249@45249-h@45249-h-26.htm.html#Page_404" class="pginternal">404. Blue Pig, 116, 195. Blue Posts, 373. Blue Pump, 397. Blue Ram, 195. Blue Stoops, 406. Board, 377. Boar’s Head, 378, 379, 380. Boat, 334. Boatswain, 332. Boatswain’s Call, 332. Boeuf À la Mode, 475. Bolt in Tun, 471. Bombay Grab, 328. Bonny Cravat, 406. Book in Hand, 446. Booksellers’ Signs, 6, 7. Boot, 409. Boot and Slipper, 409. Bosom’s Inn, 297, 298. Bottle, 387. Bottle and Glass, 387. Bowman, 363. Bowls and Candle-poles, 362. Boy and Barrel, 349. Boy and Cap, 349. Brace, 473. Brandy Cask, 349. Brass Knocker, 376. Brawn’s Head, 381. Brazen Serpent, 7, 261. Breeches and Glove, 409. Britannia, 415. British Oak, 246. Brood Hen, 178. Broughton, 87. Brown Bear, 152. Brown Bill, 336. Brown Cow, 190. Brown Jug, 387. Brown Lion, 150. Brunswick, The, 50. Buchanan Head, 63. Buck, 471. Buck and Bell, 165. Bucket, 397. Buck in the Park, 127. Buckthorn Tree, 246. Buffalo Head, 186. Bugle, 188. Bugle Horn, 340. Bull, 182, 183. Bull and Bedpost, 187. Bull and Bell, 165. Bull and Bitch, 187. Bull and Butcher, 187. Bull and Chain, 182. Bull and Dog, 187. Bull and Gate, Cross in Hand, 493. Cross Keys, 131. Cross Keys and Bible, 131. Cross Lances, 322. Cross o’ the Hands, 493. Cross Pistols, 322. Cross Scythes, 353. Cross Swords, 322. Crow in the Oak, 203. Crown, 101, 239, 258. Crown and Anchor, 103. Crown and Can, 106. Crown and Column, 103. Crown and Cushion, 102. Crown and Dove, 105. Crown and Fan, 105. Crown and Glove, 102. Crown and Halbert, 106. Crown and Harp, 126. Crown and Leek, 126. Crown and Last, 105. Crown and Mitre, 103. Crown and Punchbowl, 388. Crown and Rasp, 105. Crown and Rolls, 337. Crown and Sceptre, 103. Crown and Tower, 103. Crown and Trumpet, 106. Crown and Woolpack, 103. Crown and Woodpecker, 103. Crowned Q, 476. Crowned Fan, 412. Crown of Thorns, 275. Crown on the Hoop, 504. Crow’s Nest, 178. Cumberland, Duke of, 54. Czar’s Head, 52. Dagger, 325. Dairymaid, 353. Daisy, 238. Dancing Dogs, 444. Dancing Goat, 439. Dandie Dinmont, 81. Dapple Grey, 171. Darby and Joan, 79. David and Harp, 263. Davy Lamp, 346. Defiance, 355. Denmark House, 436, 437. Devil, 291, 294, 295. Devil and Bag of Nails, 347. Devil and St Dunstan, 291, 292, 293. Devil in a Tub, 460. Devil’s Head, 295. Dick Tarleton, 83. Digby, Captain, 99. Dirty Dick, 90. Dr Johnson’s Head, 375. Green Man, 366, 367, 368, 449. Green Man and Ball, 483. Green Man and Still, 148. Green Monkey, 444. Green Monster, 507. Green Pales, 373. Green Parrot, 222. Green Posts, 472. Green Seedling, 246. Green Tree, 245. Gresham, Thomas, 63. Gretna Green, 422. Grey Goat, 192. Greyhound, 194. Grey Mare, 177. Grey Ox, 188. Gridiron, 396. Griffin, 145. Griffin’s Arms, 136. Grinding Young, 461. Grinning Jackanapes, 440. Grouse and Moorcock, 223. Grouse and Trout, 223. Guardian Angel, 269. Guilded Cup, 387. Gun, or Cannon, 117. Guy of Warwick, 74. Halbert and Crown, 327. Half Eagle and Key, 130. Half-Moon, 327, 500. Half-Moon and Punchbowl, 388. Half-Moon and Seven Stars, 500. Hailstone, 502. Ham, 381. Ham and Firkin, 381. Hammer, 347. Hammer and Crown, 149. Hand, 492. Hand and Apple, 239. Hand and Ball, 492. Hand and Bible, 299. Hand and Cork, 471. Hand and Ear, 492. Hand and Face, 492. Hand and Flower, 235. Hand and Heart, 493. Hand and Hollybush, 250. Hand and Pen, 337. Hand and Scales, 362. Hand and Shears, 350. Hand and Slipper, 409. Hand and Tench, 493. Hand and Tennis, 493. Handel’s Head, 83. Handgun, 326. Hand in Hand, 493. Hare, 163. Hare and Cats, 164. Hare and Hounds, 163, 306, 307. Kings and Keys, 302. King’s Head and Good Woman, 455. King’s Porter and Dwarf, 89. Kite’s Nest, 178. Knowles, Sheridan, 60. Kouli Khan, 51. La Belle Sauvage, 