from 5 to 15 dessiatines 49.0 38.9 3.3 49.7 41.7 3.3 39.8 50.0
from 15 to 25 dessiatines 26.1 }37.6 27.5 }51.9 4.5 22.0 }30.9 24.6 }43.4 4.4 26.1 26.4
over 25 dessiatines 11.5 24.4 9.0 8.9 18.8 8.2 22.2 10.6
Total 100 100 4.2 100 100 3.9 100 100

B.—Classification with regard to stock-breeding.

Households. D. of Korotoyak. D. of Nizhnedevitsk. In all.
Tenants, per cent. Rented land, per cent. Tenants, percentage within the class. Dessiatines to 1 tenant. Tenants, per cent. Rented land, per cent. Tenants, percentage within the class. To 1 tenant, dessiatines. Rented for money rental, per cent. Rented for share in crops, per cent.
Without horses 3.5 1.9 11.5 2.1 1.1 0.4 3.5 1.3 1.1 0.6
With 1 horse 28.4 16.5 37.9 2.3 21.4 10.6 28.8 2.1 13.3 16.4
from 2 to 3 horses 54.1 46.7 49.6 3.4 63.0 50.3 54.9 3.4 48.0 59.5
4 or more horses 14.0 34.9 78.5 9.7 14.5 38.7 81.6 11.3 37.6 23.5
Total 100 100 43.0 3.9 100 100 41.9 4.2 100 100


Translated from the Statistical Reports for the District of Borisoglebsk, Gubernia of Tamboff (Appendix I., pp. 28-32, 88-97).[198]

I. Gabriel Michea’s (son) Trupoff, village Sukmanka, bailiwick (volost) Sukmanka.

The family selected is one of medium standing, getting along well with its farming. The figures refer to 1879, when the crops were good, the yield being in the ratio of 10:1 to the seed.

Members of the Family.

1. The housefather, 60 year old, doing all kinds of farm work.

2. His wife, of the same age, keeping the house.

3. Their son, aged 27.

4. Their daughter-in law, aged 26, and,

5-7. The son and daughter-in-law’s three children, between 3 and 8 years of age.

Schedule of Property Owned by the Family.

1. Wooden house, straw roof:

Dimensions. Yards. Feet. Inches.
a. Length 9 1
b. Breadth 4 2
c. Height 2 2 2

Add thereto sheds, etc., used for various farming purposes.

2. Land, 15 dessiatines (= 40 acres).

3. Stock:

a. Horses 4
b. Cow 1
c. Calf 1


Income in Rubles.

Dr. Price. In Kind. In Money. Total.
1. Farm and house:
Rye, 40 Russian quarters, @ 4.00 90.00 70.00 160.00
Oats, 60 Russian quarters, @ 2.00 40.00 80.00 120.00
Millet, 5 Russian quarters, @ 5.00 25.00 25.00
Potatoes, 40 Russian measures, @ 0.15 6.00 6.00
Flaxseed, 5 quarters, @ 10.00 50.00 50.00
Flax and hemp, fibre 30.00 30.00
Hemp seed, 2½ quarters, @ 8.00 20.00 20.00
Hay, 100 poods, @ 0.10 10.00 10.00
Straw 40.00 40.00
Two slaughtered pigs, @ 5.00 10.00 10.00
One calf, @ 20.00 20.00 20.00
Sold: ducks, @ 4.00
3 geese, @ 1.00 3.00
1 colt, @ 23.00 23.00 30.00
Total from farm and house 291.00 230.00 521.00
II. Rented grass land: 3 dessiatines (8 acres):
Hay, 180 poods, @ 0.10 18.00 18.00
III. Odd jobs:
(Farm work and driving) 52.00 52.00
Grand total 309.00 282.00 591.00


Expenses in Rubles.

Cr. Price. In Kind. In Money. Total.
I. Productive Consumption:
1. Forage for cattle[199]:
Hay 28.00
Oats 40.00
Straw 40.00
All to forage 108.00 108.00
2. Wages to the communal shepherd:
The family’s share 3.00
3. Wear and tear of implements 30.00
Total productive consumption 108.00 33.00 141.00
II. Personal Consumption:
1. Food:
Rye flour, 15 poods a month @ 0.50 90.00
Salt, 4½ poods a year @ 0.70 3.15
Hemp oil 20.00
Wheat flour, 217 lbs. a year 12.00
Corn 25.00
Potatoes 6.00
Meat and lard
a. On holidays 72 lbs. 5.60
b. On workdays 430 lbs. 30.00
Total meat 502 lbs.
Salted fish and herring 5.00
Brandy, 4 pails (400 glasses) 16.00
All to food[200] 171.00 41.75 212.75
2. Shoes:
One pair a year to each member of the family 13.00
Felt boots for all 3.00
All for shoes 16.00 16.00
3. Clothing:
One fur to each father and son, once in 5 years @ 10.00 4.00
One coat to each, once in 2 years @ 5.00 5.00
One gird to each, once in 10 years @ 0.16 0.80
One cap to each, once in 5 years @ 2.00 10.00
One holiday coat to each, once in 3 years @ 6.00 4.00
One overcoat for the son, once in 2 years @ 5.00 2.50
Dresses for two women 16.00
Dresses for children 10.00
Linen from own flax and seed 30.00
All to clothing 30.00 42.46 72.46
4. Sundries:
Lard candles, 10 lbs. a year 1.60
Kerosene, 36 lbs. a year 2.40
Expenses of worship 5.50
Soap 1.50
Tar 2.50
Moulding of rye, etc. 10.00
Unexpected 10.00
All to sundries 33.50 33.50
Total personal consumption 201.00 133.71 334.71
III. Taxes 37.50 37.50
All to ordinary expenses 309.00 204.21 513.21
IV. Rent for 3 dessiatines grass land, @ 5.00 15.00 15.00
Total expenditures 309.00 219.21 528.21
1. Net income from farm and house 7.79
2. Net income from rented land 3.00
3. Income from sundry jobs 52.00
Grand total 591.00

II. Kosma Abramoff, village MichaÏlovka, bailiwick Nicholo-KabaÑ yevskaya.

The family counts as one of the “strong” economically.


3 male workers.
3 female workers.
3 children.
1 elder.

Schedule of Property.

1. 1 house (with appurtenances):

Yards. Inches.
a. Length 6 8
b. Breadth 6 8

2. Land, 3 dessiatines (8 acres).

3. Stock:

a. Horses 5
b. Cow 1
c. Calves 2
d. Sheep 11
e. Lambs 7
f. Pigs 2

Income in Rubles.

I. Farming on the allotted land (garden, house and appurtenances) 181.00
II. Domestic industry for domestic use 177.80
Total farm and house 358.80 358.80
Deficit to cover the expenses 660.45
Total 1019.25
III. Farming on rented land:
Gross income 640.00
Rent 282.00
Net product 358.00
Total 640.00
IV. Odd jobs:
Farm work, tailoring, carrying trade, wage work, etc. 245.00
Total income 1243.80 1243.80
Balance (deficit) 57.45
Grand Total 1301.25

Expenses[201] in Rubles.

Cr. In Kind. In Money. Total.
I. Productive consumption 154.00 127.00 281.00
II. Personal Consumption:
Food[202] 255.00 137.05 392.05
Clothing 170.00 60.00 230.00
Shoes and stockings 7.80 51.50 59.30
Miscellaneous 40.90 40.90
All to personal consumption 432.80 289.45 722.25
III. Taxes 16.00 16.00
Total ordinary expenditure 586.80 432.45 1019.25
IV. Rent: For 20 dessiatines 282.00 282.00
Grand total 586.80 714.45 1301.25

III. Capiton Popoff, village Pavlovka, bailiwick Pavlodarovka.

The family is considered one of the “powerless.”


1. Father.

2. Mother.

3. Son.

4. Daughter-in-law.

5. Girl of 16.

6. Girl of 13.

7-8. Two little boys.

Schedule of Property.

1. House, 14×14 square feet.

2. Land, 1½ dessiatines (4 acres).

3. Stock:

a. Horse 1
b. Cow 1
c. Sheep 3

Yearly Income in Rubles.

Farm and house 27.80
Rented land 74.00
Wage labor 74.80
Total 176.60
Balance, deficit 65.20
Grand total 241.80

Yearly Expenses in Rubles.