482. Labour in Vain, 460. Laced Shoe, 409. Lads of the Village, 105. Lady of the Lake, 81. Lamb, 191. Lamb and Anchor, 300. Lamb and Breeches, 191. Lamb and Crown, 191. Lamb and Flag, 300. Lamb and Hare, 191. Lamb and Inkbottle, 229. Lamb and Lark, 191. Lamb and Still, 191. Lambert, Daniel, 88. Lame Dog, 450. Lamp, 376. Land o’ Cakes, 420. Lass o’ Gowrie, 81. Last, 349. Lattice, 374, 375. Laughing Dog, 444. Leather Bottle, 386. Lebeck’s Head, 93. Lebeck and Chaffcutter, 93. Leg, 409, 494. Leg and Star, 494. Leigh Hoy, 333. Leopard, 152. Leopard and Tiger, 152. Letters, 476. Lilies of the Valley, 238. Linskill, Colonel, 99. Lion, 472. Lion and Adder, 299. Lion and Ball, 151. Lion and Castle, 128. Lion and Dolphin, 150. Lion and Goat, 299. Lion and Horseshoe, 180. Lion and Lamb, 299. Lion and Pheasant, 150. Lion and Snake, 299. Lion and Swan, 150. Lion and Tun, 150. Lion in the Wood, 149. Little A, 476. Little Devil, 294. Little Pig, 192. Live Vulture, 224. Live and Let Live, 450. Llangollen Castle, 418. Load of Hay, 353. Load of Mischief, 47. Queen Catherine, 47. Queen Charlotte, 40. Queen Eleanor, 47. Queen Elizabeth, 47. Queen Mary, 50. Queen of Bohemia, 47. Queen of Hearts and King’s Arms, 505. Queen of Hungary, 55. Queen of Saba, 263. Queen of Trumps, 505. Queen of the Gipsies, 508. Queen’s Arms, 107. Queen’s Arms and Corncutter, 107. Queen’s Elm, 246. Queen’s Head, 130, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 349, 510. Queen’s Head and Artichoke, 312. Queen Victoria, 50. Quiet Woman, 454. Racoon, 162. Raffled Anchor, 333. Railway, 334. Rainbow, 502. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 56. Ram, 190. Raven and Bell, 165. Ram and Teazel, 149. Ram’s Head, 190. Ram’s Skin, 190. Ranged Deer, 165. Rat and Ferret, 162. Raven, 201. Recruiting Sergeant, 322. Red Ball and Acorn, 483. Red Bear, 152. Red Bull, 185. Red Cat, 197. Red Cow, 188, 189. Red Dragon, 111. Red Horse, 171. Red Lion, 119, 327. Red Lion and Key, 472. Red Lion and Punchbowl, 388. Red M and Dagger, 325. Red Poles, 373. Red Rover, 81. Red Shield, 504. Red Streak Tree, 239. Red, White, and Blue, 332. Reindeer, 157. Rembrandt’s Head, 82. Resurrection, 277, 474. Rest and be Thankful, 510. Rhenish Wine House, 384. Ribs of Beef, 378. Ring, 41. Signs of the zodiac, 501. Signs of the stews, 8. Signs, quarterings of, 21, 22. Silent Woman, 454. Sir Charles Napier, 57. Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, 64. Sir Frances Burdett, 63. Sir Hugh Middleton, 63. Sir Isaac Newton, 62. Sir John Falstaff, 67, 86. Sir John Barleycorn, 79. Sir John Oldcastle, 97. Sir Paul Pindar, 98. Sir Ralph Abercrombie, 58. Sir Roger de Coverley, 80. Sir Walter Raleigh, 56. Six Bells, 478. Six Cans, 388. Six Cans and Punchbowl, 388. Sloop, 333. Slow and Easy, 468. Smith and Smithy, 346. Smyrna, 429. Snowdrop, 238. Snow-shoes, 327. Soldier and Citizen, 264. Sol’s Arms, 149. South Sea Arms, 149. Sow and Pigs, 177. Spade and Becket, 353. Spanish Galleon, 100. Spanish Lady, 405. Spanish Patriot, 100. Sparrow’s Nest, 177. Speaker’s Frigate, 330. Spiller’s Head, 84. Spinning Sow, 438. Spinning Wheel, 362. Spite Hall, 468. Spread Eagle, 139. Spur, 357. Squirrel, 163. Staffordshire Knot, 128. Stag, 164. Stag and Castle, 165. Stag and Oak, 165. Stag and Pheasant, 165. Stag and Thorn, 165. Standard, 322. Star, 501. Star and Crown, 501. Star and Garter, 410. Stave Porter, 361. Still, 349. Stock Dove, 219. Stocking, 409. Stork, 203. String of Horses, 355. Struggler, 450. Struggling Man, 450. Sugarloaf, 484. Y, 476. Yellow Lion, 150. Yew Tree, 248, 475. Yorick’s Head, 68. York, city of, 416, 417. York Minster, 417. Yorkshire Grey, 58, 171. Yorkshire Stingo, 384. Young Devil, 294. Young Man, 494. Z, 477.