I. Rent 57.00
II. Taxes 8.00
III. Food:
Meat at Easter, 11 pounds @ 9 copecks 0.99
at St. Peter’s day, 10 pounds @ 8 cop. 0.80
at Christmas, @ 5 cop. (of own produce) 1.75
All to meat 3.54
5 chickens and 50 eggs 1.05
18 pounds very bad salted fish at the carnival, @ 4 cop. 0.72
Rye bread, cabbage, potatoes, salt, butter, corn, pickles, and apples for the children 106.61
All to food 111.92
IV. Clothing[203] 23.10
V. Shoes[203] 27.00
VI. Sundries[204] 15.78
Grand total 241.80

TABLE VI.—Wages of the Peasant in Industrial Employment.

(Compiled from the Appendices to the Statistical Reports for the Gubernia of RyazaÑ, 1882.)


No. Trade. Season. Board. Wages in rubles. No.
Per day. Per week. Per month. Per term. Per year.
From To From To From To From To
1 Brickmakers Spring and Summer. Without board. 0.50 1.00 50.00 80.00 1
2 Charcoal burning 0.50 0.70 40.00 2
3 Clearing of the soil (from stumps) 7.00 12.00
4 Diggers 0.60 0.70 8.00 10.00 40.00 50.00 4
5 Masons 7.00 12.00 40.00 80.00 5
6 Potters 45.00 6
7 Quarries— 7
a. Independent craftsmen. 75.00 100.00 a
b. Working for contractors. 35.00 60.00 b
8 Carpenters With board. 55.00 70.00 8
All through the year. 100.00
Without board. 7.00 13.00
9 Water flour mills Winter. 5.00 9
Spring and Summer. 8.00 15.00
10 Felt boot-makers Fall. With board. 0.40 0.60 10
11 Furriers 0.40 0.60 11
12 Tailors 1.50 2.50 12
Apprentices 0.50
13 Timber sawing Winter. 1.00 13
With board. 0.50 0.70
14 Coal miners 0.30 0.50 14
15 Distilleries 0.25 5.00 9.00 15
16 Sugar Factories 6.00 8.00 16
17 Railways— 17
a. Males 0.30 0.45
Summer. 0.70 1.00
All through the year. 9.00 12.00
b. Females 0.20 0.40
18 Steam flour mills 0.40 0.50 18
19 Carrying 0.60 1.00 19
20 Day laborers (in town) 0.30 0.40 20
In all: full workers, males With board. 0.40 0.60 1.00 2.50 55.00 70.00 100.00
Without board. 0.25 1.00 5.00 15.00 35.00 60.00


No. Trade. Gubernias. Season. Wages in rubles. No.
Per month. Per term. Per year.
With board. Without board. With board. Without board. With board.
From To From To From To From To From To
1 Diggers Moscow. Spring and Summer. 60 75 1
2 Quarries 40 50 2
3 Brickmakers Moscow and Orel. 40 50 3
4 Turf Cutters Moscow and Vladimir. 4
May to July 30 50
May to August 50 70
5 Railways 14 20 5
Winter. 9 10
6 Cabmen Moscow. All through the year. 6 9 6
7 Drivers 7 12 15 18 90 150 7
8 Housekeepers 15 18 8
9 Janitors,servants,etc. 75 100 9
10 Flour mills 50 70 10
11 Factory Hands Moscow and St. Petersburg. 10 18 11
In all, in Moscow and vicinity 6 12 10 18 30 70 60 75 50 150

TABLE VII.—Average Yields of Wheat (District of Voronezh).

Estates of over 50 dessiatines. Period of experience (years). Dessiatines under wheat. Chetverts from 1 dessiatine.
Fertilized. Not fertilized (or mixed).
Series I.
No. 81 19 300 8.4 5.6
197 5 30 8
32 10 51 ? 6.3
103 9 113 5.2
81 6 110 5.2
189 bis. 7 90 4.7
192 bis. 7 103 4
Average on 7 estates. 12 797
330 8.4
767 [205]5.4
Series II.
13 estates 596 7.9
5 estates 86.5 5.4
Total 18 estates 682.5


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